14 April, 2006

Jew-Fan Jared Reconfirms: No Criticism of Jews at Amrent, Whites Must Blame Themselves

Posted by alex in frauds at 7:34 pm | Permanent Link

[Jerry calls jews “equals,” yet Amrunts mustn’t criticize them. Rather, he instructs them to blame whites. In Jerry-Sam Taylor’s world, Whites are guilty and jews are valued allies.]

Jews and American Renaissance

[This article appears in the forthcoming issue of American Renaissance.]

I started American Renaissance 17 years ago in order to awaken whites to the crisis they face and to encourage them to unite in defending their legitimate interests as a race. To these ends, AR has deliberately avoided taking positions on questions about which racially-conscious whites are likely to disagree. Some of these have been foreign policy, abortion, the role of homosexuals in a white consciousness movement, and whether Christianity helps or hinders our efforts. By taking no position, AR has served readers who may be sharply opposed on these questions but who agree on the central importance of race, and are committed to our survival.

AR has likewise taken no explicit position on Jewish matters. Readers have always included both Jews and people who believe Jews play no useful role in a movement that promotes white interests. It has been my intent to emphasize questions crucial to our interests and on which we agree.

To put it more accurately, AR has taken an implicit position on Jews by publishing Jewish authors and inviting Jewish speakers to AR conferences. It should be clear to anyone that Jews have, from the outset, been welcome and equal participants in our efforts. There has always been a minority in the AR constituency that has criticized me and AR for welcoming Jews, and there has been another minority that has criticized me and AR for not denouncing the first minority. These groups have generally treated each other with polite reserve, and expressed their bitterness only among themselves or to me—as was proper.

There are other divisions within AR. There are Christians and atheists, Democrats and Republicans, evolutionists and creationists, and advocates of different foreign policies. There has been tension within AR on these questions, but always good manners.

That changed at the most recent American Renaissance conference. At least one participant told a Jewish conferee that Jews were not welcome. One participant well known for strong views rose to denounce Jews as the historic enemy of the European people. Another called him “a f***ing Nazi,� and stormed out of the conference hall.

There will be no more disgraceful behavior of this kind if people who attend AR conferences bear in mind that Jews have a valuable role in the work of American Renaissance, and are welcome participants and speakers. Anyone who thinks otherwise has the choice of staying home or keeping his views to himself.

AR does not, on the other hand, have litmus tests for subscribers or conference participants. There will always be disagreement and debate in our ranks on many issues, including the role Jews may or may not have played in creating the crisis we face. Some people in the AR community believe Jewish influence was decisive in destroying the traditional American consensus on race. Others disagree.

Gentile whites—without help from anyone else—have repeatedly shown themselves capable of egalitarian excess. The French Revolution, the Clapham abolitionists, John Brown and his backers, the miscegenist enthusiasms of the Grimke sisters and other radical integrationists are all products of purely gentile delusion. Even if it were possible to prove that Jewish influence derailed what used to be a healthy American racial consciousness, that is a historical question not directly relevant to what we must accomplish now.

Today, even groups that openly resist Jewish influence are deeply liberal-egalitarian. In 2005, the Presbyterian Church angered many Jewish groups by voting to divest itself of stock in companies it considered to be supporting injustice against Palestinians. In 2006, the Church of England voted to do the same. These churches are prepared to ignore the wishes of many Jewish organizations, yet their members are as relentlessly suicidal on race as any group in either country. Whatever its origins may have been—and they are hardly exclusively Jewish—white ethnomasochism has a life and momentum of its own.

The role of Jews in a society, the morality of abortion, the influence of Christianity, the appropriate foreign policy, and the place of homosexuals should all be discussed openly in a free society, all in their appropriate places. AR is not that place. We cannot afford dissension that distracts us from our goal.

We have vital work to do. Our civilization, our way of life, even our continuity as a distinct people depend on whether we succeed or fail. It is a distraction from our proper work to hunt for culprits, to blame others for our own loss of will.

We may still be a small minority, but we have history, human nature, and morality on our side. Success for us lies in demonstrating that our views are right, healthy and moral—and that liberal-egalitarianism is wrong and immoral; not in trying to “unmask� it as a Jewish conspiracy.


In light of the events described above, it was clear to me that a statement of some kind was necessary. Apparently, others thought so, too. In March I received a letter from several people associated with American Renaissance, insisting not only on a statement but on changes in editorial policy and in the organization of AR conferences.

AR has always welcomed advice, but condescending, shape-up-or-else letters are more likely to have the opposite effect of whatever may have been intended. The tone of the letter was one that would suggest that what appears above was drafted under pressure—so much so that some, in my place, would have written nothing at all.

One should not, however, let the mistakes of others deflect one from decisions already taken, and I believe AR’s position is now clear.

(Posted on April 14, 2006)


  • 25 Responses to “Jew-Fan Jared Reconfirms: No Criticism of Jews at Amrent, Whites Must Blame Themselves”

    1. GB Says:

      It is clear from Taylor’s remarks that Amren is bought and paid Jew operation. To leave undefined the role Jew’s have played in radically altering this nation for their benefit is paramount to deception.

    2. Socrates Says:

      Jews didn’t deliver the 1965 immigration act? They didn’t deliver the 1968 gun-control act and other anti-gun laws? They didn’t lead the civil-rights movement? They didn’t lead the feminist movement? They don’t dominate the media? They don’t dominate Hollywood? They don’t dominate the porno industry? They didn’t get America into World War II? Was it all a dream?

    3. WPK Says:

      Linder is dead on. I wish more people had the courage of Mr. Linder. Jews get in and control the entire kon$ervative movement. If you let in Jews, they will JEW YOU. How do you know if AmRen is under Jewish control? Are there jews in the room! Pat Buchanan is under Jew control too. The American Conservative has Jew Epstein there. Jews all over. Keep up the fight Brother Linder!

    4. GB Says:

      Be sure to read the comments. Taylor is allowing critical comments to be posted.

    5. Lokuum Says:

      17 years, huh, Jared. Well, if something is working stick with it.

    6. SHMUELY Says:

      Taylor is making a big mistake, as the Jews will now infiltrate and subvert AR, since he is giving them an open invitation to do so. Has he had a Churchill style Seder dinner and buy-out? He must be so hungry for “success”, or suffering from the FOJ Syndrome, that he is willing to try for a hollow “victory”. He is so typical of white lemmings, willing to bed down with vipers in order to gain “respectability” in the Jewish play-pen. The Jews despise everything that he stands for, and will proceed to gut him, and use AR as another phoney, kosher “conservative” false flag front. He is fooling no one, except maybe himself. Talk about playing into the enemy`s hands!

    7. karakazov Says:

      I believe there are 2 requirements for a WN organization: pro-White, and anti-Jew. Amren fails.

    8. Don Miller Says:

      “Gentile whites—without help from anyone else—have repeatedly shown themselves capable of egalitarian excess.”

      Taylor’s Dualism Unmasked

      The above sentiment is true so far as it goes, but the telling language is “Gentile whites” which reflects Taylor’s belief that there are only two kinds of whites, ie, Jews and Gentiles.

      Jews Are Not Liberal-Egalitarian

      An essay for another time is whether or not Jews can be defined by a belief in egalitarian excess. I don’t think they have the slightest interest in subscribing to any such doctrine. Jews might like for us to be liberal-egalitarian, but they in fact are constantly waging war on those sentiments for themselves. The problem is Jews’ willingness to undermine our values, our lives, our careers, our society, our government, our children, and our soldiers for their own benefits.

      Back To The Dualism Of Jew vs Gentile

      Somehow we have been fed dualistic nonsense that denies the wonderful diversity of “Gentile whites” including Slavs from Ukraine, Franks from France, Bavarians & Saxons & Prussians from Germany, Scots from Scotland, and Scandinavians from Norway & Sweden.

      Adopting The Duality Is To Adopt A Judeocentric Frame

      To buy into the duality posed by the terms “Jew” and “Gentile,” is to adopt a peculiarly judeocentric frame which insists that Jews are equal in value to all Gentiles, that we are somehow two faces to one coin. It is also to submit to Jewish supremacy in the matter of naming. To accept their name for ourselves is an appalling disgrace.

      I utterly reject this dualism and judeocentrism. We absolutely do not deserve to be crammed into one term. Let’s abandon this horrifying duality by embracing our wonderful diversity and by maintaining a clear picture of the purposes of the Jews when they tell us our names, subvert our societies, taint & misrepresent our histories, and lie to us about our cultures.

      Our name is not Gentile, Goy, or Shicksha.

      Taylor Is Lost

      Taylor has lost his way in the Jew-inspired teachings he has succumbed to when he posits their frame of two, and only two, white groups. It is obscene to be named by Jews. We have our own world views and under no circumstance should they be lost in the grip of framing by Jews. Taylor is lost.

    9. Mark Says:

      What I dislike is the absolute ban on criticism of Jews, even the most polite statements of fact. It goes behind simply not bringing up the Jewish question, he actively silences all discussion of Jews and their involvement in corrupting and controlling white nations.

      The fact is Jews are not native to Europe. They are immigrants, albeit ones who immigrated long before our new non-white immigrants. Yes, they are fair-skinned, and some of them are similar to whites/Europeans in superficial features. However, historically and genetically, taken as a whole they are not European, not white in that sense, unless we are including other Asiatics like Arabs and Turks as white.

      I find it hypocritical that Jared promotes freedom of speech in regards to the science of race and promoting white interests, yet acts similar to those he opposes in banning all discussion of things he dislikes such as the Jewish question. He should follow his Jefferson quote on his website.

      With all that said I still respect the man and what he does. I like his personality and he does good work, but tying our fate in with Jews I think is a mistake.

    10. karakazov Says:

      “It is a distraction from our proper work to hunt for culprits, to blame others for our own loss of will.”

      Isn’t a culprit someone upon whom you place blame? He’s not even making sense.

    11. the anarchist Says:

      Whatever you may think of Jared Taylor, he is perhaps the most intelligent and educated White Nationalist leader in America, if not in the world. I do not support his views, however: Whites are too individualistic to unite against non-Whites, especially under the current circumstances.

      Amren does engage in censorship, but so does VNN and every other WN Web site.

    12. Jack Burns Says:

      They haven’t yet posted the comment I submitted today and I doubt they will; nothing I’ve submitted has been posted on that site since I politely raised the issue of jewish political influence over three years ago. Frankly, I believe they track incoming individual web addresses and just automatically dump all submissions from known ‘trouble-makers’. I’ve submitted numerous comments under almost as many pseudonyms over the past three years and none has ever made it into print.

      Here’s today’s submission:

      “Any organization that effects Jewish group interests in any substantial way eventually will be taken over and controlled by them unless that organization explicitly excludes them from its inception.”

      I’m not exactly holding my breath!

      Kind regards,


    13. Mark Says:

      You won’t see it, Jack. All of my posts that mention Jews never get through either. I was also banned from their Yahoo message board for sometimes bringing up Jewish issues.

      Even tho I feel they have disrespected me and treated me unfairly, I still subscribe to their publication and occasionally place orders with them because they do good work. At this point we can’t be so picky.

    14. Harry Tuttle Says:

      All truthful responses at AMREN get canned. No mention of the special pets is permitted.

    15. whiteskelet Says:

      I used to post at AmRen, until all my posts were censored out, now I never go there anymore.

      I tend to agree with a lot of the points Mr Taylor makes above, but at AmRen they claim that Jews are White and I think it’s a mistake.
      Every post with the suggestion that Jews are not White are removed, though. If that’s wrong, why not just let a smarter poster prove that it’s wrong? If that’s true, isn’t Mr Taylor lying to Whites and to Jews posting there?

      If you carefully read Mr Taylor’s explanations, you understand he doesn’t trust Jews at all, but he reckons they are a major power and is asking, in the name of Whites, their permission, to daily suggest that Blacks are not exactly like in the movies.

      Mr Taylor may have his views, and who knows, he could get some result, but decency commands he remove the quote about “full truth” on AmRen’s homepage.

    16. Arch Says:

      Maybe I’m confused, but what is Mr. Taylor trying to say here?

      “To these ends, AR has deliberately avoided taking positions on questions about which racially-conscious whites are likely to disagree. Some of these have been foreign policy, abortion, the role of homosexuals in a white consciousness movement, and whether Christianity helps or hinders our efforts. By taking no position, AR has served readers who may be sharply opposed on these questions but who agree on the central importance of race, and are committed to our survival. AR has likewise taken no explicit position on Jewish matters. Readers have always included both Jews and people who believe Jews play no useful role in a movement that promotes white interests. It has been my intent to emphasize questions crucial to our interests and on which we agree.”

      How bold, how daring, take no position, that’s the way to lead! I well remember our commanding officer yelling out just before we left on patrol: “Common men! Let’s go! Move out!” To which a buck private inquired, “Which way do we go cap’n? Where is the enemy located?” And the captain bellowed this reply, “Hell I’m not going to take any position that might lead the way to endangering our enemy, now move your ass out!” Ahhhh those were the days when we were men.

      But wait . . . .

      “To put it more accurately, AR has taken an implicit position on Jews by publishing Jewish authors and inviting Jewish speakers to AR conferences. It should be clear to anyone that Jews have, from the outset, been welcome and equal participants in our efforts. There has always been a minority in the AR constituency that has criticized me and AR for welcoming Jews, and there has been another minority that has criticized me and AR for not denouncing the first minority. These groups have generally treated each other with polite reserve, and expressed their bitterness only among themselves or to me—as was proper.”

      Wait a minute, isn’t that taking a position?

      Again, I remember our valiant captain saying. “Men were going to invite the enemy into our camp tonight. Just because they have demonstrated time and time again that they are the enemy is no reason not to trust them. I want everyone to unload their weapons and make sure their bayonets are stuck in the ground next to their heads before going to sleep tonight.”

      Then again maybe I just got confused over all that implicit, explicit, stuff; I’m sure that makes all the difference when taking a position. Ok I’m up for it! Men, let’s hate those niggers and respect those jews! Like for sure that will solve all our problems!

    17. Kalafan Says:

      Overtly move against the Jew and you will be knocked back on your ass faster than you can say “Allied Invasion.” Remember, they WANT class warfare in White nations, not assimilation and order, which is why they mostly ignore hate crimes committed by Brownies while exaggerating over those that Whitey does, publicly, at least.

    18. Olde Dutch Says:

      American Renaissance very, very seldom posts my comments. This is probably because my oblique comments about the jews, often don’t appear on the surface to be critical, until someone tries to repeat them.

      Anyway, Taylor is too hard on the darkies.

    19. Mike Meehan Says:

      While you guys were carping about censorship at AR, I was writing and posting this, which was not censored.

      Jared Taylor is like a doctor who says to a man with lung cancer: “Don’t blame the tumor, blame yourself. If you had not smoked, this never would have happened.� This is true, so far. But it would be folly if the doctor were then to conclude: “So there is no need to remove the tumor. Just stop smoking.�

      The same is true of the Jews. I believe that Jews around the world have played, and are playing, a leading role in egging on the suicide of the White race. They could not have done this if Whites had not foolishly allowed Jews to live among us and corrupt our cultures and political institutions. We Whites have to own up to our own follies if we are to survive.

      But that does not imply that we can cure our racial affliction without addressing the role of the Jews. Jews must be isolated within and then removed from White societies if our race is to survive. If Jared Taylor does not have the will to do this within his own group, then he does not have the will to do it in society as a whole.

      Taylor is mistaken to claim that even if the Jews did play a role in creating this problem, blaming them does not help us solve it. It certainly does help, since Jews have a long history of infiltrating and subverting any movements opposed to their interests that do not excude them outright.

      What were the Jews doing while non-Jewish AmRen supporters were excoriating David Duke on this website? They were working to get a White man fired from his job for attending American Renaissance. How can AmRen have any credibility in criticizing White ethnomasochism and xenophilia while engaging in this sort of behavior?

      Posted by Mike Meehan at 10:54 PM on April 14

    20. Allroy Says:

      What a load of drek.

    21. SHMUELY Says:

      I saw your post at AR, Mike. I was able to get two thought provoking statements posted there too, so far. Tact is the key.

    22. owen Says:

      AmRen wouldn’t allow my comment either so I’ll make here.—Jared is a jew name, Isn’t it? It appears you’ve been wasting your time the last 17 years. If the jews don’t go too, then the deals off.I’d rather see the white race exterminated then crawl in bed with a bunch kikes.Hasta la vista baby.

    23. Shabbos Shabazz Says:

      “AmRen wouldn’t allow my comment either so I’ll make here.—Jared is a jew name, Isn’t it?”

      His name is Samuel Jared Taylor. . .

    24. owen Says:

      Samuel Jarod. That’s about as gentile as Mordecai or Herschel.

    25. Mike Meehan Says:

      Further thoughts on Jared Taylor’s article. Sent to AmRen today. Let’s see if it is posted.

      I was shown the letter that Jared Taylor received from a group of Jewish “friends” of AR, the letter that prompted the article we are all discussing. It was breathtakingly arrogant and pushy and dishonest. In a word, Jewish. It demanded, in essence, that Taylor make AR a Semitically correct organization: to publicly repudiate anti-Semitism, to prevent known anti-Semites from attending and speaking at AR conferences, etc. Hilariously, they even recommended that AR publish a symposium exploring both sides of the Jewish Question. Of course, the Jews would provide “both sides.â€? I hope you don’t imagine them standing for Kevin MacDonald being invited to debate them! I wish that I had gotten an actual copy of the letter, because it would have been broadcast around the world by now. I am amazed that it has not leaked yet.

      I think it is important to read Taylor’s statement in light of this letter. On its own, the statement looks like shameless pandering to Jews. In the context of the letter, it does not look quite so bad. I still think that Taylor goes way too far in accommodating the Jews. But given the demands in that letter, its authors have to look at Taylor’s response as largely a rebuke and defeat.

      Of course, in the absence of the letter, the Jews will posture and preen as if they have won a great victory. And of course the Jews will not boycott AR, as they threatened in the letter. Jews are not demoralized by partial defeats. They look at them merely as incomplete victories. The camel’s nose is under the tent. All they have to do is keep pushing to get in. And Jews are nothing if not pushy.

      I predict a huge influx of Jews at the next AR conference, all of them professing to have had a recent “awakening” on the race question. All of them, as they reach for their checkbooks, will thank “Jaawedâ€? for creating an environment in which they are “comfortable” exploring racial issues. Then, dangling large checks in front of “Jaawed’sâ€? face, they will ask why they are not represented on the board of the New Century Foundation? And why are there not more Jews speaking at the conferences, and Jews writing for AR, and editing the magazine, and running the website? Such moves would make them even more “comfortable.” And “grateful.” I wonder what Jared Taylor’s answer will be. Stay tuned.

      In my opinion, Taylor should have told the world that anyone who does not like AR’s policies is welcome not to subscribe or attend. Full stop. That would have been the end of it. But he said more, and now there is hell to pay, from White Nationalists now, and from Jews later, when they make their next round of demands and bring to bear who knows what new round of “pressures.â€? (Remember, for a Jew, torture is just “physical pressure.â€?)

      The worst thing about Taylor’s performance, as far as I am concerned, is that it is demoralizing for many White Nationalists. To us, Taylor seems to be behaving just like the White elites and middle class professionals who have sold this country out to the Jews and non-Whites. The White elites in America have always been incredibly vain and insecure about status. Their middle class imitators are even more vain and insecure. They have always sought to differentiate themselves from “those people”: the “poor White trash,” the “rednecks.” Lest they be associated with “those people” (or pay them a living wage), they have imported Blacks, and Chinese, and Mexicans.

      Every time White solidarity threatens to rear its ugly head, its enemies–the rootless plutocrats and system men, Jews more and more prominent among them–easily quash it by raising the specter of “those people.” And today “those people” include not just rural, Southern Whites, but anti-Semites. As soon as the Jew or his tool says, “You are not one of ‘those people’ are you?” the insecure, status-conscious White lemmings crawl over one another to execrate fellow Whites as “Nazis,â€? “paranoids,â€? “cranks,â€? “conspiracy-theorists,â€? “nutballs,â€? etc., and to profess their undying love of “Jewish people” (a bit of cant that shows that the speaker is conditioned to be terrified of the simple, honest, straightforward three letter word “Jewâ€?). These bedwetters will fold like a cheap suit as soon as their credit rating is threatened. Yet Jared Taylor thinks he can forge them into a movement for racial salvation. Good luck.

      What would Jared Taylor do if he were a real leader? At the very least, he would not allow himself to be manipulated by the Jews brandishing the specter of “Nazis.� Instead, a real leader would say to AR-“friendly� Jews: “Boys, your behavior, and the behavior of your relatives and co-tribalists have gotten you in a bind. You have been indispensable in creating and sustaining social trends that are going to make America hell on Earth for Whites. And more and more Whites are awakening not only to the threat of non-Whites, but also to the role of Jews in creating this situation. I am afraid that more and more Whites are listening to extremist voices like David Duke and other ‘Nazis.’ If you don’t want a Fourth Reich on your hands, don’t waste your time trying to purge AR of Nazis and anti-Semites. You need to put all your time and effort into approaching your fellow Jews and persuading them to lay off. Then, and only then, will you Jews have any credibility as racial realists and friends of the White race. You can start by getting the Jewish power structure to throw its weight behind turning off non-White immigration and repatriating non-Whites to their countries of origin.� In short, a real leader would use the specter of Nazism to scare and manipulate the Jews, rather than allow them to do the same to him.

      That sort of stance would go a long way to repairing Jared Taylor’s credibility in my eyes. Publishing the letter would be a nice start, though. Mr. Taylor, publish the letter!