Fyodor Dostoevsky on the Jews

Fyodor Dostoevsky (1821-1881) was a great Russian writer who was educated as an engineer, but got into trouble with the law at age 27 and was sentenced to death. At the last minute, his sentence was commuted to Siberian exile. After being released from prison, Dostoevsky joined the Russian army for a while, then resumed writing. His works include Crime and Punishment and The Brothers Karamazov. But it was his serialized work in Diary of a Writer where Dostoevsky shared with the world his insight into the nature of the Jewish people. Here is what this perceptive Russian patriot and author had to say about the Jews.

"I know that in the world there is certainly no other people who would be complaining as much about their lot, incessantly, after each step and word of theirs -- about their humiliation, their suffering, their martyrdom. One might think that it is not they who are reigning in Europe, who are directing there at least the stock exchanges and, therefore, politics, domestic affairs, the morality of the states..."

"...Now, how would it be if in Russia there were not three million Jews, but three million Russians and there were eighty million Jews -- well, into what would they convert the Russians, and how would they treat them? Would they permit them to acquire equal rights? Would they permit them to worship freely in their midst? Wouldn't they instead convert them into slaves? Worse than that: wouldn't they skin them altogether? Wouldn't they slaughter the Russians down to the last man, to the point of complete extermination, as they used to do with alien peoples in ancient times, during their ancient history?"

"...It is possible to outline, at least, certain symptoms of that status in statu -- be it only externally. These symptoms are: alienation and estrangement in the matter of religious dogma; the impossibility of fusion; belief that in the world there exists but one national entity, the Jew, while, even though other entities exist, nevertheless, it should be presumed that they are, as it were, nonexistent. 'Step out of the family of nations and form your own entity, and thou shalt know that henceforth thou art the only one before God; exterminate the rest, or make slaves of them, or exploit them. Have faith in the conquest of the whole world; adhere to the belief that everything will submit to thee. Loathe strictly everything, and do not have intercourse with anyone in thy mode of living. And even when thou shalt lose the land, thy political individuality, even when thou shalt be dispersed all over the face of the earth, amidst all nations -- nevermind, have faith in everything that has been promised thee, once and forever; believe that all this will come to pass, and meanwhile live, loathe, unite, and exploit -- and wait, wait..."

"Thus, Jewry is thriving precisely there where the people are still ignorant, or not free, or economically backward. It is there that Jewry has a champ libre! And instead of raising, by its influence, the level of education, instead of increasing knowledge, generating economic fitness in the native population -- instead of this the Jew, where he has settled, has still more humiliated and debauched the people; there humaneness was still more debased and the educational level fell still lower; there inescapable, inhuman misery, and with it despair, spread still more disgustingly. Ask the native population in our border regions: What is propelling the Jew -- and hasd been propelling him for centuries? You will receive a unanimous answer: mercilessness. 'He has been prompted so many centuries only by pitilessness for us, only by the thirst for our sweat and blood.'"

"And, in truth, the whole activity of the Jews in these border regions of ours consisted of rendering the native population as much as possible inescapably dependent on them, taking advantage of the local laws. They have always managed to be on friendly terms with those upon whom the people were dependent... Point to any other tribe from among Russian aliens which could rival the Jew in his dreadful influence in this connection! You will find no such other tribe. In this respect the Jew preserves all his originality as compared with other Russian aliens, and, of course, the reason therefore is that status in statu of his, the spirit which specifically breathes with pitilessness for everything that is not Jew, with disrespect for any people and tribe, for every human creature who is not a Jew..."

"Now, what if somehow, for some reason, our rural society should disintegrate, the society that is protecting our poor native peasant against so many ills; what if, straightaway, the Jew and his whole kehillah should fall upon that liberated peasant -- so inexperienced, so incapable of resisting temptation, and who up to this time has been guarded precisely by society? Why, of course, instantly this would be his end; his entire property, his whole strength, the very next day would come under the power of the Jew, and there would ensue such an era as could be compared not only with the era of serfdom but even with that of the Tartar yoke."

Dostoevsky was speaking more prophetically than he would ever know. Only 36 years after his death, when the Tsar's government was weakened by World War 1, the Jews finally succeeded in bringing off a successful armed revolution against the traditional Russian government and established in its place the greatest and most evil tyranny that the world has yet seen: the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. No sooner had the Jews made secure their political powers than they turned viciously on the Russian Christian peasantry, brutally butchering and starving them to death by the tens of millions.

Compare Dostoevsky's opinions of the influence that Jews have on gentile societies, with those of Benjamin Franklin. Though born more than a century apart and lived on nearly opposite sides of the world, both Franklin and Dostoevsky came to the same conclusion about the baneful influence Jews have on Aryan culture and commerce. Martin Luther made simiar remarks back in 1543.

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Robert Louis Stevenson, 1892
Jew storekeepers have already learned the advantage to be gained from [extending unlimited credit]; they lead on the farmer into irretrievable indebtedness, and keep him ever after as their bond-slave hopelessly grinding in the mill.

Wise Aryan men are lined up and down the centuries crying us warnings about the Jews, and we're still making the same stupid mistakes in regard to our tolerance of them because a few smart-ass modern Liberals think they know better than all those people from our past.

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