21 July, 2006

Background: Jews Control the Media

Posted by alex in media control at 7:02 pm | Permanent Link

Foxman Says “Never Again,” But It’s the Same Old Story

By Curt Maynard

Al-Jazeerah, July 10, 2006

Abraham Foxman is the director of the Anti-Defamation League [ADL], an organization that claims to protect various groups from defamation, which is loosely defined as insult, slander, libel, denigration or vilification. The ADL was founded more than eighty years ago and has engaged in an ongoing and concerted campaign to commit exactly the type of behavior it alleges to protect people from ever since.

More…The primary focus of the ADL’s ire has traditionally been European Americans, but recently it has changed its focus to include Arabs and Muslims, a result of the “War on Terrorism,â€? and Israel’s need to convince Americans and Europeans that Islam is their mortal enemy.

In reality, the ADL is nothing more than a political arm of organized world Zionism. It is essentially an organization that is designed to smear the reputation of those that dare question the motives of Zionism and often, individual Zionists acting out of sheer selfishness or on behalf of their co-ethnics. The ADL has the ear of government, the judiciary and law enforcement, it has managed to insert itself in these venues by claiming to represent the underdog, which is generally understood to mean minorities in our present day and age.

The ADL engages in defamation, in fact it has mastered the art of defamation – it can and does defame anyone that attempts to bring attention to issues that organized Zionism wants kept under wraps. Interestingly, Foxman and the ADL aren’t in the least bit hesitant to engage in this type of disingenuous behavior, in fact they do so in the open, relying on the media, which is disproportionately owned, operated and managed by Jewish Zionists to convey to the world the ADL’s goal while at the same time suppressing the League’s defamatory techniques. This blatantly biased approach enables the ADL to publicly question the veracity of the Russia President Vladimir Putin and the Russian government when it indicts and imprisons the thieving Oligarch’s who stole tens of billions of dollars from the Russian people in the 1990s, without revealing to Americans the overwhelming evidence that said Oligarch’s did so criminally and with extreme malice of forethought. The Oligarch’s were able to borrow incredible sums of money from their American co-ethnics in order to carry out this crime, something else that the ADL has successfully hidden from the American public. The undeniable fact is, every Oligarch under indictment or in prison today in Russia is guilty of treason, they acted against the best interests of their own countrymen; they did this with the assistance of what amounts to a Zionist international finance network, and they did so to further their own selfish interests and the interests of organized Zionism. For this reason the ADL has worked openly and behind the scenes to pressure the Russian President to release these Oligarchs and more importantly to allow them to keep their ill gotten gains. What’s important to understand is that the establishment media and the ADL worked hand in hand, once again the media pushes the ADL’s agenda without divulging uncomfortable facts associated with what the ADL’s actual agenda is.

Fortunately Foxman has been overly aggressive of late and has exposed the ADL to a tremendous amount of public scrutiny, which has exposed him and the ADL for what they really are, agents of organized Zionism. As mentioned previously, the ADL has been around for some time, it has exposed itself in the past, when it was found guilty of defamation in a case involving a couple that allegedly cast some anti-Semitic aspersions on a Jew that had nothing to do with the organization, the ADL flexed its muscle and went after the couple, smearing them and attacking their reputations. A court found the ADL guilty of this and fined them, but most Americans have never heard of the case, the predominantly Jewish Zionist media neglected to cover it at any length. The ADL too has been implicated in espionage, it used its law enforcement contacts to dig up incriminating information on its enemies, which are legion, and then used that information to smear or defame them, for this reason and many others, some people have suggested that the ADL change its moniker to the Defamation League. This case too received almost no attention in the mainstream media, further evidence that the media acts in the best interests of Zionism at the ADL and the ADL acts in the best interests of the media. One example of this, is the absolute fact that Foxman and the ADL literally jump all over anyone the moment they suggest that Jews have a disproportionate influence in the media and/or Hollywood, which is in reality just another media outlet. The Reverend Ted Pike recently noted that one of the primary goals of the new Office of Anti-Semitism [Yes such an entity actually exists] at the Department of State is to link any suggestion that the media is dominated by Jews, with virulent anti-Semitism, a hate crime if Foxman and the ADL have anything to do with it. Foxman too emphasizes this connection in his book Never Again, a tome devoted to elaborating on the many alleged thought crimes directed against Jewry, he notes in a classic admission and denial manner:

“It’s even true that, proportionately, there has always been a relatively prominent Jewish presence in the movie, TV, and record industries, for a variety of social and cultural reasons.�[1]

The fact is, and Foxman knows this better than anyone else, ethnic Jews have a virtual stranglehold on the media, in its many facets, which includes all of entertainment television and most importantly, the televised news media. Are all these Jews, Zionists too? Perhaps.

Foxman’s use of the words “prominent Jewish presence,� is an understatement, ethnic Jews are so over-represented in the media, that they constitute nothing less than a majority, which is indeed strange and disproportionate for a demographic that constitute less than 3% of the entire American population. Consider the following:

Writing of the initial merger of Time, Inc. with Warner, Jewish writer Michael Wolff said in New York magazine in 2001 “since Time Inc.’s merger with Warner ten years ago, one of the interesting transitions is that it has become a Jewish company.â€? [“From AOL to W,â€? New York magazine, January 29, 2001]

Disney, the world’s second largest media conglomerate was managed by Jewish CEO Michael Eisner for decades, Eisner made it his mission to corrupt anything and everything the founder of Disney, Walt Disney ever stood for. Disney was founded as a family entertainment program, but by the time Eisner left the company, Disney had produced programs of such filth and degeneracy that Disney can in no way be considered a network devoted to family entertainment. Eisner resigned a year ago and was replaced by another Jew, who has carried on Eisner’s depraved legacy.

The third largest media conglomerate is Viacom, and its headed by Sumner Redstone, a Jew born Murray Rothstein.

Edgar Bronfman Jr., another Jew, acquired NBC in a merger several years ago; he additionally monopolizes the recording industry, and owns Interscope records too, which is probably the largest producer of “Gangsta Rap,� in the world.

Fox Entertainment is headed by Rupert Murdoch, who is allegedly a Gentile, but I can tell you for certain, his background is obscured, this author spent a rather substantial sum of money three years ago in an attempt to trace Murdoch’s pedigree, and what I found was that his mother’s ancestry could not be verified one way or another. I was unable to prove Elisabeth Joy Greene was a Jew, but nor was I able to confirm that she wasn’t. According to Jewish Law, the child born of a Jewish womb is a Jew. In any case, Murdoch relies on a Jew named Peter Chernin to actually conduct the day-to-day business at Fox, so in essence, Jews have a prominent position at Fox too.

So there you have it, there are the facts. The three largest television media conglomerates are for all intents and purposes in the hands of ethnic Jews. Another well-known Jewish television entertainment personality named Ben Stein had this to say about the prevalence of Jews in the media industry:

At mighty Paramount, the controlling stockholder is Sumner Redstone. Head of the studio is Jon Dolgen. Head of production is Sherry Lansing–all members of the tribe. At titanic Disney, the CEO is Michael Eisner, the world’s most assimilated Jew, who might as well be a Presbyterian. Deputy head is Michael Ovitz, karate champ but also a Jew. Head of the studio is Joe Roth. At newly energized ICM, the top dogs are Jeff Berg and Jim Wiatt. At still overwhelming CAA, Jack Rapke and other members of my faith predominate. At William Morris, Jon Burnham and other Jews are, by and large, in the power positions. This has always been true in Hollywood. The ex-furriers who created Hollywood were Eastern European Jewish immigrants, and all of the great edifice of fantasy-making in Hollywood is their handiwork. Names like Zukor and Lasky and Goldwyn and Cohn are the foundation of mass culture in America and the world.[2]Stein took it a step further by citing the fact that Hollywood, which as we now know is predominantly controlled by Jews, after all a Jew admitted it, has in fact had what is probably the greatest impact on western culture than any other factor in the last century. Foxman would deny it, but nonetheless it’s true, our perception of the world is largely the result of Hollywood’s impact on our culture, therefore, deductive logic demands that we recognize the fact that Jewry has had a considerable effect on how we view the world around us.

At this point it’s worth considering what Abraham Foxman has to say about anti-Semitism, he refers to it as a “virus,� a “disease,� a “plague,� a “hate crime,� but not once in his book Never Again does he even suggest that it might be a viable defense mechanism, a reaction to Zionist misbehavior, but that is in fact what it is. Edgar Steele a well-known Idaho attorney states that “anti-Semitism is a disease, you catch it from Jews.� Of course Steele isn’t well thought of by Foxman, in fact the ADL maintains a list of so called anti-Semites on its website and Steele is included on its illustrious list. Foxman also predictably foists the absolutely ridiculous idea that anti-Semitism is “fundamentally irrational,� on the reader. This is an old tactic that has been successfully utilized in the past, so why change something that works? The same folks that promote this idea, also embrace the idea that violence is always irrational, which sounds nice and gives one a warm fuzzy feeling inside, but it flies in the face of logic /rationality. The truth of the matter is, the decision to engage in violence in order to protect ones life, family, nation, may be the most rational decision one will ever have the chance to make in this life. One could easily argue that allowing oneself and/or one’s family members to be harmed or killed, without engaging in violence in order to stop it, is “fundamentally irrational.� However, this is not a distinction these people make, their doctrinaire approach is simple, “violence is always irrational.� I suggest that accepting this point of view is irrational, illogical and foolish. In this vein, there is nothing irrational about recognizing and speaking out about the very real influence Zionists wield in this country, and the fact of the matter is, it would be extremely irrational not to do so, especially if one had concluded that said influence is in fact quite real. Likening scrutiny of a group’s collective behavior to a “disease,� reveals not “sound logic,� but an irrationality that knows no bounds.

Foxman’s entire thesis in Never Again centers around the idea that anti-Semitism is the “most resilient form of hatred known to humankind.�[3] Foxman does his best to corner the market on victim hood for Jews, sure he pays other minorities lip service, but make no mistake about it, Foxman is first and foremost concerned with Jewry, he just exploits other minorities in an effort to extract the last remnant of sympathy remaining in the Gentile population, especially the white Gentile population.

I highly encourage readers to go to the library and check out Foxman’s book. Don’t buy it; that would only enrich this shyster. I absolutely guarantee that your library has it on its shelf; I can guarantee that with as much certainly as I can that you won’t find any books critical of Jewry or Zionism, or any books associated with non-kosher historical revisionism. By reading Foxman’s book with a critical eye, one unclouded by manufactured guilt and/or foolish sentiments, the reader will see what amounts to one gigantic and preposterous lie, from front to back, Foxman is nothing less that a modern day Ilya Ehrenburg.[4]

The ADL is the organization most responsible for the emergence of modern “hate crime,� legislation, and its inequitable and nearly exclusive application against the white majority in the United States. As a rule, whites aren’t committing the greatest proportion of so called “hate crimes,� crimes committed against one group by another and motivated by bias and/or prejudice, blacks are. Most readers inherently know this, after all, few people with a firm grip on reality would argue today that the black community doesn’t harbor some hard feelings against white society, many people recognize this reality, most blacks and a few whites even sympathize with the black community for the inequity they have suffered as a result of racism and prejudice, real and imagined. If one concurs with the preceding sentence, one can then accept the fact that blacks might engage in crimes that target whites as a result of this animosity. The fact of the matter is, according to our own Justice Department, blacks commit murder at a rate seven times that of whites.[5] Even this statistic is highly illusory, as Hispanics are included as White in the gathering and analysis of these crime statistics, thus giving the erroneous impression that white Europeans are committing more crimes than they in fact are. Despite this, blacks still clearly are committing more than fifty percent of the murders in this country – this is not a “racist,� statement or opinion, this is an empirical fact backed up by statistics gathered by the federal government.[6]

Foxman himself admits the ADL’s role in the development and implementation of unfair and highly biased “hate crimes,� legislation in the United States:

“Forty-two states and the District of Columbia currently have some form of hate crime law on the books that enables prosecutors to seek increased penalties when a victim is targeted in a bias crime. Most of these laws are based on model legislation originally drafted by ADL in 1981.�[7]

The fact of the matter is organized Zionism, the ADL being one element of, is almost exclusively the primary advocate of such laws. Sure, many minorities also support the statutes believing they may benefit from them in some manner, but the fact of the matter is, Zionists are the primary propelling force behind the laws as evidenced by Foxman’s above statement. The predominantly Jewish media itself focuses on crimes committed by whites; examples are numerous, all one need do is watch television. One recent and more importantly, titillating example, is the alleged rape of a black stripper by an entire Lacrosse team composed of upper class white students from Duke University. The entire case is a farce, it’s nothing more than a modern day example of the Tawana Brawley case of the 1980s in which a black teen was allegedly raped by several “racist,� whites that scrawled racial epithets on her body, including a swastika [Oh my] using human feces. That case was proven to be a hoax, and the same will prove true with the Duke Lacrosse rape. As a rule, white males just don’t rape black females, not in this day and age, it is extremely rare, almost unheard of, but that still hasn’t stopped the media from making a circus of the alleged incident.[8]

In the end, Abraham Foxman’s book should be carefully and unemotionally studied by those interested in Jewish influence, but to fully understand and appreciate the impact of Never Again, one must also investigate the history of Jewish Zionist influence in Europe and the United States. Foxman wrote Never Again with an agenda in mind, it isn’t new, it isn’t unique, it’s part and parcel of a tried and true strategy that has worked for Foxman and his predecessors, make the majority feel guilty for their support of persecution against minorities real and imagined, and then support the expected result, minority dissent and derision against the majority by convincing the minority that they are in fact victims of the majority. Machiavellism at its finest. In such an environment, what collective group can stand against Foxman’s real agenda, the advancement of the interests of organized Zionism.

Curt Maynard


[1] Foxman, Abraham. Never Again. 2003. Pg 249.
[2] Stein, Ben. Article on the Eonline website (1998). Accessed on January 22, 2005. http://www.eonline.com/Features/Specials/Jews/index2.html.

[3] Foxman, Abraham. Never Again. 2003. Pg 274.
[4] Ehrenburg was Jewish and the most notorious Soviet Propagandist.
[5] http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/homicide/race.htm
[6] Depending on sources, it is generally accepted that blacks constitute between 10% -12% of the United States population.
[7] Foxman, Abraham. Never Again. 2003. Pg 266.
[8] Interracial rape is a very touchy subject, another “taboo,� that few feel comfortable enough to openly discuss. The fact of the matter is, black males are approximately fifty times more likely to rape a white female, than a white male is to rape a black woman. An excellent book on this subject, and one you won’t find in any library, is The Color Of Crime, put out by the group American Renaissance. http://amren.org/.

The author lives in Louisiana, holds graduate degrees in psychology and history and Politics, with an emphasis on the interpretation of propagandistic techniques employed by the power elite. Th eauthor is currently enrolled at a northern University where he is pursuing a PhD in history.

  • 2 Responses to “Background: Jews Control the Media”

    1. Stanley Womack Says:

      For an entirely supportive article, but with additional points, go to:


    2. confederate Says:

      regardless of propaganda to the contrary, leo frank was guilty as sin.