9 April, 2006

Another Nigger ‘Hate’ Hoax Amplified by Jewsmedia

Posted by alex in 'hate' hoaxes, Arboreal Americans, media control at 3:40 pm | Permanent Link

[He was just trying to raise consciousness. That’s the real story here.]

Evil White Men in Sheets

The mother told News Channel 8 her son was while walking home on 4th Street when he was picked up by several white males dressed in white robes and masks, and taken to Linette Park where his face was sprayed with a flammable liquid and the males ignited it.

Evil racism at Duke, and now this?!!! As a white man I feel ashamed to show my face in public! How much can I contribute to the NAACP? Would they even take money from a white man? It’s tax deductable, isn’t it?


Boy falsely reports racist attack in Ansonia (CT)

(Ansonia-WTNH, Apr. 8, 2006 11:20 PM) _ An Ansonia 12-year-old is in some trouble tonight after he claims he was abducted and assaulted by White men in robes.

The boy claimed that he was attacked because of the color of his skin.

Now, it turns out that Ansonia police have determined the boy’s story is a lie.

Ansonia police told us earlier today they were investigating a claim of an assault to a child. His mother originally told us her child told her he was the target of racism.

In fact, she was so scared she, and the NAACP asked that her identity be hidden.

Now, police figured out that the child told a lie and completely made up a very disturbing story.

The mother told News Channel 8 her son was while walking home on 4th Street when he was picked up by several white males dressed in white robes and masks, and taken to Linette Park where his face was sprayed with a flammable liquid and the males ignited it.

From the start, Ansonia police were clear that they were investigating a claim only. Less than an hour after it was first reported, the NAACP called us to say the facts had changed. Ansonia police determined, “The investigation revealed inconsistencies. The 12 year old youth has recanted his story and admitted that he had lied to police about his injuries and how they occured.

In a statement to News Channel 8, Greg Johnson from the NAACP says, “We’re pleased the Ansonia Police Department performed a thorough investigation and determined the charges were false. However, as a historic Civil Rights organization, the NAACP takes claims of racism very serious

The injuries to the child occurred when he was burned while playing with a flammable liquid at a friend’s house. He apparently made up the story to explain the injuries.

So how serious is a lie to a police department who brought in detectives on overtime to get all the facts?

They are now examining whether charges will be filed against the twelve year old in this case.

News Channel 8 spoke with the child’s mother at length tonight. She told us her son is now required to call everyone affected by this tall-tale, and give his apologies.

Furthermore, she wants to stress her family has no ill-will toward any race.

Obviously, she says she’s glad he wasn’t attacked, but is still strongly upset about how much pain this has caused.

  • 3 Responses to “Another Nigger ‘Hate’ Hoax Amplified by Jewsmedia”

    1. Jim Says:

      These little monkeys are trained at an early age to cry “dat’s wacist” to get anything they want or get out of trouble. Thanks Jews! What’s uglier, Alan Dershowitz or a niglet with a charred mug?

    2. ZykonB+jews=partytime Says:

      Just when the spics should be keeping their poker faces on and holding their cards close to the chest, they’ve literally declared open season on Whites and are gathering in the streets by the millions.

      Stupid spics.

      Like the Jews who riled you up against your betters, you just don’t know when to quit.

      And THAT will be your undoing.

    3. ZykonB+jews=partytime Says:

      The above comment was meant for another article. Oh well, who’s counting?

      As for the nigger and his imaginary Klan friends, just TNB.