18 July, 2006

Nigger Stabs White Women Because They Won’t Talk To His Sorry Black Ass

Posted by alex in hush crimes at 4:03 am | Permanent Link

Why are Haitians, who are not even technically human, in America? Inquire at your local synagogue, where America’s immigration policy is determined…


  • 6 Responses to “Nigger Stabs White Women Because They Won’t Talk To His Sorry Black Ass”

    1. GB Says:

      Don’t turn your back on Niggers.

    2. Legal Eagle Says:

      This short throwaway article is a microcosm of what passes for “honest” reporting these days. I know it’s old but it still is gold: “Journalistic integrity” is as laughable as “Jewish business ethics.”

      Honestly, this could have been worse. This ‘groid showed a level of restraint not usually observed among his species; it’s hard to believe he had a knife, yet he somehow refrained from raping them, as well.


      By TOM HAYS

      NEW YORK (AP) – A man (BULLSCHEISS) accused of stabbing (AREN’T WE TOLD LATER IN THE STORY THAT HE ADMITTED TO THE STABBINGS?) two tourists walking in Manhattan’s theater district told investigators he was angry because they snubbed him when he tried to talk to them, according to a police report.

      “Yeah, those white girls. … They don’t want to talk to anybody, so I went after them,” Kenny Alexis told investigators, according to the report made public Monday at his arraignment. (TALK TO NIGS, YOU DON’T LIVE; DON’T TALK TO NIGS, YOU DIE).

      Alexis, 20, a Haitian in this country on a student visa (HAITIAN : STUDENT as AFRICAN : INVENTOR as APE : MAN), pleaded not guilty Monday to attempted murder and assault on the two Canadian tourists and two other victims during a 13-hour rampage last month (THIS HAPPENED LAST MONTH!?! WHERE WAS THE JEWSMEDIA WHEN THIS STORE BROKE?). He was being held without bail pending the results of psychiatric tests to determine if he is fit to stand trial (NO JIG IS “FIT” TO STAND TRIAL, IN HUMAN TERMS).

      Defense attorney Candace Kurtz (SURPRISE, SURPRISE, SURPRIIIIIISE!) would not comment. She has said she believes Alexis was mentally ill (BIG JEW SAYS THE BLACK MAN IS NEVER RESPONSIBLE FOR ITS SUBHUMAN ACTIONS).

      Alexis told investigators that while riding a subway June 13 he noticed a man looking at him and sensed the man was “out to get him,” the report said. The report said Alexis admitted stabbing him.

      About 12 hours later, he stabbed a New York resident on a subway station platform because he “felt threatened,” the report said. (ALWAYS WITH THE JUSTIFICATIONS)

      A short time after that, he approached the two Canadians. The defendant “was upset that they wouldn’t talk to him so he quickly followed behind them” and stabbed each in the back, the report said.

    3. Mark Says:

      ““Yeah, those white girls. … They don’t want to talk to anybody, so I went after them,â€?”

      That pretty much sounds like admitting the crime and it being premeditated, as well as a racial motivation so as to add a hate crime charge.

      What exactly does his defense attorney mean be he “was” mentally ill? He’s all better now that he got it out of his system? Ridiculous. He’s about as mentally ill as the rest of black “culture”.

      Blacks are only decent when they emulate whites, their native behavior is of course uncivilized and unacceptable. That’s why for instance, blacks who act like whites is seen as proper, whereas whites who act like blacks is seen as improper. Not just the fact that whites are not being themselves, imitating something unnatural to them, but the objective fact that black behavior and culture is degenerate. It is just easier to see it this way when others do it. If black culture really had value, others doing it would be good, just like when other races act white.

    4. Marcus Says:

      “There’s nothing new under the sun.” I happened across a 1918 edition of the Toledo Blade, our local newspaper. One front page news item was titled “Negro Man Stabs White Woman.” The text reveals this coon practically disemboweled her because she “rebuffed” his sexual advances on the street.

      The only difference between then and now is that today you’d never see a headline that highlighted, or even revealed a racial angle, and it certainly wouldn’t be a front page story.

      Whether the men of that day were as gutless as the mainstream men of today about making the coon REALLY pay remains a mystery to me.

    5. RabbitNoMOre Says:

      One has to wonder if a worse fate for these whites wouldn’t have been to fight back against this jungle savage.
      I mean, after all, not only would they have been stabbed, but they also would’ve been charged with a hate crime for defending themselves, as the groid would have enventually played his birth-right race card and accused them of uttering the dreaded n word.
      The article never mentions wheather these people died and so, if so, coud they still be charged as haters posthumously?
      Again, one has to wonder…
      What a fucked up nigger’s world it is.
      Thanks jews

    6. van helsing Says:

      Hard not to. Occasionally in parking lots here, one sees one wandering around. Circling prey?