21 July, 2006

How Thin is Human Society?

Posted by alex in anthropology at 5:06 pm | Permanent Link

[Women follow patterns. Whether they’re set by White men, jews — or dogs. White men, most of them, are scarcely less pattern-conditioned than women. This girl was thrown to the dogs by her drunken parents; the jews are throwing our youth to the dawgs. Most people — breakthrough thought — cannot do other than follow the pattern set by those around them, dictated by authority in the form of government, teachers, and preachers.]

Cry of an enfant sauvage

For five years, Oxana Malaya lived with dogs and survived on raw meat and scraps. When she was found she was running around on all fours barking. Elizabeth Grice hears her incredible story

She bounds along on all fours through long grass, panting towards water with her tongue hanging out. When she reaches the tap she paws at the ground with her forefeet, drinks noisily with her jaws wide and lets the water cascade over her head.


The Dog Girl: Oxana Malaya is now in a clinic and unlikely ever to leave as she lacks the skills to survive

Up to this point, you think the girl could be acting – but the moment she shakes her head and neck free of droplets, exactly like a dog when it emerges from a swim, you get a creepy sense that this is something beyond imitation. Then, she barks.

The furious sound she makes is not like a human being pretending to be a dog. It is a proper, chilling, canine burst of aggression and it is coming from the mouth of a young woman, dressed in T-shirt and shorts.

This is 23-year-old Oxana Malaya reverting to behaviour she learnt as a young child when she was brought up by a pack of dogs on a rundown farm in the village of Novaya Blagoveschenka, in the Ukraine. When she showed her boyfriend what she once was and what she could still do – the barking, the whining, the four-footed running – he took fright. It was a party trick too far and the relationship ended.

Oxana is a feral child, one of only about 100 known in the world. The story goes that, when she was three, her indifferent, alcoholic parents left her outside one night and she crawled into a hovel where they kept dogs.

No one came to look for her or even seemed to notice she was gone, so she stayed where there was warmth and food – raw meat and scraps – forgetting what it was to be human, losing what toddler’s language she had and learning to survive as a member of the pack.

A shameful five years later, a neighbour reported a child living with animals. When she was found, at the age of eight in 1991, Oxana could hardly speak and ran around on all fours barking, mimicking her carers.

Though she must have seen humans at a distance, and seems occasionally to have entered the family house like a stray, they were no longer her species: all meaningful life was contained in a kennel.


  • 9 Responses to “How Thin is Human Society?”

    1. apollonian Says:

      A Most Cynical Expression Of Art, Indeed
      (Apollonian, 21 July 06)

      Well u know, humans are basically animals. This about dog-girl could still be just a brainless hoax. Too bad I can’t think of any neat jokes–at least she, pictured, the dog-girl, doesn’t look tooo much like a dog, eh?

      This observation of human adaptability to patterns is thence legitimate province of science and art. Most people appreciate art more than science. In art then expression of philosophy is THEOLOGY, and best of this art entails cultural HERESY-complex behind which topmost frauds and criminals rule–a world of conspiracy complex-matrix behind MAMMON, all built upon the heresy complex-matrix. Jews actually don’t want people really to understand the Talmud by which they wage war against humanity so successfully. Making the heresy complex-matrix work and produce for them; Jews are pioneers and masters.

      At least dog-girl must probably be fairly honest, perhaps quite a cynic for philosophic bent and artistic expression with all the dog gestures, indubitably. Diogenes of Sinope would be impressed. I’m happy I chose Aristotlean Peripateticism, myself. Honest elections and death to the Fed. Apollonian

    2. CZ Says:

      I do not find whites especially capable of throwing off the yoke of animinalist behavior. Whites are though the most beautiful humans, and we must not be driven down to a level where we lose our beauty through misegenation, nor can we lose our desire to become greater than we are now.

    3. John Says:

      I think this is a hoax.

    4. alex Says:

      I don’t think it’s a hoax because it isn’t funny and there are other examples of extreme adaptability in feral children.

    5. jackumup Says:

      This Is a hoax human children can not survive with out shelter and human care, this individual is white there for in a cold climate survival is not possible

    6. American Girl Says:

      “Women follow patterns. Whether they’re set by White men, jews — or dogs.”

      You must be a literary genius James Joyce! The only path I follow is my foot in your ass.
      Read Nietzsche’s “Beyond Good and Evil” concerning the psychology of the master/slave mentality. Perhaps then you’ll think outside of the trailer park before posting what your uncle daddy told you after his goodnight beating.

    7. jackumup Says:

      Nietzche? Is american girl Jewish princess?

    8. alex Says:

      You must be a literary genius James Joyce!

      Which man told you Joyce was a literary genius?

    9. Bolg Says:

      Isn’t this the Tarzan story, poorly re-written?