16 April, 2006

Durham the Fob, Duke the Pearl

Posted by alex in 'hate' hoaxes, academia, Alex Linder, double standards, jewish hate & hypocrisy, loxism at 11:07 pm | Permanent Link

[First, ‘exotic dancer’ is an absurd term for whore-related entertainer. Second, Oberammergau isn’t the only place that holds Passion plays. Our own media owned and operated for us by jews have stock characters and stock stories. Their passion play performs in your local paper every morning. No script deviation allowed. No polymorphous perversity in the jewish science fiction known as newspapers. Any Aryan paper would accompany the news story about the alleged rape with a sidebar on rape and race showing that the numbers run roughly 10 or 20,000 to one. Interracial rape, outside of a John Grisham novel, is exclusively black on White. Third is the nigger cunt was dead drunk. This was reported by an officer at the scene, but no paper “reporter” picked up on it til weeks later. Fourth, the woman’s own friend said the story was bullshit. Still the media press on. White skin privilege entitles you to two free accusations of rape, a side of hush puppies, and a Supersized guiltshake. If you think itz hard out here for a pimp…

Now, like a good conservative, I could stop analyzing, satisfied I’ve pointed out, like Limbaugh below, the double standard. But that isn’t enough. Telling you the full story is where WN diverges from the cowards, fools, and appeasers known as conservatives. The rest of the story, as one particularly obnoxious conservative newsman styles it, is the metastory – the storymakers, and the stories they make. They’re jews. Their unlabeled science fiction only and always stars Evil Whites Victimizing Holy Negroes, Mexicans, Laotians, Homosexual Dwarfs, and Hooknosed Gentlemen of Constant Sorrow.

‘Privilege’ – was there ever a more abused word? You know how we Whites, dumped out of Anglo-Irish prisons, or sailed scurvily from Swabia, or Rhineland-Palatinate, arrived on these shores agog at the working farms, toilets, portable communication devices, skyscrapers, cars and tens of thousands of miles of highways and phone lines. The privileged are the ugly lying nigresses we allow to dance among us to the tune of $800 for ten minutes. Back in Africa sisters are dirt-humpees, and AIDS receptacles – at a payrate of $800 for a lifetime.

Nigger, every breath you draw in land more White than colored you ought to be down on all fours licking our gutters clean with your tongue in thanks, rather than using it to make false allegations against your evolutionary betters.

Don’t fool yourself, White man. As long as the jew operates the media, you will be hated. And policies foreign and domestic will reduce the number of normal white men and increase the number of aggrieved niggers. There is no logical ending point to this charade except your extinction – and that is precisely what the jews manufacturing this bilge intend.]

Sistas making media-trumped bogus allegations of gang-rape is the symptom, JEW IS THE DISEASE.

He didn’t go to Duke. He went to a different university, and he said, “As long as I am on this case, this case is not going away. My presence here means this case is not going away,” and there was a standing ovation from the assembled gathering. This was a day after initial tests found no DNA evidence linking any of the 46 Duke University lacrosse players to an alleged gang rape at a team party.

So drive-by media went down there, got this thing all stirred up, all revved up on the presumption that such an allegation is always true. Because this case was covered not factually, this case was covered sociologically, this was made for the drive-by media: a clash of races, a clash of cultures. In the drive-by media scenerio, America is still the racist nation it was during the days of slavery all the way through the sixties.

We still have marches, the equivalent of marches like we had in Selma. Blacks still don’t get a fair shake. New Orleans and Katrina? All about racism! It wasn’t about a hurricane, and after awhile you would have never known a hurricane went through there.

I’m trying not to call it racial terrorism, but that’s really what it is.


Drive-By Media Explained, Illustrated in Duke Case Along with Prosecutorial Abuse
Rush Limbaugh ^ | April 12, 2006



RUSH: I cannot believe it. Now there’s a prayer vigil going on at Duke University. Well, I guess I can understand it in one sense. If they’re praying for these… Well, you know, that’s just the latest example, and there are countless examples of what the drive-by media is, and what they do.BREAK TRANSCRIPTRUSH: Since the media is obviously very, very hurt — the drive-by media now very disturbed — by the title, the term that I have dubbed them, “the drive-by media,” I think, ladies and gentlemen, it would be worthwhile to redefine for you exactly what the drive-by media is. They are exactly like drive-by shooters, they pull up to a congested area, they spray a hail of bullets into the crowd. It causes mass hysteria, confusion, mistakes, and misinterpretation, sometimes people and their careers actually die, and then the drive-by media smirks and they ride away, unnoticed in the excitement. They’re never blamed, they’re never held accountable. In fact, they’re lauded! They’re held up as heroes (mostly by themselves) and then the rest of us have to engage in mopping up the mess that the drive-by media caused. They’re flying down the highway with the top down, laughing and looking for their next group of victims to hail the bullets and mortar fire into in the form of the way they cover a story, and this is repeated over and over and over. There seems to be no stopping them and their marauding ways, and that’s what I mean by drive-by media. The latest example is going on down at Duke University in Durham, North Carolina, where we had the allegations of rape on the part of a 27-year-old exotic dancer.Immediately, the media went in there and was convinced because of their template that white guys had to be guilty. There could be no question about it. These charges are serious. The nature of the evidence doesn’t matter. It’s the seriousness of the charge. You had the New York Times, I am told, hiring detectives on its own to look into the 47 members of the Duke lacrosse team to see if they could dig up the truth, because they just knew it had to be true. In the meantime, you have a prosecutor running for election. This whole thing is political.

You have an elected prosecutor by the name of Michael Nifong, and his election primary is in 21 days, ladies and gentlemen: 21 days. That’s how long he needs to keep this story alive. He had a press conference yesterday, and he went to the university where this 27-year-old exotic dancer is a student. He didn’t go to Duke. He went to a different university, and he said, “As long as I am on this case, this case is not going away. My presence here means this case is not going away,” and there was a standing ovation from the assembled gathering. This was a day after initial tests found no DNA evidence linking any of the 46 Duke University lacrosse players to an alleged gang rape at a team party.Nevertheless, Michael Nifong, the district attorney investigating the case told an emotional and sometimes angry gathering of residents that he remained confident about bringing charges. He said, “‘Further tests are being conducted and confirmed he was focusing on three players he believed assaulted the exotic dancer hired to perform at the party. A lot’s been made in the press, particularly by some attorneys yesterday that this case should go away,’ Nifong said during a public forum at North Carolina Central University. ‘My presence here means that this case is not going away.’ Several people who attended Tuesday’s meeting suggested if North Carolina’s Central’s black basketball players were suspected of raping a white Duke student they would be, as one speaker put it, ‘waiting on DNA results in jail.'”Nifong responded he could not arrest all 46 players and had not narrowed the focus to the three suspects until last week. He declined to identify the three saying further investigation was required.” So drive-by media went down there, got this thing all stirred up, all revved up on the presumption that such an allegation is always true. Because this case was covered not factually, this case was covered sociologically, this was made for the drive-by media: a clash of races, a clash of cultures. In the drive-by media scenerio, America is still the racist nation it was during the days of slavery all the way through the sixties.We still have marches, the equivalent of marches like we had in Selma. Blacks still don’t get a fair shake. New Orleans and Katrina? All about racism! It wasn’t about a hurricane, and after awhile you would have never known a hurricane went through there. Why, Bush blew up the levees! Bush flooded the place. FEMA is incompetent, but they’re really not. They knew what they were doing. It was really a bunch of blacks and Republicans wanted them to die! Bush wanted them to die to take away the voting power.This is actually what they reported; this is what they believe, and so you go down to Durham, North Carolina, where Duke is and you have to made to order, clash of cultures, clash of races, it fulfills the media desire that the races in this country not get along, that there be white racism because liberals have eternal self-loathing guilt about any majority, be it economic, racial, or whatever, no majority is decent, no majority has virtue, be it the economic or the racial majority elites, except of course themselves, they exempt themselves from all this, they are virtuous, and they’re the ones that tell us how virtuous they are.Now, Michael Nifong is a Democrat. He’s 55 years old; he’s got two primary opponents, a black defense attorney and some ditzy female woman. There are no Republican opponents, strictly a Democrat primary. Republicans never win in Durham; they don’t even run. Nifong said he’s waiting more DNA results, but the state DNA lab is saying, “We’ve given him all the results. There are no matches at all.” Now, we must be fair, in the vast majority of sexual allegations, sex cases like this, there have been no DNA. It’s relatively new, and so Nifong is saying: Hey, just because there’s no DNA now, doesn’t mean that it wasn’t there.


So he says we’ve prosecuted these kinds of sexual allegation cases all over the place without DNA. You do it the good old-fashioned way. You bring witnesses up there, and you cross-examine them and you ask them on the stand under oath, and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Well, this is pure politics. His electoral primary in three weeks, the DNA is clear on this. Isn’t it interesting that the libs love DNA when it clears certain suspects but they don’t like it at all when it clears others or appears to clear others. There’s a great piece today at AmericanThinker.com, one of our all-time favorite blogs: “Racism 101 at Duke — The negative DNA tests of the alleged Duke University lacrosse team rape case raised the specter of yet another possible hate crime hoax.”The timing of the case just before a local election for district attorney, racial and class polarization in Durham, North Carolina, and the heavy hand of on-campus feminism have all politicized the issue to an extraordinary degree. Justice has taken a back seat.” Thank you drive-by media. “The sport of lacrosse does not usually earn front page headlines, but that changed with the racially-charged allegations of a black exotic dancer. The woman, who has not been identified publicly, claims she was gang raped by white lacrosse players at Duke University who had paid her and another stripper to perform at a party. She told police she was pulled into a bathroom, beaten, choked and raped by three white men who yelled racial slurs at her.” There are photographs that show that she arrived at the party with those wounds already on her body.”The reaction from the media, local politicians, school officials and black race activists was swift and predictable. Duke President Richard Brodhead announced he is canceling the rest of the lacrosse season. The nationally ranked team will forfeit the rest of their games. Coach Mike Pressler resigned. DNA samples were taken from 46 of the 47 team members (the one black player was not required to give a sample). The Duke ‘Progressive Alliance’ posted mug shots of the white players around campus with the headline ‘Please Come Forward.’ Students held a ‘Take Back the Night’ rally and banged pots and pans outside the house of President Brodhead and the house where the attack allegedly took place. The players moved out of the house out of concern for their safety.”Before the results of the DNA tests came back negative on Monday evening, most of the amateur detectives hyping the case had already convicted the whites. The general theme was that the alleged rapes represent ‘white skin privilege.’ ‘The issues here,’ said Chandra Y. Guinn, director of the Mary Lou Williams Center for Black Culture, ‘go far deeper than a single incident. There are pockets of white privilege on this campus …’ ‘There’s an embedded white supremacy here,’ said Travis Simons, a Duke divinity student. ‘For me, this is not simply a case of sexual violence or just a case of racism. It’s a case of racialized sexual violence, meaning if it had been a white woman in that room, it would not have gone down the same way,’ claimed Mark Anthony Neal, an African Studies professor. ‘Last weekend was Duke’s minority recruitment,’ said local resident Betty Greene.”‘What a welcome for minority students to walk into this story. I’m trying not to call it racial terrorism, but that’s really what it is.‘ Not mentioned in most of the articles, protests, teach-ins and ‘dialogue’ about the incident was the possibility that it could be a Tawana Brawley-type hoax,” which this program and I, your host, raised as a possibility shortly after the event. So, my friends, we have a classic example. I’m going to post this American Thinker piece or link to it so you can read the whole thing, but let me just read to you the last paragraph of it because I gotta go to a break here. “The facts of the Duke case coupled with the prevalence of hate-crime hoaxes on college campi should have at least raised a few question marks.”The fact that there were no real question raised by the media, academics, politicians or Duke administrators speaks volumes about racism in America. The white lacrosse players will certainly not receive the apology they are owed, and continue to remain in the DA’s crosshairs, as he trolls for votes among Durham’s black electorate.” His electoral primary is 21 days from now. That’s three weeks, for those of you in Rio Linda, and I’ll tell you why there was no real question raised by the media or anybody else, because this story gave them he everything they wanted.

The facts are irrelevant. The nature of the evidence is irrelevant. It’s the seriousness of the charge. It’s Clarence Thomas, Anita Hill. Doesn’t matter what really happened; boy, do we have a good story here. We’ve got white racist pigs of privilege, disadvantaging a poor exotic dancer who’s black. Oh, it’s just made to order for the drive-by media. Oh, yeah, and it’s in the south. Never mind that Duke is one of the most liberal institutions of higher learning in the country, but I guess if you’re a white liberal… There’s just a lot about this case that fits the template. Some of it doesn’t, though.



Read the Background Material…
(DFP: DA vows Duke case ‘not going away’)
(American Thinker: Racism 101 at Duke)
(ABC: DA in Duke Alleged Rape Case Facing Double Criticism)

  • 3 Responses to “Durham the Fob, Duke the Pearl”

    1. alex Says:

      The Hazards of Duke: Predatory Feminism
      By: David R. Usher: on Apr 13, 2006

      When the story broke about the Men’s lacrosse team at Duke raping a black stripper, it reminded me of the many legendary false child abuse cases of the 1970’s and 1980’s.

      The story did not ring true to begin with. For starters, rapists sneak around and do things as anonymously as possible. They plan their mark and then police spend a lot of time and resources to figure out who did it. Gang-raping of women in busy college party bathrooms while hollering racial epithets is not something that happens even at “Animal House�.

      The “suspicious� email sent by one of the alleged rapists did not add up either. Folks do not send emails to friends joking nervously about torturing and killing a stripper unless something very upsetting took place. As the story unfolds, I predict we will find out that the stripper made a blackmail threat in the bathroom – something like – “you give me a lot of money or I will say you raped me�.

      Photographic evidence in the possession of the defense apparently shows that the alleged victim was already “substantially impaired� (a gentlemanly euphemism for “smashed�). Upon arriving, she already had numerous scrapes on her legs and knees from falling down.

      The victim claims she left the party early out of fear. But she returned later, with more photos recording “a major grin on her face�. She never mentioned any rape to her stripper friend, either.

      Does any of this look like a case of rape and racism? No. Does it look like a publicity stunt to make a lot of money in a civil suit and book deal? Yes.

      An important piece of news broke that settles the whole issue. We know that there was no DNA evidence anywhere on the stripper’s body. She was swabbed head-to-toe and nothing matched. Now, if a girl was gang-raped, the chance of doing so without somebody leaving even one strand of DNA on her is about zero. In fact, this essentially proves that none of the 46 white members of the team even touched her!

      District Attorney Mike Nifong is risking his entire political career trying to make mother’s milk from manure. He is up for election in May. We have seen shotgun sex and race prosecutions backfire before.

      My prediction: The case will be quietly TUA’d and quickly replaced with a tremendous civil suit by the two girls (buffered by “experts� at the local women’s abuse center) against Duke University. This is exactly what the University deserves for allowing feminists to run the campus in the first place while stifling the healthy political and social views of heterosexual men. Organized feminism is about women and trial lawyers using sex to make money from a pedestal of feigned Victorian purity. And Duke has about as much money as the State of North Carolina has.

      The classic false child abuse cases of the 1970’s and 1980’s such as McMartin and Little Rascals had two things in common: the stories did not remotely match the realities, and the litigants were highly motivated by the foreknown scent of huge civil suit settlements. Feminists discovered that these cases often backfired because it is difficult to brainwash children. They discovered that false rape and abuse allegations are much safer and more productive – except for the DNA problem.

      Our stripper is a student at a North Carolina Central University. Colleges are famous for mandatory hyper-feminist coursework featuring lawyers and feminist activists that teach women how to use sex to take advantage of men, and any institution that involves men.

      NCCU has a chapter of the National Organization for Women on campus. One of its major “missions� is fostering the agitprop on which the Violence Against Women (VAWA) is based – to keep $4-billion in sexist VAWA federal funding flowing. As most of us know, this is just another wedge designed to distract from the fact that women initiate slightly over half of all serious spousal altercations.

      NCCU is an extension of Duke, which has an extensive women’s studies department tentacled deeply into core curricula via its funded interdisciplinary studies program. Duke has a fully-integrated SASS chapter (that screams out all sorts of social statistics debunked long ago) and a Center for LGBT Life (complete with their own “lavender graduation ceremonies�).

      The mission statement of Duke’s women’s studies program is an end-stage fascist manifesto expressing full intent to turn all core curricula into subdivisions of feminist dicta: “In the field’s first decades, feminist scholarship reoriented traditional disciplines toward the study of women and gender and developed new methodologies and critical vocabularies that have made interdisciplinarity a key feature of Women’s Studies as an autonomous field. Today, scholars continue to explore the meaning and impact of identity as a primary – though by no means transhistorical or universal – way of organizing social life by pursuing an intersectional analysis of gender, race, sexuality, class, and nationality. In the classroom, as in our research, our goal is to transform the university’s organization of knowledge by reaching across the epistemological and methodological divisions of historical, political, economic, representational, technological and scientific analysis. In our Program’s dual emphasis on interdisciplinarity and intersectionality, we offer students new knowledge about identity while equipping them with a wide range of analytical and methodological skill.â€?

      But Duke and UNC, like most universities, do not have a men’s studies program. This is because feminism dictates that men are not allowed to have views on social issues, marriage, family, divorce, childbearing, or childrearing. The feminist idea of equality: women must have equal rights to be in the workplace, but men should not have any right to be in the family or to even think about it. Such is the situation of men at Duke.

      But don’t take my word for this. A 1965 graduate of Duke noticed a feminist problem there too, “When this is all over, the team should demand and receive apologies from Duke’s president and the local ‘activists’ who naturally assumed the worst, although no formal charges had or have been made. Further, the team should receive compensation for damages to individual and team reputations. Finally, the University should mandate a refresher course in constitutional rights for its faculty and students. That said, having observed the decided tilt to the left at Duke over the last three decades, I’d encourage the team not to hold its collective breath.� — Daniel (Duke ‘65)

      My recommendation to Duke: When they file the civil suit, do not back down. File a countersuit against the woman and the women’s abuse center for double the amount they are asking. You cannot stop the Pink Mafia by paying it off.

      My message to men on college campuses everywhere: Stay away from feminists and strippers. The last thing you want to date is a girl who studies feminism. Be sure she believes in equal rights for men to be in the family. Make certain she rejects feminism before even asking her out on a date. Get to know her previous boyfriend to find out why they broke up. If she says he is a jerk but he isn’t, you probably have a feminist on your hands.

      Start a men’s rights group on your campus. Insist on equal rights for normal heterosexual men to be politically organized and to have their views on social equality heard. Demand the creation of a men’s studies program that operates completely independently of the women’s studies department. Real women will support you in this. Be sure to include them in your work.
      The Duke board of directors should be more than happy to have you restore balance on campus to prevent feminists from manufacturing future assaults on Duke’s finances and reputation.
      All social change starts on college campuses. This is precisely why feminists have entrenched themselves into powerful positions controlling all campus social thought. This will not be an easy task, but it will be the best education that any man can possibly get in politics.

      It is far better to deal with feminism at the political level now and change your future than it is to wait for your own social and economic destruction later. Feminism has already destroyed over half the husbands and fathers in America. What you fail to do now is what you will get later.


    2. swinestein Says:

      Nigger, every breath you draw in land more White than colored you ought to be down on all fours licking our gutters clean with your tongue in thanks, rather than using it to make false allegations against your evolutionary betters.”

      Brother, you got that right.

    3. Carpenter Says:

      ‘Privilege’ – was there ever a more abused word?

      Perhaps never. Yet one more tool to twist the language into an anti-White weapon; White achievement becomes White “privilege.”

      Privilege is defined as a legal right you get by birth that other people in the same country don’t have. Blacks are by definition privileged as they enjoy quotas not enjoyed by Whites.