9 May, 2006

Marginal Benefits of Crime and Propaganda & Michael Collins Piper

Posted by alex in Geoff Beck at 3:56 pm | Permanent Link

A new Truth Is No Defense is available for download. The Marginal Benefits of Crime and Propaganda & Michael Collins Piper are discussed in this broadcast.

Direct Download: gbttind1448k.mp3

Podcast: http://feeds.feedburner.com/thetruthisnodefense

Forum & Transcript: here

  • One Response to “Marginal Benefits of Crime and Propaganda & Michael Collins Piper”

    1. Olde Dutch Says:

      I wonder how many of you can name the current “Drug Czar” of the United States? You would think, that with Billions of dollars of drugs being carried into the US every year by illegal aliens and their facilitators, the so-called mules and coyotes, that the “Drug Czar’s” name would be on the tip of everyones tounge. Isn’t that great man supposed to be doing something to stop the cross border trafficking in drugs?

      Or is the Drug Czar just another bought off stooge? What about his huge staff and resources? What are they doing to stop the daily traffickingin drugs across the Mexican border? Are they all bought off?

      Anyone go to college with this asshole???

      Then there are these various DOD (Department of Defense) & GAO (General Accounting Office) inspector generals’ who have testified before Congress that they don’t know where, or on what, Billions of Dollars of DOD money has been spent. No receipts—nothing. Estimates as high as a TRILLION DOLLARS of spending that cannot be accounted for…no receipts!

      This ain’t fairytale stuff…no one follows up.