21 July, 2006

Navy Lets Nigger Rapist Off Scot Free

Posted by alex in Arboreal Americans at 3:28 pm | Permanent Link

Jury: No punishment for Navy quarterback

WASHINGTON — A military jury recommended no punishment Friday for a former U.S. Naval Academy quarterback who was acquitted of raping a female midshipman but convicted on lesser charges of conduct unbecoming an officer and disobeying a lawful order.

Lamar S. Owens Jr.’ mother burst into tears, and his father leaned over a dividing wall and hugged him as the jury’s decision was read.

Prosecutors had recommended a two-year sentence for the 22-year-old from Savannah, Ga., on the charge of conduct unbecoming an officer. Owens’ status was referred to academy superintendent Vice Admiral Rodney Rempt.

The five Naval Academy officers that served as the jury found Thursday that Owens had consensual sex with a junior midshipman in her room at the academy Jan. 29, but they found that Owens was not guilty of rape. His accuser had claimed Owens entered her room uninvited and raped her after she blacked out.

Both Owens and his accuser testified that they had several drinks at separate locations in the hours before their early morning encounter.

Owens testified that the sexual encounter was consensual, that the woman had asked him to come to her room and then tugged on his sweater to get him into bed. “The sex was very quick and there wasn’t a lot of romance,” he testified.

His accuser testified that she repeatedly rejected his advances.

Earlier Friday, Owens told the court he hoped to remain in the service.

“I still want to be a Naval officer,” Owens told the officers at his court martial. “I deeply regret the unwanted attention that I brought to the Naval Academy.”

Owens led Navy’s football team to an 8-4 record last season that included victories over military academy rivals Air Force and Army and a victory in the Poinsettia Bowl over Colorado State. He was not allowed to graduate with his classmates.

  • 6 Responses to “Navy Lets Nigger Rapist Off Scot Free”

    1. Jim Says:

      What did you expect? Amerikwa is all about the niggerball. Maybe they’ll leave him back a semester so he can haul the ball around one more year. No need to shed tears on this one though. The bitch was a white trash whore in the first place. Touted as his “on again, off again girlfriend”. Too bad he didn’t wring her neck when he was done.

    2. Court Reporter Says:

      a jury of five naval officers believes the word of a nigger over a white woman?

    3. Elite Aryan Crack Smoker Says:

      Anyone who’s been in the military can tell you that the commissioned officer corps is the biggest careerist mafia scam going (rivaling the Bar and the clergy). They will buttonhole you and prattle about honor until pus comes out your ears. But when push comes to shove they will stab any back, tell any lie or murder any innocent to protect their own career or that of a brother officer. Think back to the MASSIVE cheating scandals at Annapolis where they all covered for each other, Code of Honor be damned.

      In fact, all of these scumsuckers take an oath to protect our Constitution from ALL ENEMIES, FOREIGN AND *DOMESTIC*. Only one officer (out of 100,000) has stepped up to fulfill his oath to stand up to the Neocons – and ironically, it was a Japanese-American name Watada. The retired ones are the worst because THEY already have their pensions assured. What scum. What execrable scum. What utter, cowardly filth.

    4. brutus Says:

      Yet another stellar indication that zog’s military is no friend of White folk.

      What the fuck is the sleeping herd thinking?

      Yeah. I know – “GO NAVY!!!”

      Makes me want to bust some heads.

    5. R Schu Says:

      you know, the sad thing about putting up with 4 yrs at Annapolis, 24 years as a Navy pilot, 200 night carrier landings and a whole lot more is that I, and other like me, did it to defend your right to say these pathetic things.

      The price for freedom is very high…. and at times I get buyers remorse when I realize I defended your rights to say such “filth”.

    6. Candance Says:

      This is a disgusting site. I could not believe my eyes as to the hatred in the words of those who have responded. It is very hard for me, a Christian woman to think that there is still so much prejudice and hatred of our fellow human beings. Those who harbor such hatred must remember who their creator was and how he created all of equal, no matte the color of the skin or the nationality. WE ARE ALL HIS CHILDREN CREATED IN HIS OWN IMAGE!!! MAY GOD FORGIVE YOU AND BRING SOME PEACE TO YOUR SOULD AND SOME KINDNESS TO YOUR HEART AND MOST OF ALL, MAY HE MAKE YOU A SMARTER, KINDER HUMAN BEING!