12 June, 2006

Fighting the Reporter for the Story

Posted by alex in double standards, media at 4:52 am | Permanent Link

What happens when reporters won’t report? You must become the reporter. In this case Beck tries to uncover the facts.

So, I gave it a shot: I tried to pry the facts from a reporter about this recent case involving a Black USAF Sargeant Michael Sydney and his role in coercing women for sex.

Via Sunlit Heights

  • 28 Responses to “Fighting the Reporter for the Story”

    1. apollonian Says:

      Historic, Biologic Cycles In Action: White Volk Must Observe, Plot Strategy
      (Apollonian, 12 Jun 06)

      Yes obviously the race question, as regarding identities of all the parties in question (for this blog), is of absolute greatest importance, obviously, as anyone of common sense–of any race–would easily understand.

      Only Jews and their lickspittles pretend, true to training and anti-white motivation, not to understand the importance of race identity of the parties involved, this then aimed against people of the white race and their info. For if everyday crime involves blacks conducting war against whites, it might lead to obvious consequences. Such (deliberate) stupidity of “reporter” as uncovered by VNN is not only disinfo, it is deliberate gesture of insult to the intelligence of the victims, the white race in general–and this then is where and how the enemy over-steps in his own hubris.

      Thus the victims are steadily reduced and exterminated, and the parasites must begin to plot against fellow parasites, the survivors of victim-host having only the cycle of history to rely upon as consolation and guide.

      CONCLUSION: What is responsible for this conscious insanity on part of white race? For the old folks have determined to sell out the youth to slavery to the Jew. Elders gotta die out; youth gotta get wise. Honest elections and death to the Fed. Apollonian

    2. fuk yu Says:

      fuck you and your site. if you won’t publish any of my comments, then i’m leaving; i won’t even visit your fucking site anymore. you’ve lost an interested reader. once more: FUCK YOU AND YOUR SISTAZ TOO.

    3. Olde Dutch Says:

      Itz all the fault of Satan in the basement of the Federal Reserve Bank. Of course Appy hasn’t told us which Federal Reserve Bank. 666 + 222 = 888.

    4. expose_them_all Says:

      I’ve been sending emails for 2-3 weeks now so I could post on the VNN forum. Why does no one answer?

      Why not allow me to post?

      You may not post new threads
      You may not post replies
      You may not post attachments
      You may not edit your posts


      Nice try Beck, the jew trained reporter knew the races involved and he also knew he’d be looking for a new job if he reported them. Like the VNN saying “whites need their own media.” I enjoy all the shows on VNN and have listened to every one.

      Good job guys.


      I guess this will be my last attempt to try to be able to post on the VNN forum. Not responding to folks who have repeatedly asked to be capable of posting really makes no sense. Why alienate people who would like to be a part of VNN? Why make mad people who would even send a few federal reserve notes here and there. Especially people who live in the same state (missouri) – makes no sense.

    5. VNNforum Says:


      Send an email to Stan and tell him your problem and your username on the forum. Nobody is intentially denying you access.

    6. Stan Sikorski Says:

      Yeah, send an email or PM to me and I’ll figure out what’s going on. Oh, except for the fucktard fuk yu. If that’s the best you have to offer, good riddance.

      Geoff, great job on calling out Mr. Pencilscratch. I got into it with a reporter a while back and it went pretty much the same way. Expose_them_all is right. White need their own media and need to elevate it above the jew’s blaring background noise. A tall order but an important one.

    7. George Crane Says:

      If ‘race doesn’t matter,’ then why does the current crop of spineless (or sell-out, or jew-controlled) ‘journalists’ always, always report the racial make-up of juries?

    8. Spinoza Says:

      Look, George:
      The poor reporter just wants to keep his miserable job so he can pay his rent, etc., ok?
      The same as you or me. We can’t verabally go certain places at work either, can we? Neither can that poor schmuck.
      Beck needs of course to go to the jugular of the matter, that is, the owner of the newspaper: the poor schmucko reporter’s boss, for answers.
      Beck needs to get to a higher member of the food chain at that paper than a lowly poorly paid hoping-to-keep-his-job reporter. It’s really not a fair question for the poor guy. He can’t answer it and still eat. We’re all in that position, except for a select few who totally come out and don’t care if they ever work again. We can’t all do that

    9. james Says:

      Niggers are getting cocky as hell and nothing stands in their way to teach them a lesson of fear and intimidation. Just a bunch of white male pussies who are scared of their own shadow and afraid to be called racist by the jew brainwashed society.

      Niggers will fuck your white girlfriend wife daughter and then kill them and you at the same time and the only ones to stop them are nigger cops and nigger.

      What is stopping niggers from from eating white people once they kill them since niggers come from Africa and Africa has been eating their own nigger dark meat for thousands and thousands of years or whenever the nigger was invented.
      anybody who has ever been to Africa knows there are no graveyards but nobody ever says anything either by not thinking about it or even if they did the jew media would cover it up.

      Niggers in Zimbabwe eat each other now although its not like they ever stopped anyway but they are also eating the whites after they kill them. Niggers in South Africa are eating whites and their own niggers too but the media says nothing about it obviously.

      The fact is once niggers take over in this shithole their natural instincts of cannabalism will resurface and it will become common to eat niggers and especially whites and even mexicans.

      Niggers will also kill and eat jews in the end if they ever get to that point and it appears they will. All the white bitches and their niglets will be eaten by the nigger males just like all Africans do and just like all the African animals do as every single meat eating animal in Africa is always feared by the mother animal because they kill and eat the babies. Nigger men are no different.

      Americas military has the predator nigger in it now and they are all after nothing but white pussy. The coverup occurs when the media fails to report that all white females in the military are fucked by niggers in uniform on and off the batlefield.

      The only cure for a nigger is a rope and a limb or a bullet in the head.

    10. blackking Says:

      Apollonian … Is there anyone or anything in existance that is not against whites ? If all white people listened to your gloom and doom, there would be mass suicide … but … just because you’re paraniod doesn’t mean we’re NOT out to get you. …shhhhh!!!! what was that!!!?? … did you hear it!!!!???

    11. apollonian Says:

      “blackking” Imagines He’s Kidding Anyone
      (Apollonian, 13 Jun 06)

      To “blackking”: what are u talking about regarding “gloom and doom”? I spoke above about specific stuff, like Jew disinfo. If u’re trying to pretend u mean no harm to white people, then why do u bother with ur stupid balderdash, dumb ass punk? If u mean no harm, what are u even doing here, puke? Honest elections and death to the Fed. Apollonian

    12. Mark Says:

      While sheepish reporters like this may infuriate us, I think a better approach is to be friendly and appeal to their rational side. Question his sense of fairness and challenge him. Race is a common statistic used in America. Would he report the race of the victims if it had been a white officer abusing non-white women? Probably yes. Make him feel ashamed and biased.

    13. expose_them_all Says:

      Ok, thanks guys. I just tried to EM and IM Stan and I get this message:

      You have been banned for the following reason:

      Date the ban will be lifted: Never

      (PS – I don’t use MSN or Microsoft messenger so I can’t make contact that way.)

      I know I have never been banned. Even though my ID shows I have been a member since 2004, I have never posted.

      My ID on the VNN forum is “expose_them_all.”

      My ID on NNN is “aryan_barbarian”

      Hope this helps so I can post on the forum – thanks ahead of time . . .

    14. James McElroy Says:

      Completely off topic boys…but has anyone ever seen this?
      Be sure to sharpen your steak knives and tuck in your napkins before clicking. It’s the Mother Lode, children. Dig in!

    15. MOTHERFUCKER Says:


    16. MOTHERFUCKER Says:

      FUCK IT ALL!

    17. apollonian Says:

      Hey MF, believe me, I know how u feel. Life really sucks. Problem is there’s too many people who practice excessive levels of stupidity–this has to cease before catastrophic disaster happens. People should be more vigorous in the effort to stamp out stupidity. Honest elections and death to the Fed. Apollonian

    18. Celtic Warrior Says:

      How are we going to make niggers and muds fear us and not land in the slammer ourselves??

    19. Walter Ring Says:

      Did you ask this reporter why race was so important in the alleged Duke rape case where a nigger stripper accused three White men of raping her? Race is only important when Whites are accused of committing a crime, that fact is evident. White Power.

    20. GB Says:

      Mr Ring:

      I recall listening to a Craig Cobb report where he was discussing with a police officer the DOJ crime stats and how those stats implicate Blacks as the vector responsible for rape and murder: at that point the call was terminated. Click-off.


      Frankly, I’m surprised I got this far with McCarthy. So many are simply brainwashed on this matter, their minds are glued shut by multiculti orthodoxy.

      When a reporter omits facts about race, you – all of you out there – ought to call him up and ask why. Make him explain himself. Sure, reporters, being apologists for Jews will lie to you, but show them up for the toadies and shills that they are. Of course you can post your email on the forum.

    21. Olde Dutch Says:

      “We would be a lot safer if the Government would take its money out of science and put it into astrology and the reading of palms…. Only in superstition is there hope. If you want to become a friend of civilization, then become an enemy of the truth and a fanatic for harmless balderdash.”

      —Kurt Vonnegut

      Let’s get out there an’ win one for Appy…

    22. MOTHERFUCKER Says:

      HA HA!

    23. Spinoza Says:

      all white people should go on strike, including reporters, and bring the nation to a standstill.
      let’s see how the blacks and others do when trying to fill in for white workers.
      better yet, every white man should just quit his job and go on welfare, and let the blacks, jews, and women do all the work.
      let’s see them fill the posts of airline pilots, brain surgeons, nuclear physicists, and the like.
      why should white people contribute to the economy of a nation that seeks to destroy them?
      so i take back what i said about that “poor reporter” just needing to make a living. fuck him.
      he should quit his disgusting job and let the government feed him, and stop contributing to the “system”.
      fuck the system! we should all just quit and stop supporting it by working for it

    24. apollonian Says:

      “Sponizoidal” Sparks Criticism, Alternative Theses
      (Apollonian, 16 Jun 06)

      “Sponzonid” speaks more platitudes heard before. Question IS PLAN?–how to do this brilliant strategic stroke “Sponizoidal” so cheerily and brightly submits, just above. Sponzoid instructs brilliantly in the negative–WHAT NOT TO DO and how not to going about it, too.

      Presently we must emphasize counteractivity in way of INFORMATION. Most absolutely strategic information is of course TO THE RIGHT PEOPLE who at least might make the enemy (Talmudist-subjectivist) conspiracy less strong. Hence we deliver strategic information to those dupes who aren’t traitors, rather subtly confronting them with the facts and reality–somewhat like sowing demoralization within the ranks of the enemy, perhaps, though I don’t want to be too presumptuous, eh?

      THUS WE REMIND CHRISTIANS OF SCIENTIFIC FACT, PERFECTLY VERIFIABLE: CHRISTIANITY IS NECESSARILY ANTISEMITIC. Ha ha, this will be greatly received by the dolts of “Judeo-Christianity” (JC–see Whtt.org) who suck along, led by noses by Israelis, no less. Steadily we work to isolate the Talmudistic, subjectivistic adversary–by abstraction in thought, politically, psychologically–and all for the good, even instructional information of the volk too.

      CONCLUSION: So I thank “Sponozoidal,” above, for the suggestion and dialectic by which I pose alternative thesis in this great discourse of patriotism. Christianity is an excellent potential antisemitic weapon. See more essays on my system, featuring New Testament Conspiracy theory-analytic-template, on NewNation.org under “commentary” heading. Honest elections and death to the Fed. Apollonian

    25. Olde Dutch Says:

      Appy, for your first lesson in Bohokonism. Take a pencil, and write the numbers, seven, seven, three, four on a piece of paper. Now turn the paper uspside down and read the secret message known only to Bohokonists.

      You are well on your way to inner knowledge.

    26. apollonian Says:

      “Olde Dutch”: Ur information value–what is it?

    27. Brian Gareth Martiv Says:

      I doubt a brain surgeon would quit his job to prove a point. The only niggers he ever encounters are the relatively civilized ones that were allowed to go to medical school with 1100 SAT scores. He has his trophy wife, expensive house and a few token black friends. He’s never on the streets in East St. Louis trying to survive living with 80 IQ savages who hate his guts. He thinks he will be able to pass enough wealth onto his children that they’ll never have to live under those conditions. He doesn’t realize that when his great grandchildren are on this Earth, there won’t be any place left to hide. The zulus will be at the gate and the last white people will be saying “how did it ever come to this?”

    28. Celtic Warrior Says:

      The whole White World is going down the tubes, but no WNs other than Anthony Hoffman have come up with any sensible workable and concrete solutions.

      He says, let Nature be our guide; White families MUST produce more than the current 1.8 children, and raise these kids with a burning sense of racial pride.

      The Mennonites of Pennsylvania have done this, so let’s follow their example.