23 July, 2006

Inkwampetence: The Big Pig

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, AmeriKwa, General Decline at 10:28 pm | Permanent Link

Revolution talk always seems a bit fruity, although there is no other word for what we need, given the circumstances and humanic forces at work. But, in this seemingly unrelated story, as we track the Big Pig, the biggest pork barrel in U.S. history, we see that the two divisions of the Responsible party see only one thing threatening their codominance, and that is utter breakdown. The only thing that makes them step lively. It ain’t as good as empty stomachs but when 3,000-pound cement anvils are falling on da people’s heads, some of the fucknuts might destuporize! And that might lead to Winky McDipshit ‘n’ Twinky MacDingleberry O’dangling from wires… Few things in a lazy-ass reclinerocracy will make people look up like direct fear of crushing personal death from cement smashing right down through their bought but not paid for SUVs… Whatever alertens the people is the ENEMY of democracy! (Style note to college profs sniffily thinking alerts is enuf. No dipship. I need the extra syllable for music WHICH YOU CAN’T HEAR YOU TONE DEAF PASSIVE FUCK!)

You see what I mean, salty? That’s why you can’t get too worked up about things. They take their natural course, and can’t be pushed along on your schedule, much of the time. Use the slack to perfect your personal life – breeding like rabbits, staying out of debt like rabbits, for two. That tile falling in the Big Nig was gentlemen start your engines for massive third-world decline, like a crappily constructed USSR department store filled with vinyl tennis shoes crumbling to the ground. Romney must have near shit himself after the bolt check, realizing that that incompently arranged underpass was going to shed tiles like popcorn in a microwave had things gone on much longer.

My point is that the O’s and the -tanos lickety split signed over all needed exec power to Romney, party be damned, and the paper leapt to support, too. Why? Two reasons. One, they don’t want responsibility for a project with no upside – Look ma, no one died today! Two, because just like a waking wailing baby, the sooner the doltzim are back to snoozing, the safer for this glorious little system we-all’ve established here on god’s continent. Democracy can’t work when people pay attention.


  • 3 Responses to “Inkwampetence: The Big Pig”

    1. Spell Checker Says:

      alertens the people is the ENEMY of democracy! (Style note to college profs sniffily thinking alerts is enuf. No dipship. I need
      the extra syllable for music WHICH YOU CAN’T HEAR YOU TONE DEAF PASSIVE FUCK!)”

      Of course I could hear the music. I know the difference between creative writing and ignorance.
      That sentence, as well as much of your writing, seems to be somewhat influenced by the prose of Ezra Pound. If not, then you unintentionally share a similiar style.

      And yes, that was indeed a very great compliment

    2. Zoroastro Says:

      No, Alex’s style is clear as a whistle and richly funny. Ez was vergin on total incoherence. I guess the pre-WW2 judeo-regime drove him nuts. Poor man.

    3. alex Says:

      Uh…I wasn’t responding to any one person – don’t take it presonally unless it has your name on it!