20 July, 2006

Only “Reporters” Who Agree to Censorship Can Air from “Democratic” Israel

Posted by alex in Israel, media control at 5:27 pm | Permanent Link

The Associated Press has agreed, like other organizations, to abide by the rules of the censor, which is a condition for receiving permission to operate as a media organization in Israel.


  • 2 Responses to “Only “Reporters” Who Agree to Censorship Can Air from “Democratic” Israel”

    1. Johnny the Jew Says:

      Usually you’re on the ball, but this was a cheap shot. Here’s a quote from the article:

      “The range of issues subject to censorship in the latest conflict with Lebanese guerrillas are all related to the goal of preventing Hezbollah from using the media to help it better aim rockets at Israel.”

      You don’t insult the Jewish state for not being “democratic”; you insult the Jewish state for existing.

      The only thing fishy about the censorship in Israel is that it’s headed by one person, and that person – for some reason – is a woman. Now, there’s nothing wrong with working women, but why would the chief of censorship be a woman? That’s like having a woman president. What’s wrong? There aren’t enough men to do the job?

    2. Jew Sniffing Dog Says:

      johnny jew, i know you’re trying desperately to worm your way into the hearts of readers at vnn, but it ain’t gonna work here, son.
      try amren, or religious wackos.
      we know what you do. we know all your tricks by now.