26 March, 2006

As Yesterday, So Today

Posted by alex in jewish hate & hypocrisy, Jewish Tyranny, media control, Nazis at 3:23 am | Permanent Link

No more anti-Semitism! The nonsense of the uneducated, the “socialism of the fool,” must finally be eliminated in Frankfurt. Anti-Semitism must be absolutely abolished! The editor of an anti-Semitic newspaper cannot be allowed to reveal members of the Jewish race to the public, to uncover their misdeeds, and to call for the state attorney to do something. Words are inadequate to express one’s distress when the editor of the “Frankfurter Beobachter,” a filthy anti-Semitic rag, publicly insults a priest of Israel, Rabbi Georg Salzberger. He must be punished. In the first trial, this editor has already been sentenced to two months in prison. He appealed his sentence. The appeal will be heard on 16 October. Everyone come on Tuesday, 16 October at 8 p.m. to the Flora Room, Rotlintstr. 3, to hear the verdict. The editor’s attorney, Dr. Roland Freisler from Kassel, will not speak on behalf of the Central Federation of German Citizens of the Jewish Faith. His topic: “Special Interest Justice or the Rule of Law?” Editor Gutterer will speak on “Are the Jews our Misfortune?”

National Socialist German Workers Party

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