13 July, 2006

ESPN Covers Up Negro Gang-Rape of 11-Year-Old

Posted by alex in crime, news at 6:54 pm | Permanent Link

by Anne Coulter

ESPN, a Jew-owned global sports network that has run over 200 stories promoting false rape allegations made by a negro stripper against white Duke students, has failed to run a single story on its main page regarding the alleged gang rape of an 11-year-old Latino child by ten black members of two community college football teams in northern California.

Queried about the discrepancy, a source at the network confirmed a decision had been taken by senior management to “downplay” the alleged rape for undisclosed reasons. “Unless the story blows up nationally, you aren’t going to see much from us,” said the source, who requested anonymity.


  • 13 Responses to “ESPN Covers Up Negro Gang-Rape of 11-Year-Old”

    1. Kitchener Says:

      How the hell is it going to “blow up nationally” if you miserable kikes won’t talk about it in the first place? Rot in hell.

    2. alex Says:

      Write the ESPN ombudsman, George Solomon, at the link below. Ask him why ESPN destroyed Duke reputations by repeating ad infinitum allegations it knew were very likely false, whereas it suppresses a story about TEN NIGGERS GANG-RAPING A CHILD..


    3. alex Says:

      Mr. Solomon:

      Are we covering up the nigger gang-rape out in California? Am I recalling correctly – you jews did run several hundred stories on the Duke hoax, right?

      Please do what you can to stop the hate, Solomon!

      Alex Linder

    4. Antagonistes Says:

      Yes, I was sceptical at first.

      This story is not being run. This is an extremely important signpost, in light of the Duke scandal, as Alex said.

      The Jew-run illegal-immigrant prostitution ring in Texas story was not run.

      News about Whites being slaughtered in South Africa, and about South African cities now becoming sewers is not being run.

      News about Whites in this country being killed is not run.

      I am now convinced–we have an Enemy, and this enemy hates White Europeans. His hatred is evidenced by what he does not do, as much as it is by what he does do. It is becoming easier to recognize their tactics.

      This is a key which unlocks so much … so much.

      And I must confess . . . I sometimes wonder, in light of this new knowledge . . . were we the biggest goddam fools of all time for fighting Germany in WW2? Goddamned to unlock for our children the fate that we have unlocked for South Africa?

    5. Jackumup Says:

      “Oooyyyy, Murry If only she was a black stripper, we could do a special with Levy up the price of our advertizing and retire”

    6. orc hater Says:

      sarauon (the JEW) and his all-seeing eye (the MEDIA) fight us the most with what they SUPPRESS!
      fight this power! get the word out! hand out flyers, throw them on people’s lawns, shout it to the rooftops!
      get the word out that sarauon (JEW) keeps hidden.
      and to hell with his filthy smelly stupid disgusting ORCS!!! (NIGGERS!!!!!)

    7. Richard Says:

      Is it good for the jews to report on black athletes raping a white child? No. Therefore they will downplay any reference to the rapes. We have been under jewish media domination for years and now our government is being led to a war with Iran and Syria. The jews have declared war on white america.

    8. alex Says:

      The victim is Mexican, not White.

    9. GB Says:

      Where is commentary by La Voz de Aztlan?


      10 niggers rape a Mexi girl and nothing from the reconquistas?

    10. Brian Gareth Martivale Says:

      Did Anne Coulter really say ‘Jew-owned’ and ‘Negro.’ :)

    11. John Smith Says:

      I am incredulous also. Was that THE Anne Coulter? She of the “too clever by half” half measures?

    12. Brian Gareth Martivale Says:

      I think the fake blond, FOX-y transsexual’s name is ANN Coulter, supposed author of “Godless.” Is Anne Coulter a real name? A funny pseudonym? Is it there by mistake?

      Anyway, I’m glad we have adoptive Jewish godparents who decide what we can see and hear!

    13. Francesca Says:

      Yes, that can’t be THE Zionist tool Anne Coulter, who turns off her otherwise high functioning brain for Israel. But someone please explain.