Meet U.S. Senator Arlen Specter, a Jew, who used lies to
deceive the American people in order to 'justify' introducing
Res. 12 to bomb Serbia. Did this Jew commit our sons and daughters
to aggression
on a people fighting terrorism
on their own soil in order to keep a promise
that another Jew made to Albanians 10 years earlier?
| SJ 12 IS
1st Session
S. J. RES. 12
February 23, 1999
Mr. SPECTER introduced the following joint resolution; which was read
twice and referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations
Authorizing the conduct of air operations and missile strikes as part
of a larger NATO operation against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
(Serbia and Montenegro).
Whereas Congress strongly supports the men and women of our military
Whereas bomber and missile strikes constitute acts of war;
Whereas only Congress has the Constitutional prerogative to authorize
Whereas the unilateral Presidential authorization of military strikes,
however well-intentioned, undercuts that power established clearly in the
Constitution for Congress to make such decisions;
Whereas the autonomy of Kosovo, a region in southern Serbia, was
abolished by the Serbian leader, Yugoslav President, Slobodan Milosevic in
1989 and 1990;
Whereas conflict between ethnic Albanians in Kosovo and Serbian police
led by President Slobodan Milosevic has resulted in over 2,000 deaths
since the end of February 1998 and has displaced nearly 400,000 people;
Whereas over one-third of Kosovo's villages and an estimated 4,000
homes have been deliberately damaged or destroyed;
Whereas the assault on the civilian population has been reported to
include atrocities which could be considered war crimes, crimes against
humanity and genocide;
Whereas the international community has spoken out repeatedly against
Serbian human rights abuses in Kosovo;
Whereas the instability in Kosovo represents a significant regional
Whereas Yugoslav and Serbian officials, reportedly led by Slobodan
Milosevic, similarly instigated, organized and directed aggressive action
against civilians in Croatia in 1991, and in Bosnia-Herzegovina from 1992
to 1995;
Whereas peace was only restored to the region of the former Yugoslavia
in 1995 when Yugoslav and Serbian officials, including Slobodan Milosevic,
were confronted with the clear resolve of the international community to
use force against them;
Whereas, on January 30, 1999, the NATO allies authorized
Secretary-General Solana to order air-strikes anywhere in Yugoslavia, if a
peace settlement was not accepted by the deadline of February 20, 1999,
and subsequently extended to February 23, 1999;
Whereas the United States participation in NATO military operations is
important in maintaining the strength of the NATO alliance generally; and
Whereas congressional support and cooperation with our NATO allies will
send an important signal of national resolve that would strengthen the
ability of the United States to bring the two sides together toward a
peace agreement in Kosovo: Now, therefore, be it
Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the
United States of America in Congress assembled, That the President
is authorized to conduct air operations and missile strikes against the
Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) for the purpose
of bringing about a peaceful resolution of the conflict in Kosovo.
American Defense League
dedicated to American interests