21 April, 2006

Condoleeza Rice Found Guilty of Treason, Will Hang

Posted by alex in jewed foreign policy, Jewish Tyranny, treason at 8:12 pm | Permanent Link

[She was trained by jews, no surprise she’s loyal to jews-Israel first, and America not at all.]

BREAKING | Condoleezza Rice Implicated in New Leak Scandal

Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice leaked national defense information to a pro-Israel lobbyist in the same manner that landed a lower-level Pentagon official a 12-year prison sentence, the lobbyist’s lawyer said Friday.

Prosecutors Disputed the Claim

The allegations against Rice came as a federal judge granted a defense request to issue subpoenas sought by the defense for Rice and three other government officials in the trial of Steven Rosen and Keith Weissman. The two are former lobbyists with the American Israel Public Affairs Committee who are charged with receiving and disclosing national defense information.

Defense lawyers are asking a judge to dismiss the charges because, among other things, they believe it seeks to criminalize the type of backchannel exchanges between government officials, lobbyists and the press that are part and parcel of how Washington works.

During Friday’s hearing, U.S. District Judge T.S. Ellis III said he is considering dismissing the government’s entire case because the law used to prosecute Rosen and Weissman may be unconstitutionally vague and broad and infringe on freedom of speech.

Rosen’s lawyer, Abbe Lowell, said the testimony of Rice and others is needed to show that some of the top officials in U.S. government approved of disclosing sensitive information to the defendants and that the leaks may have been authorized.

Prosecutors opposed the effort to depose Rice and the other officials. Assistant U.S. Attorney Kevin DiGregory also disputed Lowell’s claim, saying, “She never gave national defense information to Mr. Rosen.”

The issuance of subpoenas does not automatically require Rice or anybody else to testify or give a deposition. A recipient can seek to quash the subpoena.

Calls to the State Department seeking comment Friday evening were not immediately returned.

The judge also granted subpoenas for David Satterfield, deputy chief of the U.S. mission to Iraq; William Burns, U.S. ambassador to Russia and retired Marine Gen. Anthony Zinni.

“Each of these individuals have real-life dealings with the defendants in this case. They’ll explain what they told Dr. Rosen in detail,” Lowell said. “On day one, Secretary of State Rice tells him certain info and on day two one of the conspirators tells him the same thing or something less volatile.”

The indictment against Rosen and Weissman alleges that three government officials leaked sensitive and sometimes classified national defense information to the two, who subsequently revealed what they learned to the press and to an Israeli government official.

One of the three government officials is former Pentagon official Lawrence A. Franklin, who pleaded guilty to providing classified defense information to Rosen and Weissman and was sentenced to more than 12 years in prison.

Franklin has said he was concerned that the United States was insufficiently concerned about the threat posed by Iran and hoped that leaking information might eventually provoke the National Security Council to take a different course of action.

The indictment against Rosen, of Silver Spring, Md., and Weissman, of Bethesda, Md., alleges that they conspired to obtain classified government reports on issues relevant to U.S. policy, including the al-Qaida terror network; the bombing of the Khobar Towers dormitory in Saudi Arabia, which killed 19 U.S. Air Force personnel; and U.S. policy in Iran.

Lowell said it is impossible for Rosen and Weissman to determine what is sensitive national defense information when they are receiving the information from government officials who presumably understand national security law and therefore would not improperly disclose national defense information.

The World War I-era law has never been used to prosecute lobbyists before.


  • 6 Responses to “Condoleeza Rice Found Guilty of Treason, Will Hang”

    1. apollonian Says:

      Patriots Must Keep “Trucking”
      (Apollonian, 21 Apr 06)

      Heck yeah, absolutely, makes sense to me (regarding Congoleeza Rice info, above). But hey, things have already come to such a pass that u know what’s gonna happen–a big “T”-event, their “ace in the hole”–if they can’t figure out anything else to do when things get sticky. Thus the Spenglerian cycle must continue its grim progress eliminating the weaklings. At some pt. there’s gotta be some “grass-roots” activity. Meantime we gotta keep up w. advance of antisemitism, which happens naturally anyway. Things are in God’s hands, and we gotta be brave. Honest elections and death to the Fed. Apollonian

    2. Arch Says:

      “Defense lawyers are asking a judge to dismiss the charges because, among other things, they believe it seeks to criminalize the
      type of backchannel exchanges between government officials, lobbyists and the press that are part and parcel of how
      Washington works.”

      Why of course these traitors should be exonerated, after all jewish treason is just the way Washington works.

    3. Lutjens Says:

      “During Friday’s hearing, U.S. District Judge T.S. Ellis III said he is considering dismissing the government’s entire case because the law used to prosecute Rosen and Weissman may be unconstitutionally vague and broad and infringe on freedom of speech.”

      Freedom of speech? What about freedom of speech for Zundel, Germar Rudolph, and Irving? These fucking sheenies need to hang along with their monkey stool.

    4. Coup d'Etat Says:

      “The indictment against Rosen and Weissman alleges that three government officials leaked sensitive and sometimes classified national defense information to the two, who subsequently revealed what they learned to the press and to an Israeli government official…

      The indictment against Rosen, of Silver Spring, Md., and Weissman, of Bethesda, Md., alleges that they conspired to obtain classified government reports on issues relevant to U.S. policy, including the al-Qaida terror network; the bombing of the Khobar Towers dormitory in Saudi Arabia, which killed 19 U.S. Air Force personnel; and U.S. policy in Iran.”

      This is more proof that the jews are committing more serious crimes and who are killing and jeopardizing U.S. lives everyday. How long will it be before the U.S. is attacked by nuclear weapons as a result from the jewish criminal perpetrating lobbyists if we don’t get rid of the jews in our government first? The jews are the terrorists and are a real threat to everyone. Anyone who speaks of terrorists and doesn’t include jews is someone who is lobbying for the jews. That same person is also perpetrating wars in favor of Israel while placing the U.S. in grave danger.

    5. High Rider Says:

      I bet some folks remember when you could hang niggers, just because they were niggers. Damn, those were the good old days. What the f*ck kind of a name is Condoleeza anyway? Niggers sure are stupid.

    6. van helsing Says:

      HR I dont think those days really existed, at least not often in America.

      Idea is starting to have merit, that’s fer sure.

      We have simply been too humane all along. is there ANY doubt that yahoodi would be a lot more subdued if AH had actually killed 6 million of them pre-verts?