29 June, 2006

Jews are a very ethical people

Posted by alex in Alex Linder at 4:05 am | Permanent Link

…as witnessed in this slideshow.

  • 32 Responses to “Jews are a very ethical people”

    1. ericthered Says:

      I notice yahoo titled it, “Mideast Conflict,” as if it were something other than jews slaughtering the shit out of the Palestinians.

      Technically I suppose you can consider some starving, rock throwing Palestinians defending what is left of their homeland as participants in the “Conflict.”

    2. silverstein wtc7 Says:

      jewish ethics applies only to humans.
      jews consider only jews to be human.
      jews consider the goyim to be cattle (that’s what the word means).
      jews are very ethical indeed to those they deem human (themselves).
      (look it up in the TALMUD)
      (even non-religious jews think this way)
      never EVER trust a jew.
      not for anything.
      avoid if at all possible.

    3. Coup d'Etat Says:

      The jews are more like spoiled, bratty little children who have temper tantrums they don’t want to control. So, instead, they blow the crap out of anyone who messes with one of their people rather than negotiate and talk about it like adults; all this for just one individual? Any excuse they can come with to attack the opposition with missiles and bombs is justifiable as far as they are concerned.

      Do they react like this when a non-jew soldier gets killed or kidnapped? You would think they would be more grateful since we are fighting the Palestinians for them in Afghanistan and Iraq. Besides — have any of our soldiers in time of war (Afghanistan & Iraq) go unscathed when an innocent Iraqi is mistakenly killed in the name of a jewish war? However, when one of their people gets tampered with the jews go into a frenzy like uncontrollable, emotionally disturbed little children killing innocents in the process – and we let them get away with it?

      Is this supposed to send a warning message to the whole world not to mess with a jew? Maybe that’s why many lie dormant like scared little beings and let the jews have their way every time. What does a parent do to right a child who misbehaves? Well, you scold them, you punish them. But yet, the jews manage to whip around and do whatever they please including terrorizing and murdering whomever they please. If we let these bratty children go on like this much longer, we will find ourselves in WWIII either before or after the total destruction of nations.

      Much work is to be done, including the scolding and punishing of the jewish tribe, not race, tribe. And, much work is to be done to rid of the Israeli foreign influence in and around our important governmental structures, here in the U.S. and abroad. It’s time to get to work folks!

    4. Sandor Says:

      I wonder how many of us realize what we’re up against? When you’re not considered human, anything is permissible.


      Note that “Warren B. Heath” is actually R.P. Oliver

    5. organ donor Says:

      The Israelis are harvesting the organs of live prisoners they take (palestinians) and using them to save jew lives.
      The american jews are harvesting the organs of near-death goyim and “putting them to sleep” to use the organs on jew patients.
      None of us are safe.

    6. Chuck Johnson Says:

      American jews media makes more fuss over 1 CAPTURED Israeli soldier then they did 2 captured American soldiers.

      Also, kids get ‘kidnapped’, adults get ‘abducted’, soldiers get ‘captured’. But notice how the sly jews media uses applies all 3 of these terms to the CAPTURED soldier in a lame attempt to imply some sort of criminality as to the CAPTURE.

    7. GB Says:

      Lets remember too, Chuck, that this soldier was just that – a soldier. Whereas the Hamas official Izzy is threatening to ASSASSINATE is a democratically elected official – a civilian.

      Remember too, the cause for this round of violence was Isreal killing an entire Palestian family with a 155 MM shell while walking on a beach.

      Jews, you see, are very ethical people.

    8. Judith Says:

      For a group of people, Alex and friends, that believe anyone else but their so called “white” race are non-human you sure complain about everyone else.
      I guess when you run with the herd mentality like y’all do it’s understandable.

      Speaking of herds….goy means nation in Hebrew and goyim is the plural meaning nations.
      If you had half a brain you would do some research on the words you twist to suit your freaking causes on insanity.
      It’s like you mental midgets who quote the Talmud when you are lucky to understand the King’s English.

      Alex you would do well to clean up your own house and get it in order.
      Maybe you dumb bunnies need a twelve step program so you realize the problems you blame on others are really your own.

    9. Hengest Says:

      Bull……Shit Judith! You are just attempting to decieve us White goyim. (who woulda thunk that?)
      According to my Collins pocket dictionary:” goy, goyim, goys: Slang Jewish word for a non jew.”
      Collins is a Jewish owned publisher, so that is straight from the horses mouth.

    10. asd Says:

      I find it humorous that an ostensible jew ‘Judith’ would have the nerve to lecture us on ‘word-twisting’. Goy is a well known as dimunutive epithet.

      Main Entry: goy
      Pronunciation: ‘goi
      Function: noun
      Inflected Form(s): plural goy·im /’goi-&m/; also goys
      Etymology: Yiddish, from Hebrew gOy people, nation
      sometimes disparaging : GENTILE 1
      source: m-w.com

    11. Sandor Says:

      We show you pictures of a Palestinian massacre, and you want to play word games. The meaning, use, and intent of ‘shiksa’, ‘goyim’, even ‘balaam’ if you will, have been weaseled to suit different audiences. Let’s forget about the word games. As an ethical, patriotic Jew, how do you feel about being associated with the crimes committed by Israelis? How about crimes committed by Bolshevik Jews? In your opinion, has there been any event in recent history for which Jews should apologize? What do you ‘atone’ for when you ‘atone’?

    12. Ogre Says:

      “Remember too, the cause for this round of violence was Isreal killing an entire Palestian family with a 155 MM shell while walking on a beach.”

      They weren’t walking on the beach, they were sitting down having a picnic, which made them an easier target for our heroic jew allies.
      Remember too that ever since the jews made all our new enemys for us in the middle east that they have been our greatest allie against them.
      Well, except when the jews kill our people and try to blame it on the Arabs that is.
      Come to think of it, the jews have killed more Americans in faked terrorist attacks than real terrorists have.

      But lets not dwell on the truth, that would be an anti semitic neo Nazi hate crime.
      Now lets all march down to the local holocaust memorial museum and grovel to the imaginary jews who died in all the imaginary gas chambers.
      We need to get our guilt level up if we are going to defeat the enemys of the jews.

    13. Ogre Says:

      “jewith = Speaking of herds….goy means nation in Hebrew and goyim is the plural meaning nations.”

      So when a jew calls a non jew a goyim scumbag, it means he is a member of a nation of scumbags?
      What other religion has a disparaging name for all other religions?
      jews are the orginal racists.
      To be brief, they placed themselves above all others by claiming to be gods chosen people, they ran the African slave trade and they are now slaughtering women and children who they consider to be less than human.
      And on top of that, the people they are murdering are civilians fighting back against them to get some kind of justice from the king jew who stole their country from them.

      Right now the jews are making a big stink over Irans plutonium enrichment plans and threatening to send their goyim puppets, the U.S., into war against them if they don’t obey their demands.
      How many sheeple know that israel has 200 nuclear missiles and that they have already threatened to nuke several European citys if they don’t get their way?

    14. silverstein wtc7 Says:

      hey jewdith,
      tell us why the jewspapers/talmudvision never mention the following (thus keeping almost everyone in the dark about these things):
      1. wtc7 collapse
      2. silverstein
      3. odigo
      4. israeli/mossad spying in the usa
      you won’t, or you’ll change the subject, like a good JEW.
      as for the GOYIM out there: tell everyone you can about those four points, and you’ll turn some thinking around.
      jews: a very ethical “people”

    15. Christopher Says:


      Thank you for the remedial refresher. I feel privileged to be under the tutelage of an civic-minded jewess like yourself.

      Learning more about your shtetl lingo makes me feel worldly. I just wonder how long your tribe can keep it up. In my opinion it’s all a numbers game. No one can deny that Anti-Israeli feelings will ultimately lead one to Anti-jewish feelings. We all know what happens then. You folks are becoming red-hot and I doubt that your covenant with your angry sky-father can last another 50 years. I’ve resigned myself to the fact that we as Aryan Volk can withstand the culling of huge swaths of our people. Every sign of dilution or diminution in our numbers seems to produce more jew-haters: bad for you, good for me.

      Don’t forget, Christianity may attempt to confer membership upon every race on the planet but White-European-Gentile-Heterosexual-Male isn’t going away. That’s the sub-set of humanity that is starting to realise that jew=vector of filth. That vector can only be eliminated by the sort of detached violence that jews have escaped in the last 500 years. Forget the holocaust. Relocation schemes and little yellow badges are merely cosmetic features that insinuate shared humanity. In your tribe’s future your absolute utility will be in question. What are self-proclaimed jews good for? In the future, not much. I can’t envision a time wherein the exponential cheapening of life will include mutual respect for jews and their collective endeavors. Do you?

      Truth be told, your jewish grandchildren won’t know their jewish grandchildren. That thought alone makes me happy. I just hope I’m around when the hammer falls.

    16. Unreconstructed Strom Thurmond Says:

      What is wrong with you people? “Goyim” means what Judith says it means, though its connotations may be a bit more negative. However, it amuses the hell out of me that on several occasions I have had to correct young Jews on the plural of “goy” in front of authority figures (their father and their Jewish boss, beziehungsweise).

      “Shvartze”, however, DOES mean “nigger”, no matter how much they deny it.

      Bis spaeter, gentlemen.

    17. silverstein wtc7 Says:

      the problem for us is this: we expect judith and the rest of jewdom to react like us: to engage in debate, to honestly defend one’s cause, out in the open.
      they don’t do that. they, like judith, make their little squeak attack, and scurry off like rats.
      you can’t engage the jews with normal human-directed methods. they behave like very intelligent coniving vicious and clever rats.
      study rat and parasitic behavior, how to deal with it, and there you have the beginning of understanding of how to deal with this sub-species of homo sapiens.

    18. Parcher Says:

      Coup d’Etat Says:

      The 29th of June, 2006 at 6:27 pm

      The jews are more like spoiled, bratty little children who have temper tantrums they don’t want to control. So, instead, they blow the crap out of anyone who messes with one of their people rather than negotiate and talk about it like adults; all this for just one individual? Any excuse they can come with to attack the opposition with missiles and bombs is justifiable as far as they are concerned.

      —GREAT POST!!! Jews are bratty toads that totally overreact!!! Result? Sleazy Honduras cop world!!!

      If I scratch your back, will you scratch mine, Jimmy my boy? Everything is a deal, no freedom.

    19. apollonian Says:

      Judaism: Religion And “Ethics” Of Conspiracy, Criminality, War
      (Apollonian, 5 July 06)

      Excellent speculations in above commentary on Judaic anthropologic psychology–it certainly is anti-thematic to the West. Prof. Kevin A. MacDonald, Ph.d, at Cal-Fullerton, I believe (google) also speculates, citing sources among Jews themselves. I like to put things in context, historically. Judaic cultural effect upon West is cyclic–like a disease.

      Note Jews are literal crime-family whose greatest holidays comemmorate bloody massacres and slaughter of enemies of Jews on Passover and Purim, for example. What does Jew-Talmud say?–Jews don’t want u to know anything but their lies. Jews believe God is their slave in such amorous attachment to such Jews, esp. collectively, this slave-God will do miracles for such lovely Jews.

      Observe such Judaic-Talmudic “religion” worships a most fearsome WAR-GOD. In practice then, this war God justifies Judaic criminal conspiracy, lying, fraud, murder, bribery, extortion, etc.–as it’s all justified in war which Jews insist gentiles have always initiated against innocent Jews out of envy and jealousy.

      “Jews are persecuted”–such is beginning tenet of their popular campaign, a cheap kind of populist mentality imposed by means of repetition–even becoming a kind of religion for so many of the weaker-minded sort in cheap manner of empathy.

      But note then Jews are a parasitical disease, and this disease defeats itself when it destroys the host-victim, such being the cyclic and historic nature and activity of Judaism according to my application of Oswald Spengler’s “Decline of the West,” for one example. Other great and contributory cultural-historical accounts to be considered are G. Edward Griffin’s “The Creature From Jekyll Island,” and Jew, Bernard Lazare’s “Antisemitism,” a masterpiece first published back in 1894.

      What I most emphasize to u good learned gentlemen and others on this blog is Jews then hide and operate behind a great and solid HERESY-COMPLEX upon which then the MAMMON culture is built. Orwellian “perpetual war” is next step in tragedy.

      It’s this heresy-complex which any successful mass-movement must eventually solve–it has been done before in history.

      Central then to such Mammon complex and consummating the system, running now full-circle, is the counterfeiting scam such as present day US Federal Reserve Bank (Fed), specific instrument by which things concrete are determined economically, hence politically, present fueling and financing such as the mass corporate Jews-media, for another example (see Natall.com, “Who Rules America?”). Strategic question is merely of cause-effect.

      Only question now is how to solve the heresy-complex problem facing patriots, and this is not impossible to do. Jews can be analyzed with greatest precision; they’re a disease, BUT THEY’RE SUCCESSFUL nonetheless. And one begins then to investigate the conditions, etc.–and by George, a definite cyclic pattern emerges, unquestionably.

      The ethics of Jews then is first and most subjectivistic, and this subjectivism is monumentalized most and best in their satanic religion of the Talmud, the religion then amounting to a real hystericism and celebration thereof, such as at Passover and Purim, aforementioned above–it’s a WAR HYSTERIA, now applied pre-emptively upon all others, “goyim,” and “gentile,” enemies to be enslaved if not killed outright. Ethics of Jews–IS WAR.

      CONCLUSION: Thus we begin resistance with INFORMATION: knowledge of the enemy. Now with info and a little analysis and logic we can begin to PLAN things. Honest elections and death to the Fed. Apollonian

    20. Biff Baxter Says:

      If the Jews woke up one morning and decided to drive down the middle of the street in Palestine snatching up Palestinian kids by the nape of the neck and throwing them headfirst into a mobile sausage grinder to supply their dogs with the resulting protein paste, the United States would describe it as a “complex and morally ambiguous situation that is purely a result of Palestinian provocations and justifiable within the framework of the Geneva convention.”

      Do you know what a genocidal race is? A genocidal race is a race that exterminates other races … and gets away with it, as well. One race has exterminated more unarmed civilians without provocation than any other race in the world … and no, it isn’t evil whitey. In fact, I doubt if “evil whitey” has ever gotten away with so much as an ugly look at a nigger without five thousand jews descending on him with a lawsuit.

      Jews aren’t just vicious, remorseless and pitiless butchers … they have never really paid for any of their crimes. They commit atrocities, then rewrite history to cover their tracks. Yahweh told us to do it, they crossed against the light, we don’t like their face, they could possibly threaten us in the next thousand years … no end of apologetics.

      The next one into the meat grinder headfirst will be you, White American. That’s the way they reward all kindness – ask the Russians under the heel of Bolshevism.

    21. Coup d'Etat Says:

      The only problem in classifying what ethnic group is considered to be a “race” and what constitutes “genocidal race” is the fact jews in particular are not a race. They are a tribe, a savage tribe. Hispanics (technically not a correct term)/mexicans are not a race – they are a tribe. There are only three types of race in existence according to genetics – Caucasian, Negroid, and Asian. All other classifications belong under these three. Jews belong under the negroid race as a tribe. However, the FBI continually classifies them as White, which is incorrect. Light skinned mexicans are classified as “White” as a race, but actually the ethnic word “White” is not considered to be a race. However, it is strongly connected to “Caucasian.” Yet, light skinned mexicans are assumed to be Caucasians, which is incorrect.

      The lines are blurred on who should have more rights than others, especially with subgroups making their way as if they are a race better than Caucasians. Jews are a subgroup of the Palestinians and are to be classified as either a subgroup or a tribe. In fact, how they behave is no different than a bunch of savage Indians. This is not recent news.

      The problem is with classifications. Many people don’t understand the differences between a White/Caucasian person and a jew. Many think that since jews have light skin they are White/Caucasians. This is how they make their way in our society and our government, especially the fact they meddle in our secrets. Since they look White, they must be White. That has been the general consensus among many people, no matter what race they are. Not classifying and recognizing the jew is more dangerous than knowing who they are. The hardest part is getting people to understand the difference without them judging right away that it is B.S.

      I can recognize a jew from a White person, and I wouldn’t hesitate in killing one when and if necessary. That’s the difference in survival. Whites/Caucasians can be just a mean and fierce as a jew, but I believe even more so once more people understand how to recognize one, what they are capable of doing, and are NOT AFRAID. If classifications are not clearly marked, jews will continue to be out of control.

    22. apollonian Says:

      Parallel Method In Isolating Judaic Alien
      (Apollonian, 8 Jul 06)

      Well I read post of “Coup d ‘Etat” above, and I’d like to suggest a supplemental, parallel, and far easier method, quite logical too–i.e., judging by mentality, thought, then how it’s expressed in action; my mentalistic method is an alternative, but not exclusivist. Thus we white patriots isolate and plot the enemy-alien Judaic-Talmudic characteristics. An order-of-battle is what emerges (like, a plan). Jew is Isolated.

      Jews are characteristically SUBJECTIVIST, COLLECTIVIST, and following traits (smug, hubristic). Jews are hysterics, also narcissists. Much more can be added; one is history and sociology reflect these aforementioned psychologic characteristics and analysis.

      White volk understand the generally objective universe, and proceed fm that premise (metaphysics). As for Aristotle then, such objective Universe is apprehended and preceived with senses eye, ear, etc., this objectivity then most solid basis for further abstraction, thus in accord w. logic, science, etc.

      Hence then honesty is positive value as the science is more effective, honesty keeping any perceptions in context, perceptions then judged most accurately, most expeditiously, the basis then of any further abstraction.

      With history and most careful logic one is ready to appreciate the artistic reactions to Judaism-Talmudism-subjectivism. With such artistic appreciation one judges cultural acheivements of Greeks, for example, original founders of Western objectivity, science, law, etc.

      Thus I remind partisans of Western Aryan patriotism: history is powerful mental weapon which readies one for artistic pursuit and theology, an important artistic expression, never doubt.

      History and logic then bring us to such a theologic perception of the present time: Jew subjectivistic strategy and ministrations behind the complex of conspiracy and HERESY (serious psychologic consequences).

      Such prevalence of heresy is what then provides sufficient cover for Jews operating in midst of present civilization during Oswald Spengler’s “Decline of the West.” (–Only my 10 thousandth citation of dear Oswald. As scholar I’m brutal, yes, I know.)

      Note further, without necessarily advocating anything in particular overtly and positively, we patriots can supply a general patriot plan as we negatively analyze the Judaic MAMMON culture we presently find ourselves confronting, built upon strategic heresy-complex, aside fm conspiracy, treason, etc.

      Heresy exists regardless of any alternative substance theologically, and it has real psychologic characteristics.

      For example: one most easily isolated and analyzed heresy within this larger complex is non- or anti-racism–which practically dissolves by itself like ice in the light of sun and logic. Racism is virtue of loyalty, also pride, pure and simple–SO WHO’S KIDDING WHO?

      But yet another heresy even more consequential (perhaps) is “Judeo-Christianity.” (See Whtt.org for more expo and history.) SERIOUS EXPOSITION OF NEW TESTAMENT (NT) IS SURE TO WREAK HAVOK IN RANKS OF INCUMBENT oligarchy built upon goyim and Jew slaves in all their typical manner, including psychology. J.R.R. Tolkien (hope I spelled that correctly) well described a plausible mentality for such oligarchalists, including their dupes among the elders, addicted to social security and prescription drugs, for example; there are others too, like Orwell.

      Anyway again, theology is a formidable and potent art, psychologic, historical, etc., a legitimate, alternative, but not exclusive mode of thought, behavior, etc., perfectly parallel w. science.

      The earth-shattering thesis then to be presented is CHRISTIANITY IS NECESSARILY ANTISEMITIC, this to be defended quite simply in logic AND HISTORY.

      But again, there is the larger complex of heresy, as I noted, requiring similar analytic as I’ve described.

      CONCLUSION: Thus I present the psychologic-historic analysis of the Jew anti-human or antithesis which I submit is quite well parallel w. any physicalist-type analysis as presented by “Coup…,” above. We patriots can then well retail this information among all oppressed peoples, not merely us whites, natural leaders of antisemitic revolution of liberation and national security, by which we ISOLATE THE JEWS and conspiratorial accomplices, et al. Honest elections and death to the Fed. Apollonian

    23. silverstein wtc7 Says:

      dear coup d’etat:

      it pains me to correct you somewhat, but i must:
      according to carlton coon, the great and now almost forgotten WHITE GENTILE anthropologist of the 20th century (who totally went against the franz baos/jewish mode of anthropology),
      there are actually FIVE real RACES on the planet; you’re right about the first three: caucasion, negroid, and mongoloid. the other two are australoid (the blacks indigenous to australia, and a separate race from the african blacks, and by the way, even dumber), and a separate indigenous in africa, the capoids (who are very short and look quite differently from your normal negroid black african; i’m not sure if they are the bushmen, but they might be; also, by the way, pretty damn dumb).
      now, to a more important point: WHITES are one sub-group of caucasions; not all caucasions are WHITE (aryan, in other words). there are alpine and meditarreanan sub-groups as well.
      and now the shocker: look it up in coon’s works, if you can find them: semites are a sub-group of caucasions, like it or not. that doesn’t mean they behave or are remotely “like” us aryans and alpines and some mediterranean groups of caucasions; in fact, they are quite different, like a different breed of dog, for instance. the semites may be classified as caucasions (not negroids, as you incorrectly stated: sorry), but they are not WHITE (of which you are correct).
      WHITE meaning the aryan/alpine/and some mediterranean peoples who make up the indigenous populations of much of europe.
      i just want to make these two corrections to your message, because it is vitally important that we WN’s keep our facts immaculately straight when disseminating information and, yes, propoganda, because the enemy uses any mistakes we against us in a way, no matter how small, so as to discredit our larger and true message, which you generally state correctly.
      as i said before, semites (jews and arabs) may be in the general classification of caucasion, but they are nothing like us racially, because they are a distinct sub-group with incompatible characteristics to our own, and thus should not live amongst us.

    24. silverstein wtc7 Says:

      oh, one more thing:
      regarding the hispanics, they are truly a mongrelized and ruined race of beings (in varying degrees of ruination).
      they generally, in different proportions according to type, are an admixture of all three of the major races you mentioned, coup d’etat: caucasions (the mediterranean and alpine spanish varieties), negroid, and mongoloid (native american indians).
      they are a true MUD race if ever there was one: a RUINED race of “people”. just look at them.

    25. silverstein wtc7 Says:

      excuse me, but why didn’t my small, but significant, corrections to coup d’etat’s message appear?
      it is important for WN’s to keep their facts straight as an arrow, lest we be even further discredited by the enemy.
      with the facts straight and on our side, to the letter, we stand a chance for convincing far more people of the larger truths.

    26. silverstein wtc7 Says:

      this is my last attempt to get this message through:
      semites are not negroids, they are caucasions. that does not mean they are aryans or alpines, which white people are.
      but they certainly are not stupid like negroids generally.
      please get the facts straight, or you end up looking foolish to anyone with a higher education, and discredit the entire WN movement with ignorant assertions.
      i don’t understand why the moderator is not letting this correction through.
      please post this message. thank you.

    27. Kamerad Q Says:

      “If the Jews woke up one morning and decided to drive down the middle of the street in Palestine snatching up Palestinian kids by the nape of the neck and throwing them headfirst into a mobile sausage grinder to supply their dogs with the resulting protein paste, the United States would describe it as a “complex and morally ambiguous situation that is purely a result of Palestinian provocations and justifiable within the framework of the Geneva convention.â€? — Biff Baxter
      I disagree; it would read more like this:

      Israelis forced to feel the pain of border unrest again this year. Militant Palestinian youth uprising put down by IDF in a measured response to potential militant attacks. A mobile sausage grinder found at the scene remains a point of contention according to a Palestinian spokesperson of the terrorist organization Hamas. However, an impartial international investigation lead by the US has determined that not only is the forensic evidence inconclusive, but the lead investigator Seth Shem added, “We feel confident that only atrocity committed here was when militant Palestinian youth threw live dogs into the sausage grinder believing them to be Jewish dogs. The large numbers of well-feed dogs in the area bolsters our conclusion.�

      In a spontaneous act of compassion, thousands of Israelis will adopt the remaining dogs, and in an unusual gesture of good will, Israel has conceded the sausage grinder will be recycled in China, and will replace the top soil in the vicinity.

      Ehud Olmert, Prime Minister of Israel said, “The peace process must continue, we will not permit militant hatred to derail the progress we have sacrificed so much for.� President Bush praised Israel’s great restraint, and Olmert’s commitment to the peace process. When asked about the peace process, the terrorist organization Hamas with known ties to Osama bin Laden’s Al Qaeda tersely stated, “The peace process is a process in which the Jews take over Palestine piece by piece, and feed our children to the dogs.� President Bush said, “There is no place for such outrageous talk at the peace table, and Hamas must first recognize Israel’s right to exist before having a seat at the peace table.

      In a related, story the Simon Wiesenthal’s Museum of Tolerance in Jerusalem plans to add an exhibit called, “Jewish puppies and the meat grinder, never forget! never forgive!�

    28. silverstein wtc7 Says:

      thanks, moderator, for putting up my messages.
      i thought they had been dumped overboard for some reason i couldn’t fathom, so it’s good to see everything, at least in my opinion, is “all right” at VNN!
      by the way, if anyone has any corrections or additions to my info, let me know. thanks.

    29. Kamerad Q Says:

      “If the Jews woke up one morning and decided to drive down the middle of the street in Palestine snatching up Palestinian kids by the nape of the neck and throwing them headfirst into a mobile sausage grinder to supply their dogs with the resulting protein paste, the United States would describe it as a “complex and morally ambiguous situation that is purely a result of Palestinian provocations and justifiable within the framework of the Geneva convention.â€? — Biff Baxter
      I disagree; it would read more like this:

      Israelis forced to feel the pain of border unrest again this year. Militant Palestinian youth uprising put down by IDF in a measured response to potential militant attacks. A mobile sausage grinder found at the scene remains a point of contention according to a Palestinian spokesperson of the terrorist organization Hamas. However, an impartial international investigation lead by the US has determined that not only is the forensic evidence inconclusive, but the lead investigator Seth Shem added, “We feel confident that only atrocity committed here was when militant Palestinian youth threw live dogs into the sausage grinder believing them to be Jewish dogs. The large numbers of well-feed dogs in the area bolsters our conclusion.�

      In a spontaneous act of compassion, thousands of Israelis will adopt the remaining dogs, and in an unusual gesture of good will, Israel has conceded the sausage grinder will be recycled in China, and will replace the top soil in the vicinity.

      Ehud Olmert, Prime Minister of Israel said, “The peace process must continue, we will not permit militant hatred to derail the progress we have sacrificed so much for.� President Bush praised Israel’s great restraint, and Olmert’s commitment to the peace process. When asked about the peace process, the terrorist organization Hamas with known ties to Osama bin Laden’s Al Qaeda tersely stated, “The peace process is a process in which the Jews take over Palestine piece by piece, and feed our children to the dogs.� President Bush said, “There is no place for such outrageous talk at the peace table, and Hamas must first recognize Israel’s right to exist before having a seat at the peace table.

      In a related, story the Simon Wiesenthal’s Museum of Tolerance in Jerusalem plans to add an exhibit called, “Jewish puppies and the meat grinder, never forget, never forgive�

    30. Biff Baxter Says:

      The headline would read :


    31. Coup d'Etat Says:

      silverstein wtc7,

      While you may be caught up in Coon’s opinionated interpretation on what class jews belong in, there are certain areas you and Coon need to consider.

      What do you get when you cross a jew and a negro? A Caucasian?

      How long did the black slave trade last in the Middle East? Hint: A lot longer than it did in America full of Caucasians.

      Where does the word “Caucasian” originate from?

      Were negroes ever found in Russia? Were Arabs ever found in Russia? Did the Vikings travel to Russia?

      Semites (as they are called now) were once White people, in particular the Vikings – Nordic; not anymore. The dictionary classifies semites as Caucasian. Who do you think writes our dictionaries? Is there a conflict in the translations between Caucasian and the distinct classifications of semites in the dictionary? And, why would that be?

    32. Wolfgang Says:

      jew’s are not human, they are the spawn of lucifer…nasty fucking creature’s …sub human specie’s, lower than chimpanzee’s..and at this very moment these filthy bastard’s rule amerika … fuck this swine pond scum race of sand nigger’s….