24 July, 2006

Germans’ Attitudes Toward Muslims

Posted by alex in Germany at 5:13 am | Permanent Link

SIDEBAR: Getting Fed Up
By Brad Macdonald
August 2006

Fueling the intensification of German nationalism is the rise of Islam. Germans are growing fed up with Muslims. This development promises to have serious repercussions. In fact, Germany and Islam are traveling a path that can only end in an unparalleled clash of civilizations.

A survey performed in Germany earlier this year substantiates this argument. Commissioned by Germany’s Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung and performed by researchers from the Allensbach Institute for Public Opinion Research, the study disclosed an alarming trend. Deutsche Welle reported, “Experts fear new conflicts after a study published this week showed most Germans doubt the Western and Islamic worlds can peacefully coexist. Mistrust of the 3 million Muslims living in Germany appears to be growing� (May 20, emphasis mine throughout).

Of the 1,076 Germans interviewed in early May, 83 percent associated Islam with “fanaticism.� Over 71 percent believed Islam to be “intolerant�; 62 percent saw Islam as “backward�; 60 percent saw it as “undemocratic� (Jerusalem Post, May 24). Only 8 percent of respondents characterized Islam as peaceful.

Perhaps most striking: 61 percent of Germans said they believe a “clash of cultures� already exists; 65 percent said they counted on such conflicts to worsen in the future. These results are astonishing: According to this survey, most Germans expect a future clash with Islam!

Should the government ban the building of Islamic mosques in Germany as long as the building of churches in some Islamic states remains forbidden? Fifty-six percent of Germans say yes. Survey results even indicated that there is growing support for ending Germany’s constitutional right of freedom of religion with regard to Islam. Many Germans are so disgusted with the Islamic onslaught, they are prepared to alter their constitution in order to curb Muslim ambition!

Germans are mulling over increasingly extreme measures to solve the Islamic crisis in their midst. Four out of 10 Germans say “strict limits should be imposed on the practice of Islam in Germany to protect the country� (Expatica, May 18).

Although intolerance of Muslims in Germany has steadily risen since the 9/11 attacks in America, it has grown much stronger recently amid a torrent of high-profile stories in the German press. “Concerns over an ‘honor killing’ in Berlin, demands that schoolgirls be permitted to wear burkas, a surge in schoolyard violence involving Muslim immigrants, and the failure of Germany’s 3 million Muslim immigrants to assimilate have deepened a ‘crisis of cultures’� (Jerusalem Post, op. cit.).

As these events unfold, leading politicians are suggesting bold initiatives to solve the problem. A set of proposed tests mandatory for incoming immigrants plainly aims at Muslims: The test put forward by one German state asks about a person’s views on forced marriage, homosexuality and women’s rights; a 100-question test in another state asks whether “the applicant believes in Israel’s right to exist and whether a woman should be allowed in public without the accompaniment of a male relative� (Deutsche Welle, March 16).

That a contingent of Germany’s population is intolerant of Islam is not startling; sectors of the population in many nations espouse such sentiment. What is startling is that the results of the Allensbach survey suggest that anti-Islamic sentiment isn’t confined to a narrow segment of German society. The majority of the German people believe a clash of civilizations is already underway.

This trend will only intensify; European-Islamic hostility is bound to escalate in the coming months and years. The entire Continent is being primed for conflict.

  • 14 Responses to “Germans’ Attitudes Toward Muslims”

    1. alex Says:


      christians with their usual freako end-times soap opera. if i read right, germany rises and iran rises, israel gets whipped like a cur, but then britain and US rise up to stomp germany, cue jeboo II and drop the curtain.

    2. David Prospero Says:

      What Germans are protesting this? The fucking jew ones. They can’t say shit about the kikes sucking the blood out of them but they are willing to participate in this kind of poll? Bullshit!
      They should kick the fuckin lot of them out starting with the hebes, followed by the Arabs and then starting on the rest of the unclean from eastern Europe.
      If Hitler came back today, there’d be people form all over the western world flocking to fight for him….and I7d be one of them.

    3. Bolg Says:

      You swear to fight for Hitler because it is sure he’s not coming back. Right, washed one?

    4. swinestein Says:

      If Hitler came back today, there’d be people form all over the western world flocking to fight for him….and I7d be one of them. ”

      You and me both brother.

    5. Stronza Says:

      Alex, have you actually been reading the Book of Revelation or what.

    6. MIke H Says:

      I gre up in Germany to US parents. I attended German schools, all my friends were German, and I speak the language fluently. I’ve been back to Germany over the years. Islam and Europe do not mix. There are 1400 years of conflict between them. The ideal of multicultural amity and cooperativeness is foundering upon the reality of racial and cultural differences. Islam has always had an expansionist imperialist agenda. There really is an invasion of Europe. Locals are profoundly uncomfortable with the building of mosques and the growing influence of muslims. Why? They’re not European. They are invading the European heartland. Frankly, this can only end up badly.
      Some people believe that Islam is a natural ally in a fight against Zionism. Their hatred of zionim blinds them to the anti-Western agenda of Islam. When you sup with the devil, best have a long spoon.
      AS for who invented and promuilgated multiculturalism, globalism and all such universalist nonsense, well, that’s a separate matter.

    7. alex Says:

      Revalation is horeshit, written by jews for fools. I was referring to “the trumpet” which seems to be one of these end-times outfits.

    8. Lutjens Says:

      “Should the government ban the building of Islamic mosques in Germany as long as the building of churches in some Islamic states remains forbidden? Fifty-six percent of Germans say yes. Survey results even indicated that there is growing support for ending Germany’s constitutional right of freedom of religion with regard to Islam. Many Germans are so disgusted with the Islamic onslaught, they are prepared to alter their constitution in order to curb Muslim ambition!”

      I can assure you all that Germany has even less tolerance for the hebes for it is they and their WW Jew Allied victors who are responsible for the Muslim invasion (check out the Morgenthau Plan). Like with every other Jew-occupied country, eliminating them first will solve at least 90% of the host nation’s problems right off the bat. Once the host nation is permitted to be nationalistic once again, the remaining problems can be resolved quickly. I do speak for the ‘civilized’ nations of this planet. As for the rest of them, who gives a fuck anyway. Would I fight for Hitler or someone like him? My grandfathers sure did, so the hell would I. There was alot to fight for back then, and there sure as hell is now.

    9. WhiteFight Says:

      I was in Germany recently and I didn’t see much resistance of the Germans to the Muslims; it does sound like it’s jews who are the Germans which hate the Muslims and are doing something about it, not the native Germans. I thought the Germans in the suburbs were some of the nicest people I’ve ever met but the city dwelling Germans are really screwed in the head. I’ve seen a lot of hostility of whites against whites which is not necessarily isolated to Germany but is pretty widespread throughout Europe. The racially aware Germans are some of the bravest people on the planet what with all the hate laws and such but your average German is really crushed in my opinion. However, I think this is true of whites in general…

    10. David Prospero Says:

      Germany is an enslaved nation…it’s enslaved not by Muslims but by Kikes. They are moving to Germany in much greater numbers than Muslims. Their advantage is that they control the wealth and so whether Germans are prosperous or destitute. Yet they seek to control Muslims as they control goys. It won’t work.
      The Germans are no fools though. I think they are biding their time….waiting for the jew to extend the rope (Muslims) that they will eventually hang him with.
      Germans have learned from the jew occupation and when the jews no longer can depend on the progressively weakening will and strength of the US, they’ll be open to the kind of revenge they have always received throughout history….this time there’ll be nothing they can pin on the German.

    11. Mati The Estonian Says:

      only 3mil. -You “lucky” bastards – thats only a half of “you do now of wath number” (has ANYONE counting germanys current jew population – you now JUST for statistics). more serious point – I think lots of germans but equal sign between judaism(st) and muslim. and this they now – jews are the ones to bring muslims to germany (and all this negro shit too – all the way up to sweden and norway). the main point is religion is not good. we can call god and wathever but ALL the problems started in europe when hebes under the belly of Roman Empire did starting spread xristianity to us ….

    12. Outis Says:

      The sad thing in all this is that German nationalists, who have grown accustomed to outright leftist propaganda, occasionally sport what are called “Palituchs” — a Palestinian beard, after the style of Arafat, for example. What else? In a gesture of “solidarity”, which is always pathetic, they declare themselves ready to march with Iranians at the Olympics.

      Germany is just fucked. I’ve spoken with, let’s say, two or three friendly Germans in my life. The rest are suspicious of just about everything one says.

    13. elbrus_arya Says:

      The jew-run cinema with its last masterpiece of rabbis, “da vinci code” ends the all blessed crucified picture of christ and announces loudly that the rabbis are the saviours of christ and so …. the christ is the saviour of who?!….this means that the legitimacy of christians returns to hooked-nose jewish rabbis and thus you as a christian have an indirect jewish identity.
      Germans have taken the best decision of all times of their blessed history which this time is becoming the real God’s strong arm.VIVA GERMANS….VIVA!

    14. elbrus_arya Says:

      The jew-run cinema with its last masterpiece of rabbis, “da vinci code” ends the all blessed crucified picture of christ and announces loudly that the rabbis are the saviours of christ and so …. the christ is the saviour of who?!….this means that the legitimacy of christians returns to hooked-nose jewish rabbis and thus you as a christian have an indirect jewish identity.
      Germans have taken the best decision of all times of their blessed history which this time is becoming the real God’s strong arm.VIVA GERMANS….VIVA!