10 July, 2006

O’Farrell: Booming Britain and the Reign in Spain

Posted by alex in Muslims, Spain at 2:50 pm | Permanent Link
Friday was the first anniversary of the 7/7 suicide bombings in London, so let’s take a good look at Madrid. Why Madrid? Because the train-bombing there helps to illustrate how Jews are wrecking the West. The Jewish scorpion has two claws and Spain was crushed first by the right claw, then by the left. When the bombs went off on 11th March 2004, killing 192 people, Spain was run by a right-wing government under José María Aznar, who’d fully supported the war for Israel in Iraq. The first reaction of his government, as you’d expect from an ally of Bush and Blair, was to lie. It tried to place the blame on the Basque terrorists ETA and was duly punished at the Spanish general election three days later. Article.

  • 2 Responses to “O’Farrell: Booming Britain and the Reign in Spain”

    1. SHMUELY Says:

      Luke whacks another hard line drive. Too bad that his wit, wisdom and hard work never reaches the clueless in La La Land, who need the enlightenment the most. Meanwhile, thanks Luke, and keep `em coming, you do have an appreciative and slowly growing audience. Education is a never ending process for all of us.

    2. Jaroslav Hus Says:

      How comes: “Muslims are good when they slaughter millions of Serbs, Greeks, Armenians or Russians (then they are our allies and friends and we support hem any possible way) but when they chop the heads of few Anglos, such uproar and screaming? You luvvv Chechens and Afganistani beasts but do not like Iranians?