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Letter of the Week
The following are excerpts from the Letter of the Week, published July 24, 2002:

"Five elected and appointed (non-elected) people in Alaska are in the process of crafting the certain demise of three Alaskan communities."

"No matter where we live in America or the world, we simply must help our neighbors in the north before they are left to die by their elected/appointed 'officials.' "

To read the letter, please visit: Letter of the Week

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News from the Front: Pictures from Israel's July attack on Gaza
Printed on Sunday, July 28, 2002 @ 16:25:34 EDT   ( Printer Friendly Page  )

News from the Front Pictures compiled by

Is this the road to peace? One retaliation followed by another retaliation? Suicide attacks on civilians met by F-16 attacks on populated neighborhoods? Israeli settlers shooting innocent Palestinians, then Palestinian militants shooting children of the settlers?

While the mainstream media often shows pictures of horrid Israeli deaths, they frequently exclude the Palestinian dead.

The pictures below are from the specific attack that took place Monday, July 22, 2002. does not hold copyright on these images.

The effects of the Israeli strike The effects of the Israeli strike
The effects of the Israeli strike The effects of the Israeli strike
The victims The victims
The victims The victims
The victims The victims
The victims The victims
The victims The victims
The victims The victims
The victims The victims
The victims The victims
The victims The victims
The victims The victims
The victims The rage that follows
The rage that follows believes the general accuracy of the preceding report, but cannot guarantee it. We print information received from sources on the front lines of this particular conflict. Copyright for this item belongs to the original author. encourages this material to be reproduced, reprinted, or broadcast provided that any such reproduction identifies the original source, along with a web link to

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Most read story from News from the Front:
Pictures from Israel's July attack on Gaza

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