14 April, 2006

Nigger Eats Dog Alive

Posted by alex in AmeriKwa, Arboreal Americans at 8:03 am | Permanent Link

[No proof this thing’s a nigger, but I never came across a white man outside a P.G. Wodehouse novel named Reggie.]

Man Accused Of Eating His Dog Alive

“Look at that ear. Do you see that? I mean, it is chewed to smithereens,” says Shelby County Texas District Attorney Linda Kay Russell. Russell is reacting to graphic pictures showing a pit bull puppy who was eaten alive by his owner.

Now, Russell is preparing to prosecute the strangest animal cruelty case she has ever handled.

“This is actually called torture to an animal, and that is why we are doing it,” says Russell.

Forty-nine year old Reggie Paul Fountain stands accused of eating his dog alive.

“He chewed that and ate it, he had blood all over his face, he had blood on his chest, he was in his underwear walking down the street talking to himself and the dog,” says Russell.

Veterinarian Robert Hughes says the pit bull puppy looked like it had been in a dog fite when it arrived at his clinic.

“We anesthetized the dog and we surgically evened out the edges. We did something similar to an ear crop,” says Doctor Hughes.

“His excuse, which I don’t care what his excuse was, was that he was on PCP and cocaine,” says Russell.

Russell says four police officers had to restrain the man so that they could remove the dog from his hands. She says she will now prosecute the case to the fullest, and leave the penalty in the hands of a jury.

“I will not offer this man probation. I will take it to a jury trial and if the citizens of Shelby County want to give him probation they can, but I will not offer that,” says Russell.


  • 9 Responses to “Nigger Eats Dog Alive”

    1. alex Says:

      Niggers love pit bulls. They like to beat their dogs until they’re vicious. Another thing they do is dump unwanted dogs on freeways.

      Niggers eating, beating, dumping dogs is the symptom, JEW IS THE DISEASE.

    2. Jim Says:

      In the New America, the headline will read ” Dog Eats Nigger Alive “. An improvement Itz.

    3. James Hawthorne Says:

      This truly give new meaning to the term “Savage Nigger Beast”.

    4. swinestein Says:

      I’m afraid niggers eating dogs alive is mild compared to future events.

      Wait till the collapse. Niggers will be trying to eat humans alive.

    5. Jim Says:

      Yeah, theyz gonna get their Katrina on, nationwide, when the U.S. can’t support them any longer.

    6. Orion Says:

      A Reggie on PCP and coke? Yep, that’s a negro.

    7. Kevin Says:

      The video at the link confirms it is a nigger.

    8. Harry Tuttle Says:

      In the America that is coming, I’m afraid Soylent Green will be whitey.

      Niggers revert to form in a heartbeat. The mainstream media was trying to cover up the cannibalism that went on in Louisiana after only a week without food. Brudders luvs to chow down on dee udder bruddas, it bee natchurel n’ sheeeeeeiiit. You can lead a nigger to Mickey Dee’s but he’ll always be looking for human on the menu, it is in his blood.

    9. C. Frank Madjett Says:

      They appreciate nothing yet expect everything – for nothing.