30 July, 2006

Jews are very ethical people

Posted by alex in Jewish Tyranny, loxism at 10:23 am | Permanent Link

More examples of Israel’s moral superiority.

  • 21 Responses to “Jews are very ethical people”

    1. Hans Schneider Says:

      Germany did not place ethical, humanistic law abiding and altruistic people in concentration camps .

    2. Chain Says:

      Would the Iranian government please post-haste nuke this kike cancer club off the planet?
      “There are many signs and portents indicating that ‘the fateful day’ is coming near. It is possible that this day… has already begun…Hezbollah has not yet revealed its full arsenal. In the next few days, if the Israeli attacks on Lebanon continue, Hezbollah will stun everyone with weapons that will shock the center of Israel”, Hojjatoleslam Hassan Nasrollah promised…“If in all nations equipped with the atomic arms there is one finger that can order pushing the A Button, in Iran, there are at least ten of them that would fight each other reaching and pushing the Button”…”The only language that is effective with the Israelis is the language of the resistance. No other path has been effective – on the contrary, every other path has only increased the Israeli arrogance, to the level that Israel has acted as if it lives alone in the world”…

      “Great job bombing the kiddies today, Prime Minister Olmert!”

      “Thanks and Shalom! We couldn’t have done it without AIPAC, your entire Congress, the Amen lobby and your F-16’s!”

      Father in front of dead Qana son whose corpse is covered in plastic-

      U.S. of Kwa’s Jolly Roger-

      Qana kids, plastic wrapped-

      Qana kids’ corpses in steel container-

      Qana kids’ cadavers surrounded by grownups-

      Qana mini-corpse-

      U.N. windows in Lebanon get kicked out-

    3. Coup d'Etat Says:

      The justification the Israelis/jews are now using to murder countless of innocent children, in particular, in Lebanon is that the children were used as human shields. This is the type of mental instability showing up in our news media that jews are revealing about themselves. Lebanonese would not use their own children as human shields. Would any of you use your children as human shields? Does anyone in their right mind think that jews would use their children as human shields?

      Jews are lying again to justify carnage against Lebanon and are lying to justify violating international laws.

      Sanctions against Israel are long overdue and government officials who are supporting Israel in any form or fashion as well as the jews in Israel are to be brought to justice, similar to the Nuremburg trials.

    4. Il Duce Says:

      Interesting article written by a Christian-Liberal.

      AND THEN

      People like us and the seeds of defeat

      In his post “Feldman and Dershowitz: Mass Murder Apologists” Kurt Nimmo of “Another day in the Empire” quotes those two media pundits and their absolutely indefensible views towards those Israeli war-crimes in Lebanon and Palestine.

      The interesting thing about those quotes is, how ridiculously they sound to just anybody who considers him- or herself a humanist (religious or secular) and who is at least moderately informed about history.
      I sometimes watch news and documentaries on TV which are called “today 30 years ago” or even 40 or 50 years ago.
      What sometimes springs in the eyes is how very different the attitude of those news people where towards people of other cultures.
      To be sure those people tried to be just as “politically correct” and seemed to consider themselves as humanists as most media people today.
      However whenever they talked about people of non-Western cultures it sounded as if they were talking some animal species in the wild. To be sure we don’t want those creatures to be extinct and we want to protect them and everything, but they are of course strange creatures with strange instincts.
      There is no way that nowadays that media persons can talk about people in different countries in such a way anymore and get to be taken seriously (at least not in Europe, Asia, Africa and South-America).
      The reason why “the Holocaust” was considered such an extraordinary crime was, because Germans had been mass-murdering their own neighbours, other western-Europeans. Although about 20 million Russians had been killed at the same time their lives did not count as much in the western mind, being nearly Asians. The mass-murder of North American Indians did not count as much or the mass-murders during the slave trade times only a hundred years before WWII. Neither did the mass-murder of Vietnamese, Cambodian and Laotian civilians count as much, which occurred a few decades after.
      While things have not yet changed in the actions of corrupt politicians and helpers, they did change in the minds of most ordinary people.

      30 or 40 years ago the West would consider Palestinian and Lebanese life as less valuable as Israeli life as a matter of fact.
      Nowadays non-humanistic racists like Feldman and Dershowitz have to construe some elaborate round-away arguments to make this point and it still sounds ridiculously for informed people. It might resonate with non-informed people, but even with those people Feldman and Dershowitz could not have gotten away with argument the plain argument that Israeli Jews are actually more worth than Arabs.

      A few years back many ordinary people when they heard about Israeli aggression in Palestine, if they were not on Israel’s side right reflexively, they would just say “let them bash in each others heads, they are just a hopeless case.”
      Nowadays the same ordinary people would get angry when hearing about another Israeli aggression, blaming Israel, sympathizing with the Lebanese and more and more with the Palestinians as well.
      What has changed is the general attitude towards people of other cultures.
      The ordinary man or woman has realized that people no matter how differently from us they speak, pray, dress or eat, they are still people, human beings just like us.

      Of course we can still be angry at them, be persuaded to go to war against them. Even commit war-crimes. But most everybody realizes when innocent people are killed it is just as bad if they are American, Chinese, Russian, German, Japanese or Lebanese. A child in Lebanon or Iraq is no different from the children who walk around in my own home town or city.
      Even those who want to separate their ethnic group from other ethnic groups do realize nowadays, that “the others” are just as human as they themselves. They are on the same level, even if you consider them as hostile.
      The attitude of the Israeli apologists is anachronistic. And everybody except them themselves knows it. Xenophobia, the fear of strangers, can still be fueled, supremacist ideas cannot.

      I think that the racists Dershowitz and Feldman are hanging themselves with their own ridiculous writings.
      I know it looks as if all the mainline media agrees with them. It looks as if the west accepts what Israel is doing.
      The reality however is, that media people, politicians and ordinary people feel disgusted by those arguments.
      Yes, most are afraid to say it. But when they overcome the fear of being called anti-Semitic or loosing their job or reputation, it will be like a flood that cannot be stopped.
      To be forced to hide your real thoughts and feelings creates deep anger in the people. Even more anger is created when people realize that they have constantly been lied to for a long time. I think the dam of lies has gotten too many cracks already for the Israeli centered propaganda to succeed in permanent damage control.

      What Israel is doing right now to the Lebanese and the Palestinians together with the push for war against Syria and Iran will in the long run lead to a terrible blow-back against the Jewish people.
      The only damage control still possible for the Jewish people around the world is distancing themselves from not only Israeli crimes and atrocities but also from Zionist Israel itself. Of course Israeli Jews should do the same.
      While it seems as if Israeli racists and their western supporters have all the power necessary to reach their goals, the military power and the influence in western governments and media, they still have already lost in spite of it.
      They lost the battle for the minds and this will eventually bring their defeat.
      Of course they still can wreck lots and lots of havoc on the world.
      But the worse it gets, the worse will be the blowback.
      They already have lost, even while they do not realize it.
      When Germany invaded Russia in 1942, it already had lost the war, in spite of having won every single battle before that. It was impossible for any army to win the Russians on Russian soil in a Russian winter, Napoleon had learned it the hard way, Hitler would learn it soon.
      However the invasion of Russia was necessary for Hitler and the Nazis to fulfill their ideological goal of creating “Lebensraum” (living space) for the “Germanic race of Ãœbermenschen.
      So the ideology of the Nazis brought in itself the seeds of their defeat.
      So actually they had lost the war before they started it.
      Of course ideologists have no way of thinking clearly. Even after the defeat of Stalingrad the Nazis kept on pushing their army from one defeat to the next with terrible blowback consequences for the German people and a terrible blood-toll for the rest of Europe.
      History might repeat itself now with even worse consequences for the world. Or maybe we, humanity, actually have learned something from it and are able to stop the madness.

    5. Agis Says:

      UN Blowout:

      May the UN Headquarters in NYC meet a similiar end….

    6. Coup d'Etat Says:

      May all UN and jewish headquarters and organizations meet a similar fate.

    7. Mike Says:

      Not a day goes by, stronger I feel to fly out Lebanon. My family urge me not to. Their argument is: You can kill scores of jews here at home as well without a discernible risk, ‘n it will make a HELL of a differnce to US in addition…

      They are right.

    8. tj Says:

      Qana carnage photos:http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article14273.htm

      Kamminski:” Israel is a false flag, a crime syndicate, not a nation. Judaism is a false religion, really a crime scheme, only for Jews, not for anyone else, because anyone else is, according to Jews, cattle.

      This is the precise insanity that is destroying the world, and you and I support it in significant ways. “…More:http://www.thetruthseeker.co.uk/article.asp?ID=4884

    9. Glenn Miller Says:

      NOTICE: I’ve set up a temporary forum for VNN’ers at: http://www.whty.org. So get your butts over there. We’ll discontinue it when VNNF is back up.

    10. Bavarian Gauleiter Says:

      Il Duce,

      This article by a “Christian-Liberal” contains much that I consider absolutely incorrect.

      For example:

      “The reason why “the Holocaust” was considered such an extraordinary crime was, because Germans had been mass-murdering their own neighbours, other western-Europeans. Although about 20 million Russians had been killed at the same time their lives did not count as much in the western mind, being nearly Asians.”

      Wrong on both accounts. In the first case, the so-called “Holocaust” was not a big deal until the kikes made it one. The entire transcripts of the Nuremburg trials, for example, are devoid of any real concern for the alleged millions “killed”. Recall that the main charge against the Germans in that kangaroo was to accuse Hitler and his officres of “waging an illegal war”. Whatever the hell that bizarre accusation means. The second part of the above quoted paragraph can be attributed to the same reason as for the first, except the opposite. Instead of the kikes making a big deal about it like the “Holohoax”, they don’t bring it up. White people WOULD CARE if they ever considered it. Why don’t you back up a little and begin where the problems in Russia really started? The kike revolution? (http://www.nationalvanguard.org/story.php?id=1744) Most Americans and others still don’t know what the jew commie bastards did to the Russians and Ukrainians before Hitler ever came to power. For this author, history begins with WW2. Just as for many Americans, history begins with September 11, 2001. Did the US/Israel do something to provoke the attacks before that date? Apparently not if you ask the average American assclown.

      Then I skip a little ahead to this gem:

      “When Germany invaded Russia in 1942, it already had lost the war, in spite of having won every single battle before that. It was impossible for any army to win the Russians on Russian soil in a Russian winter, Napoleon had learned it the hard way, Hitler would learn it soon.”

      The author has an obvious bias and pride in Russia. The fact is that the Germans killed or imprisoned 6 to 7 enemy soldiers for every 1 German. And I’d like to remind him/her that the Russian soil doesn’t bog down planes or paratroopers.

      “However the invasion of Russia was necessary for Hitler and the Nazis to fulfill their ideological goal of creating “Lebensraum” (living space) for the “Germanic race of Ãœbermenschen.”

      Here the author shows his ignorance. He/she continues the spread the propaganda of the lying kikes. Perhaps they think life was and would have been better under Communism?

      Let Leon Degrelle explain a few things as we read in “Epic: The Story of the Waffen SS” the following;

      “In one year the Waffen SS had gathered a large number of Germanic people from Northern Europe and hundreds of thousands of Germans from outside Germany, the Volksdeutsche, or Germanic SS. It was then that the conflict between Communism and National Socialism burst into the open. The conflict had always existed. In Mein Kampf, Hitler had clearly set out his objective: “to eliminate the world threat of Communism,” and incidentally claim some land in Eastern Europe! This eastward expansionism created much outrage: How could the Germans claim land in Russia? To this one can answer: How could the Americans claim Indian land from the Atlantic to the Pacific? How could France claim Southern Flanders and Rousillon from Spain? And what of Britain, and what of so many other countries who have claimed, conquered and settled in other territories? Somehow at the time, it was all right for all these countries to settle foreign lands but it was not for Germany. Personally, I have always vigorously defended the Russians, and I finally did succeed in convincing Hitler that Germans had to live with Russians as partners not as conquerors. Before achieving this partnership, there was first the matter of wiping out Communism. During the Soviet-German Pact, Hitler was trying to gain time but the Soviets were intensifying their acts of aggression from Estonia to Bukovina. I now read extracts from Soviet documents. They are most revealing. Let’s read from Marshal Voroshilov himself:

      We now have the time to prepare ourselves to be the executioner of the capitalist world while it is agonizing. We must, however, be cautious. The Germans must not have any inkling that we are preparing to stab them in the back while they are busy fighting the French. Otherwise, they could change their general plan, and attack us.”

      So I ask this dunderhead.. does that sound like “Lebensraum” was the reason for invading Russia? Obviously it wasn’t.

      And later:

      “So the ideology of the Nazis brought in itself the seeds of their defeat.
      So actually they had lost the war before they started it.”

      What ideology specifically? That bolshevism/communism was a lie and against nature and had to be defeated? That the jews continue to create death and destruction in order to obtain their greedy goals? Or that the White race — be they Germans, French, British, or even Americans — were a separate and distinct from the race of jews and deserved to be proud of themselves and to grow and prosper? That nation and culture were by-products of the race? That the state should serve the people and not that the people should serve the state? Hmmm?

      “Of course ideologists have no way of thinking clearly.”

      But for some reason YOU can think clearly? I only see an ignorant ranter.

      “Even after the defeat of Stalingrad the Nazis kept on pushing their army from one defeat to the next with terrible blowback consequences for the German people and a terrible blood-toll for the rest of Europe.”

      The most tragic thing that happened to the German people was the saturation bombing by the Allies that was absolutely terrorist and criminal and was begun by fatboy Churchill. The Russian people were caught in the middle of it between their jewish kommissars/communist IDEOLOGY (since this person loves that word so much) on the one hand and the iron will of Hitler to defeat communism on the other. It was tragedy for all White people involved.

      Since the author brings up Stalingrad, it’s important to note what real Russians actually think about that too. The KGB defector Yuri Bezmenov mentioned in an interview with Ed Griffin titled “The Soviet Subversion of the Free World Press” how the Americans and other useful idiots had been taken in by soviet — actually jewish — propaganda about Russia. In a SHAM/FAKE/LIE/FRAUDULENT article in Look magazine for the 50th anniversary of the Russian — read Bolshevik — Revolution, they had an article about how life was in Russia. In Stalingrad, they showed pictures of two statues: one a soldier with a PPSh machine gun and another one of a female with a sword. Then they wrote in this article that the Russian people were very proud of their role in defeating the Nazis. Bezmenov said this is actually false and a tragic misunderstanding of the situation. The Russian people that he knew grewing up as a child in WW2 were generally horrified by the slaughter of their countrymen and wished it would never have happened. The fact is that they would have been eternally grateful if the Axis (which was made up of volunteers from nearly every country in europe, including Russia, Spain and England) had
      defeated jewish communism and not allowed another 45 or so more years of their misery to continue.

      As I’ve said before, the superior intelligence of the German strain of our white folks has proven itself time and time again. Not just from putting a man on the moon, but in identifying the kike cancer and actually doing something about it as well as the most brilliant political and social IDEOLOGY that was ever created … National Socialism. If you don’t understand that, then you don’t know anything about NS. It’s not something only the Germans can implement, but ALL white nations (such as Italy did) and in fact even non-white nations. My prediction is that it will eventually be seen for what it is after all other forms have shown themselves to be failures.

      If anything contains “the seeds of its own destruction” it’s the current ideologies and political systems that exist today. Communism, Zionism, Internationalism, Capitalism all contain the seeds of their own destructions because of one reason… they do not operate FOR the people whom they govern but will end up AGAINST their own people (either by their own false beliefs or by enraging others against them) and do not have a mechanism for self-correction when mistakes are made. National Socialism does. Discover it for yourself and stop spewing anti-German anti-racist anti-Hitler pro-(jewish propaganda view)-Russian bs.

      88 4 EVER

    11. Lutjens Says:

      “When Germany invaded Russia in 1942, it already had lost the war, in spite of having won every single battle before that. It was impossible for any army to win the Russians on Russian soil in a Russian winter, Napoleon had learned it the hard way, Hitler would learn it soon.
      However the invasion of Russia was necessary for Hitler and the Nazis to fulfill their ideological goal of creating “Lebensraum” (living space) for the “Germanic race of Übermenschen.
      So the ideology of the Nazis brought in itself the seeds of their defeat.
      So actually they had lost the war before they started it.
      Of course ideologists have no way of thinking clearly. Even after the defeat of Stalingrad the Nazis kept on pushing their army from one defeat to the next with terrible blowback consequences for the German people and a terrible blood-toll for the rest of Europe.
      History might repeat itself now with even worse consequences for the world. Or maybe we, humanity, actually have learned something from it and are able to stop the madness.

      Nice try. Germany invaded Russia in June 1941. They had already lost the Battle of Britain, a good portion of the Luftwaffe. They were losing battles and a good Army in North Africa. The Balkans were becoming costly through insurgent uprisings.

      The invasion of Russia was necessary. This was a fight for survival. Had Germany done nothing, the Americans would be surrounded by Communist nations after the war. Even England. The Jew Bolshevik filth and their ideological brethren would have squeezed the good old US into submission. Germany through their defeat saved Europe from total overrun by the Reds. The Americans and almost the entire West were duped by the Commie Jew filth, as Mr Ben Freedman explained in his speech in 1961. Someday this cuntry of lemmings will finally fuckin learn, in my guesstimation, the hard way.

    12. System Shock Says:

      The vile jew slaughters a family picnicing on their prison-camp beach in Gaza back on June 10th: http://www.ogrish.com/archives/israeli_artillery_kills_seven_members_of_a_palestinian_family_Jun_10_2006.html

      For each atrocity the jew committs there is always an excuse. The jew has claimed this incident was caused by “buried Hamas ordinance.”

      When the repugnant jew bulldozed Rachel Corrie he claimed he “Did not see her”.: http://www.rachelcorrie.org

      When the jew attacked the USS Liberty and killed Americans they calimed “We thought it was an Egyptian ship”.: http://www.ussliberty.org

      Currently the jew is engaged in wanton slaughter of hundreds of Lebanese, and total destruction of their country. For these atrocities the jew always claims each target is a “Hezbollah” target.

    13. Kalafan Says:

      Then there’s the other end of the coin: http://www.nicedoggie.net/2006/?p=1137

      “Jews Jews Jews, it’s all their fault. I sure as hell don’t pay taxes towards these horrible crimes happening to people I’ve never met and who don’t give a shit about me courtesy of people I’ve never met and who don’t give a shit about me.”

      Face it, you’re looking at one side of the war and one only, I.E. doing exactly what you scorn the media of doing. “But the Jews are the sons of Lucifer! The Holocaust never happened but I wish it did! Killing the civilians of the enemy is acceptible if they killed ours first!” God you fuckers need to go to a war zone yourselves and THEN boast about how badly you want things nuked. Nuking Israel isn’t going to mean shit if you leave the masters of the whole game alive and well right here in the US. If anything, the’ll get a sympathy campaign going that will make them even more powerful. Hitler and Nazism were the best things to happen to the Jewish people, for those are what they based their current shakedown game on. Had those Kraut fuckers restrained themselves, our societies might not be quite as horrid as they are now (yes, yes, it would all get this bad eventually, rebellion or not).


    14. jimbo Says:


      the kikes ‘khyboshed’ yr lnx!

      i like the ‘Iran option’…..nuking the yoo!…..an idea whose time has come!

    15. alex Says:

      [Reader writes…]


      I’m happy and relieved to see that you’re back online.

      Here’s a link to blog owned by a man named Haitham Sabbah:


      It shows more of the unfiltered reality in Lebanon. Today’s photos are from the Qana massacre. Follow the links on the right to see the the artillery-shell signing party(letters of death) attended by Israeli children and orthodox Jews. This is something every citizen in the USA should see.

      Keep up the good work.

      Robert E.

    16. Legal Eagle Says:

      “The justification the Israelis/jews are now using to murder countless of innocent children, in particular, in Lebanon is that the children were used as human shields.”

      “Human shields,” eh? Great concept. Straight outta J(ew)ournalism 101 at Kike St. Univ.

      You know, there isn’t a single federal building, compound, or installation in the jewSA that doesn’t contain a “daycare center” for the convenience of FedGov’s employees. Think about that.

    17. Sehnsucht nach dem Reich Says:

      Re “Il Duce”

      It is disgusting that we have to rehash all the old stuff, because you post some nonsensical comment based upon disinformation that our enemies have rammed down our throats for decades. It is no surprise that you are a fan of Kurt Nimmo, this despicable disinformation agent, who tells a little bit of the truth in order to smear Hitler, the Nazis and the Germans more effectively. So, Il Duce, either you can´t think or you´re a disinformation agent or your are simply an envious Italian as your nickname suggests. In all cases you are a burden and people like Bavarian Gauleiter shouldn’t waste their time with you.

    18. alex Says:

      The jewmedia accuses Hez of hiding behind civilians. Well, Israel hides behind the controls of F-16s that drop bombs on Muslim civilians. They get their planes from America – for free. Give Hez some planes and let them fight back on equal terms.

    19. Stronza Says:

      Those photos at sabbah.biz are just frightful. The Pets will say that they are no worse than the suicide bombs in Israel.

      I think it could happen here in N.A.

    20. Il Duce Says:

      RE:Sehnsucht nach dem Reich Says:

      I should have edited the article from the self-guilt author who is partially aware of history of Zionist world’s conquest. Typical evaluation of Nazism and Zionism ideologies from lemmings who believes both are the same when in fact, NS was to halt Zionist destruction of the organic order. National socialist rose up to counter Zionist supremacy and undo order out of chaos. New order of the ages which was well established long ago. I found the article half right because the author descries Zionists and that it will go down in the 21 first century precisely because of the great die-off of Christians/liberals baby boomers that propels Jews to power via globalization.

    21. Sehnsucht nach dem Reich Says:

      Re: Il Duce

      Oh I understand. Sorry for my rather harsh words, but I sometimes get mad how carelessly even WN´s swallow the propaganda and linguistic manipulations of the enemy.
