7 April, 2006

One Less Nigger in Russia

Posted by alex in 'hate' crimes at 10:59 am | Permanent Link

[Wails go up, but a dead nigger never raped or murdered a human. A scientific fact, itz!]

Russia: African Student Killed In St. Petersburg In Possible Hate Crime

By Valentinas Mite

Russia - Senegalese citizen Lamzar Samba, a fifth-year student at the St. Petersburg Communications University, who was shot down in St. PetersburgÑ—s 5th Krasnoarmeyskaya Street on April 7, 2006
Lamzar Samba

A Senegalese university student was slain in St. Petersburg early this morning in what investigators are considering a possible hate crime. The victim was gunned down as he and a group of fellow African students were leaving a night club. The killing comes as the city — and Russia as a whole — is experiencing a wave of racially motivate crimes.

PRAGUE, April 7, 2006 (RFE/RL) — St. Petersburg city prosecutor Sergei Zaitsev told journalists today that while an official motive has yet to be established, the 28-year-old victim’s raceis being considered as a factor in the crime.

“An investigation has begun according to Article 105, Part 2, Paragraph L [of the Russian Criminal Code]; that is, murder out of ethnic and racial hatred,” Zaitsev said. “I’d like to point out that the motive has not yet been determined, but considering the fact that the victim was African, we deliberately assigned a higher degree [to the case] in order to give our work the right direction.”

Lamzar Samba was a fifth-year student at St. Petersburg’s Communications Institute who belonged to African Unity, a human rights organization that represents the interests of the city’s African emigre community.

Samba was shot dead around 6 a.m. as he and a group of African students were leaving a club near the city center where they were celebrating their institute’s faculty day.

One of the students in the group, Michel Panabian, told RFE/RL’s Russian Service today that they were heading toward a metro station when Samba was attacked from behind.

“We were walking down the street and there was a man who was walking behind us. He fired a shot. He hit one of us and the guy died,” Panabian said. “After he fired, I turned back and I saw him, but he left immediately. I can only describe the way he was dressed.”

AP quoted the city’s deputy prosecutor, Andrei Lavrenko, as telling NTV television that a hunting gun decorated with a swastika was found at the crime scene.

Russian television broadcast images of the scene, and NTV reported that the man was shot in the head, according to AP.

Racist violence is a mounting problem in Russia. Members of ultranationalist and other groups regularly harass or attack Africans, Asians, and non-Slavic residents from the Caucasus or former-Soviet Central Asia.

A group calling itself the Party of Freedom welcomed the killing in St. Petersburg, saying on its website that “the cleanup of the city continues.”

Today, a group calling itself the Party of Freedom welcomed the killing in St. Petersburg, saying on its website that “the cleanup of the city continues.”

Desire Defoe, who heads the African Unity organization to which Samba belonged, expressed the helplessness many foreign citizens in the city feel.

“I very much hope that the [Russian] state will know what to do,” Defoe said. “We can’t tell the [Russian] state what should be done [to protect] foreign citizens, this is ridiculous. What advice can be given today? Even the police told us to walk in groups, not to be alone. Did that help? So, what are we supposed to do, sit at home?”

The French news agency AFP cited an independent study by the nongovernmental organization Sova as stating that six people have been killed and 79 injured in more than 40 racist attacks around the country this year.

According to Sova, 30 of the attacks and five deaths this year have taken place in Moscow. In St. Petersburg, 14 people have been injured and one killed in racially motivated attacks, not including today’s killing.

In 2005, 28 people were killed and 366 injured in Russia as a result of hate crimes, according to Sova.

The Russian Foreign Ministry today issued a statement expressing condolences to Samba’s relatives and friends following the killing.

However, rights groups argue that the authorities in Russia generally do little to combat such crimes.

Allison Gill is the director of the Moscow office for the New York-based Human Rights Watch. She told RFE/RL that part of the problem is systemic.

Fourteen people have been injured and one killed in racially motivated attacks in St. Petersburg this year, not including today’s attack.

“I don’t think the authorities are doing enough,” Gill said. “The incident is very sad but its also very predictable in the climate today. Clearly there is a problem that goes beyond individual sorts of acts of violence. Of course, the perpetrators are the ones who carry ultimate responsibility, but the government need to look at this problem more systematically. This is a crime about what Russia stands for today.”

In addition, Gill says the authorities’ tendency to blame such attacks on fascists merely serves to obscure the issue.

“Historically, fascism was associated with World War II and of course the Soviet Union was a very powerful participant in the war, so the language of antifascism I think comes from there,” Gill said. “But in today’s rhetoric, you know, I’m not sure how meaningful it is any more, when I think they need to look at their own actions today.”

Gill notes that some Russian politicians promote the idea that ‘Russia is for Russians’ only. And such statements, she said, can help fuel a climate in which people of different backgrounds are targeted in Russia.

(RFE/RL Moscow correspondent Claire Bigg contributed to this story.)

  • 14 Responses to “One Less Nigger in Russia”

    1. alex Says:

      Hmm. Looks like it’s open season on niggers in Moscow, although jewish lies and exaggeration touch everything related to race.

    2. alex Says:

      Say goodnight, Simba. No more white chicks for you, ape.

      African students’ rights activist killed in Russia

      Home > News > World News Send To Friend
      Posted on 07 Apr 2006 # PTI Post your comment

      African students’ rights activist killed in Russia
      Moscow: In an apparent hate attack, a student from Senegal was shot dead today in Russia’s St. Petersburg city as he left a night club.

      Lamzar Simba, 28, an activist of African students rights was killed when a group of African students was fired at around 6 a.M. In the morning when they were coming out of night club in the centre of the Russian second largest city.

      Simba was a fifth year student of local Telecommunications Institute.

      Police has recovered a sawed-off gun with Nazi Swastika near the attack site pointing to the involvement of skinheads behind the attack.

      The prosecutor has launched a criminal case for hate crime, Ekho Moskvy radio said, adding the St. Petersburg governor Valentina Matviyenko refused to make any comment.

      Earlier this month several foreign students, including a medical student from India and Bangladesh were assaulted by skinheads in Ryazan and Voronezh.

      Russia witnessed a wave of hate crimes in April, the month of Adolph Hitler’s birthday, when Asians and Africans, mostly students had been attacked by the Russian Nazis.


    3. Gerry Frederics Says:

      Sambos were never liked in Russia, even during communist times. They attempted to force niggerdom onto the Rusians during the 1950´s, but the people didn´t buy it. Now it´s time for ´diversity´activists to implement the kikenshits agenda – ´no go´ as we can see. Of course, the Russian skinheads are stupid enough to leave a shotgun near the scene – ya, right! and with a swastika on it no less! mWhy am I not surprised? Gerry

    4. ZykonB+jews=partytime Says:

      Is this where we get the cocktail named “Black Russian”?

      Do you think of an African nigger when you hear the word “Russian”? Or does it conjure to mind big burly guys with mustaches walking to work wearing those winter hats with the ear covers?

      I love the term “racially motivated”. Everything the kikes do can thus be described. And everything we try to do thusly is denied us by their various powers.

      What the f*** is a nigger doing in Russia if not for racially motivated reasons?

      Well anyway.

    5. Harry Tuttle Says:

      For god’s sake don’t let anybody bury that baboon biped at the pet cemetery, there is no telling what kinds of parasites and diseases his festering corpse will leach into the ground. All such bruddas should be promptly cremated and the smoke exhausted should be triple-filtered to avoid infecting humans with whatever the moon cricket was carrying at the time it died.

    6. Kievsky Says:

      Omigod, they got Little Black Sambo! After all those close calls from lions and tigers and rhinocerosi, only to be offed after an unfortunate sex tour masquerading as “education.”

      Life is tragicomic, indeed.

    7. N.B. Forrest Says:

      Just look at the glowering, inner tube-lip’t mug on the dearly departed Affakin rites actaviss: looks like the hilarious Lucifuh Koon caricature from a Rockwell-era “Who Needs Niggers?” sign.

      Killing such beasts is an act of mercy, since it spares them decades of mirror-induced vomiting.

    8. André Lefort Says:

      Tuttle & N.B. Forrest, your remarks are a little on the offensive side. I assume you belong to such groups as NeO-NaZIs.

      It’s useless trying to disuss with someone who hold such hateful views. You guys will require long term de-programmation and a new perspective on life. You blindly believe in the far fetch theory of the superior white race and the rest of us know that this pipe dream will NEVER materialize but you persist and persist.

      What an awful waste of negative energy!

    9. Nigger Killer Says:

      Andre’ your nigger ass needs to shut the fuck up. Niggers have no place in white society. You apes have destroyed every society you have come into contact with, and offer nothing but disease, crime, violence and poverty. Do us all a favor and keep spreading AIDS to each other, like in Africa, so you will all kill yourselves off so that white people don’t have to waste money on bullets. Thank you for your consideration.

    10. Bluebeard Says:

      Now if only the Russians could kill off the rest of those black bastards… :)

    11. von Larson Says:

      No one has the right to be outraged when a foreigner is mistreated or even killed in a host country. The White Western World is decidedly hostile to non-European types. Israelis have to time for the Muslims. Black South Africans are hostile to the resident Whites. American Indians don’t care for the Whites or any other non-Indians. Muslims resent the presence of non-Muslims in the Islamic world, and are not shy about showing it. None of this ‘racism’ is new; none of this started yesterday, and it didn’t start with Adolf Hitler. When a race and culture is invaded—-there is no other word for it—-by foreigners, the host nation has the choice of either surrendering to the alien element or fighting for its own race and culture . *It cannot be stressed strongly enough that this is a world-wide phenomenon, and is not restricted to any given nation. #And it is seldom understood that nationalist and ‘racist’ movements gain momentum because the people of the host nation WANT it that way. No one can force you to defend and preserve your own heritage, nor can they force you to defend and protect yourself; if you wish to give in to the intruders at the cost of your own lifestyle and life itself, you’re on your own. Any creature that will not fight for its own life has no right to live. This is reality, like it or not. All races on earth need and want basically the same things, but there is not enough of everything to go around. That means that not everyone is going to survive into the coming years. Again, this is WITHOUT respect to any particular race or color. If the world were not hopelessly over-populated, mere distance and ‘elbow room’ would alleviate much if not all of the problem. The Chinese understand this, and are perhaps the only nation on Earth which does. I myself am of German and Norwegian ancestry, and live in the midwestern US. I have travelled to Europe on several occasions, and to Canada, as well as many other US States. I always keep in mind that I am on someone else’s soil, and am welcome only so long as they say I am. Most of the people who come to grief in foreign nations forget that THEY are the foreign element, not the host nation. People have always been motivated by a ‘them or us’ line of thought, and that’s not going to change. When two or more races and cultures come together, there are no winners. This is neither good nor evil. This is merely Reality.

    12. Whoknows Says:

      Ya’ll a bunch of cowards talkin shit bout africans grow some balls bitches

    13. lulo Says:

      You all are a bunch of racist mother fuckers.Please join Lou dobbs with his mexican wife. HIJOS DE PUTA BLANCOS

    14. Rigg Says:

      This is something like progress, still, a long way from realizing that the whole mankind is just a festering mass of filth on the face of Earth. With the extermination of the human race can the Right World be achieved only.
      And then, the world would be cleansed.