6 July, 2006

Aryan Matters #10 Taped

Posted by alex in VNN, White media at 8:18 pm | Permanent Link

Joining James Hawthorne in the studio is Katherine Anne Duncan, Director of the Confederate Woman of the Southern States of America.


Bryon Jost, director of Line in the Sand, also joins Aryan Matters to talk about that film and new projects from October Sun Films.


Stay tuned.


  • 3 Responses to “Aryan Matters #10 Taped”

    1. SAM Says:

      Hawthorn another feminist in thew White Nationalists, you do not seem to understand that you give a little bit to women and they are taking a mile of it. In the White Nationalists we are starting to be invaded by feminists an it shows, if you want a very straont White COuntry there in the USA or in Europe or her ein Canada, the feminists are not weolcome, because there will be always a stalling in the development of the family. It will promote instead of growth, edeath of the white race and abortions will be rampant. SO if you all want to loose well be feminists, but you will never have a very strong white community.

    2. James Hawthorne Says:

      In Britain we have woman who are on the front lines of our struggle. They go knocking on White people’s doors, selling newspapers, pushing out leaflets. Ask them face to face if they are “feminists” they will take that as an insult. If you thought Katherine was a “feminist” then you certainly got the wrong end of the conversation.

    3. spell checker king Says:

      Just watched THE LINE IN THE SAND.
      Good overall – could stand a bit of editing though.
      The message gets out (the JEW) without seeming to pound it at you, which is nice and sly…
      Good job on editing in that regard.
      Just one minor thing:
      PLEASE PLEASE make sure you spell check all text and make sure the grammar is emaculate.
      Because we must impress the higher educated and most intelligent of our race if we are to get anywhere.
      There was just one grammatical mistake, but it was deadly for me, because it was an eyesore right off the bat:
      Just 24 seconds in the following appears:
      “The views expressed in this documentary film are solely those of each individual and do not necessarily those of the filmmaker, October Sun Films, or it’s distributor.”
      Just a little apostraphe used incorrectly made me cringe, and the movie hadne’t even started yet.
      I thought to myself, ‘Oh no, not an educated person at work here….’
      There should be no apostraphe in “it’s”. It should be “its”, because this is the one exception to the rule of using an apostraphe to indicate a possessive.
      That one exception is known by all highly educated people, and the mistake was truly an eyesore and a let down for me as I began to watch.
      As it turned out, the film was very good, but I couldn’t get that FIRST IMPRESSION out of my mind completely as it went on.
      A small thing, but important: Please work on PRESENTATION and ACCURACY and GRAMMATICAL correctness when producing anything for the mass audience.
      The enemy, especially the JEW, pays extreme attention to such fine details, as we must to counter them.
      Also, remember the old cliche: FIRST IMPRESSIONS ARE LASTING IMPRESSIONS