28 March, 2006

What Hitler Planned for Berlin…

Posted by alex in Nazis at 9:29 pm | Permanent Link
Hitler’s Plans for Berlin as New ‘Eternal City’

Adolf Hitler intended to recreate the Vatican’s St Peter’s Square in the centre of Berlin to honour his ally Benito Mussolini, newly discovered documents have revealed. Albert Speer, the fuhrer’s chief architect, was commissioned to draw up the plans, which have been discovered by historians examining his papers. …The plans for a new, Germanic version of St Peter’s Square – complete with a giant statue of Mussolini – in Berlin have astonished historians. Article.

  • 8 Responses to “What Hitler Planned for Berlin…”

    1. Dr. Walter Krankheit Says:

      Why do articles like this always come from British papers?They sure do like their Germanophobia over there.

    2. Carpenter Says:

      I have heard that Hitler also planned to rename Berlin Germania, can anyone confirm?

      I enjoyed watching that movie where the Third Reich won the war, and took control of all of Europe. Everything is clean, rich and peaceful in the new Berlin, and the people are happy. The absurd ending, where it all falls once the concentration camps are discovered, can be effortlessly ignored. (Did the Soviet Union ever fall because of the Gulags? Defeat in war is the highest sin in the eyes of the masses, not mass jailings and executions)

      I am sure Berlin would have been beautiful today, like all European cities, if indebted-to-a-jew Churchill hadn’t worn the traitor’s crown.

      Reading that Telegraph link, I also see a link to another article, “Mussolini asked Pope to excommunicate Hitler ” According to popish documents, that happened in 1938 after Germany had taken Austria, when Mussolini were afraid Hitler would try to take the South Tyrol.

      Although Hitler described himself as a “complete pagan”, he was born and raised a Roman Catholic, and he was well aware of the authority of the Pope and the Church.

      The minutes said that Mussolini had told Padre Tacchi Venturi: “It would be a good idea to forget any idea that the Hitler phenomenon was a passing one, since in Germany this man has obtained huge successes. There would be no other way to stop him except by war, which is not wanted.”

      The Pope’s meeting came less than a month after the Anschluss and six days before Britain and Italy signed an agreement on some of their competing interests around the world. Three weeks later, Hitler made a triumphant visit to Rome when he and Mussolini cemented their alliance.

    3. Will Says:

      Another great work for mankind destroyed by the jews.

      Alas, destruction of them would have been the greatest work for mankind of all—sadly the one he never undertook.

      Everyday brings a reason to hate the jews just a little more. Nation wreckers? Nah, more like profressional world-wreckers.

    4. James Hawthorne Says:

      I would say that the idea that il Duce and der Fuehrer were at odds is misleading and intended to tarnish Hitler. Any time you hear a negative about Hitler you must carefully consider the source and background behind it. It’s been my experience that it’s always wrong. Writers, editors and publishers almost always have an agenda? They are NOT objective. Books they don’t want printed are stifled all the time a la Rushton’s Race, Evolution and Behavior. What did Mussolini say when Otto Skorzeny rescued him? He said, “I knew my friend wouldn’t abandon me.!” And this is according to Skorzeny so it’s not a second hand story, or another kike’s lie, or some “academic’s” opinion about the matter.

      As an example of most people’s ignorance of Hitler and his plans, here’s a little known tidbit. Hitler believed (and of course we’ll never know if he was right, but he tended to always be right, like Wernher von Braun) thought that hydroelectric power plants should eventually be built in Sweden and Norway because of the abundance of glacial and natural waters and that this could provide electricity to ALL of Europe free of charge. Imagine a society where you had no electric bill. This kind of progress can only be made in the type of economy that Hitler created.

    5. Carpenter Says:

      James Hawthorne, you are right, a lot is distorted. But it is also possible that Mussolini could have had conflicting thoughts at different times in his life. This quote comes from Vatican documents, I doubt it would be fabricated. He could still have called Hitler his friend when Skorzeny saved him.

      Glaciers in Norway and Sweden providing energy to all of Europe? There is snow, but no glaciers in Scandinavia. Well, it is hard to be right about everything you say in a long life. He was still a cut above the rest.

    6. apollonian Says:

      Hitler was Pelagian heretic victimized and assassinated along w. entire nation of Germany, this foul assassination done by Western “bankers,” actually criminal conspirators behind the present Federal Reserve Bank (Fed) counterfeiting fraud. What was needed then as now (“Decline of the West” continuing) is more wide-ranging cultural revolution as of Constantine-the-Great, saint and Roman emperor of repute. Honest elections and death to the Fed. A.

    7. James Hawthorne Says:

      “There are glaciers in Scandinavia nitwit!”


    8. Carpenter Says:

      One high-altitude glacier far away in the northern Norwegian mountains. I’ll be damned, free electricity for everyone. :)

      Scandinavian hydroelectric plants provide about one fourth of the energy need, in these nations with lots of rivers coming down the mountains. Most of the energy comes from nuclear plants. The lesson we learn is that all men are fallible.