Serbian Defense League -- SDLUSA Jewish conspiracy edition
Jevrej nas tuzi, Jevrej nam sudi, Jevrej nas tamani
obstrukcuja istine o Jevrejima je izdaja svoga roda
A Jew ordered NATO's first offensive mission in its 44-year history against Serbs in Bosnia, and another Jew ordered NATO's second offensive mission in Serbia.
mladic.jpg karadzic.jpg We document crimes Jews committed against Serbs who defended their land in Bosnia, Croatia and Kosovo. Gen. Mladic, left, and Dr. Karadzic, right, are Serb heroes who fought for the survival of their people; we thank them for their sacrifices. There are no mass graves in Srebrenica.
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Jewish conspiracy in genocide on Serbs
In 1989, two years before the Yugoslav civil wars, US Senator Tom Lantos, a Jew, promised Albanians Serb Kosovo. During the civil wars Jewish media and PR firms demonized Serbs, US Senator Arlen Specter, a Jew, introduced Resolution 12, and Gen. Wesley Clark, a Jew, bombed Serbia. Madeleine Albright, a Jewess, had Michael Scharf, a Jew, write the statute with which to indict Serb leaders, George Soros, a Jew, financed Serbia's independent media, and Jews in the US trained Serbia's opposition Otpor. As Serbs were bombed off their ancestral lands, world's Jewry united as one. . . . .
"We worked extremely closely with the Russian Government on this problem and succeeded in bringing Milosevic to accept terms that he would never have agreed to had we not been united." -- National Conference of Soviet Jewry      see article
American Jewish Committee Rabbinical Council of America
Jewish Council for Public Affairs United Synagogue Youth
Canadian Jewish Congress Anti-Defamation League
United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism Jewish Orthodox Union
Union of American Hebrew Congregations Religious Action Center
Jewish Theological Seminary United States Holocaust Memorial Council
The Rabbinical Assembly Milwaukee Jewish Council for Community Relations
B'nai B'rith Int'l National Jewish Community Relations Advisory Council
U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, a Jewess, served the interests of Israel
By using lies and their influence to turn world's powers against the Serbs, and by joining coalitions of Serb enemies, Jews transformed a civil war into genocide. In 1933 Jews world-wide declared war on Germany on behalf of German Jews; this time Jews world-wide committed genocide on behalf of the Zionist state of Israel.
Because they are Jews, they united in U.S. Senate against Serbs
We call on Serbs to join us, and together we will bring our executioners to justice.
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