12 April, 2006

Guilty of Breathing While White

Posted by alex in 'hate' hoaxes at 6:57 pm | Permanent Link

nifong.jpgIt becomes plain to the meanest intelligence the lying nigger cunt made up the gang rape, but that doesn’t matter to the lying jews at the AP. Look at the photo they use. They intend to suggest that white women — too — feel threatened and outraged that white men are allowed to walk free in public without GPS units soldered to their penises.

DURHAM, N.C. — Durham County’s chief prosecutor said Tuesday he will not abandon his investigation of allegations that an exotic dancer was sexually assaulted and beaten at a party thrown by members of Duke University’s lacrosse team.

[This is the lead. Not the fact that no DNA evidence supports the very serious allegations but the fact that the witch hunt will continue is placed front and center.]

“A lot has been said in the press, particularly by some attorneys yesterday, that this case should go away,” District Attorney Mike Nifong said at a community forum. “My presence here means that this case is not going away.”

On Monday, attorneys representing members of the lacrosse team said DNA from 46 lacrosse players did not match evidence collected from the woman.

“No DNA from any young man tested was found anywhere on or about this woman,” defense attorney Wade Smith said Monday.

He said he hoped Nifong would drop the investigation.

No charges have been filed in the case, but Nifong has said he believes a crime occurred at the March 13 party, which according to court records was attended only by lacrosse players.

Nifong stopped short of confirming the defense assessment of the DNA results, but said the case would not be hampered by a lack of DNA evidence.

“It doesn’t mean nothing happened,” Nifong said at a public forum at North Carolina Central University, where the 27-year-old alleged victim is a student. “It just means nothing was left behind.”

[Translation: we won’t let their innocence get in the way of our railroading.]

No charges have been filed.

Nifong said prosecutors were awaiting a second set of DNA results, but did not say how those differed from the tests reported Monday. Nifong added that in 75 percent to 80 percent of sexual assaults, there is no DNA evidence to analyze.

The district attorney said a rape case can built on testimony from the alleged victim and other witnesses. Nifong also said the hospital exam of the woman has led him to believe a crime occurred at the March 13 party.

According to court documents, a doctor and a specially trained nurse found the alleged victim had “signs, symptoms and injuries consistent with being raped and sexually assaulted.”

“My presence here means this case is not going away,” Nifong said to applause from an audience of about 700 people.

Shawn Cunningham, a student at N.C. Central, told Nifong and Durham Mayor Bill Bell that he was angry with people who he said were blaming the alleged victim.

“The press has disrespected this young lady,” he said. “You have minimalized [her] to a stripper and an exotic dancer. You don’t identify her as a mother. You don’t identify her as a student. You don’t identify her as a woman.”

The 27-year-old woman told police she and another woman were hired to dance at the party. The woman told police that three men at the party dragged her into a bathroom, choked her, raped her and sodomized her. The allegations led to days of protests on and off the Duke campus.

Nifong said that he has never engaged in racial favoritism and that arresting suspects too quickly could harm the case.

“I have been criticized by both sides in this case,” he said. “There have been people who have said that I should have given up this case a long time ago, and there are people who have said I should have already indicted, moved against somebody with some charges. The fact is that this case is proceeding the way a case should proceed.”

Nifong later told a questioner, who asserted the victim had positively identified her three attackers, that her information was wrong.

Nifong refused to take any questions from reporters after the forum.

Bill Thomas, a defense attorney for one of the team captains, urged the accuser to recant, saying he believes she made up the allegations to avoid a charge of public drunkenness.

“It is my sincere hope that she comes forward and tells the truth in this matter and allows these young men to go on with their lives and for this community to heal,” Thomas said.
[Question: if a nigger told the truth, would the jewsmedia report it?]


  • 7 Responses to “Guilty of Breathing While White”

    1. alex Says:

      DURHAM, N.C. — Time-stamped photographs will show an exotic dancer was already injured and “very impaired” when she arrived at a party where she claims she was raped by members of Duke University’s men’s lacrosse team, an attorney for one of the players said Sunday.

      Durham attorney Bill Thomas said some of the photographs, taken when she arrived at the house, indicate the woman was injured before getting to the party March 13. They show extensive bruises and scrapes on her legs, especially around the knees, he said.

      “This young lady was substantially impaired. She had fallen several times during the course of the evening,” Thomas said.

      He declined to identify the player he represents and said he would not release the photos, taken by at least two cameras, until pending DNA tests are completed.

      He also wouldn’t say whether the photos were taken by a lacrosse team member or someone else; court documents have indicated that only team members were present at the party.

      No one has been charged in the case, but the allegations that members of the nearly all-white team raped the woman, a black student at a nearby university, have rocked both Duke and Durham.

      The allegations have led to the resignation of coach Mike Pressler, the cancellation of the lacrosse season and the suspension of one player from school.

      Several dozen people gathered Sunday outside the house where the party took place and pledged to return each Sunday until the case is resolved.

      “Whether I want to believe it, or whether you want to believe it, something took place in there,” said Johnny Williamson, 36, of Durham. “Something indecent took place.”

      District Attorney Mike Nifong, who was expected to return this week from an out-of-town conference and has not commented on the case in the past several days, has said previously he is confident a rape occurred. Court documents said a medical exam of the alleged victim found injuries consistent with sexual assault.

      The victim has not returned repeated messages seeking comment, but her father said Sunday she hasn’t changed her story.

      “I expect them to say that,” he said of the lawyers’ contentions his daughter is lying.

      The woman and the other dancer arrived separately, Thomas said, and performed briefly before leaving. The victim told police she and the other dancer left because they feared for their safety, but they were later persuaded to come back inside.

      Thomas said the photos contradict the alleged victim’s assertion she was scared, as they show her standing at the door of the off-campus house with “a major grin on her face” as she tried to get back inside.

      “People inside the house have stated she was banging on the door, attempting to regain entry,” Thomas said.

      The woman told police she was pulled into a bathroom and assaulted after coming back into the house. But Thomas said the woman locked herself in the bathroom, where police later found her purse, cell phone, and several artificial fingernails she claimed to have lost during a struggle with her attackers.

      Thomas said one of the attorneys representing team members had interviewed the other dancer extensively, and she said the alleged victim never told her about a rape.

      “All of these statements you’ve heard … about this brutal assault, rape, kidnapping and robbery which occurred, I believe that the public will soon be able to learn the truth, and that these allegations are totally false and without merit,” Thomas said.

      Both the team’s captains and attorneys for team members have said the DNA tests, which may be completed this week, will prove the allegation are false. The players’ attorneys also have raised other questions about the allegations, saying e-mails written in the hours after the alleged attack will help prove the players’ claims that nothing happened that night.

      Attorneys also have raised suspicions about a 911 call, made shortly after the alleged attack would have occurred, from a black woman who claimed someone at the party shouted racial slurs at her and a friend. The caller alternatively told police the pair were driving and walking past the house. Thomas said Sunday he and other attorneys believe the second dancer at the party made the call.

      “These young men have been absolutely vilified in the press,” Thomas said. “I think this week we will go a long ways toward clearing these young men’s names. I can assure you that this has been a nightmare for each and every one of them.”

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      An alleged sexual assault involving the Duke University men’s lacrosse team has sparked controversy among students, the school’s administration and the Durham community.

      Related Stories
      • DA: Case ‘not going away’
      • Attorneys: No DNA matches
      • Attorney: Photos will clear Duke players
      • Duke players’ attorneys step up defense
      • Whitlock: Men behaving badly
      • Coach resigns, rest of season canceled
      • Player sent ‘vile’ e-mail
      • Turbulent times for Duke, Durham
      • NCAA president: Behavior ‘inappropriate’
      • North Carolina Central students rally
      • Report: Charges could be delayed
      • Garber: Campus, community in turmoil
      • Duke president e-mails alumni, parents
      • Conduct at off-campus party leads to forfeits
      • Players could face 16 to 20 years if convicted
      • Duke president discusses case with students
      • Team suspended pending DNA results

      • Attorneys: No DNA match
      • Roger Cossack on the latest
      • How much did Duke coach know?
      • Players tried to hide identities
      • Students react to e-mail
      • Disturbing e-mail surfaces
      • Coach resigns, season called off
      • Attorney fires back at DA
      • Evidence mounts
      • Students react
      • Atmosphere on campus
      • Duke lacrosse timeline
      • Duke lacrosse program suspended

    2. Glen Says:

      Obviously, Nifong is going to charge one or more of the Lacrosse players. Some poor White kid attending Duke on an athletic scholarship is going to spend a few nights being a nigger’s ‘bitch’ in the city jail.

    3. Jim Says:

      If you don’t have anything to do with non-whites in your private life you minimize your odds of becoming a victim. In fact, its part of living White.

    4. Megasaurus Says:

      Well cases like this only come along once every 10 years, even if as in this case, they’re actually non-cases. Since nothing happened and niggerette made it all up in a feeble attempt to win several million dollars from Duke U.

      Then there’s always the possibility that niggerette actually was raped by some men but was so drunk and cracked out that she couldn’t place the faces or events of the night before.

      Whatever the case may be, my point is that the kikes stick to these kinds of things (White on jigaboo crime) like stink on shit. They simply can’t let the possible crime of the century just become gone with the wind out of a niggerette’s mouth.

      Hence the clinging and the slant of their storytelling. With the overriding goal of finding a privileged group of wealthy White frat boys to pin the tale on, at any cost-even if they might just have to fudge the truth or something drastic.

      As millions of little White kids ask “Mommy mommy, the man on TV was talking, what’s a gang rape?”

      Ah, another glorious day in the Kwa. Hoo ra.

    5. sr Says:

      If the “victim” was IMPAIRED, her testimony can be IMPEACHED. Strange fruit indeed.

    6. Arch Stanton Says:

      Good one Alex, This is why I like VNN, laughter is a tonic in these dark times.

      “They intend to suggest that white women too feel threatened and outraged that white men are allowed to walk free in public without GPS
      units soldered to their penises.”

      District Attorney Mike Nifong? – Justice – Hyphenated-American style.

    7. Harry Tuttle Says:

      Steering clear of all muds whenever possible is key to avoiding trouble. The problem is the moon crickets tend to follow one about making escape quite difficult. They breed like triffids and cannot be stopped at the front gate without shooting them dead. It’s strange that they can never get close enough to the genocidal monsters they claim are oppressing them so.