17 July, 2006

Are Jews Gassing Native Palestinians?

Posted by alex in Palestine at 11:36 pm | Permanent Link

Ministry of Health report on toxic Israeli weapons confirmed by Gaza City medical sources

(Gaza City) Bisan Hisham 13 July 06

Director of Public Relations at Gaza City’s Al Shifa Hospital, Dr. Juma Al Sakka, confirmed the Palestinian Ministry of Health’s report from earlier this week which stated that Israeli forces are using toxic weapons in the Gaza Strip.

The doctor spoke on Thursday, giving the death count at 85 Palestinians in the Strip since the latest Israeli attack began. Among the dead are 34 children under the age of 13. And as of Thursday afternoon, 300 Palestinians are injured.

Dr. Al Sakka told Voice of Palestine Radio that the Israeli army is using new types of non-conventional weapons against the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip during the recent attacks. He said, “They are targeting the Palestinian body with unconventional weapons and with that comes a phenomena we have not seen before in any Israeli bombardment we have lived through for many years.�

He continued, “The hospital is central and sees almost all cases of injuries and deaths as a result of Israeli against the Palestinians of the Gaza Strip. These Israeli bombings are entering the body and fragmenting, causing internal combustion leading to up to fourth degree internal burns, exposing the bone, and affecting the tissue and skin.�

The doctor added, “These tissues die, they do not survive, which obliges us to perform arm or leg amputations, and there are fragments which penetrate the body and do not show up on X-rays. When entering the body they spark like a combustion firearm, but not chemically. They seem radioactive.�

He confirmed that there were dozens of wounded legs and arms. Many of them had been burned from the inside, and distorted to the point that they cannot return to life again.

Yesterday, Wednesday, was one of the most bloody of all in the recent attacks. Israeli forces killed 25 Palestinians. Dr. Al Sakka said, “It is escalating day after day. Yesterday alone Israeli forces killed 25 and injured dozens. Among them so many were children.�

Dr. Al Sakka revealed that the Israelis completely destroyed by the lab which would help in diagnosing such cases. “We no longer have the ability to make these examinations on phenomena that we see is not normal.�

He called on the international community to examine the latest weapons however the doctor reported that “no one has lifted a finger.� Dr. Al Sakka complained that he did not see any foreign medical institution interested in the use of new weapons and their affects on the human body. He said, “What we found were journalists who came to take pictures, but as for the medical community, nothing.�

  • 8 Responses to “Are Jews Gassing Native Palestinians?”

    1. Kalafan Says:

      As I said before, when Palestinians do equally despicable shit to Jewish kids, it’s call for celebr- wait, Palestinians NEVER do bad stuff to Jewish kids! How could I be so fucking dumb as to believe they would do such things? Jewish lies! Jewish lies! I don’t care if there’s proof ’cause it’s all Jewish lies!

    2. brutus Says:

      Yes, I agree with Kalafan, when he says that all jews are filthy lying pigs.

      I await with bated breath for that nuclear explosion that will leave israel nothing more then a gapping charred hole in the earth and every jew vaporized. Then afterwards, I will make it a point to visit that charred hole so I can piss in it.

    3. Jim Says:

      Kalafan ???? Should change your monicker to Kikeafan. Don’t ever try to equate the crimes committed against occupied Palestine to the insignificant response suffered by the perpetrators. I ask the reader, what excess would be too great if the end result was the removal of the parasites from the host?

    4. Zoroastro Says:

      Oy vey! Zer Jews zon’t commit war crimes, zej being such nicest goys.
      God, what revulsive murderous tribe. Oops, wanted to say “chosen” (by itself that is).

    5. Judith Says:

      Well one thing we know for sure, Brutus. You won’t have to worry about frying your dick when you pee on that hole created by a nuclear bomb.
      You don’t have one!

      Anyhoo…the main reason I decided to post a reply is: we know there is no gas in this pretend state of “palestine” anymore than there was gas chambers in sHitler’s Germany now don’t we?
      Aren’t I right kiddies?

    6. Jim Says:

      Judith, I know you have presented yourself as an expert on Brutus’ dick but your point here has escaped me. Are you trying to mask the possibility that the hate hebrews really have used biological warfare as opposed to the mythical tales of German gas chambers. Us kids here all know that one of the greatest attributes of the jew race is its ablity to transfer its own sick machinations onto the personas of its enemies. Hence, it is very real that they have experimented with gas weapons just as it is very unlikely that they were the victims of such. Do you follow? As an aside, I got the best blowjob of my life from a girl named Judith in Farmingdale, N.Y. – was that you?

    7. Anti-injustice Says:

      I have to agree with Jim, there simply is no comparison.
      Every life should be valued, the problem is that only Israeli life is valued and gets televised. They get named in the news, newspapers etc
      While the death of Palestinians which is waaaaay more than Israelis, dies away silently. The Palestinian deaths have been so numerous that they have become mere numbers. And when the parents diem or the siblings, noone will remember them or know that they existed. While israeli families will have a prober burial, and generations will visit the graveyard and move on.

    8. Lina Says:

      Very true Anti-injustice.

      A 10-year-old girl dyng from 30+ bullets in her torso is enough to spark anger in a person. I’m on the other side of the world, and I felt like I could have tried to get revenge.

      It’s just so effing strange how people are so brain-washed. A co-worker of mine (white american) at work said of Rachel Corrie, “She should not have been in front of the bulldozer.” They give more right to the jew-devils than to one of their fellow citizens – let alone anybody else. It’s just truly sad and not surprising, but still has its shock effect.