5 April, 2006

New Distribution Channel for Movies

Posted by alex in media at 2:23 pm | Permanent Link

I have a bad feeling about this article – it is going to seriously date me.

Yesterday, five of the major Hollywood movie studios announced that consumers could download movies from the internet – for a price and with restrictions, but never-the-less an evolutionary move.

Movielink and CinemaNow will offer download-to-own sales of feature films at the same time as the studio’s pre-established home video release window.


You can download “The Line in the Sand,” the only documentary ever made that places responsibility for our open borders on the jew, where it belongs, here.

  • 2 Responses to “New Distribution Channel for Movies”

    1. Anty Ep Says:

      Great news about the Line in the Sand Download! People should spread this link around far and wide on the internet!

      Thanks to Byron for a great documentary and to Yggdrasil for his excellent help getting out the word!

    2. GasJewsPleaseMommy Says:

      White nationalists have a “New Distribution Channel for Movies” too.


      Get your white ass on there and learn how to use bittorrent.