30 July, 2006

Notes ‘n’ Stuff: Cspan on 9/11…and more

Posted by alex in Notes 'n' stuff... at 3:46 am | Permanent Link

[Note – a number of people have written me wanting old-style letters. We will be doing letters again once the site is fully restored, which may take some time. In the meantime, we’ll publish things on the front page.]

Hi All,

Have just watched the CSPAN broadcast of last month’s conference in LA of 9-11 truthtellers. Well worth watching, if somewhat frightening. Some excellent speakers. For those who missed it tonight, it will be rebroadcast tomorrow (Sunday) at 11:15 a.m. PDT (2:15 p.m. EDT) on CSPAN-1. I suspect that will be the last time it’s ever aired on any mainstream media outlet, so catch while catch can.


[from Daily Reckoning]

Here in the United States, we don’t see any external enemies fit to bring our empire down. But on the inside, we are not so sure. Each year, the internal rot seems to get worse. Rome may have lasted nearly a thousand years, but Rome wasn’t thrice crippled with the Federal Reserve System, the dollar, and the U.S. Congress. Between the three, the country is probably broke already. The measure of our indebtedness – $65.9 trillion – far surpasses any ability we have to pay. It amounts to more than $200,000 for every man, woman and child in the country. That means revolution, or more likely, inflation. Debt and lifestyle – both will erode simultaneously while millions of households go broke.


Silence about the immoral core of Israeli statehood makes us all complicit in breeding the terrorism that threatens a catastrophe which could tear the world apart…. The very creation of Israel required an act of terror. In 1948, most of the non-Jewish indigenous people were ethnically cleansed from the part of Palestine which became Israel. This action was carefully planned. Without it, no state with a Jewish majority and character would have been possible. Since 1948, the “Israeli Arabs”, those Palestinians who avoided expulsion, have suffered continuous discrimination. Indeed, many have been internally displaced, ostensibly for “security reasons”, but really to acquire their lands for Jews.

jew?-Murdoch bribes Blair…

on behalf of whom?


I am convinced this sort of thing has become a significant factor in world politics in recent years.

Blair needs incentivising:


3 kikes want to buy L.A. Times

This film “AMERICA: From Freedom to Fascism” was released on 28 July 2006.

This guy – the Producer of “Trading Places” – has a lot of good things to say and is on the button on everything, except he is a bit of a “goldbug”, in the sense that he thinks money _has_ to be backed by gold, which it doesn’t.

This is an interesting film which is getting a modest nationwide release. He even wants to secure the borders, and in this interview he points out the absurdity of “ID cards” while the border with Mexico remains open.

I have been waiting to post these in the forum, but
check them out before the memory hole grabs them

M.C. Piper comes around on air?

previous show mentioned in clip: Wed., July 26, 2006: Playlists: M3U | RAM (Individual MP3: Click Here)

Re: this is what jews losing control looks like!


whining about “core values” etc. hehehehehehe!

israel losing war? (fisk)

Canada, home of thought police

MEL GIBSON: “The Jews are responsible
for all the wars in the world”

“In Vino Veritas”

Hector Carreon
La Voz de Aztlan

Los Angeles, Alta California – July 29, 2006 – (ACN) Mel
Gibson is telling the truth when he said to a Los Angeles
County Sheriff that “The Jews are responsible for all the
wars in the world” during the early morning hours of
July 28 near his home in Malibu, California. God bless
Mel Gibson for his courage!

Mr. Gibson, producer and director of the highly successful
film “The Passion of the Christ”, has again provided a
great service to the world by utilizing his celebrity status in
stating a truth that most ordinary gentiles are afraid to
say. Mel Gibson is now being crucified, as was done during
the production of his film on Jesus Christ, for saying a
very inconvenient truth about world Jewry, especially during
the current Israeli murderous rampage in Lebanon.

It did not take long for the Jewish dominated media to inflict
pain on Mel Gibson for his statement. One reporter by the
name of Harvey Levin said, “Mel Gibson is garbage. What
an awful person he is. True enough, I’m Jewish, so the
grotesque remarks didn’t please me none”. The truth never
matters to Jews even when confronted by irrefutable evidence.

Do they ever ask themselves, “what is it that we do that
makes the world dislike us”? Why do they have to have
such high security in their Jewish centers? Why did a
Muslim shoot up the Jewish Federation in Seattle two days
ago? There is no doubt, Jews suffer from “collective denial!”

There are many questions concerning the incident that
occurred on Friday when Mel Gibson, driving in his
automobile, was stopped by a Los Angeles County Sheriff
near his home. There is no doubt that certain Jews were out
to get Mr. Gibson ever since he produced “The Passion of
the Christ”. Was Sheriff’s Deputy James Mee, a Jew, lying
in wait for Mel Gibson. Pacific Coast Highway in this part
of Malibu is a well known police trap. Here they can wait for
celebrities that live in Malibu and that they know are coming
home from restaurants, social engagements and parties
where drinks are served. Why was Deputy Mee ordered to
redo his police report by his superiors? Most important of all,
how did Jewish reporter Harvey Levin end up with a copy of
the original and unapproved report written by Deputy Mee
and which Levine used to justify calling Mel Gibson “garbage”.
Was there collusion here between Deputy Mee, Levine and
other Jews?

Something smells and it is not what breathalysers are
designed to detect! So what if Gibson had a few glasses of
wine. DUI enforcement has now become a huge racket that
generates huge revenues for law enforcement and huge profits for so called “Alcohol Education Schools” that are mostly owned by judges and members of MADD. In Los Angeles County, police officers are notorious for lying in their
police reports. It is most probable that Deputy Mee’s original report was full of errors and that is why his superiors ordered him to revise it. It is extremely unfair for the Jewish media to utilize the unrevised report to demonize Mr. Gibson in their vendetta against the actor/producer simply because he refused to leave out from the film “The Passion of the Christ” certain elements that were objectionable to the Jews.

Mel Gibson is an outstanding and talented individual and not
“garbage” as the Jew Levine says. His upcoming Mayan epic,
“Apocalypto,” will be a classic. Our community has great
respect for him and thanks him for his great gifts to the
Mexican people while filming in the jungles of Mexico’s
Veracruz state. His generous donations to build houses for poor people in the region were greatly appreciated by the Republic of Mexico.


On Lying and Jewish Existence

“Existence impels the Jew to lie, and to lie perpetually,just as it compels the inhabitants of the northern lands to wear warm clothing.”

Indirect Fire Information for Dumb Ass Civilians

Where as most civilians get their “military training” from FOX or CNN news by reporters that are dumber than a box of rocks, I will try to give an over view.

Presently Israel is using M109 self propelled AMERICAN MADE 155mm howitzers to fire into Lebanon. (from memory) maximum range is about 22 kilometers (22,000 meters or roughly 3 2/3rds miles).

The artillery battery (company) will consist of the “Guns” normally 8guns with a 4 man gun crew.

A FDC (fire direction control center) 1 radioman, 2 computers and 1 FDC chief

A forward observer (FO) maybe a 2 man team or just 1 man. The also have a FIST team (3 to 5 men) used when directing naval gun fire as well as aircrat and artillery. In a defensive position a survey team will be assigned to survey EXACT locations of certain terrain features. The forward observer will generally be positioned 600 to 1500 from the target
area depending upon visibility, well in front of the firing position.

The FDC & FO will have IDENTICAL copies of the same map as well as any air craft ALL PERSONEL MUST BE USING THE SAME MAP.

The guns will be set up and their positions will be plotted on the FDC map. The FO positions will be plotted on the FDC maps. The FDC will set up two “firing charts) these are little more than magnified hand drawn maps for more precise calculations.

The Plt. Sgt. will “lay the guns”. 2 “red & white aiming stakes will be implanted in the ground forward of the guns on a magnetic azimuth line the stakes are set 25 to 30 meters apart and set to a surveyed azimuth. The sights on each individual gun is then surveyed to the aiming stakes.

Once that is done all sights are re calibrated to read the same index usually 2800 mils (17.8 mills in a degree….. 6400 mills in a circle). All guns are now “laid” to the same azimuth direction and sights indexed to all read the same reference data.

The FO will call in a target. This can bee in several ways. One would be by grid coordinate. A second way would be to shift from a known point, plotted on his map (these would be prearranged with the FDC) He could also give an azimuth direction from his position and a range….. THIS IS NOT GOOD… because the enemy can observe the impact plot a back azimuth and a range pin pointing the FO’s position. So if this method is used the FO must pack up and get the hell off the azimuth, relocating himself.

Once the first round is fired the FO will observe where it struck calling for corrections to the target, such as right 150 drop 200. These corrections are radioed to the FDC where these corrections are re plotted from the first data. The FDC then converts these corrections to new firing data (corrections on the gun sight). The sight on the gun is then moved and the gun is moved to once again line the sight up on the aiming stakes. Now a 2nd round is fired.

This method is used to fire 1 round over the target, correction by FO is doubled to fire 1 round short of the target. These are observed by the FO to correct to an exact hit on the 3rd round.

Air craft will normally deliver fire by map coordinates called for by the FO on the ground. For lazer guided weapons the FO will “paint” the target with a lazer.

Hello, Internet Friends and Nationalist comrades:

Don’t miss this great event! Lots of speakers and distinguished guests. All their conferences have been great, but this one will be the best yet.

Visit www.BarnesReview.org for pertinent details. Call 877-773-9077, 888-699-6397, or write TBR, POB 15877, Washington DC 20003

Also, see my current issue cover story on the Judas Gospel in the current issue. Read it on line; click on “read the lead story”.

See you there!

Harrell Rhome, Ph.D.

Eagle Publications

PS — Read my other new article on Indo-Aryan views of world history and end times events, published by Political Tsunami, an on line magazine from Buenos Aires, at www.tsunamipoliticocom, click on my name under the US flag.

Greg Palast, a “Chomsky for Dummies” and “a slim Michael Moore”, emerged as an apologist for the Jews and an accuser of greedy WASPs and Arabs.

Summer 2006

Greg Palast, the left wing of the Lobby

By Israel Shamir


I always had a problem with Greg Palast. Apparently this critic of Bush and Blair, an opponent of the war in Iraq, who wrote for the Guardian and the Observer is a man on our side, a good left-wing guy. He is apparently against the corporations, against the neoliberal setup; some of his ideas are surely good. He is considered “Chomsky for Dummies” [“more accessible than Chomsky”, his publisher-suggested quote from a newspaper] and he has a good class attitude, for instance: “The world’s three hundred richest people are worth more than the world’s poorest three billion. The market’s up, but who is the market? The Gilded One Percent own 4/5th of the nation’s stocks and bonds.” His philippics against Bush (“an evil sonovabitch”) are as fiery as those of a
preacher in a mosque in my neighbourhood, and this is not a fault in my eyes. He is equally outspoken against the war in Iraq. What else could one ask from a guy?

P.S.: After the first publication of the article, our friend Ian Buckley wrote: According to this, Greg Palast is indeed ‘a Jewish leftie’ :


He is often funny and has an agreeable habit of getting up the noses of some of the powerful, but the above article illustrates his deficiencies… The article in the Jewish newspaper Forward makes it clear:

“[In his eyes] his fans are too conspiracy-theory-minded. Too anti-American. Too antisemitic. “A large part of my European readership I wouldn’t urinate on,” Palast told the Forward. Some Europeans aren’t so wild about him, either. Unlike some of his fellow Jewish lefties, Palast is not ready to dismiss antisemitism when he sees it. “The members of the Jewish left — and I certainly am one of them — are very glib about antisemitism and the dangers out there,” he said. “The British left is infused with the worst elements of antisemitism.”

From Jim Dean

The Jewish Lobby shills are fairly easy to spot in the media. All you have to do is read about any major problem or controversy where certain Jewish interests are obviously entwined, and these normally intelligent and insightful
journalists become instantly blind to it. No other issue makes them instantly braindead.

For the goyim journalist fear is a major component as they work in a ghetto type environment when it comes to discussing Israel. And then of course there is ignorance…no shortage of that around. And last, of course…prejudice.
But there is also the intelligence aspect of it.

Intelligence agency infiltration of the media is an old old game but you don’t read hardly a word about it in investigative journalism. Our CIA, and others, have done this for years and so has our wonderfully ally Israel right here in the land of free speech.

I am not saying that their shills are graduates of Mossad. That would be more expensive. They are recruited like most are recruited, some for money (career assistance) and some purely for ideological reasons, most often a combination of the two. They got their hooks into the early teleevangelist the same way. They were in a position to greatly assist in building them up…as long as they had a good understanding about a few things. There is one that we have who flew around on an Israeli Gov. Leat jet for a couple of years.

It’s the perfect infiltration set up. You have protection of sources. And you are somewhat protected yourself from FBI investigations. Once your career is ‘advanced’ high enough (Judith Miller?) you can be a source for leaks, and you can even reveal your sources to your Israeli handler if you want to. They do require some payback for the career help they offer.

They have a separate program for retiring US generals and flag officers They screen them prior to retirement to determine who is likely to remain in the public eye. They are approached about their retirement plans and if they are
subservient enough are offered help getting some ‘board directorships’ or nice consulting positions ‘for such a good friend of Israel’. This is topped off with a five star deluxe trip to Israel where they are wined and dined.

There is a lot of beneath the surface revulsion to this going on by those below that level of rank. Our top officers are being seduced into the Jewish Lobby propaganda machine in what many tell me is a classic Intel infiltration operation. Our own Intel people (the ones who are not Israel-phobes) are
just aghast at the proto dual citizenship compromising that goes on. God only knows what they turn over to the Israelis, the doors they open.

One result of this is nary a critical word from our veteran organizations regarding the most obvious Israeli security excesses, the biggest being the massive Israeli Intel operations that have been running here for decades. I
hardly ever meet an military Intel person who is not aware of this, and most all of them are completely complacent about it. ‘Above my pay grade’…and ‘that’s really a political issue’ are the most common dodges that are trotted out about it. They won’t even discuss the USS Liberty. They just hang their heads in shame.

I have no specific information on Mr. Palast, but he is what we would call in the Intel business ‘a person of interest’. Now Judith Miller on the other hand, she may be on their payroll. After all, she was able to wiggle her way into the actual interrogations of some of Saddam top Lts. while she went around with the Army WMD units in Iraq. My sources told me this was unprecedented, having a journalist present in such situations. Her DoD NeoCon buddies got her right in there. They were there for each other and it wasn’t a freak

And what other country do you think might have had an interest in knowing what she learned in those interrogations…and quickly? Does anyone think that her NeoCon buddies who got her on the inside were not getting detailed reports of everything that she learned?

This is called ‘front door’ espionage. No break ins are necessary. You just make an appointment. The media refuses to cover this, and for very good reason. They are involved. But when you think of how many Israeli spy networks that US Intel broke up in the US last year…and the year before that…and on and on…you can see how the midlevel people could have a jaded attitude about the whole mess.

It’s a national disgrace.

Jim Dean
Heritage TV…Atlanta

Not that you ever would, but never stop dissecting and hammering the lies, lies and more lies. (When a jew is moralizing, is that more-lies-ing?) When it comes to how to “frame the debate,” even the NABJ understands.



“The words we use can in fact frame the debate,” said NABJ President Bryan Monroe, assistant vice president for news at Knight Ridder, “and we all need to make sure those words are not loaded with baggage and off-the-mark. Language
does matter.”

George Lakoff, a linguistics professor at the University of California at Berkeley was quoted in the New York Times recently: “Metaphors repeated often enough eventually become part of your physical brain,” he said. “Use the word ‘illegal’ often enough, which suggests criminal, which suggests immoral, and you have framed the issue of immigration to a remarkable degree.”

James Bovard:


I was in New York last weekend and came across several rallies on both sides of the conflict. I attended the “Jewish Unity Event in Support of Israel” service at the West Side Institutional Synagogue on Sunday night. Speakers urged attendees to unquestioningly support the military policies of the Israeli government and to “speak out in defense” of the military campaign. One rabbi talked of how Israel in the old days had “exterminated 31 nations” as a result of God’s favor. He implored people to pray for divine favor this time around. He also stressed how “alone” Israel is at this time and that “we are all alone together.” Perhaps he had not heard that the House of Representatives had voted 410-8 in favor of a resolution endorsing Israeli military action. (This service occurred the day after the front page New York Times story detailing how the US government was rushing more bombs to resupply the Israeli air force, regardless that U.S. law prohibits the use of U.S.-supplied weaponry against noncombatants).

the french media likes to portray Zidane as a good non-french frenchman because he comes from Algeria and I think he has publicly bashed Jean-Marie Le Pen in the past but look at him


he’s white he’s not at all an arab

for what it’s worth. I’ll send a e-mail to Mr.Herndon asking him if he could have predicted the violent jew-sponsored negro wave of anti-whiteism


New Research Tool Predicts Violent Anti-Semitism in US and Germany

A new behavior-research tool, Affective Encryption Analysis, has uncovered a dramatic trend in both the US and Germany-a developing wave of potentially violent anti-Semitism.

Los Angeles, Calif. (PRWEB) July 25, 2006 — A new behavior-research tool, Affective Encryption Analysis, has uncovered a dramatic trend in both the US and Germany-a developing wave of potentially violent anti-Semitism.

Affective Encryption Analysis, which was recently used to predict the outcome of the 2008 US Presidential election, uses naturalistic research methods to measure the way in which “feeling-trends” develop over time. It then forecasts the likely behavioral outcomes.

Using Affective Encryption Analysis, media psychologist, Dr. James N. Herndon, of Media Psychology Affiliates, led an investigation to predict long-term “feeling-trends” concerning the economy.

Population samples in both the US and Germany were chosen as indicators of both US and European feelings toward economic conditions.

“Our results showed far greater feelings of dread about the economic future than we currently find in mainstream survey research,” states Dr. Herndon. “In fact, almost 70% of our sample expressed a precipitously declining sense of economic stability. This was especially strong among the lower-middle-class.”

“What we did not expect was a widespread association of economic problems with support for Israel. This belief appears to be growing exponentially in both the US and in Germany.”

“We currently have worryingly low rates of savings and capital investment, combined with systemic unemployment and an ever-increasing spiral of debt and inflation,” says Dr. Herndon.

“If current trends are left unchecked, we believe that by late 2007, a feeling of economic desperation will begin to overtake large sectors of the lower-middle-class in the US, as well as the welfare-dependent classes in Germany.”

“Our results strongly suggest that this will provide the emotional trigger for the scapegoating of Jews, toward whom feelings in our sample were unexpectedly negative, and often violent.”

“The bottom line is that increasing numbers of persons at the economic margins believe that their economic interests are being ignored in favor of a foreign power, namely, Israel. Feelings about Jews and Israel are also associated with strife and insecurity, not peace and prosperity.”

A surprising forecast was that anti-Semitic behavior will predominate among nominally Christian, and not Muslim, groups.

“Unlike more ideologically-oriented Muslim groups, post-World War II westerners in the so-called first-world are more driven by economic comfort and security. When their economic underpinnings are jeopardized, we can expect a violent reaction. And violence is rarely rational.”

“We believe that unrest will begin in the US Southwest. And in Germany, in areas of former East Germany. As with most emotionally-driven mob behavior, it will spread. Containing it will be difficult.”

Dr. Herndon emphasizes the need to be proactive.

“Media exists to manage feelings. Our results strongly suggest that Jewish and Israeli organizations, in particular, are in the process of rapidly losing control of their PR initiatives. Opinion leaders in both the US and Europe must not stand-by passively as these trends develop.”

“I would characterize the anecdotal results of our research as frankly horrifying. A new strategy to diffuse these growing perceptions is clearly in order. This is one time where we cannot afford for history to repeat itself.”

Media Psychology Affiliates is a media research and analysis firm based in Los Angeles and Coburg, Germany. It can be found on the web at http://www.mediapsychology.tv.

Dr. James N. Herndon
Media Psychology Affiliates
(623) 217-9658 (USA)
(49) 174 691 2826 (Germany)


If there is one especially pernicious idea I have tried to combat wherever it arises in my “real-life” interactions or on the blogosphere, it has been the notion that Christianity has anything worthwhile to say about the processes and policies that make for the smooth running of civilian government. The cold truth is that, should any politician or administrator be foolish enough to seek political advice from Christian doctrine, both the Gospels and the various books and letters that make up the New Testament are simply not worth the paper they are written on.

On virtually any “tough” aspect of public policy that comes to mind – be it immigration, law and order, or defence – the literal adherence to Christian doctrine can only be a recipe for national suicide. The reason for this is simple – a religious doctrine that rules out, on specious “moral” grounds, the imperative of instilling fear (through the strategic use of force) in external adversaries, violent thugs, domestic freeloaders, thieves, and other conscious opponents of civilised society, is essentially incapable of meting out the rough justice that is required to defend life and property.

Why do they persecute us with a new cartoon holocaust.? WWIII to follow.


Iran: Holocaust Cartoon Competition Attracts Over 5,000 Entries

By Mehr news agency, Tehran
BBC Monitoring Media

Excerpt from report by Iranian Mehr news agency

Tehran, 23 July: The judging ceremony for the international cartoon competition on the subject of the Holocaust was held yesterday, in the presence of Messrs Habib Sadeqi, Mohammad Hoseyn Nirumand, Mas’ud Shoja’i-Tabataba’i, Rahim Baqqal-Asghari and Farid Mortazavi, in Tehran’s Contemporary Arts Museum.

Circumcision is Evil!


by Acharya S

There, I said it. Let me say it again: Circumcision is evil. Period. Don’t give me your “religious covenant” or “hygiene” crap. No decent god would be interested in you attacking a baby boy’s most sensitive body part with a knife and hacking it off. And only in rare circumstances – such as an unusual illness or if you reside in extremely unsanitary conditions – would “hygiene” have anything to do with it. To say that we must slice off – and sometimes tear – a defenseless baby boy’s foreskin “in order to prevent infections” is as nonsensical as saying that we should excise little girls’ nipples “in order to prevent breast cancer.”


Israel set war plan more than a year ago
Strategy was put in motion as Hezbollah began gaining military strength in

I was shown your website today, and it is a shame that a monster like you can be allowed have webspace to publish such vile material. You are a waste of cyberspace. I am neither a Jew nor a Negro. I am Irish and Catholic and white, however not insane as you clearly are! Your words are the ramblings of a lunatic. You and your followers, equally insane individuals should be exterminated by lethal gas, it is the only option. I err when I call you individuals, as to be that you would require individual brains, and you clearly share the one brain cell.

Do the world a favour, take down your website, and close your mouth and your arsehole. The material that comes from both is the same.

In the meatime I will be making legal enquiries through the European courts system to see what can be done to prosecute you under the current anti racism laws. I will extract immense enjoyment in crushing your ideals into the mud, that you clearly sprung from. Your mother should be prosecuted for giving a monster like you life!


Nelius Dwane



Jeboo says racism is love.



  • 6 Responses to “Notes ‘n’ Stuff: Cspan on 9/11…and more”

    1. James Morden Says:

      Expect more jews like Aaron Russo to “expose” the Federal Reserve & fiat currency as a medium of curruption and oligarchy and to campaign for a gold-backed currency.

      That transition may happen but it will only happen if it’s ‘good for jews’; any change they promote or allow cannot possibly be good for ordinary freedoms or for white community. Who has the gold? Is this how a global currency monopoly will be introduced?

      Remember that jews, great exponents of ‘prophesy’, almost always expose what they are to do before hand. As long as the masses sit powerless within the jaws of dialectic and jews and judaism as a whole remain ring-fenced from criticism there is little that the masses will do to prevent them.

      Jews love prophesy. Their obseesion with gas-chambers and mass extermination should make people very worried.

    2. Shabbos Shabazz Says:

      I saw this to-day. I could not believe it got through. TRULY A MUST SEE. C-SPAN said they will rebroadcast 6:11 PM EDT ( I believe Tuesday, tho it could be another day next week)

      Please someone record this.

    3. Shabbos Shabazz Says:


      Podcast now available (from 911 Blogger.com)

    4. George Crane Says:

      Will someone please convey to Brother RICH/88 to take the email ‘spam filter’ off his site, whitealert.com?

      None of us click on links (or Attachments) within emails, whether sending or receiving. Never. That is a definite ‘no, no,’ and the basic level of housekeeping.

      He has missed a huge volume of valuable input, through that disastrous ‘filter’ of his.

      Best wishes,
      George / 88!

    5. Kalafan Says:

      It’s the trooooth if I agree with it!

    6. WWIII: Coming War Says:

      Report: Mel Gibson’s DUI – Went on "Anti-Semetic" Tirade! (3620 views)Chicago – Skinhead Leader Murdered (1924 views)So what would you do if you fell in love with a non-white…. (1168 views)BNP spokesman praises Israel, insults WNs (1154 views)Your thoughts on Asians? (959 views)BREAKING: 7 Israeli Soldiers Killed In Attack (927 views)Nationalism and Israel (879 views)Stormfront Radio – All New (672 views)Illegals Fleeing Because Los Angeles is too much like Mexico! (628 views)WWIII : Scenarios And Analysis Of Development Of The Coming War (599 views)