Wolzek's TerrorTimeline files

Fred Abrahams
To write a book about the social and political developments in Albania and the neighboring regions of Kosovo and Macedonia since 1989 providing a profile of the fall of Albania's communist regime, the rise of authoritarianism in the first post-Communist government and the subsequent collapse of Albanian society.

Brad Adams
To write a book and related articles on the international community's peacekeeping efforts in Cambodia from the 1991 Paris Peace Agreements through the 1998 national elections and identify those factors necessary for the international community to more successfully support the transition of states from authoritarianism to open societies.

Nawal Ammar
To explore health care and other problems of women in prison through a study of three facilities in Ohio.

Douglas Amy
To produce a comprehensive handbook on the variety of voting systems in the U.S. with the purpose of educating the general public about voting options and reforming the current political system.

Arjun Appadurai
Based on recent ethnic rioting in Bombay, this monograph will seek to show how large-scale forces can violently transform local structures and relationships, how stable identities can become volatile and neighbors can turn into killers.

Gary Barker
To research and develop practices that encourage nonviolent expressions of masculinity and greater male involvment in reproductive health among low-income adolescent males in Rio de Janeiro and Chicago.

Bill Berkeley
This book project, which examines ethnic conflicts in Africa, aims to show that conflicts there erupt from disorders common to all tyrannies unrestrained by legitimate institutions of law, rather than from tribal antagonisms.

Randall Bezanson, Gilbert Cranberg, & John Soloski
To explore the structure, practices, and policies of publicly traded newspaper corporations to determine how they reconcile the obligation to serve both their stockholders and their readers.

Eric Blumenson & Eva Nilsen
Through a series of articles, this project explores the economic incentives that bias criminal justice officials to favor drug law enforcement and incarceration over alternative approaches.

Sherry Brandt-Rauf
To research the nature and degree of influence that the pharmaceutical industry's interactions with medical students have on the practice of medicine.

Jimmie Briggs
To examine the forces which give rise to the participation of child soldiers in armed conflict and determine what actions can abate their involvement.

Zana Briski
To produce a book and photography exhibition that raise awareness about the daily lives and living conditions of female and child sex workers in Sonagachi, Calcutta.

Evelyn Brodkin
To write a book analyzing the practical effects of welfare reform upon women in the workplace to bridge the gap between theories of welfare and their application.

Cynthia Chandler
To establish a campaign to improve the conditions of female HIV-positive prisoners in California by providing case studies and offering legal education on the problems of medical neglect and mistreatment.

Ellen Chesler, Senior Fellow
Chesler is advising OSI on global reproductive rights issues and a range of other issues. Chesler, a former fellow of the Twentieth Century Fund, is author of Woman of Valor: Margaret Sanger and the Birth Control Movement in America.

Bruce Davidson
Thirty years after his original story of East 100th Street, this photographic documentary will tell the story of community uplift and the successes of a neighborhood once plagued by poverty.

Donna DeCesare
To produce a photodocumentary on the expansion of a violent "global underclass"--youths with criminal histories in the United States who are deported back to their birth countries.

Frances D'Souza
The campaign mounted by Article 19 in defense of Salman Rushdie is chronicled to underline the fundamental importance of freedom of expression as a cornerstone of democracy.

Janice Fine
To produce a strategy document that educates labor, community, and philanthropic organizations about effective ways to revitalize civic and political participation among low-wage workers.

Christina Fink
Through an analysis of several communities in Burma, Framing the Future: Burmese Voices Speak Out will explore how the policies of the military dictatorship have circumscribed people's lives.

Leslie Fratkin
A collaboration with photographers from the former Yugoslavia, this book project and exhibitions aims to expose the war from an insider's perspective.

Mindy Thompson Fullilove
This project proposed a set of strategies for analyzing race as a variable in public health research and to understand the implications of the meaning of race for interventions to halt the spread of disease.

Karen Furth
To exhibit the works of a photography group consisting of residents at a Times Square Single Room Occupancy.

Greta Gilbertson & Audrey Singer
To understand the social process of becoming a citizen and its relationship to immigrant settlement through a case study of Latin American immigrants in New York City.

Stephen Golub
To provide an alternative civil society strategy for strengthening the rule of law.

Jennifer Gordon
To develop a model that integrates legal strategies into U.S. community organizations and to present a proposal for changes in legal education that facilitates collaborations between lawyers and organizers.

Dean Graber
To examine how citizens' media, such as grassroots community newpapers and radio programs, can be employed as catalysts for other forms of community empowerment.

Susan Greenhalgh
To write a book that places Chinese birth control policies in a cultural, political, and historical context.

Betsy McAlister Groves
To write a book and a series of papers on the impact on children of witnessing domestic and community violence, in order to inform the criminal justice response, legislative initiatives, child protective services response, and mental health care policy for families and communities affected by violence.

Facundo Guardado Guardado
To write a book about the social, military, and political events of the last 30 years in El Salvador from the perspective of a key actor in those events.

Marjorie Heins
To explore the debate surrounding sexual language and its effects upon children and to assess the validity of the widespread assumption that children are harmed by sexual education.

John W. Herrmann
To conduct original research on volunteer hospice programs in the United States and contribute to a broader assessment of voluntary care of the dying.

Michael Hertz
To use information technology to better integrate the New York public interest and pro bono legal community and to a broader assessment of pro bono services and programs.

Joost Hiltermann
To write a book detailing how military and political support of abusive governments enable worse violations of human rights, using Iraq as a case study.

Robert Horwitz
To examine the tranformation of the South African communications sector from an apartheid institution into a democratic institution accountable to the public.

Lisa Hoyos
To create a popular education program and resource guide for expanding participation in civil society and democratizing institutions in South Africa.

Noel Ignatiev
To research and write The New Abolitionist Manifesto, a book calling for the abolition of whiteness as a social category and the elimination of attendant privileges.

Jeffrey C. Isaac
To write a book called The Poverty of Progressivism, a historical account of American liberalism which examines ways to revitalize American democracy.

Carole Joffe
To explore the implications of new forms of abortion for expanded abortion access in the United States.

Rachelle Johnson
To compile and edit a collection of seventy-five oral accounts of black women facing unplanned pregnancies to provide insight into the decision-making factors effecting black women's choices.

Michael Jones-Correa
To examine the process of immigrant political incorporation through analysis of civil disturbances in four United States cities.

Jamie Kalven
Through articles, essays, and presentations, this project explores race and place-the geography of the moral imagination under urban apartheid, based on personal experiences and work that seeks to contribute to democratic renewal in inner city Chicago.

Marek Kaminski
To publish material on the development of political parties and the multi-party system in Poland from the end of Communism through the 1997 elections.

Michael B. Katz
His book, Redefining the Welfare State in America, 1980-1997, provides the first comprehensive description and recent history of the vast American public/private network linking every level of government, social services, charities, and employee benefits.

Kelsey Kauffman
To investigate the growth and influence of white supremacy groups in prisons and offer specific recommendations for limiting their scope and power.

Karen Kennerly
For a book-length study on the power of hate speech in literature and academic writing.

Eric Klinenberg
To write a book analyzing both the social conditions that made it possible for over 700 Chicagoans to die during a one-week heat wave in July 1995 and the conditions that made these deaths so easy to overlook, dehumanize, and forget.

Herb Kohl, Senior Fellow
Kohl helped OSI to develop a strategy for grantmaking in the field of education. Kohl, a teacher for more than 30 years, has written more than 40 books, including A Life of Teaching, Should We Burn Babar?, The Discipline of Hope: Learning from a Lifetime of Teaching, his most recent, and the classic 36 Children.

Kathryn Kolbert
To support research and legal strategies to reduce unintended pregnancies among unmarried, low-income black and hispanic women.

Jonathan Krasno
To measure the electoral impact of independent expenditures and issue advocacy campaigns on congressional elections.

Betsy Krebs
To publish articles examining how child welfare policies harm teenagers in foster care and presenting a new self-advocacy framework for teens in foster care as a basis for reform.

Richard Landes
For a two-volume study of the role of millennial movements in the shaping of modern Western culture and to launch a Center for Millennial Studies.

Elinor Langer
To examine the rise of skinhead and neo-Nazi movements in the United States and the relationship of these movements to the rest of American society.

Wendy Lesser
To publish a monograph and offer a workshop to give nonprofit literary magazines the necessary guidelines, cost-effective tools, and fundraising techniques for establishing financial independence.

Norman Jay Levitt
His book, Prometheus Bedeviled: Science and the Contradictions of Contemporary Culture, evaluates the extent to which science, both as pure research and in its practical applications, can or should be brought under greater control from democratic institutions.

Jacob Levenson
To write a book exploring the political, cultural, and systemic reasons for the spread of the AIDS epidemic in African-American communities in order to help mobilize a national effort to prevent further harm.

Rachel Leventhal
To write and design a book weaving photographs, letters, diaries, interviews, and narratives to humanize the story of the incarceration of drug addicted women.

David C. Lewis
This project established a process that encourages leaders in the medical profession to become more visible and active on behalf of drug policy reform based on health-oriented harm reduction policies.

Sarah Lindemann
To document, as a first hand activist, grassroots civil society development in post-Communist Siberia.

Gil Loescher
To produce a comprehensive history on the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, focusing on its role in international refugee problems and global politics.

Xiaobo Lu
Using China and Russia as case studies, this book project seeks to examine the effects of corruption upon the economic and political development of countries moving from state socialism to market capitalism.

Kristin Luker
To produce a book on the controversies of sex education in the United States, with the purpose of making sense of the broader moral concerns with which the country is faced.

Karl Maier
To research and write a book about the struggle of Nigeria to free itself from fourteen years of military rule.

Ram Manikkalingam
To write magazine and newspaper articles and a book, targeted at scholars and policymakers, which inform political analysis of ethnic conflict and contribute to a peaceful resolution in Sri Lanka.

Steven Manning
To investigate corporate influence on the classroom and the privatization of schools through a look at the current methods of commercialism and the influence they have upon children and the public schools.

Jeff Manza & Christopher Uggen
To research and produce articles and a book on the political consequences of laws restricting voting rights of felons and ex-felons in the United States.

Theresa McGovern
To explore the feasibility of a new women's health advocacy model based on the success of the HIV Law Project's advocacy and public policy work addressing underserved women's health needs.

Chris McGreal
To research and write a book about the 1994 genocide in Rwanda, discussing its impact on the victims and perpetrators, the governance of Rwanda, and continuing conflicts across Central Africa.

Richard Musty
To analyze all studies on the medical use of marijuana for the Institute of Medicine, which is conducting a review entitled Medical Use of Marijuana: Assessment of the Science Base, to help insure that a complete picture is presented to the scientific community and general public.

Edward Nell
To examine the working market for illegal drugs and its interaction with law enforcement, including the roles of violence and corruption, and to devise market-based policies to reduce the social costs involved.

William P. Nelson
Using the cigarette control experience, this project designed a model of noncriminalized marijuana policy.

Elizabeth Neuffer
To write a book examining the search for justice in two post-genocidal societies, Bosnia, and Rwanda.

Darcy Padilla
This photo-documentary project will explore the compound effects of poverty, AIDS, drug abuse, and welfare reform via a case study of a woman and her two children.

Karen Paget
This book, In the Name of Freedom: The Use of Students as Secret Agents, will explore the relationship between the CIA and the National Student Association during the Cold War.

Shana Penn
To explore the use of the media in Poland's public debate on women, their concept of citizenship, and the country's feminist movement, culminating in the book Handmaidens and Heroines: The Hidden History of Poland's Solidarity Movement.

Gilles Peress
To look at ethnic cleansing, genocide, tensions, the peace process, and religious wars in Iran, Bosnia, Northern Ireland, and Rwanda, through a cycle of books, exhibitions, and installations.

Dianne Pinderhughes
To complete a book and write articles that attempt to reshape the perspective of racial and ethnic organizations about the value of the policy process by looking at the participation of civil rights organization in policy making at the national level.

Dinah PoKempner
To compile the first comprehensive handbook on the production of evidence for use in prosecuting serious human rights violations.

Francesca Polletta
To write a book for activists and academics on the political, organizational, and cultural conditions which facilitate democracy
within social change organizations.

Samantha Power
To produce a book titled, Again and Again: Fifty Years of Genocide and American Bystanderhood, which will discuss the continuous reluctance of the U.S. to act against foreign genocide.

Tatiana Repkova
To provide newspaper publishers and editors in the postcommunist countries of Eastern Europe with a handbook on the technical skills necessary to establish successful newspapers.

Geoff Rips
To analyze the ways in which organizing parents and teachers at low-income public schools has translated into vastly improved
student performance.

Alasdair Roberts
To produce a book that examines how the principle of public access to government information can be maintained as governmental responsibilities are transferred upward to supranational institutions, and downward to private enterprises.

David Rohde
To write articles assessing and analyzing the role "the average citizen" played in the commission of atrocities in Kosovo, Bosnia, Rwanda, and other ethnic conflicts and the effectiveness of methods in each country to assign individual guilt and promote reconciliation.

Morris Rossabi
To write a book on the transition in Mongolia from Communist domination and a command economy to a democracy and market economy.

Sabrina Safrin
To publish a series of scholarly and popular articles that analyze the political, economic, legal, and ethical aspects of the issue of sovereign versus individual or community ownership and control over genetic resources.

Jerry Salama
To study how deregulation affects the operations of public housing authorities and the lives of their tenants and investigate the new wave of public/private cooperation taking place in cities across the nation.

Rosemary Salomone
To do an interdisciplinary analysis of single-sex public education from the perspectives of equality and diversity, focusing particularly on the education of girls and minority boys that clarifies and informs the debate over single sex education.

Jocelyn Sargent, Program Development Fellow
Sargent launched OSI's New York Community Fellowships Program and currently oversees the Sourthern Initiative.

Daniel Saxon
To critique the processes by which the U.S. government and human rights organizations respond to human rights emergencies in Latin American countries during their transistions from dictatorship to democracy.

Nancy Scheper-Hughes
To study the social context of organ transplant exchange in India, Brazil, the borderlands of Mexico, and the United States, with a concern for potential human rights violations of vulnerable populations.

Mark Schmitt, Program Development Fellow
Formerly the policy director in the office of Senator Bill Bradley, Schmitt works on campaign finance reform and other issues of democratic governance.

Jonathan Schorr
To write a book documenting a year in the life of a new public charter school in Oakland, California, and examining the impact of such schools on the education of inner-city children.

Elaine Sciolino
To write a book capturing the contradictions of revolutionary Iran and its Islamic Republic as it navigates between the Islamic and the modern secular world.

Lisa Servon
To address, through a report, articles, and a book, the lack of access to information technology among disenfranchised groups by studying community technology centers which target youth.

Susan Sheehan
To illuminate the problem of hunger in New York City through an examination of various programs and interviews with people on both the giving and receiving ends of soup kitchens.

Larry Siems
To document and disseminate the experiences and ideas of newly-naturalized and noncitizen immigrants in California's 46th Congressional District.

Micah L. Sifry
To explore the prospects of America's new political parties, or the viability of a third party, through a study of the Reform, New, Labor, and Green parties.

Laura Silber
To address broader questions of conflict prevention, international intervention, and concerns of regional and global security, using the Balkans as a case study.

Jael Silliman, Marlene Fried, & Loretta Ross
To write articles, a book, and hold discussions to document the role of women of color in the reproductive rights organizing thereby opening the dialogue for young women of color to enter the movement.

Peter J. Spiro
To examine requirements for naturalization from historical, comparative, and justice perspectives.

Jonny Steinberg
To produce a series of articles, a narrative, and a book on the "farm killings" in South Africa, exploring whether there is a connection between this new pattern of violence and the birth of democracy in the country.

Deborah Stone
For a trade book offering a critique of how the ideals of individualism denigrate the advancement of civil society.

Steve Suitts
To write a report and book investigating the trends, dimensions, and problems of white poverty in the United States.

Olga Supek
To conduct a field-based ethnographic study of youth in Croatia, focusing on the cultural values and attitudes which are relevant for building a democratic future.

Sam Swope
To use the Internet in developing a digital print shop, Chapbooks for Learning, to enable fast and inexpensive book printing for students and others without access to publishers.

Robert Templer
To provide a critical survey of the media and corruption in Southeast Asia with the aim of provoking wider debate among the public and journalists.

Phillip Thompson
For a book entitled Democracy Reconsidered: The Limits of Black Politics, which will explore the reasons why black politics after 1965 have not reduced black poverty.

Gerald Torres
Using Texas public schools as a case study, this project seeks to enhance the discussion of access to high-quality education in a multiracial democracy.

Amy Totenberg
To study the conflict between the legal protections which provide a foundation for teachers' economic security and professional independence and the major school reform initiatives which require a recasting of these legal protections.

Isabelle Walker
To strengthen and broaden community and institutional access to Navajo traditional medicine in an effort to help empower Navajo youth.

Thomas Walker, Jr. & Mark Sorenson
To produce a manual for training Native American communities on the implementation of a dispute resolution system accepted by Navajo Tribal Courts and consistent with tribal values which addresses student justice and discipline.

Jennifer Washburn & Eyal Press
To write a series of articles, ultimately to be incorporated into a book, examining how the rapid privatization of public services in welfare, criminal justice, environmental policy, and health care is raising new barriers to the public accountability of government in America.

Judith Wessler
To produce a report with recommendations on policy and service delivery that analyzes the impact of market forces on the public health system in New York City, emphasizing access to healthcare services for low-income and immigrant communities.

Linda Williams
To write articles and a book on the current role of inner-city churches, especially black congregations, in community service, examining the role of faith-based efforts to reduce poverty, diminish drug abuse, and alleviate other social problems.

Jack Willis, Senior Fellow
Most recently President and CEO of Twin Cities Public Television in St. Paul Minnesota, Willis has had a career in both commercial and public television. He currently directs OSI's Media Policy Program.

Steffie Woolhandler & David Himmelstein
To challenge the market paradigm in medicine and the legitimacy of investor-ownership of care, in order to help fuel activism towards universal coverage and non-market alternatives for health care reform.

Original Source Location: http://www.soros.org/individual_fellows/internalpages/images_2/fellows_page/fellows_page.htm