29 July, 2006

Blame Canada

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, VNN at 3:59 pm | Permanent Link

[VNN was down for reasons explained below in both my interview with Peter Schaenk and the press release. As you can see, our main is now back up, and our forum should be back online in the next couple of days.]

Alex Linder on Shank Talk Worldwide, 7/27/06

28 July 2006

Q. When will VNN return to normal?

We expect to be back up in blog format in the next 24 hours (by the end of July 28). Should it take longer, we will update this static html page with fresh news and editorial. Keep checking!

Q. Why did VNN go down?

Our ISP had its T1 service cut by its supplier, apparently under pressure originating from Canada. Our ISP, Cable Bay Internet, had nothing to do with the site being taken down. In essence, the phone company cut service because it didn’t like the content of the phone calls. As far as we know, this is the first instance of a telco subject to common-carrier provisions using its power to censor legal political opinion.

Q. What are these Canadian reports about death threats?

They are misrepresentations made by jew-owned newspapers based on lies spread by Richard Warman, an Ottawa lawyer whose possibly criminal postings under alias(es) at VNN Forum are currently under investigation. “VNN never advocates illegal actions and specifically carries disclaimers against any who choose to misinterpret our editorial material,” said Alex Linder, editor. “Everything said on the radio show in question is legal under the First Amendment, as of course is all material posted on our front page.” He added, “Wannabe thought police from banana republics were better advised to immigrate to the United States legally, and then attempt to rescind the First Amendment through legitimate democratic vote, than to carry on behind the scenes with criminal misrepresentations and corporate terrorism.”

Q. What about VNNForum? When is that coming back?

VNNF will return sometime after the VNN blog is reset. However, the forum rules will be altered to enhance our activist mission.

Q. Any final statement?

VNN will continue to do everything in its power to inform the White West of the genocidal end the jews have planned for us. We’re all Gazans, we just don’t realize it yet. We will continue to speak up for the jailed honest men, whether Tomasz Winnicki in Canada, David Irving in Austria, or Germar Rudolf and Ernst Zundel in Germany.


Alex Linder
660 665 8210
[email protected]

  • One Response to “Blame Canada”

    1. Markus Says:

      Don’t blame Canada .. blame the jews in the JUDICIARY…
      Most Canadians are white .. so far.. and are oppressed by jew controlled laws… there are the few that must be perceived as not friends…

      I am Canadian .. and I support VNN and OUR friends…

      Be focussed.. and attentive…
