21 March, 2006

What Does Civil War Look Like?

Posted by alex in Iraq at 2:04 am | Permanent Link

Districts where Sunni and Shia lived together for decades if not centuries are being torn apart in a few days. In the al-Amel neighbourhood in west Baghdad, for instance, the two communities lived side by side until a few days ago, though Shias were in the majority. Then the Sunni started receiving envelopes pushed under their doors with a Kalashnikov bullet inside and a letter telling them to leave immediately or be killed. It added that they must take all of their goods which they could carry immediately and only return later to sell their houses. Article.

  • 2 Responses to “What Does Civil War Look Like?”

    1. Jim Says:

      Answer to the question – a lot like whats going on now.

    2. Carpenter Says:

      I’m playing with an idea here. Imagine our future twenty years from now:

      Districts where Whites and Blacks lived together for decades if not centuries are being torn apart in a few days. In the Washington neighbourhood in west Springfield, for instance, the two communities lived side by side until a few days ago, though Whites were in the majority. Then the Blacks started receiving envelopes pushed under their doors with a 5.56 bullet inside and a letter telling them to leave immediately or be killed. It added that they must take all of their goods which they could carry immediately and only return later to sell their apartments.