3 June, 2006

August Ahmadinejad

Posted by alex in Holocaust, holocaust racket, Iran at 4:54 am | Permanent Link

Read his words, realize just how far we’ve fallen. When you “can’t” speak the truth about what matters, either because it’s against the law or what the crowd is told it thinks, you aren’t free, no matter how many times the jewish media dicatators say you are.
Why are the crimes of one group emphasized so greatly, instead of highlighting the great German cultural heritage? Why should the Germans not have the right to express their opinion freely?

Liberation from Jewish Tyranny


Let’s hope Iran makes it to the second round of the World Cup, in which case Ahmadinejad says he’ll very likely show up in Germany in person.

It’s not just that Ahmadinejad makes such a manly contrast with jews, who do nothing but lie and accuse from the minute they slither out of bed to their last suspicious lookaround as they slimper into semito-stasis, he makes the starkest contrast with the embarrassing WASP culture bequeathed the Anglosphere by England, with its 1001 eye-raisings and hemmings and cantings and blatherings and moralizings. Try to imagine a Blair or Bush speaking the straight truth about anything. “It isn’t done.”

  • 28 Responses to “August Ahmadinejad”

    1. Tim Says:

      A couple of weeks back, President Ahmadinejad made the following statement regarding European incentives to give up his country’s uranium enrichment program:

      “Do you think you are dealing with a 4-year-old child to whom you can give some walnuts and chocolates and get gold from him?”

      Now that is telling them to shove it! Regarding the HolocaustTM, I am thankful to Ahmadinejad for trying to lift up the rock and shine some light on the 60-year-old Jewish haunted house fantasy. What a shame it is that no other leader will challenge the world’s greatest surrealists.

    2. Tim Johnson Says:

      This interview is a reality check for us.

      This dirty Iranian is more upright than 99% of White people or “leaders.”

      Where are our balls? Where is our intelligence?

      Why don’t we have a leader like this?

      Interesting to speculate on source of his fearlessness. Maybe this is what his critics mean when they call him “religious fanatic”: it’s his faith giving him power to tell off giant enemies.

      The lachrymose legend of Jeboo gives no one strength. The whole heroism of Xianty is NOT fighting back, and dying. “Resist not evil.” That’s fucking heroic?

      No wonder the West folds up. Or is led around by the nose, by the gd juden.

      Where is our strong religion? NATURE, facts, are best. But what’s a provisional fact-quoting, statistics-quoting, guy in the face of Allah fanatics?

      I see Germans rivaling Allah. (Look at science under Third Reich.) But who else?

      At least this Iranian gives us a goal – to meet and surpass. Go Ahmadinejad.

    3. [email protected] Says:

      Ahmadinejad the Falsi to cameo in U-rope?

      Achtung, Herr Spielberg! … Munchen II: Dingy Does Deutchland?

      ” […] Ahmadinejad: Yes, but aggression, occupation and a repetition of the Holocaust won’t bring peace.”

      Enough with this Falsi Flaggot.

      On with our own quest: To smash the real Axis of Evil … Jew York – Lox Angeles – San Franfreako … moving on from there.

    4. JimSummers Says:

      Watch some of the Fox News Channel crap at any time of day or night and ask yourself how it is possible that some guy in Iowa sits there watching this with all of his emotions fully engaged as he’s being pushed and pulled at the whim of Sean Panty and Steve Doopme

      Do you know this? That the Fox News Channel’s morning show is hosted by a WEATHERMAN “educating” America with his oh so vast “knowledge” of politics??? And he co-hosts with a fucking SPORTSGUY and this is the Fox News Channel’s high rated morning show????

      Steve Doocy- Weatherman
      Brian Kilmeade- Sports guy

      Ahmadinejad “This man is crazy to question the Holocaust” and “He wants to destroy Israel”, “He’s an Anti-Semite!!” Who fucking cares??? Why do millions of WHITE men get caught up in this cult worship of damn Jews of whom they gain NOTHING from protecting? Oh anyone on Earth who makes a single negative comment against the precious innocent Jews is the Devil!!!!!

      My brother said that the guys in his local YMCA have nothing to say besides these media speak buzz words of “Anti-Semite” “Crazy” “Terrorist”.

      And look at how low their requirements are for political guidance? WEATHERMEN and SPORTSGUYS.

      Have you noticed that really stupid people have incredibly low criteria for whom they regard as an “expert”????

    5. FranzJoseph Says:

      Ahmadinejad says:

      “Why are the crimes of one group emphasized so greatly, instead of highlighting the great German cultural heritage? Why should the Germans not have the right to express their opinion freely?”

      FJ says:

      Why can’t ANY Western leader come near this? All bought off, frightened off, fucked off or do they just not give a shit?

      The US will soon (real soon) send giggling TV watching morons into Iran to shoot Ahmadinejad. They will accomplish two things: They will kiss Israel’s ass once again (and fight her war) and they will rid the world of the last national leader who tells the truth.

      That’s what it’s come to. Picking off the last hard men, one at a time. Did we forget the Protocols have an underlying theme, that it’s the smart rough men they want to rid the world of, so the likes of George Bush and Tony Blair will be the bar by which we will measure our “leaders”? By how wide they can stretch their mandibles to suck off the Princes of the New World Order?

      Well, Ahmadinejad’s a good a canary in the world’s coal mine as any. When they knock him off we’ll know it’s less breathable and less bearable than ever before. And sooner or later it will be forever.

    6. van helsing Says:

      FJ says:

      Why can’t ANY Western leader come near this? All bought off, frightened off, fucked off or do they just not give a shit?

      ANSWER: ALL OF THE ABOVE. ALso… they are stupid, think these are the bon temps, and always believe in letting le bon temps roulet.

    7. Myles Says:

      “It’s not just that Ahmadinejad makes such a manly contrast with jews, who do nothing but lie and accuse from the minute they slither out of bed to their last suspicious lookaround as they slimper into semito-stasis, he makes the starkest contrast with the embarrassing WASP culture bequeathed the Anglosphere by England, with its 1001 eye-raisings and hemmings and cantings and blatherings and moralizings.”

      I don’t always agree with everything WN’s preeminent shit talker says and does, but I have to give credit where credit is due: that was absolutely fucking brilliant.

    8. Biff Baxter Says:

      Ahmadinejad is one hell of a white man. He puts the majority of white “men” to shame. He’s upright, forthright, honest and speaks in a straight and unaffected dialect that is sorely missing in the Western world nowadays.

      Boy must have some Persian in him to talk like that. White guys used to have testicles like this guy does, about fifty years ago. Now all they can do when hearing somebody speak this honestly is sneer and smirk like females for want of any response.

      I think Ahmadinejad demolished his interviewer. Absolutely took the guy apart. Castrated him and hung him out to dry. Spiegel ends up sounding like a sixth grade journalism student by the end of the interview. He can only respond to Ahmadinejad with off-topic ambiguous non sequiturs – just like a Jew. A lot of white men have only heard jewish speech for so long they have actually forgotten what is a natural way for white guys to talk.

    9. D.H. Lawrence Says:

      Ahmadinejad for President 2008! Or, at least, Nobel Peace Prize.

    10. whiteskelet Says:

      “SPIEGEL: We’re here to find out the truth.”

      Ha! Ha! Ha!

    11. apollonian Says:

      Subjectivism, “Morality” Must Be Well Bolstered With Outright Lies
      (Apollonian, 5 Jun 06)

      Jew lies and lying can be instructive as we see fm the “Spiegel” interviewer (who could only be Jew): IT IS SIMPLY EXPRESSION OF JEW INSANITY AND HATRED OF OBJECTIVE REALITY–but it’s so effective (such Jew insanity), under the right circumstances. (See below excerpt.)

      Note in the subjective world a given proposition is true–AS LONG AS U WANT IT TO BE; it’s all u need for substantiation–subjectivism, the typical state of mind of a child given to “let’s pretend,” which pretend mentality Jews are insanely determined to enforce, this by means of world government (like the UN).

      And what are “right circumstances” for the reign of Jew lies (like holohoax), successful enforcement of Jew religion upon otherwise reluctant humanity?–simple: Spenglerian “Decline of the West” in hubris and heresy of neo-Pelagian moralism founded upon “good-evil” delusion-fallacy. For it is now “good” to believe things are true because u want them to be true. Childish and hubristic insistance thus trumps the God-given, objective reality. It’s good to lie, hey.

      The weakness of the Iranian President is captured in below excerpt of his interview with “Spiegel” when he fails to “deny” the holohoax for what it really is, MORE OF THE SAME TYPICAL JEW LIES.

      And observe the blatant lying in-ur-face by “Spiegel”: “dossiers on the extermination of the Jews”?–a total figment of the idiot’s imagination–where are these “dossiers”? “[A] great deal of research”?–yes, and all the real research shows the Germans (and millions of other gentiles) were murdered by Jews and their Allied accomplices, the Germans having murdered no one. Imagine the incredible insanity and presumption of the “Spiegel” puke who then asserts the utter lack of “doubt” regarding such holohoax lies.

      Note then how subjectivism and “morality” are ultimately bolstered by the most blatant, stinking, brainless, and idiotic lies, all couched in greatest certitude. Thus we see and learn to be a good, competent moralist, u gotta be a good liar willing to tell the biggest, most blatant, brainless lie at the given time.

      What’s that, white man?–u don’t want to lie? Well if u can’t lie, how can u be “moral”? Honest elections and death to the Fed. Apollonian

      ————–Below exerpted fm 30 May 06 Spiegel interview———–
      “Ahmadinejad: We don’t want to confirm or deny the Holocaust. . . . But we want to know whether this crime actually took place or not. If it did, then those who bear the responsibility for it have to be punished, and not the Palestinians. Why isn’t research into a deed that occurred 60 years ago permitted? After all, other historical occurrences, some of which lie several thousand years in the past, are open to research, and even the governments support this.”

      “SPIEGEL: Mr. President, with all due respect, the Holocaust occurred, there were concentration camps, there are dossiers on the extermination of the Jews, there has been a great deal of research, and there is neither the slightest doubt about the Holocaust nor about the fact – we greatly regret this – that the Germans are responsible for it.”

    12. apollonian Says:

      Ernst Zundel–Martyr For Truth, Justice
      (Apollonian, 5 Jun 06)

      Let me add one other observation: if German nation united and moved with only slightest unity and denied validity of anti-Christian lies designed against the truth, maybe some legitimacy of such false-religion (heresy) fascism would fail and suffer. For holohoax, false religion and heresy is disgusting insult to truth, reality, and God, humanity, and reason such as it all is. Indeed holohoax is most idiotic glorification of criminals and psychopaths.

      Ernst Zundel (see Zundelsite.org or Ihr.org) is truly one of those great martyrs to the truth against such putrid false religion–lies, lies for the sake of lies to glorify those human narcissists and murderous hysterics who uphold such inane willfulness as equal to Godliness–the “chosenites” who believe God worships them, utter and totally mad subjectivistics, Nietzschean, in their ultimately solipsistical ways. Solipsism goes so well with PARASITISM, by which the host victim is consumed by the mad, squirming maggots of Talmudism, etc.

      So as long as we patriots got these blogs on free internet, we always have chance of exciting the people’s INDUCTIVE ABILITIES. Cui bono? (I like to say it in such neat Latin, heh.) We only need then devise a PLAN and achieve the necessary antisemitic general mental attitude, culturally and psychologically; Jews help so well, we never gotta lie, see. Good history never fails. Honest elections and death to the Fed. Apollonian

    13. Celtic Warrior Says:

      …..key in the coordinates for Tel Aviv.

    14. elbrus_arya Says:

      iranian nation is cheerful of the decoding ( which has happened recently ) the ancient judic (magical) magic of PURIM . more will be published soon … the magicians made one mistake , but the result for them is devastating ; especially when the iranian caspian-persian gulf water way project is completed.

    15. D.H. Lawrence Says:

      Maybe Ahmedinejad is that ancient ZOROASTRIAN Bringer of the Golden Dawn ? Because now it is the high time for the final, worldwide exposure of die ewige Jude.

    16. apollonian Says:

      History, Cycle Theory Well Lend To Strategy
      (Apollonian, 6 Jun 06)

      Yes, and thanks much to “D.H.Lawrence” above. The Jews, esp. Israelis, dare anyone to assail them seriously, and woe to Jews when it does happen, as Jews insist and demand upon themselves, so hysterically and hubristically as they do. Jews challenge the world with “Samson strategy” by which it’s like “Gotterdammerung,” as I seem to understand. Jews will rue the day they’re truly given what they’ve asked for–it will happen most assuredly when parasite destroys host, if nothing else.

      A great historical note to make here is confluence of events with French Revolution, ascendance of English Utilitarianism and German Transcendental Idealism, esp. Immanuel Kant. MORALISM (rationalist-style neo-Pelagianism) WAS DEATH OF MIDDLE CLASS. Jews thrive upon heresy within gentile ranks. “Decline of the West” was confirmed in Immanuel Kant, onslaught of Jew disease-of-opportunity was result.

      But in so many ways the Jew disease-of-opportunity threatens reducing itself to absurd–as with for example utterly brainless, totally psychotic enforcement of their religion of stupidity, holohoax, etc., this all entangled within veritable matrix of conspiracy, gross criminality, delusion, heresy, hystericism, and insanity. But after all, the Greeks taught us the tragic lesson: life sucks, and thus do we suffer. Jew insanity actually works–in right circumstances, historic, cyclic.

      Our patriot task then is to observe and judge the cyclic and historical signs for prospective activity. Meantime we do what can be done with least trouble. Do easy things first. Ultimate concrete objective, militarily and politically is to remove that crux instrument, the Federal Reserve Bank counterfeiting scam by which conspirators actually rule and act.

      CONCLUSION: Note there’s no time to lose as Judeo-conspirators (ck JBS.org for info on the Council on Foreign Relations, the infamous CFR) already have Orwellian “perpetual war for perp. peace” going even as we speak. Honest elections and death to the Fed. Apollonian

    17. tpo Says:

      he makes the starkest contrast with the embarrassing WASP culture bequeathed the Anglosphere by England, with its 1001 eye-raisings and hemmings and cantings and blatherings and moralizings. Try to imagine a Blair or Bush speaking the straight truth about anything.

      Sure. And Germany is free of such social restraints on speech. Plus, Germany doesn’t have any laws calling for people like you to be thrown in prison. I’d go so far as to say one can not find a dishonest politician in the fatherland.

      My offer stands, Alex. I’ll buy you a plane ticket (one way) if you promise to go to Germany and publically espouse vertical repatriation. Otherwise, quit fucking yapping about WASPs and show respect where due.

    18. Celtic Warrior Says:

      It is interesting that that Cyrus the Great, an Iranian and Aryan, allegedly freed the jews from ‘Babylonian Captivity”. Could we be in for a restoration of world harmony by another Iranian who will put the scheming jew back into protective custody?

    19. Dave Chappelle Says:

      I’d go so far as to say one can not find a dishonest politician in the fatherland.

      tpo: Man, get offa da meph, man, it’s ruinin’ yo brain!

      Where you writin’ from, Langley?

      Da “fatherland” hands billion$ over to dem fellas wit da fur-lined hats over dat Hollercost. Do the maph, man: 6 – 3 = 6? … Come on, maaaaaannnn!

      Da “fatherland” hands over submarines to the Master Ghetto?

      Da “fatherland” be flooded wit jive Turkeys & my brothas from Freaka, turnin’ out day ho’s? [I’m happy fo my brothas, but tpo, you a damn foo!]

    20. Theseus Says:

      Chain! You come out here right this instant!

    21. The Anti-Christ Says:

      Declared on the day of salvation, on the first day of the Year One
      (-on September 30, 1888 of the false time-chronology)

      War to the death against depravity : depravity is Christianity
      First proposition.- Every type of anti-nature is depraved. The most depraved type of man is the priest: He teaches anti-nature. Against the priest one doesn’t use arguments, one uses the penitentiary.
      Second proposition.- Every participation in divine service is an assassination attempt on public morality. One should be more severe toward Protestants than toward Catholics, more severe toward liberal Protestants than toward the orthodox. The criminal character of a Christian increases when he approaches knowledge [Wissenschaft]. The criminal of criminals is consequently the philosopher.
      Third proposition.- The accursed places, in which Christianity has hatched its basilisk eggs, should be razed to the ground and be, as vile places of the earth, the terror of all posterity. One should breed poisonous snakes there.
      Fourth proposition.- The sermon on chastity is a public instigation to anti-nature. Every display of contempt for sexual love, and every defilement of it through the concept “dirty” [“unrein”] is original sin against the holy spirit of life.
      Fifth proposition.- With a priest at one’s table food is pushed aside: one excommunicates oneself therewith from honest society. The priest is our chandala-he should be ostracized, starved, and driven into every kind of desert.
      Sixth proposition.- One should call the “holy” story by the name that it deserves, as the accursed story; one should use the words “God,” “Saviour,” “redeemer,” “saint” as invectives, as criminal badges.
      Seventh proposition.- The rest follows therefrom.

    22. Amalekite Says:

      FranzJoseph wrote: “The US will soon (real soon) send giggling TV watching morons into Iran to shoot Ahmadinejad. They will accomplish two things: They will kiss Israel’s ass once again (and fight her war) and they will rid the world of the last national leader who tells the truth.”

      False. If the U.S. invades Iran, it will lose. In fact, that will be the final nail in the coffin of the USA. When the U.S. goes down, the Jews go down with it.

      For this reason, I hope the neo-cons in their reckless idiocy do manage to instigate a war with Iran.

    23. D.H. Lawrence Says:

      I think problem is less in Tel Aviv then in Wash. DC where they want to out-jew the jew Texas-fundamentalist style. Israel simply will not survive by being at the constant war path against ALL of its neighbors

    24. That1 Says:

      How about a reality check here, Re Ahmedinnerjacket?

      Of course we approve of his statements, but the intention of this man and of his government is to re-integrate Persia in the world-Western- economy, and would be happy to resume oil and gas sales to USA. At the moment his best market for Iranian gas (that is gas-gaseous gas- not -liquid-petrol) to his next but one nearest neighbour India, via pipeline through Pakistan, is being blocked by US ploy of giving-promising- nuclear power stations which India does not need, rather than Iranian gas which they desperately need.
      The fabulously corrupt Indian government in accepting US nuclear bribes, is acting against the interests of its people for backhand $ and because Jewish Israeli influence is now rife in India. Whereas, allowing the Iran gas deal would tie India and Iran closely together, and this in turn involve Pakistan, and push the Israel/ USA noses out of the picture.

      The threat that Iran poses to the Bushite oilies, is not that Iran may cut off the oil flow, but the reverse- that it will increase the flow of oil. For the oil cabal, it is in their best interest to limit the flow to the USA and thereby extract a higher price, and still greater control of the American people.

      Ahmadinajacket may know the score, but his interest and duty he knows, is to his own people- not to a few white racist, infidels.
      He calculates that since the past quiet diplomacy-Iran/ USA and Iran’s not-so-secret aid and support for America/ Israel has not been rewarded, then upping the anti will publicise the previously covert relationship and start a dialogue. In the event he knows that he can step down- retract his statements, be dismissed in order to assuage press opinion and get the technology and markets his country needs.
      This approach is intended to appeal to ‘Big Jew Interests’- over the heads of the Zionists of Israel. (It is essential to perceive that these two are not the same) However, I believe his calculation may be at fault: The Israeli Jews now hold so much dirt, threats and influence over US/ UK politicians and media that their priorities- as we have seen, of destroying any government which does not contain their Jews at the top, and has a Jew media- as in Bosnia, Irak and most Islamic countries, must be destroyed and fragmented (neutralised) or replaced.
      Olmert is THE supreme warmonger of warmongers, and is trotting back and forth to USA and UK, threatening and cajoling for war, and he will get it, regardless of whose interest is involved, for Bush/ Blair and their opperators know that his agents can throw an irate public at them anytime, and have them torn limb from limb. They can, and will instigate another ‘terrorist spectacular’ and even implicate these now washed up leaders, before their appointed (Big Jew) time to go- as in voted out by public disgust in favour os the new anointed- by Big Jew- puppets, unless they agree to his plan, which is for Israel to launch a pre-emptive nuclear strike, on cooked (wmd style) pretexts, following which an immediate US UK war on Iran is demanded and expected.
      America has only one posibility of salvation and that is via a military coup, but the signs of this happening are less than encouraging with- at the last count- approximately ONE American officer, out of all the hundreds and thousands, with the guts and percipience, and he, a variety of Chinee, has stood up for America, and against the Jew warmongers.

    25. Zoroastro Says:

      the jewess susan sonntag once said of her own tribe that they, the jews, are the cancer of human race. how true is that?

    26. Celtic Warrior Says:

      It seems to me that for the past century the jews have been conducting a rentless war against the White Race and Western Civilisation in general. One of their ploys has been to build up a formidable enemy to keep Europe in check. This was done by providing financial and technical assistance to the Soviets during the 20’s & 30’s (cf professor Anthony Sutton’s books). The same trick has been used in China from the 1980’s up to the present, with the intention of keeping America in check.

      So, is it conceivable considering the cork-screw mentality of the jew, that Bush’s neocon puppet-masters actually want a US attack on Iran, knowing that the likely result will be catastrophic for America’s true interest? The US will have done the jew’s bidding and can be destroyed.

      Remember, the jew is the greatest race and culture destroyer in history!

    27. van helsing Says:

      I have long thought that they are pimping us in order to try to switch over to the Chinese.

      The Izzies have ben bestowing loads of out secrets on the Chinese for quite a while.

      Since China has cozied up somewhat to the Russians (who obviously are on the outs with the Money-Izzies), watch for some kind of falling out between Russia and China.

      Kind of like the old lie-sit-stand game between 3 people…

    28. elbrus_arya Says:

      Susan Sonntag is an ancient DNA-poisoned inherrit of ancient judic Telesm(magic) of Jadoogars(jews) and it was better if she called the JEWS(jadoogars=magicians) the Mushroom of the decaying rotten human race ; the fact that
      now has been revealed in IRAN.