27 April, 2006

Kewl Moe Dees, When Did He First Know About the OKC Demolition?

Posted by alex in 'hate' hoaxes, false flags, SPLC at 2:29 pm | Permanent Link

Statement on Southern Poverty Law Center and Its Apparent Complicity in Oklahoma City Bombing by Attorney Larry Darby

WHEN elected Attorney-General for the State of Alabama, I intend to launch a thorough probe into possible illegal activities by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SoPo).  I believe a probe will expose evidence sufficient to empty SoPo’s coffers and run them out of the State of Alabama

I have obtained copies of FBI teletypes and other documents in an ongoing federal court case in Utah that indicate Morris Dees and SoPo had prior knowledge of the April 19, 1995 bombing of the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City and failed to act responsibly, allowing the bombing to go forward, killing 168 persons.

Jesse C. Trentadue, whose brother was tortured and killed while in federal custody because he looked like a suspect in the OKC investigation, won a $1.1 million judgment against the FBI based on intentional infliction of emotional distress.  Still suspicious about his brother’s death, Trentadue sued the FBI under the Freedom of Information Act in order to acquire more information.

The FBI has obstructed justice in this case or has been reluctant to release all information it has on Dees and SoPo and their complicity in the OKC Bombing.

On March 29, USDC Judge Dale A. Kimball ordered the FBI to conduct additional searches of its records and turn them over to Trentadue.  The order specifically referred to information about SoPo that the FBI referred to in documents, but were never produced as proof.

SoPo, an advocate for open borders allowing for the current Mexican invasion of the South, is believed to have had an informant working with Timothy McVeigh; the alleged informant or employee of SoPo conveniently escaped to Mexico.

SoPo has long been an embarrassment to good citizens of Alabama by their publications that slander and harass persons or businesses who express views counter to the foreign ideologies advanced by SoPo.  SoPo’s writers or lawyers do not let truth or facts get in their way to destroy those they target in their quest to denigrate the South or our culture.

SoPo is quick to label good citizens as “haters� or “racists� when SoPo itself foments the things its supporters believe SoPo fights.  SoPo, exposed as a non-profit fraud by the Montgomery Advertiser before that newspaper was purchased by Gannett, has long acted to instill hatred and prejudice against Alabama and its good people by creating an impression that the South is a bad place, all for the purpose of spreading its foreign ideologies, bilking gullible donors of millions of dollars each year in the process.


Darby writes:
A Birmingham News poll shows that in the race for Attorney-General between Larry Darby and John Tyson only 9 percentage points separate them – statewide.

Please help me close that gap.  I need money to make more personal appearances and buy campaign literature and other materials.

I am the best qualified candidate and I have the only platform that is not “more of the same” or “politics as usual.”

You can help me make a difference and spread a message of hope for good government in Alabama.

Put Alabama First – For a Change.

Right now – please mail your contribution to me and help me win the Democratic primary on June 6.

Larry Darby for Attorney General
PO Box 3905
Montgomery, AL  36109



  • 3 Responses to “Kewl Moe Dees, When Did He First Know About the OKC Demolition?”

    1. Publicity Stunts 'R' US Says:

      SPLC publicity stunt?

      No mention of ZOG “complicity”?


    2. Lutjens Says:

      SPLC is an extension of ZOG – Dees is a perverted, greedy kike. I watched his horseshit in the Metzger trial some years back.

    3. Anglo Saxon Is True Israel Says:

      I heard old Morris Dees was a Homosexual. I think his ex wife may have told that story, but never the less he’s a racist against the White Race. I think he looks homosexual, as well as a disgrace to Alabama and it’s citizens.