16 May, 2006

GoyFire #32 is ready for download

Posted by alex in VNN at 7:02 pm | Permanent Link

The roundtable returns: Alex, Agis and Stan discuss the persecution of Whites speaking freely on the Internet, U.S. tips Mexico to Minuteman locations, Chicago highschool teacher blogs on nogs, TNB, Duke rape update and Berlin exhibition.

Direct mp3 download (37 MB): gf3248k.mp3

16k streaming for slow connections: gf3216k.mp3

Podcast: http://feeds.feedburner.com/Goyfire

Archives: here

  • 11 Responses to “GoyFire #32 is ready for download”

    1. Theseus Says:

      Time to burn some CDRs.

    2. James Morden Says:

      Always good to hear your thoughts and analysis.

      I find it helpful to keep Goering’s testament, that you published recently, in mind – that this is yet another vicious assault of the tyrannical Asian swarm upon the white European people; a telling constant of history.

      …..ashkenazis, mestizos, arabs. turks, mongols….

      I guess this is one reason why it was so important for Churchill and his employers to exterminate Germany – a primary source of successive waves of white nobility going back at least into proto-classical times.

    3. Canadian JWG Says:

      Why don’t you run a torrent of these? Its gonna take me an hour each and I have cable modem!!!

    4. Fenrir Says:

      Some of the remarks from Linder are absolutely hilarious. Goyfire is full of frank and incisive commentary about the shithole the West is becoming at the hands of the nationwrecking Jews.

    5. Theseus Says:

      As usual, GF #32 propels one to revolutionary thoughts and . . . analysis.

    6. sr Says:

      “North of South” is a very good book. Mr. Linder, have you read “A Bend in the River”, the novel by Shiva Naipaul’s brother VS Naipaul? It forms a bookend matching Conrad’s “Heart of Darkness”, sort of.

    7. Green Fields Says:

      Agis made the comment during the show ” I wish I was making this stuff up” (may have been during TNB..).
      GF#32 had that feel about it…I don’t know if surreal is quite the right word.Maybe just plain fuckin’ scary…
      Conversely, that was also one of the funniest shows yet.
      Thank you guys ,fantastic show and looking forward to GF#33.

    8. Fenrir Says:

      I listened to Goyfire #31 and I was laughing my ass off about Linder’s comparison to the Jew and the chiropractor. “You know Ron, you’ve only got one reputation, how much do you care about protecting it?” HAHA, LOL

    9. Jackumup Says:

      Alex Linder Is the Howard Stern of Goyiums Minus the usless sex comments, self promotion, obnoxious ass kissing hired goys and selling of worthless jewish humor & nigger promoting music (jews can’t help themselves)

    10. Starscream Says:

      Man, that is some good shit. Those words work like a good drug.

    11. Carpenter Says:

      James Morden, I don’t know about that. Yes, Europe has been invaded by Khazars, Arabs, Turks and Mongols. Also by Persians and Huns. But this is a simplification, it is looking at only one part of history. Looking only at those invasions, it sounds like they are all part of the same scheme to take us down. But all these people, all of them, have also attacked non-White peoples, and been attacked by non-White peoples.

      Furthermore, Europeans have attacked Arabs, Turks, Persians, and also East Asians, South-East Asians, Blacks, Indians, Aborigines – and each other. It is in the nature of every people to defend and expand its territory.

      I want to emphasize this as some nationalists actually claim that al-Qaeda’s beef with the U.S. government is part of a plan dating back to the Saracens. When in fact, they just want to end ZOG support of some Arab governments and of Izzy. That’s why it is important to not see only one part of history’s many invasions, the part going from east to west.