3 April, 2006

Whites Rally at Alamo on April 10th

Posted by alex in demos, mtgs, rallies at 6:36 pm | Permanent Link

Mr. Linder, I sent this to your website and asked that it be forwarded.  I’m sending it to you just to give it as much visibility as possible.

I’m not a member, although I do check in often to read the news.  I’m asking that you send this to some of your members who may be interested.

I’m a retired military officer.   I plan to be at the Alamo on Monday, April 10th, 2006 with my American flag.  This is my way of saying “enough” to all the Mexican flag-carrying and other illegal-immigration baloney going on in this country.

I’m just an anonymous little guy.  I’m not part of any established group, I’m not carrying any banners or signs and I’m not making any speeches.  Just me.  And my flag.

I invite all pissed-off Americans to come join me.  We may be only a few and we may even get our asses kicked, but that’s OK.  (Of course, if hundreds showed up, with their flags held high, that would be outstanding.)   Let’s take a stand at the Alamo, once again, just like patriots did 170 years ago.

The Alamo is to this fight what the Lexington Common was in the fight against the British.  What better place to give this struggle a moral foundation than on the consecrated ground where patriots shed blood in defense of their ideas?


  • 9 Responses to “Whites Rally at Alamo on April 10th”

    1. yea Says:

      Get your asses here, white people. If you live within 4 hours of this place, you better be driving there….


    2. Donald E. Pauly Says:


      We have no information on this rally. Send it to [email protected]/ and we will post it on http://www.sendemback.org/ and put it out in our newsletter.

    3. Olde Dutch Says:

      There’s a lot more to this “immigration debate” than plain old flag waving;regardless of whose flag you are waving.

      We have an estimated $100 BILLION DOLLAR a YEAR illegal cross border drug trade with Mexico. Some claim itz even bigger dollars!

      Our politicians want nothing to do with any interference with the illegal drug business that an immigration crackdown on the Mexican border would cause. If we stopped the smugglers and their mestizo mules at the border their would be a panic in Washington and in our state capitols—the drug money to the politicians would be cut off. If we deported 10 or 20 million mestizo and other foreign illegal drug customers— that would remove a huge chunk of market share. Naturally you can smell the jew mob in all of this mess too.

    4. yea Says:


      Get your ass to the Alamo April 10th.

      What’s not to understand???

    5. yea Says:

      This is a rally this guy is starting himself. Just get your white ass to the alamo if you live 4 hours near it. No excuse.

    6. Carpenter Says:

      It’s a good idea, but this John should realize that you need to be part of an organized group in order for something like this to get any kind of exposure at all. Otherwise you won’t make anyone show up, and it will all be useless. The one-man-army idea sounds great and honest, but then you realize how much work you’re doing for nothing – or how little work you are doing, because you took a long break after you made your first homepage. Organize, people.

    7. apollonian Says:

      Hey if it’s what turns u on, then why not go, esp. if it’s fun. Things gotta get worse though before anything seriously antisemitic is done; it’s then the volk and the people against the empire and Jew topmost conspirators. We thence emphasize states’ rights against national oppressor suffused and crawling with Jews. Bring the American flag, okay–but also bring the Confederate too. And as patriots convene they agree Federal Reserve Bank (Fed) countefeiting scam is necessary target. Honest elections and death to the Fed. Apollonian

    8. Will Says:

      What if I go and no one shows? And I’m standing there at the Alamo surrounded by spics?

      Some anonymous letter to VNN is great and all but does it mean anything?

      I live in Austin and would like to show my support by remembering the Alamo, but….proof?

    9. Tim Says:

      To Will:

      If I were close like you, I’d go anyway and check it out. I wouldn’t jump out of the the car wrapped in an American flag or paint myself red, white and blue and hold a flag in each hand if I were you though. I think a lot of people from our side will show up. If things look far from secure, then just head home.