31 March, 2006

Norway Cools to Coloreds

Posted by alex in Europe, immigration, Norway at 2:04 pm | Permanent Link

Enough’s enough says major-party pol. What will actually be done remains to be seen. The prolific stupidity of dirt-worlders can undermine small civilized Scandinavian countries in years.


Politician calls for refugee crackdown (Norway)

Aftenposten ^ | March 31, 2006 | tr. Nina Berglund

The increasingly popular leader of Norway’s most conservative party has had enough of would-be refugees who commit murder and other serious crimes in Norway. Siv Jensen wants much better control over people seeking asylum. “Enough’s enough,” Jensen told newspaper VG. People whom she called “ticking time bombs” shouldn’t be allowed to wander around freely in Norway.

Jensen, whose party now ranks as Norway’s largest, according to public opinion polls, wants asylum seekers to be detained in asylum centers until their applications are processed. She also wants the processing time dramatically reduced.

Asylum seekers have committed eight murders and a hijacking since 2000. Most of the crimes have been linked to the offenders’ psychiatric problems.

“The list speaks for itself, and is terribly sad,” Jensen told VG. “This can’t continue. The government has to show that it’s taking action against this.”

The government minister in charge of health issues, Sylvia Brustad of the Labour Party, wouldn’t comment, claiming that it wasn’t appropriate just days after a doctor in Oslo was stabbed to death by a man from Algeria whose application for asylum had been turned down.

The minister in charge of immigration and integration, Bjarne HÃ¥kon Hanssen, however, agreed that new laws should be evaluated that would ensure extra surveillance of asylum seekers who were turned down.

Hanssen, also from the Labour Party, noted, however, that it’s difficult to determine a person’s psychiatric condition. He also stressed that four asylum centers in Norway already have facilities with round-the-clock surveillance of refugees who have social and psychiatric problems.

  • 5 Responses to “Norway Cools to Coloreds”

    1. Lutjens Says:

      Time for honest elections. Siv Jensen for Chancellor of the ‘New’ United States of America.

    2. Lutjens Says:

      “Asylum seekers have committed eight murders and a hijacking since 2000. Most of the crimes have been linked to the offenders’ psychiatric problems.”

      Eight murders since 2000 and they have a problem? Fuck, we have that in a day here. I really want her for ‘Chancellor’ now.

    3. Angel Eyes Says:

      Dumbfuck Scandi’s – so proud of being “underground” when the Germans were trying to striaighten out their stupid asses – now they’re paying the price !

    4. Carpenter Says:

      That’s odd, an entire article about a party without mentioning its name. That means the journalist hasn’t done her job, doesn’t it?

      The “most conservative party in Norway” has to be Framstegspartiet, The Progress Party. In other nations it would be called anti-immigrant or nationalist.

      However, what is this? Jensen, whose party now ranks as Norway’s largest, according to public opinion polls, wants asylum seekers to be detained in asylum centers until their applications are processed. She also wants the processing time dramatically reduced.

      Detained until processed, processing time reduced. What do you accomplish with this, other than slowing down your death? This is ridiculous.

      And what have Lega Nord and Allianze Nazionale in Italy accomplished, as members of Berlusconi’s coalition? And Dansk Folkeparti in Denmark, as the governing party’s coalition partner? Only lame stuff like these Norwegian suggestions. Make it harder to marry wives from the home country, speed up the process, slightly longer sentences, slightly slower immigration – when are they actually going to kick out any immigrants?

      When you have entered politics primarily because you want to stop your country from being invaded, how can you be satisfied with cosmetic changes like these?

    5. Ole Næss Says:

      I live in norway. This party has gone straight through the jewish hoop for the last ten years. Once it was against immigration. Now it`s against islamism and non-whites who commits crime, not peaceful non-whites. They are welcomed with open arms.
      The party is extremely pro-israel in every sentence uttered. It wants to slow down the immigration rates not stop it. In other words, not enough. But on the lighter note, to be anti-nonwhite is illegal in this country. One wrong sentence uttered and it`s in every newspaper the next day and a speedy trial will commence. Although many racists have been involved in the party, they are cowed down or have moved away from it.
      The political process is dead in norway. Many anti-immigrants, which there are many off in norway vote for this party because it`s the only party which utters a negative word about immigrants.
      One of the parties (SV,Socialistic left) in the coalition once advocated to have 1 million immigrants enter norway. In a population of 4,5 million you can see what kind of thinking is going on in the brains of the elite of norway. And one more thing, Sweden is alot worse.