Wolzek's Terror Timeline files

Original Online Source Location: http://www.regmeister.net/verbrecher/chapter9.htm

T h e   J e w   a s   C r i m i n a l

Chapter IX: Muderers

(page 158)

One of the most important weapons of Jewry in the struggle to obscure and camouflage its true nature, is the Jewish joke. Jewry officially denies the existence of psychic racial distinctions and wants to see the study of race limited to purely exterior, physical traits [these days, of course, Jewry has reached such dizzy heights in its ascendancy, that it now denies the existence of race per se!]. Unofficially, whispering-behind-its-hand, so to speak, it is conceded that Jews have their peculiarities, and it is precisely the Jewish joke which serves as their revelation.

Many of these jokes are awkward, others tasteless, much has been borrowed from other peoples and correspondingly re-worked. But they all have one thing in common: to make the Jew out to be an essentially harmless, if sometimes ridiculous, person. Individual features of the Jewish character are derided -- clumsy familiarity, impudence, an impertinent nature, eccentric dialectics, greed, cowardliness, bodily uncleanliness, haggling, Talmudic narrow- mindedness -- but the Jewish joke never penetrates to the kernel of the Jewish essence. For it is just in this that the significance lies, that the emphasis upon minor things diverts [the attention] from the essential. This tactic is not accidental, rather it is employed by Jewry over and over again: the basis for discussion is fobbed off onto more favorable ground. A characteristic example is furnished by Soviet "self-criticism": in newspapers, etc., small grievances are sharply and continually criticized in order to avoid discussion of the true cause -- Jewish Bolshevism.

The image of the Jew propagated in the Jewish joke -- a crooked-legged, haggling cadger, peddler or businessman -- has become one of the greatest successes of Jewry: it is hard not to laugh at many Jewish jokes; but whatever one laughs about, one can neither hate nor fear, and contempt cripples the will to fight. The goal is therefore attained -- the Jew appears as a ridiculous creature and behind his disdained petty crookedness disappears that in Jewry which is truly dangerous: the greed for economic, political and cultural power in the host nation, for the subordination of the host population [159] under the will and the interests of Jewry. The Jew is not a ridiculous, but a dangerous creature.

The image of the hook-nosed, gesticulating, waddling, cheating and defrauding Jew has done its job also with many of those who are opponents of Jewry. They do not doubt that the Jew is capable of any swindle, any fraud, any crookedness, but they deny him the capacity for physical violence. To the question: "Are there Jewish thugs or even murderers?" one almost always hears the answer: "No!"

The reality is something entirely different -- the Jew is capable of any act, if his own interests or those of his race are served thereby.

In Vienna, there is a magazine published by the police: Öffentlichheit Sicherheit [Public Safety], which among other things puts out "circulars and wanted posters" about internationally sought criminals. We page through the last few volumes. If we limit ourselves to the murderers who are without any doubt Jews, we find:

Markus Goldmanovitch, born 1906 in South Russia, auto dealer. Murdered Marie Bernadotte Prunier in Sens (France). Fugitive. (Öffentlichheit Sicherheit, 1934, Nr. 10.)

Alexander Kaminski, born in Connecticut (USA), parents are Polish Jews. Twenty-five years old, dangerous criminal and murderer, who ruthlessly resorts to weapons. Fugitive. (Öffentlichheit Sicherheit, 1935, Nr. 3.)

Harry Brown, 53 years old, Polish Jew. Murderer and arsonist. Fugitive. (Öffentlichheit Sicherheit, 1935, Nr. 18.)

Alexander Kölner, Hungarian Jew from Budapest. Killed one of the prisoners while in jail. Fugitive.(Öffentlichheit Sicherheit, 1936, Nr. 3.)

It is not the Jewish way, to kill someone out of jealousy, or out of rage; the Jews have a different way of killing someone who displeases them. The Jewish murderer kills out of calculation and with cold reflection.

As an example, let the story be related here of the murder commited by Fritz Saffran (1) in connection with arson and insurance fraud, which created a great sensation a few years ago in East Prussia.

In the East Prussian city of Rastenburg, there is a furniture business which belongs to a certain Platz. The owner of the business feels that he's becoming old, he wants to share the burden of running the business with a younger man, and with this in mind, he marries his daughter to a Fritz Saffran, the son of a Jewish cattle dealer, of whom [160] it is claimed that he is a skilful businessman. Saffran is tall and heavy-set, with a high forehead; behind horn-rimmed glasses are cold gray eyes, his lips are thin, and he is around thirty years old.

At first it seems as though the old furniture dealer had made the right choice -- Saffran is a clever, intelligent, energetic merchant, and the business does well. Saffran knows people throughout the city, he's a reputable citizen though completely modern in his appearance and in his conduct of business.

A bit too "modern," for Saffran is a liar, a swindler, a deceiver -- soon things begin to go worse and worse for him. Within a very short time he has run the business into the ground, debts on top of debts have piled up, credit debt accumulated, liabilities taken on whose redemption is impossible for the business to meet. Already, in 1928, the firm is on the brink of ruin, and only with effort, with the help of loans gotten here and there, does it succeed in keeping its head above water. The chief clerk of the firm, a man named Kipnik, knows all that's going on, but the old man Platz has no inkling of what his son-in-law has done with his company. Equally blind is Saffron's wife; he has been unfaithful to her for a long time and is maintaining a love affair with the office clerk Augustin, a lanky, dynamic person who is employed by the firm. The three -- Saffran, Kipnik, Augustin -- are good actors, and no one in the city, in the business, or in the family notices the least thing wrong.

Saffran carries things further and further. He keeps presenting the same, identical delivery contract to his creditors as security. He raises money on securities several times, he forges purchase contracts and their signatures, and he also falsifies the balance sheet. The firm's liabilities, according to the balance sheet, reach 285,000 Marks -- the business is finally ruined. Experts are later able to determine that not less than three hundred seventy-five contracts and eighteen notes have been forged by Saffran.

The situation can no longer continue, but Saffran is not at a loss for a way out. He insures his life with five different companies for 200,000 Marks. The plan of the criminal trio is now set: fire will be set to the furniture business, and amongst the wreckage a body shall be found which will be recognized as that of Saffran. Then the insurance companies will have to pay, and then the three will again have money in profusion.

Only one thing is missing -- a male body. But Saffran finds no great hurdle in this -- at night [161] one meets so many solitary men wandering the streets, that it should not be hard to kill someone.

In the summer of 1930, the situation becomes ever more threatening; the flood of notes rises higher and higher. Now the three go on a manhunt, together in an automobile or also separately. However, the matter proves to be rather difficult. Sometimes they drive the whole night through without meeting anyone. Another time, they succeed in enticing a man into the car, but the victim defends himself and escapes.

On 12 September, Saffran and Kipnik again go hunting for a man, while Augustin, who otherwise likes to participate, this time remains at home. Along their way, they meet a bicyclist, the twenty-six-year-old milker, Dahl. They stop him, shoot the unsuspecting man with their pistols, and roll the body into a carpet. The bicycle and the bag of the murdered man are hidden in the woods. They put the body, still in the same night, in the storeroom of the furniture business. Saffran's gold watch and keys are stuck in the pockets of the victim, Saffran's rings are placed on his fingers, Saffran's gold collar studs are fastened to his shirt. Now all is ready; on the night of Sunday, the 15th of September, the fire is supposed to be set, all the business books and the body of the murdered man are supposed to burn up.

At about one o'clock in the morning Saffran and Kipnik pour benzene all over the place and set it afire. Saffran immediately hides at Augustin's, but Kipnik stays in the vicinity.

It doesn't take long before the building is in bright flames. The fire department rushes there, the police appear, a dense crowd of people surrounds the fire. In their midst stands Kipnik, wringing his hands. With a voice interrupted by sobbing, he tells them all that he had seen Saffran in the building in the glow from the fire, and Saffran had plunged into the fire in order to save the business's books -- but he had not come back out.

The building burns to the walls. Under the wreckage a body is found. Watch, collar studs, keys, everything proves that it is Saffran, who risked his life for the sake of the firm and met his death because of it -- a victim of his sense of duty.

Saffran stays hidden with Augustin for two days, then he travels homeward to Berlin. But he is observed at this and recognized. The news that Saffran is alive spreads like wildfire. The monstrous fraud and nefarious crime are discovered.

[162] Saffran hides at a relative's of Augustin and for an entire month long he doesn't leave the house. He learns Spanish and English, for he wants to go overseas. He grows a full beard and believes that no one will recognize him. But fate wills it otherwise. He boards the train at Spandau, in order to flee abroad, when a conductor who once was in Rastenburg recognizes him despite his beard. He alerts the police, and in Wittenberg, as Saffran is about to drink a cup of coffee, the heavy hand of a police officer falls on his shoulder. . .

The jury-court at Bartenstein condemns Saffran and Kipnik to death on 26 March 1931, while Augustin is sentenced to five years in prison.

In giant cities like New York and Chicago, Jewry finds a rich field of activity for its criminal talents. Today it may be taken to be an established fact that the notorious "American gangsters" are predominantly Jews [Although in the U.S., organized crime has been and is associated in the public mind with Italian immigrants -- mostly Sicilians and Neapolitnas -- and their descendants, as is characteristic with so many other Jewish criminal operations, the financial "brains," and thus the true power and control, of many crime organization structures in the U.S. turn out to be Jewish.], who lead an organized fght against the order of law in the United States. That they make use of various cover-names is, for us, already a well-known and customary Jewish trick.

For example, Asbury(1) tells many a typical and interesting fact in his history of the New York Underworld.

One of the most famous American Underworld figures, a gang leader and murderer, was the son of a Jewish restauranteur, Eduard Ostermann, who later called himself Monk Eastman. He had a head which looked like a cannon ball, strongly veined, heavy jowls, a bull-like neck with countless scars. His nasal bone had been broken, his hair was always shaggy and unkempt; on the top of his head perched a little hat, his clothes were messy, cheap and dirty.

When he was twenty years old, his father bought him a pet shop but the tendency toward laziness and for crime was too strong -- Eastman became a bouncer in a disreputable bar. Armed with a club and a cudgel, he kept "order" in the pub. He was an outstanding boxer, and when one of the guests became contentious, Eastman "pacified" him with a couple of skilfull punches, with his club, or -- when nothing else would work, a beer bottle. He boasted that during the first six months on the job, he had knocked in the skulls of over fifty men -- and the nearby outpatient clinic, where his victims were taken, received the nick-name "Eastman Pavilion."

[163] After a short time he gave up his job as a bouncer, for higher goals were beckoning him. As a pure Jew, he was enormously dynamic, never lacked for money, and he had his fingers in a thousand enterprizes. He had a share in bordellos and gambling parlors, worked as a wholesale procurer, had drawn up an entire organization for the protection of "his" streetwalkers, led theft and burglary gangs, took on assignments to beat up or even the murder of unpopular personalities, and also occupied himself in between times as a fence -- in short, he was a universal genius of the Underworld. His special interest was "politics." He enjoyed the best relations with Tammany Hall, the "democratic" organization which for decades played a decisive role in New York and its administration, for both parties got their money's worth with this arrangement: Eastman put his fists and the revolvers of his gang at the disposal of Tammany Hall, in return for which, however, he could count on being rescued in case he were arrested.

It was the time when the first automobiles were appearing. Eastman's criminal astuteness knew how to appreciate the significance of this new invention, and the new technique of the gang assault: several bandits show up in stolen cars, there is a hail of bullets, the robbery or murder is carried out with lightning speed, and then the criminals vanish. Later, this procedure was perfected, in that machine guns came into use.

His criminal activity lasted for years, until his high patron let the too badly compromised criminal go, and this happened in the following way. Eastman and one of his accomplices had taken on a murder assignment. But the man, having been attacked, defended himself, a policeman rushed to his aid, shooting broke out and Eastman, struck down with a rubber truncheon, was arrested. He tried to bring his "connections" into play, he did indeed receive help, and in 1904 he got (only!) a prison sentence of several years.

After five years Eastman was released -- so exemplary is his conduct supposed to have been. He wanted to organize his gang again, but he did not succeed in meeting the challenge of the younger men who had snatched the leadership away during his "absence." Eastman now sank to the level of pickpocket, burglar and drug dealer. Several times he had to serve small sentences and landed in jail. In September 1917 he was arrested for brawling, and in custody Eastman discovered his patriotic American heart -- he resolved to fight the "Huns," and participate in the World War.

[164] His conduct as a soldier was good, and in the year 1919 his civil rights, of which he had been deprived by the Court, were restored. He swore never again to commit a crime and the police even procured for him a small position which made it possible for him to lead a peaceful life. A touching happy ending for the Jewish criminal.

The harmony of this conclusion to his life, however, was impaired by the fact that Eastman was murdered on 26 December 1920. For, despite his oath, furthermore, he was selling drugs again and he fell into an argument with one of his clients, in which he was murdered.

The successor of Eastman in the leadership of his gang was the Jew William Alberts, called Jack Zelig.

He was a slight young boy with enormous brown, somewhat startlingly piercing eyes. At fourteen years of age, he was a pickpocket, got caught several times but was never convicted: his appearance was so child-like, that he succeeded in convincing the judge of his innocence. Later he employed the following trick with great results: during the Court proceedings, some woman would turn up, just as delicate, pretty, and full of innocence as he himself, and she would implore the Court to spare "the father of my children" and not to send him to prison. . .

This was the man who took over Eastman's gang. His most intimate assistants at this were three Jews, Harry Horrowitz ("Gyp the Dashing"), a famous bouncer, sharp-shooter and bomb-thrower; he boasted that he was able to put any man across his knee and break his spine that way; Jakob Seidenschnur ("Whitely Louis") was also a thug who used beatings and the revolver, while Louis Rosenberg ("Lefty Louis") was mainly a thief.

The special interest to which this gang devoted itself was the gambling 'hells,' and their specific method was to foster and protect the richer ones in return for a certain indemnity, but they held up and robbed the poorer ones. That was a profitable and dangerous business. The owners of the little "joints" did not have enough money to secure for themselves the protection of a gang or to bribe police officials; there, they actually stood defenseless.

For years Zelig earned huge money in this manner, until death caught up with him, too. He had a violent feud with Rosenthal, the Jewish owner of a gambling hell. The enmity went so far that Zelig decided upon the death of Rosenthal. One day, Rosenthal was in the Hotel "Metropol" on Broadway and was eating his evening meal. A well-dressed man stepped up to him and said that someone wanted [165] to speak to him on the street. Rosenthal's clients were of the sort that avoids bright lights. Without suspicion, he walked outside. Zelig and his bandits were waiting for him out on the street. They killed him with several shots and fled in an automobile. Yet Zelig did not survive this triumph for very long: a short time afterwards a competitor, the Jew Phil Davidson, shot him down as he was about to leave a street car.

In the chronicle of criminality of New York, one can find countless Jewish names. Let us name just the gang leaders: Johnny Spanish, Johnny Lewinsky, Tanner Snith (Goldschmidt), Jakob Dropper (Nathan Kaplan), Louis Kuschner (Cohen), Jack Organ (Klein), Salomon Shapira, Sam Epstein, Izy Presser, Harry Stein (the murderer of the woman of the demi-monde, Vivian Gordon). It serves no purpose to examine their misdeeds any more closely. It is always the same: paid assaults, alcohol and drug smuggling, procuring, corruption of officials, fencing, robbery and murder.

Here, in the Underworld of New York, free to develop itself, the "comic" nature of the Jew reveals itself in its true, horrendous shape.

Not only greed for money, but greed for power is the mainspring of the Jewish criminal. For him, therefore, the money is but a means to an end, a means for the obtaining of power over men. The Jew is neither "comical" nor merely "materialistic." He is, first amd foremost, "political," but in the sense of a boundless drive for power, which shrinks from nothing in order to attain the desired goal.

So it is no wonder that Jews again and again appear as murderers in political mask. The infamous assassinations of modern times have been perpetrated by Jews -- a fact that, up to the present day has been overlooked only too willingly.

For example, it is almost completely unknown that the murderer of the American President MacKinley was the Jew Leo Czolgosz, in collaboration with the Jewess Emma Goldmann. Let her be recalled to memory once again(1).

On 6 September 1901, Presdient MacKinley arranged a reception on the occasion of the Pan-American Exhibition in Buffalo. According to American custom, the citizens have the right to shake the hand of the President at such public receptions, at which they walk up to him, [166] one behind the other. In the line of those waiting, a "young, well-dressed man in a frock coat and top hat" (as the papers then were able to report) also approached the President. He held a handkerchief in his left hand, while with his right hand he gripped MacKinley's hand. Suddenly, with a revolver hidden under the handkerchief he fired off two shots at the President at point-blank range, which had frightful effects. The perpetrator was the Polish Jew Leon Czolgosz, who had travelled to Buffalo alone, in order to convert the plan which had been previously precisely decided upon with his Jewish accomplice, Emma Goldmann, into action.

On 14 Spetember, MacKinley succumbed to his critical wounds, and on 24 September the jury found the assassin guilty; two days later the decision of the Court was announced that condemned Czolgosz to death in the electric chair.

The Jewish murderer of MacKinley was well-known to the American police. In the album of criminals of the United States, there already was a comprehensive description of his personal data; the newspaper Post of 21 September 1901 discovered very interesting details from this:

"Leon Czolgosz, alias Frank Niemann. Father of the criminal is of Polish (!) nationality. Residence in Cleveland. The assassin grew up in an area there which is especially strongly infected by Anarchism, found his life as a simple wire-worker too arduous and therefore found a way to live differently. He took over a bar in which an Anarchist club was established. He then knocked about in many cities, but most of all in Chicago. Here, his involvement with other Anarchists, especially with Emma Goldmann, was noted. This woman, despite her extremely unsympathetic character, seems to have made a great impression upon Czolgosz. He explicitly stated that he was spurred on to his crime by the speeches and letters of this woman. Since it is known that the murder of the King of Italy (Humbert) was hatched in Paterson [sic -- perhaps this should be Patterson (NJ)], the murder of the President thus appears to be only a further link in the chain of such crimes."

These facts indicate that President MacKinley fell victim to the Anarchist-Jewish clique, led by the Jewess Goldmann and her accomplice Czolgosz, who liquidated their "sentenced-to-death" target with as coldness as calculation.

But who still remembers that the founder of the German Reich, Otto von Bismarck, but for a narrow margin, would have likewise fallen victim to a Jewish murderer?

[167] The assassin who attempted Bismarck's life (1) was the Jewish student Ferdinand Cohen, a step-son of the democratic writer Karl Blind, who was then living as an emigrant in London, and who had a leading role participating in the Baden revolt of 1849. The murderous attack took place shortly before the outbreak of the Prussian-Austrian war, in which Bismarck was seen as the most hated man in Prussia, above all as a consequence of the conflict with the Landtag [state legislature]. When, on the afternoon of 07 May 1866, after a talk with King Wilhelm I on the central promenade of the "Linden," he returned to his apartment on the Wilhelmstraße, Cohen, who was at the corner of Shadowstraße, shot twice at the unsuspecting man from behind and at point blank range; only one bullet grazed him on the side -- and, as Bismarck quickly turned around, he shot a third time. That shot wounded him lightly in the right shoulder. After Bismarck succeeded in seizing Cohen by the right wrist, the latter switched the revolver to his left hand with lightning speed and fired twice more; the first of the two shots missed Bismarck, but the second bruised his ribs. As if by a miracle, Bismarck remained almost unscathed. He was now able to hand over the assassin to several officers and soldiers who happened to be marching past, and they delivered him to jail. During the same night, Cohen took his own life. In one letter, written to his step-father before the crime, he had declared he wanted to kill Bismarck because he saw in him the "worst foe of German freedom." Whether he was acting from his own impulses, or who his controller behind the scenes might have been, could no longer be discovered due to his suicide.

What would have become of Germany, had the bullets of this Jew reached their target?! Probably the same thing which became of Austria-Hungary after the murder of Count Stürkgh, and of Russia after the murder of the Minister-President Stolypin by the Jews Adler and Bogrov.

In the middle of the war, on 21 October 1916, the Minister-President of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy, Count Stürkgh, was shot by the Jewish Marxist Friedrich Adler, the son of the founder of the Austrian Social Democracy, Viktor Adler. Scarcely two years later, the Austro-Hungarian state collapsed.

The murder of Minister-President Count Stürkgh by the Jew Adler was of decisive significance for the tragic history of Austria-Hungary. The Jewish-Marxist Revolution followed the Jewish [168] acts of assassination and the establishment of the Jewish rulership of the so-called "Austro-Marxism" in Vienna.

The Jew Adler was, beyond all sense, commuted to 18 years of imprisonment, a sign of the full extirpation of the concept of law and of political consciouness in Austria. His racial comrades liberated him, of course, in 1918, and he was unanimously chosen, in triumph, to be Chairman of the Austrian Social-Democratic party! This unhanged Jewish murderer thereupon immediately developed an extraordinary industriousness at the pursuit of the Jewish plans for world power. He organized the so-called "Two-and-a-half Internationale," which stood between the 2nd and the 3rd Internationale. He performed handyman services for his Bolshevist racial comrades Aron Cohn (Bela Kun) and Szamuely during their bloody rule in Budapest and played a leading role in the infamous Conference of the Three Internationales in Berlin in 1922. The union of the 2nd with the Two-and-a-half Internationale in the so-called "Socialist Workers' Internationale," at whose first congress in Hamburg this Jewish felon was elected General Secretary, is ascribed to his personal influence. Friedrich Adler occupied this position unhampered for years -- a Jew on whose hands clung not only the blood of the murdered Minister-President Count Stürkgh, but also the blood of numberless victims of the Judeo-Bolshevist Terror in the world.

It is superfluous to mention that Friedrich Adler was already playing a prominent role in the Social Democracy of Austria before his crime of murder, namely as Secretary of the Party. In this capacity he was openly commiting treason, whose crowning moment was the murder of Stürkgh.

It is almost incomprehensible that the murder of Count Stürkgh by a Jew has been given so little attention right up to the present, all the more incomprehensible when one considers that a short time thereafter, the Hungarian Minister-President during the World War, Stefan Tisza, was also murdered by a Jew.

Various attempts at assassination were made by Jews against the Count Stefan Tisza (1) (born 22 April 1861), who was Hungarian Minister-President from October 1903 to June 1905 and then again from June 1913 to May 1917, and who very forcefully opposed democratic suffrage; for Jewry, which for centuries had understood how to win for itself [169] all leading positions of intellectual life in Hungary, saw its chief foe in Tisza. The first assassination attempt occurred on 07 June 1912 in the Budapest parliamentary hall, by a Hungarian Reichstag deputy, the Jew Julius Kovacz, when Tisza in his capacity as Reichstag President had exerted himself with energetic resolve to break the continuing obstruction of the opposition party. The shots missed, and the would-be assassin was deliberately acquitted by a Budapest jury-court. In June of 1918, Tisza's murder was decided upon by the most extreme left wing of the Hungarian Social Democratic Party -- which included, among others, the Jews Paul Kéri, Otto Korwin-Klein, Dr. Eugene Lásslo (actually: Levy) and Dr. Landler. The first attempt to execute the decision was the -- likewise unsuccessful -- attempt of the Jew Johann Lekai-Leitner, one of the disciples, filled with anarchist ideas, of the subversive Karolyi Party. As Tisza was leaving the Budapest House of Deputies on 16 October 1918, Lekai was waiting on the street to shoot down the Count with a revolver, which was, however, able to be knocked out of his hand in time. Although Tisza still remained unharmed this time as well, two weeks later his fate, which he had already expected for so long, overtook him at last: already, at the news of Stürkgh's murder, he had declared: "I believed that I would be the first." The instigator of the murder was the already mentioned 39-year-old journalist Paul Kéri, who was a friend of the bitterest political enemy of Tisza, the Minister-President of the government after the overthrow, Michael Karolyi. He first arranged the plan with the later President of the Military Council, Emerich Csernyák, and acquired several sailors for carrying out the crime. On the morning of 31 October 1918, the day of the overthrow of the government in Hungary, the Jew Marcell Gaertner, a 37-year-old chemist, proceeded to Tisza's Budapest Villa, Roheim, and personally sought out the Count in order to use the opportunity to scout out the scene of the crime. In the afternoon, all the conspirators assembled in the Budapest Hotel "Astoria," where Kéri informed them about the vicinity of the crime. Then they went by two cars to the scene of the crime. While the two Jews kept themselves well away at a safe distance -- Kéri remained on the street, Gaertner in the lobby -- four soldiers, the Navy Sergeant Stefan Dobó, the midshipman Tibor Sztanyikovsky and the sailors Theodor Horvát- Szanovics and Josef Pogány, entered the room, engaged the Count, who fearlessly confronted them, in a short conversation and then shot him down with their weapons at the side of his wife. The overthrow, the government of Karolyi, and then the [170] Bolshevist Soviet regime in 1919 made any clearing up of the murder and a prosecution of the perpetrators impossible at first. It was just in the Fall of 1919 that some of them were arrested. At the trial before the military divisional court in Budapest (02 August - 15 September 1920), the soldiers involved, Dobó and Sztanyikovsky, were condemned to death by the rope (Czernyák, Horvát-Szanovics and Pogány had escaped abroad), at a following trial before the Budapest Criminal Court, proceedings were started against the civilian perpetrators (12 April - 05 October 1921). Kéri as the instigator of the crime was likewise sentenced to death by hanging, Gaertner as accomplice was sentenced to 14 years imprisonment. Kéri was then later exchanged along with other Hungarian Communists for the Hungarian officers, prisoners of war, who had been held as hostages by the Soviet Union.

Unfortunately, a typical case; the Jewish murderer is treated as a "political" criminal and escapes his punishment. In this case it is all the more incomprehensible, when the connection between the murder of the Minister-President Tisza by the Jew Kéri has a direct connection with the establishment of the Judeo-Bolshevist regime of blood of Bela Kun (Aron Cohns) which followed it in Budapest. The Jewish crime of murder as prelude to the Judeo- Bolshevist overthrow of the government -- that is a legal sequence of events.

So it was, also, in Russia.

On 20 March 1911, the body of a boy was discovered by children playing on a plot of undeveloped land on the edge of the city of Kiev(1). It was found in the sitting position, the hands were bound behind the back with string. The body was dressed only in a shirt, underpants, and a single sock. The body showed wounds, without any kind of blood traces being found in the hole [The body was found in a excavated pit on grounds which had been used as a source of clay and which therefore had many clay pits; for a more detailed account of this and of other cases of alleged Jewish ritual-murder, see Hellmut Schramm: Der jüdische Ritualmord: Eine historische Untersuchung, 1943]. It soon turned out that the body was that of the student of the first class of the Kiev church school, Andrei Yuschinski. The forensic examination discovered the following wounds on the body of the child: 7 puncture wounds on the upper scalp and on the back of the head; 1 on the left temple, 13 on the right temple; on the right side of the neck, 7, on the larynx, 2; beneath the lower jaw, 1; on the right side beneath the armpit, 4; on the back, at the right side between ribs and pelvis, 4; on the left side of the chest, beneath the nipple, 7; on the sternum, 1: a total [171] of 47 stab wounds. The loss of blood from the inflicted wounds was so great that the body was nearly empty of blood.

The attempts of the Jews to mislead and cripple the investigation began immediately. The investigation was first in the hands of a certain Krassowski, who a year later was supposed to be arrested and brought before the Court on charges of offenses against his official duties. His predecessor, Mischtschuk, Director of the Kiev Criminal Police, likewise fell into the clutches of Jewry and later was convicted by the Senate on charges of forgeries and abuse of office.

Menachil-Mendel Beylis was arrested only on 22 July. Precious time had been lost during which the state organs had been systematically led astray by the Jews. Thus, for example, the murdered boy's own parents were arrested on 24 March on the basis of information from the Jew Barschewski. After 14 days, they had to be released again since their complete innocence could be proved. Directly after this, the boy's uncle, Theodor Neyinski was accused by another Jew. Here, too, the denunciation turned out to be totally without merit. During the trial proceedings, even the defense of Beylis, which was in the hands of the most celebrated attorneys of that time, had to frankly admit that the relatives of the murdered boy were completely innocent of any part in the crime.

Nevertheless, the Jews did not yet admit defeat. They regarded the accusation against Beylis, as always in such cases, as an accusation against Jewry as a whole, and pulled out all the stops to get Beylis off. An endless series of briberies, threats, denunciations, challenges, propaganda and interventions was put into play by them in order to set the investigating authorities, the jurors, the judges, the experts, but above all public opinion in Russia and in the entire world, in favor of Beylis and against his "anti-Semitic enemies."

The Jews invented ever newer versions. The unfortunate youngster was supposed to have been murdered by three characters of the Underworld in the residence of a woman, Vera Cheberak. This, too, was later shown to be a lie, although the Jews offered Vera Cheberak 4000 Rubels for a "voluntary confession."

It came out, namely through unimpeachable testimony, that on 12 March 1911, toward 8:15 A.M., i.e., perhaps an hour before the beginning of his matyrdom, the boy had been standing with some playmates at the entrance to the Sayzev factory, and then from there began to play with other playmates on the lot lying in front of it. The children were startled by Beylis and [172] two other Jews. They ran off in different directions; the boy Yuschinski, however, was seized by Beylis and dragged off in the direction of the factory. It seems extremely remarkable and suspicious that the two most important eyewitnesses for Yuschinski having been dragged away by Beylis, Schenya and Valya, died shortly after the arrest of Beylis. Beylis was arrested on 22 July: on 08 August Schenya died, and ten days later, Valya --

Menachil-Mendel Beylis, 39 years old, was an empolyee of the brick factory in whose ovenworks the crime almost certainly was committed. The brickyard had formerly belonged to a rich Jew, Ion Mordkovitch Sayzev, who had made his wealth, including the brickyard, over to the Jewish surgical clinic. Until the death of Sayzev in 1907, Beylis enjoyed his especial trust, since he, just like the old Jew, belonged to the sect of the Hassidim. On behalf of old Sayzev, each year Mendel Beylis baked about 3000 pounds of matzot on Sayzev's estate in the presence of a rabbi. Beylis belonged to the leading Jewish clique of rabbis and schächter [= Jewish ritual-slaughterers] in Kiev. His friend, Feifel Schneerson, who, as later developed, had been stalking Yuschinski, also belonged to it. [The Schneerson dynasty of Hassidic rabbis produced no less than three individuals who came under strong suspicion and/or charges of ritual-murder over the course of two centuries. The late Rabbi Menachem Schneerson, revered as a messianic figure by the world-wide enclaves of his followers, died only recently -- around the turn of the 21st century -- and was a serious power broker to whom heads of state deferred and gave a constant stream of brotherhood and humanitarian awards, concessions, etc., etc., despite the rabbi's unequivocal position in support of Jewish supremacy.] After the murder, Schneerson disappeared without trace. Incidentally, he was a descendant of the famous Rabbi Salomon Schneerson, one of the founders of the Hassidic sect. His father was a schächter and a relative of rabbis.

The forensic experts, the most outstanding experts in this field in pre-war Russia, made the following report concerning the murder(1):

The boy is pushed into the put in which clay is found. He receives some punctures through his cap; however, as yet he does not lose consciousness. He is seized and his hands held firmly. One of the murderers holds his head and plugs his nose and mouth, while the other murderer inflicts wounds in such places as are rich in blood supply. In particular, he receives a puncture in the left temple which strikes the artery and produces a fountain of blood. Directly after this his coat is pulled off and his shirt collar removed and he receives 7 puncture wounds in the neck, which strike veins as well as arteries. This again results in a forceful outward gush of blood. The body of the victim is at this point somewhat inclined to the left. There is now a pause of 5 to 8 minutes during which the boy is bleeding [173] to death. He loses 5½ glasses of blood, i.e., about 1½ kg. The victim then receives some further lethal punctures into the liver and kidneys and finally a stab into the heart.

Only the Petersburg surgeon Pavlov, who had obviously been bribed by the Jewish defense, gave a dissenting report. It suffices to indicate that Pavlov used the following expression in his expert opinion: "Herr Yuschinski, this young man -- had a somewhat comical wound inflicted in the region of his waist. . ." Of the theological experts, only the Catholic Prelate Pranaitis dared to speak of the fact that in the Jewish books on law ritual-murder is dealt with.

At the 34th session, on 28 October 1913, two questions were put to the jurors. The first question asked whether it was proven that on 12 March 1911 in Kiev, in a room of the brick factory which belonged to the Jewish surgical clinic, and which was under the management of the merchant Markus Sayzev, the thirteen-year-old boy Andrei Yuschinski first received a series of wounds, by which he lost five glasses of blood, and later new wounds, for a total of 47, which produced a nearly complete exsanguination and finally caused his death. The second question asked, if the above was proven, whether then the accused Menachil-Mendel Baylis, from motives of religious fanaticism, with forethought and deliberation, and with the participation of other persons who could not be discovered, had committed this crime.

The jurors said yes to the first question and no to the second. Thus ended the trial with the finding of tbe crime, but without determining the criminal.

The question concerning the perpetrator has remained unanswered to the present day. As with all ritual-murder trials of more recent times, the Jews have been not been able in this case, either, to produce proof of their innocence. That, in actuality, is a proof of their guilt, since at least in the case of Beylis they had unlimited means at their disposal, and beyond that, the sympathy of the entire misled public and also the full support of the police and the judicial investigative authorities, who regretably were only too little "anti-Semitic" in attitude.

Some years later, Jewry nevertheless subsequently furnished proof of its guilt and its evil conscience. All persons who had participated in the trial as judges, as officials of the state attorney's office, as members of the administration of justice or who otherwise acted in the trial against Beylis, were shot immediately after the seizure of power by the Bolshevists without any judicial procedure. While Menachil Beylis enjoyed his pension as "martyr of Jewry" in peace and quiet [174] in Palestine, the prosecuting attorneys Wipper and Schalpliski, the Kiev President of the Court, Boldyrev, the judges Yevashoff and Vigura and the Justice Minister Zheglovitov, fell to the bullets of the Jewish Cheka. The defense cousel of Beylis, the Jews Grusenberg and Sarudny, on the other hand, were appointed to the Senate by the government of the half-Jew Kerensky. Andrei Yuschinski, the martyr of the Russian people in its stuggle against Jewry, had been long forgotten. And who today thinks of this thirtenn-year-old Russian youngster, who bled out his life under unspeakable torture at the hands of the Jewish ritual-slaughterers?!

The Minister-President of the Russian Empire, Stolypin, fell as the first victim of the Jewish "revenge for Beylis."

Stolypin came to Kiew when the struggle over Beylis had reached its peak. In the eyes of the Jewish murderers, he was the most important obstacle which stood in the way of their criminal desires. He was "guilty" of the fact that the Russian government had dared to charge a Jew with murder. Stolypin had to die so that Beylis and the Jews could "live."

Up to the present day, the murder of Stolypin is been presented in a totally distorted manner. No one till now believes it necessary to call attention to the crucial fact that his murderer Dmitri Bogroff was in reality the Jew Mordko. Let us try to determine the true facts of the case(1).

On the evening of 01 September 1911, the victor of the Revolution of 1905, the creator of the revolutionary Russian peasant reforms, the Minister-President Peter Stolypin was murdered by two shots from a revolver while at the Czar's side, during a gala performance in the Kiev city theater. The assassin was arrested at the scene; it was the Jew Dmitri Bogroff.

The enormous Russian Empire was shaken to its foundations by this act. Stolypin was the great hope of the nation. He had found the way to lead the Empire between reaction and revolution, along the the road to reform, recovery and the national new order. He was a political personality [175] of the caliber of Bismarck, this powerful man with the broad shoulders, who seemed to be but lightly bowed from the burden of the huge historic responsibility. Three attempts to murder him had already been committed, the last on 12 August 1906, at which several dozen innocent bystanders had been killed. Revolutionaries incited by the Jews had thrown a bomb at his country house. The balcony on which the Minister-President was drinking tea with his family plunged far below. He himself remained unwounded, but two of his children were crippled from thence forward. But the constant threat to his life could not divert him from his path. He knew that he was a man consecrated to death and nonetheless did his duty.

How did this murder come about, why did it happen in Kiev in particular? The best explanation is furnished by some sobering figures.

The number of inhabitants of Kiev in the year 1874 amounted to 127,000, among which there were 14,000 Jews. In 1910, a year before the murder, the population figures for Kiev had grown to 470,000, of which 51,000 -- 11% -- were Jews. Then came the murder, the Revolution, and the breakthrough of the Jews into power. Until 1926, the total population figure for Kiev remained essentially stable (1926 = 493,873), but the number of Jews had climbed to approximately three times what it had been, to 140,256 -- i.e., 28.4%. Today [ca. 1937], accoding to official Soviet figures, the percentage of the populace which belongs to Jewry has climbed to 35%, but actually probably amounts to at least 50%(1).

These few numbers say it all. Jewry has beseiged and finally conquered Kiev. It has won the breakthrough-battle in Southern Russia and occupied the old capital of the Holy Russian Empire. Where are the approximately 100,000 non-Jews, whose places in Kiev have been taken by Jews? They have been supplanted, driven out, exiled, shot and starved to death. Then, in 1911, the national struggle against Jewry, the defense of the people against the incursions of the Jews, had reached its zenith. The Jews had already occupied the most important positions of power in public life and the economy in Kiev. The masses of the people put up ever more fierce resistance. The Jews responded with revolutionary agitation, with "exproriations," with terror, [176] with crime and murder. Beylis was the first Chekist, who fed on the torment of his helpless victim, the young Yuschinski. Later, the Checkist leaders Laziß, Schwarzmann and Luponitz followed; they no longer needed a "symbolic" victim of a ritual-murder; into the place of the "substitute" stepped the entire Russian and Ukranian people.

In the act of ritual-murder, the Jew kills his victim (as in hostage-murder) in "respresentation" of all non-Jews, over whom he does not yet have power; in the Cheka- murder [i.e., murder by the Soviet secret police], he makes real his "ritual." The murder of a hostage is a secularized ritual-murder; Cheka-murder is mass ritual-murder actualized, and the ritual-murder is an anticipated and vicariously enjoyed Checka-murder.

Thus it was in Kiev. The gate to the fortress had to be blown open -- that was taken care of by Mordko-Bogroff with the shots from his revolver.

Already, after his sentencing, on 10 September Bogroff delivered to the Colonel of the Ochrana Ivanoff a "final confession" written by his own hand, in which he explained in detail that he had been active in service to the Ochrana for long years, and had played the role of a provacateur for a regular monthly payment of 100 Rubels; but this informant role of his had been discovered by the revolutionary Anarcho-Communists and he was given a deadline of 05 Spetember, after which the sentence of death was to be carried out on him by his comrades. In his desperation, he had wavered between suicide and a crime by which to rehabilitate himself, and at last decided to perform a sensational assassination; thanks to the favorable circumstance that he had received a card of admittance into the theater, he had carried out the murder of Stolypin. In other words, he had been for years a collaborator of the Ochrana and had committed the murder in this capacity.

This post-judicial "confession" of Bogroff had the effect that a storm of outrage over the criminal methods of the Ochrana swept through all of Russia and through the entire world, outrage over the "bloody Ochrana," which itself bred the criminals whom it pretended to fight. -- Opinion was and is "unanimous" in believing that Minister-Preseident Stolypin was killed by the Ochrana itself, for whatever dark and impenetrable reasons. The whole depravity and corruption of the Czarist system was thereby demonstrated for all time.

Considering all this, what does the truth about Bogroff appear to be?

Dmitri Bogroff was born on 29 January 1887, the son of a Jewish landlord and attorney, who had at his disposal assets of about 1 Million Marks and who played a considerable role in [177] Kiev society. The father belonged to the left wing of the Constitutional-Democratic Party. His son Dmitri received a very good education; In 1905 and 1906, he studied at the University of Munich. In 1908, Dmitri was in Meran, Leipzig and Paris, in February 1910 he took the final bar examination, travelled to the Riviera and then, in February 1911, began his practice in the office of the attorney Goldenweiser in Kiev.

It is clearly evident from this short biography that the Jew Bogroff hadn't the remotest thing to do either with the "working class" or with Socialism, that he led the life of a well-to-do Jewish intellectual. In the last period of his life, his father also transferred to him the management of the property in Kiev, so that Dmitri in no sense experienced any sort of material need. Nonetheless, as was proven and admitted, he entered the service of the Ochrana, which he justified in his later "confession" by the fact that he still wanted to have a "certain sum of money beyond" what he already had. From the Ochrana, he received 100 - 150 Rubels monthly. He worked for them for about 2½ years, and under the names Alemsky and Mordko.

That is the first apparently unexplained contradiction in the behavior of the Jew Bogroff. He certainly was not in need of the money from the Ochrana. Why, then, did he enter its service?

Dmitri Bogroff descibed himself as a follower of the Anarcho-Communists, who took the position that the entire state and economic order must be wholly destroyed. He subscribed to the so-called "Platform of the London Congress of Anarchists" of 1881, which had announced the slogan of the "Propaganda of the Act."

"The Anarchists take the position that every means is permitted for attaining their goals, and the rejection of the law is their highest principle."(1) The Anarchist organ Die Freihiet [Freedom] in New York, 25 January 1885 (Nr. 4), declared the following guidelines for conduct, which were also applicable for Bogroff(2): "One must attack when and whereever possible! The more quietly the lackeys of the order can be liquidated, the less danger is connected to the [liquidation of the] more prominent members. The revolver is good, when extreme danger threatens; dynamite should be used only for the most serious political campaigns. Otherwise, the dagger and poison are very practical means of propaganda."

That was the Weltanschauung [world view] of the young Bogroff.

[178] He belonged to a group of Anarcho-Communists in Kiev, but soon decided to act completely alone and independently. Very remarkable is his statement of 02 September 1911, to the effect that those alleged Anarcho-Communists "in the main pursue purely predatory goals." In the same statement, Bogroff explains: "I decided to furnish made-up reports to the Petersburg Division of the Ochrana or to the police department, in order, out of revolutionary objectives, to have close contact with these authorities and to become familiar with their activities." The investigation made after the murder showed that Bogroff had in reality not performed any service of value whatsoever for the Ochrana, but rather only pretended to belong to it. He was an agent of the Ochrana in 1907 in Kiev, in Petersburg in 1910, and then again in Kiev in 1911.

The result of the aforesaid investigation, which was conducted by Senator Trussevitch, was:

"One can maintain with complete correctness, that Dmitri Bogroff, who was well-known to the Kiev division of the Ochrana as a revolutionary Anarchist, led Kulyapko (Director of the Kiev Ochrana) around by the nose and exploited the Ochrana for his own revolutionary aims."

Senator Trussevitch came to the conclusion that the persons who had been entrusted with the guarding of the Czar in Kiev, namely Kurloff, Colonel Spiridovitch, Councilor Verigin and Colonel-Lieutenant Kulyapko, were guilty of a criminal negligence in office and must be made to answer for it.

Without a doubt, Trussevitch was correct. Bogroff, as one of his own comrades, Sandomirski expressed it, was a "Provocateur without provocation," or, better said: the Jew Bogroff not only incited the Anarcho-Communists, he incited and also betrayed the Ochrana. He was a provocateur raised to the second power. Accordingly, Dmitri Bogroff was a second and still worse Asev, because he instigated, prepared and personally carried out the murder of Minister-President Stolypin. By so doing, he consciously renounced having his own "revolutionary role" come to light. Rather, he described himself as an agent of the Ochrana, in order to add a yet enormous propagandizing effect to the effect of the murder -- the total defamation of the Ochrana. Indeed, the result of this was that not only the Ochrana, but he himself had bad repute in the (non-Jewish!) world. But to his Tribe, he had the status of a "super-hero." For example, this is how his brother, W. Bogroff writes of him:

[179] "Dmitri Bogroff brought still more than his life as a sacrifice to his revolutionary ideas, as he understood them: he sacrificed his revolutionary name and his revolutionary honor."

So much for the brother. In reality, of course, it has turned out differently. Dmitri Bogroff did not act as a "Revolutionary" and did not sacrifice his life and his "honor" in any sense to a "revolutionary idea"; rather, he acted as a Jew and executive of the Jewish struggle for power. There is abundant evidence for this in the utterances of the murderer himself.

For example, from Munich Dmitri Bogroff writes a letter to his parents, in which he comes to speak of the defense of the people against Jewry in Russia, the so-called pogroms, and then adds that he "cannot remain calmly abroad while in Russia people are beaten" (in place of "people" the word "Jews" should be used). In a completely confidential talk with the revolutionary Jew Lasareff in Petersburg in 1910, Bogroff communicates his goal of killing Stolypin. He tries to make clear to his racial comrade that, logically, he must perform this action entirely by himself, so that no persecution of the Jews will be caused by it, but that he is counting upon the "understanding" of his racial comrades. He says, to wit(1): "I am a Jew, and permit me to remind you that today we are still living under the rule of the Black Hundreds (anti-Semites). The Jews will never forget the Kruschevanovs, Dubrovins, Purischkevitches and like malefactors. And Herzenstein? And where is Yollos? Where are the hundreds, the thousands, of Jews who have been torn to pieces -- men, women, and children with bellies slit open, with noses and ears cut off(?!) . . .To point out the truly guilty to the masses is the duty of the Socialist parties and the intelligentsia anyway. You know that the leader of violent reaction is Stolypin. I come to you and say to you, that I have resolved to eliminate him."

These words of Bogroff are not to be outdone in their frankness. There is only one statement yet which is worthy of a place beside it: the statement of the Jew David Frankfurter, the murderer of Wilhelm Gustloff in Davos. David Frankfurter, like Dmitri Bogroff, confesses openly that they have acted as Jews. Neither for Frankfurter nor for Bogroff is it a matter of being "Socialists," "Anarchists" or "Revolutionaries" -- it is a matter of being instruments of the Jewish war against humanity, of being Jewish murderers.

[180] In another, strictly secret talk shortly before the murder with the Anarchist Lyapkovski, likewise released from jail, Bogroff explains(1): "I am a Jew. With a murder of Nicolaus [the then Romanov Czar, Nicolas II], I would cause an enormous persecution of the Jews. Better yet to murder Stolypin. Thanks to his policies, the Revolution is suffocated and reaction has set in."

Therefore, here, as well: the dam against the Revolution of Jewry must be broken through. Stolypin, who stands in the way of the struggle for control by the Jews, must fall.

On 11 September 1911, Bogroff was hanged.

The escape plan, which he had layed out with the help of his racial comrades, had failed.

So much for the case of Bogroff, who dealt a lethal blow to the anti-Jewish Russian Empire. An instructive example of the complete ruthlessness, cruelty and deliberation of Judeo- Bolshevist criminality, an instructive example, also, of the myopia and superficiality of the state defense for warding off revolutionary-criminal efforts; a defense which marched on past the essential core of these efforts, the Jewish core, and believed that it could place Jews in the service of this defense, even as provocateurs. The Jew as a provocateur -- as shown by the cases of Asev and Bogroff --- is always a "Provocateur without provocation," a super-provocateur, whose provocation is directed not against the overthrow [of the state], but against order, law, and the freedom of the people.

The Jew as informer is as customary a phenomenon as the Jew as swindler, as fence or as spy.

Still one more historical example of this.

On 05 March 1917, among the first orders of business of the "Report of the Provisional Government," there was published in Russia a prescription for the establishment of an "Extra-ordinary Investigatory Committee for the Discovery of Unlawful Official Dealings of the former Minister and higher officials." The commission met in the just-captured Winter Palace. It questioned a total of 59 persons, among them nearly all of the former ministers, state secretaries, governors, generals, the directors of police departments, well-known politicians, and other personalities of the old regime(2).

[181] Two topics in particular occupied the investigatory commission, which, incidentally, "met" so long that they themselves were hunted down and themselves interrogated by the victorious Bolshevists: the case of Rasputin and the question of provocation as means of struggle against the revolutionary parties by the old Ochrana (political police). The origin, composition and activity of this commission puts it beyond any suspicion of enmity toward Jews. On the contrary, it was a "prosecuting authority" staged by the Jews against the anti-Semitic old regime. All the more potently incriminating and irrefutable was the evidence of criminal double-agentry and political murders of the Jews, which was unwillingly brought to light by the commission -- the devastating facts about such "outstanding" representatives of Jewry as the provocateur Asev, the informer and swindler Manassevitch Manuilov, the jeweler and gambling club owner Simanovitch, the Court banker and traitor Rubenstein, etc.

The commission deliberated long and broadly over the famous "instruction for the organization and performance of internal surveillance," the basis for the highly developed system of provocation at the Ochrana. This instruction begins with the sentence: "The single reliable means for securely informing the organs of investigation about revolutionary work, is the establishment of an interior agency. The entire efforts of political observation must be directed toward the object of discovering the center of revolutionary organizations and to liquidate it in the moment of the highest development of its activity."

Certainly the system of "trusted people" and agents is as old as the history of the state itself, since there is hardly any other means for [acquiring] information about opposing organizations and for fighting enemies of the state. The very well thought-out instruction of the old Ochraca had foreseen all eventualities, incorporated all security measures, to create a well-functioning system of surveillance. And yet, this instruction, with its system of highly-disciplined provocation, without a doubt played an essential part in the collapse of the czarist state. The reason is to be found in the fact that the instruction and the Ochrana had no sensitivity for or view of the one decisive fact: the basic criminality, the fundamental revolutionism of Jewry. There were no proscriptions against the use of Jews as agents and informers. Thus Jewry succeeded in penetrating the Ochrana, in corrupting it and misusing it for the Jewish efforts at overthrowing the state. The Ochrana thought that it [182] was using the Jews, but in actuality was itself being used by the Jews. [This is the entire story, played out over milennia, of the interaction between the state and the Jews!]

The "classical" figure of the revolutionary Ochrana-Jew will always remain Yevno Asev, a figure about which just as many legends have been spun as about the figure of Rasputin. All these legends are deliberately silent about the Jewish core and represent him intentionally as a "betrayer of the Revolution." In reality, Asev was definitely, to be sure, a traitor to the honorable revolutionaries, and equally as much a traitor to his task-masters at the Ochrana. He was "loyal" only to his Jewish mission and fully consistent in executing it. The mission of the Jew Asev consisted, just as did that of the other Jewish provocateurs, revolutionaries, journalists and bankers, of nothing other than the simultaneous misdirection and corruption of the revolutionary powers on the one hand, and the corruption and misleading of the state aparatus on the other. These Jews prevented the finding of any positive outcome of the conflict between people and state in Russia, and thus prepared the way for and brought about the Jewish-Bolshevist seizure of power.

Asev was born the son of a Jewish tailor in Russia and studied in Karlsruhe, where he took the examination to qualify as an engineer. As a student, he already pretended to enter the service of the Ochrana and simultaneously the foreign branch of the Social-Revolutionary Party, an agrarian-revolutionary organization, which until its liquidation in 1918, represented the the strongest revolutionary movement of the Old Russia. The Social- Revolutionary party or, as abbreviated, SR, was committed to terrorism. The direction of all terrorist operations was in the hands of the combat center, to which, besides the Jew Chernov, the famous terrorist Boris Savinkov belonged. In 1903, Asev joined. Asev was getting a princely salary from the secret Division A of the the Ochrana, and presumably also money for the financing of the SR operations as well. Now he unfolded his criminal activity, by betraying the revolutionaries and terrorists to the Ochrana, while at the same time organizing and carrying out murders of prominent personalities. From the large list of the murders in which Asev had taken part as instigator and organizer, let us consider above all the murder of the Minister of the Interior, Pleve, on 15 July 1904, as well as that of the Governor General of Moscow, Grand Duke Sergius, on 04 February 1905. Grand Duke Sergius was ripped into pieces by the bombs of the Asev organization. Asev crowned this crime by delivering up to the police the deluded perpetrators, who had no inkling of the fact [183] that they were brought to disaster by a Jew. They were hanged.

Whenever the Ochrana began to become suspicious of Asev due to a series of successful operations of the SR, this Jewish criminal always delivered up a number of hapless revolutionaries to the hangman. Thus, for example, in 1908 he betrayed the entire combat organization of the SR, which resulted in the hanging of seven men. However, if any kind of suspicion toward him in his own ranks of the combat organization began to be bruited about, he saw to it that there was a successful assassination and again started out with a "clean" slate with his comtrades. It was only in the year 1908 that this Jewish beast was unmasked by a rival; and a rival of his employer, General Gerassimov, the Police Director Lopuchin, made haste to confirm this revelation. Thereupon -- nothing happened. Asev was "brought to justice" neither by the Ochrana, nor by the Social-Revolutionaries. Instead, he got a considerable pension and settled in Berlin, where he began dealing in women's corsets and at the same time speculated in the stock market, under the name Neumeyer. Then, in April 1918, he passed away unscathed and peacefully.

That is the truth about Asev; it is less romantic, if no less terrible, than the legends say. It is an awful truth, the truth about a Jew who ruthlessly, cunningly, and cruelly took care of the concerns of Jewry.

And what was the "judgement" about this of his former employer, General Alexander Gerassimov, who was Chief of the Ochrana in Petersburg in 1905-1909, ? Gerassimov writes in 1934 of his recollections:

"Asev assembled a terrorist group of ten men out of the most active revolutionaries. His closest adjutant was the former student Peter Karpovitch, who in the year 1901 had murdered (!) the Minister of Popular Enlightenment, Bogolepov. He was sentenced to twenty years of hard labor, but later escaped from Siberia and had now offered his services to Asnev. Through Asev, I was systematically kept informned about all plans and acts of the terrorist group. The members lived in Finland and travelled to Petersburg from time to time, in order to carry out some sort of missions there connected with the attempted assassination of the Czar(!).

The services of Asev (!) in the struggle with the revolutionaires are enormous, and we ought not to count it against him that he did not deliver all the terrorists, but rather we must be [184] grateful (!) that at least (!) he frustrated a large number (!) of terrorist attacks. That is still my firm conviction today (1)."

Truly, these people have learned nothing!

After its victory in the Bolshevist Revolution, Jewry organized and sytematized as "state" functions its "speciality," provocation. From the Preußischen Zeitung [Prussian Times] of 22 October 1935, we take the expert report of an historic example:

"On 06 July 1918, the crime occurred. Toward 3:00 P.M., two men drove up in front of the building of the German embassy in a motor vehicle. They identified themselves by an authorization signed by Dzerschinsky (the Director of the Cheka) himself and by his secretary Zenofontoff, whose contents said that 'the representative of the Revolutionary Tribunal Nikolaus Andreyev and the member of the Cheka Jakob Blumkin were empowered to enter into negotiations with the German chargé d'affaires due to a matter which directly and personally concerned him.' This piece of writing later proved to have been forged.

The embassy councilor Dr. Ritzler at first wanted to deal with the pair of strange visitors, who hardly evoked feelings of trust, by himself. But these two refused to supply any information about the alleged purpose of their visit and insisted upon a personal meeting with the (German chargé d'affaires) Count Mirbach. Finally, they were admitted and Count Mirbach received them in the presence of Dr. Ritzler and of Lieutenant Müller; the German chargé d'affaires and his colleagues sat at one side of the table, their two visitors across from them at the other side.

The Jew Blumkin began to relate a not entirely coherent tale about the arrest of an Austrian officer by the name of Robert Mirbach, whom he described as a relative of the Count, in whose fate the Count would probably be interested. Count Mirbach declared that there must be a misunderstanding, for the man arrested was not related to him. Thereupon Dr. Ritzler asked the Count whether he did not want to regard the conversation as concluded. Before Count Mirbach was able to reply, Andreyev interrupted with the question 'whether the Herr Ambassador of Germany did not want to find out how the Revolutionary Tribunal was thinking of proceeding against Robert Mirbach?'

[185] That was the signal! Blumkin reached into his briefcase, as though he wanted to pull out documents; but instead of this, he drew out a revolver and shot three times in quick succession: at first at Count Mirbach, then at Lieutenant Müller and finally at Dr. Ritzler; all of the shots missed their targets. Count Mirbach got up and wanted to flee into the next room; the wide table which was between the assassins and their victims prevented the immediate disarming of the attackers. Hardly had Count Mirbach stood up, when Andeyev shot at him, and when the Count nonetheless continued on his way, Blumkin shot at him, and one of the two assassins threw a bomb at the Count. The explosion caused considerable destruction in the room and smashed the window panes. Count Mirbach fell to the floor dead; the two assassins escaped through the window and into an automobile waiting outside . . ."

Whence were they fleeing? They directly made for the so-called "Sailors' Division" of the Cheka. Blumkin belonged to this Sailors' Division. To all appearances, it had raised the flag of revolt against Lenin and Dzerschinsky in common with the Social-Revolutionary Party, which was at that time still ruling Russia together with the Bolshevists. At the head of the "rebels" allegedly stood no less a figure than the acting Chief of the Cheka, Alexandrovsky, as well as the Chief of the Sailors' Division, Popoff.

The news of the murder of Mirbach was received by Dzerschinsky, strangely enough, from Lenin personally and not from his own Cheka apparatus. He went to the scene of the crime and from there to the "conspirators" in the Sailors' Division, where at first he was "arrested." But he came to no harm. Meanwhile, his assistant Peters had the entire faction of the Social-Revolutionary Party arrested in the middle of the Soviet Congress which was "coincidentally" in session. Within a few hours, the "revolt" of the Sailors' Division was also ended and the Bolshevists had a bloody showdown with the Social-Revolutionaries, who were completely eradicated.

Those were the external events. Certainly there was a great provocation of the Cheka itself which was set up in this affair. It appears to be completely unbelievable that, in particular, the German embassy had knowledge of the assassination attempt and several times brought this to the attention of the foreign Commissariat and Dzerschinsky, but that Dzerschinsky himself wanted to know nothing about it. It is without a doubt the case, that the Jew Blumkin penetrated [186] the embassy not with "forged," but with genuine identification papers of the Cheka, and that the murder he committed was only supposed to provide the means for the extirpation of the Social Revolutionary Party, which at the time was the rival of the Bolshevists for power. Also, the dramatic arrest of Dzerschinsky in the Sailors' Division was nothing other than well-placed theater. If the Ochrana had already modelled the methods of provocation to perfection, so the Jewish Bolshevists, who for the most part were themselves former Ochrana informants and had an exact knowledge of these methods, raised provocation to the decisive weapon of their so-called art of statecraft.

That nothing in this respect has changed up to the present day, has been demonstrated by the recent trials in Moscow of the so-called "Trotskyites." The line between conspirators and Chekists, between revolutionaries and criminals, has been completely erased by the Jewish Cheka. Provocation and counter-provocation have become so intertwined that no one can find his way any longer in this chaos of lies and assassinations. Provocation is the type of crime in which Jewry has no peer. This dirtiest of all crimes is [a tool which they] manipulate with total mastery.

Only a few days after this cunning murder of the Jewish terror-organization in Moscow, the cruellest and most disgusting crime of modern history was committed at the edge of the Urals -- the slaughtering of the Imperial family by the Jews Chaim Nacktbacke, Weißbart, Jakob Moses Sverdloff and Jakob Yurovsky. Mirbach was eliminated -- the last protection of the unfortunate Czar had gone with him. The inhuman Jewish animals now indulged themselves unrestrainedly in the intoxication of their blood-lust of extermination.

The seed of Mordechai [i.e., the "hero" of the Book of Esther, who presided over the slaughter not only of Haman and his ten sons, but of thousands of the Jews' enemies.] -- Bronstein, Asev and Bogroff -- were in full bloom. The "deepening" of the Jewish revolution plunged Russia into the abyss. Thousands and hundreds of thousands of people bled to death and starved to death on the streets of the cities and on the plains in the chaos of the struggle of all-against-all, which was unleashed by Jewry, and which bears the name of "Bolshevist Revolution." When, on 01 September 1911, Bogroff spared the Czar from fear of the fury of the people against the Jewish murderers, in the year 1918 Bogroff's racial comrades no longer needed to take the Jewish tribal interests into consideration. Thanks to the intrigues of the Petersburg clique of Jews -- Simanovitch, Rubinstein, Manassevitch- Manuiloff and Ginsburg -- the "bloodless" portion of the Jewish Revolution had ended with success. The half-Jew Kerensky (on his mother's side descended from the Viennese Adler clan!) had "taken power" and worked zealously as trail-blazer [187] of Bolshevism. After October 1917, Jewry was able to proceed with execution of the sentence of death upon the Czar and the dynasty; it saw that it had attained the goal of its most passionate desire -- the murdering of the Imperator [Latin, "emperor"].

The final act of the tragedy was played out in July 1918 in Ekaterinburg. The shadow of Rasputin had followed the Czar's family there(1). It was Boris Solovyeff who had come into the legacy of Rasputin by having married Rasputin's daughter Mara. She was by no means an innocent little lamb when she entered into marriage with Solovyeff. On the threshold of her maturity stood the Jewish journalist Davidsohn. [This is probably an idiom signifying that Mara's virginity had been taken by Davidsohn.] Mara Rasputin, together with her husband, followed the exiled Czar to Siberia. There, Solovyeff worked at the household of the unfortunate Imperial family as an informer for Jewry, and at the same time cheated them of their money and jewelry. All attempts for their liberation which were undertaken by the anti-Bolshevist side were betrayed to the Jews by this couple, until the transfer of the Czar to Ekaterinburg, where the role of Solvyeff became superfluous, so that he travelled across Siberia to Europe accompanied by the Imperial diamonds(2).

The role of Vyrubova, who was on friendly terms with Solovyeff in 1917 and 1918, again became fateful.

On 14 August 1917, the Imperial family was brought to Tobolsk. This was the home town of Rasputin! On 05 October 1917, Solovyeff married Mara Rasputin. On 26 April 1918 the Czar was taken from Tobolsk to Ekaterinburg. On 12 April 1918, Solovyeff already had knowledge of this transfer of the victim to the scene of the murder(3).

Here in Ekaterinburg, in the Ipatyeff house, the Imperial family was finally completely encircled, with no protection and helpless, delivered up to the Jewish murder organization. The Jew Jakob Yurovsky took command command of guard duty in the Ipatyeff house. He was the Cheka director and the actual ruler of Ekaterinburg, the city, which in its time had been founded by the great German princess on the Russian Imperial throne, Katharina [i.e., Catherine the Great]. The [188] second director responsible for the murder and also the boss of Yurovsky was the Jew Chaim Golostschekin (in German: "Nacktbacke" [i.e., "bare cheeks"!]), a Jew from the Vitebsk District. During his exile in Siberia in 1912, he had gotten to know the third of the confederates in the murder of the Czar, the Jew Jakob Moses Sverdloff, who during the period of the crime occupied the highest and most representative position in the Bolshevist state: Sverdloff was the Chairman of the Central Executive Committee of the Soviet [i.e. Supreme Soviet] and, after Lenin and Stalin, was the third member of the triumvirate which ruled the entire land without any constraints(1). At the same time, Sverdloff occupied the office of Political Secretary of the Communist Party. This double position permitted him the crucial influence upon the whole state and party apparatus of power of Bolshevism. Sverdloff belonged to the ten decisive leaders of the Bolshevist Revolution. He is the actual head of the Jewish gang of murderers which murdered the Imperial family. Golotschekin was his confidante and his tool on the scene; Yurovsky directed the execution. After the death of Sverdloff -- he was killed in a Moscow factory by Russian workers -- the city of the Empress Katharina, Ekaterinburg, was adorned with the Jewish name "Sverdlovsk" after the the murder of her great-grandson Nicolaus II. To this day, Ekaterinburg still bears the name of the Jewish murderer Sverdloff.

Golotschekin was Military Commissar of the District of the Urals. Jewish clan ties and "friendship" bound him to Yurovsky. Originally a dentist, then a photgrapher and watchmaker in Ekaterinburg, immediately after the Bolshevist overthrow of the state he became a member of the city soviet and Commissar of Justice. Golotschekin, Yurovsky and a third Jew, Beloborodoff (in German Weißbart [i.e., "white beard"]) were put in charge of the Ekaterinburg Cheka.

The murder took place in the night of 16 - 17 July 1918.

The Czar himself, Imperator of the Russian Empire and Supreme Head of the Russian Christian Orthodox Church, was shot by the Jew Yurovsky himself. The heir to the throne, Alexis, was still not dead after several salvos; thereupon he too was killed by the Jew Yurovsky with three revolver shots. The closest confidante of Golotschekin and participant in the act of murder, Paul Medvedeff, the investigatory judge of Admiral Koltschak, reports as follows conconcerning the completion of the murders(2):

[189] "On 16 July, toward 7 o'clock in the evening, Yurovsky ordered me to take the revolvers from all the guards. In all, there was a total of 12 Nagan pistols, which I brought to Yurovsky and layed on the table. In the morning, the latter had removed the little servant and had him lodged in the Popoff house with the guard detachment. Yurovsky gave me no explanation for any of this. Only when he took the pistols from me did he say: 'Today we will shoot the whole family dead.' At 10 o'clock he ordered me to instruct the guards that if they should hear shots, they should not sound the alarm. Therefore I let the guards know this and returned to the house. At midnight Yurovsky awakened the Imperial family. They rose, dressed and came out of their rooms in about an hour. They were calm; the thought of danger was remote to them. Nicolaus himself carried Alexis, they all went into the room situated at the extreme end of the house. Some had a pillow, the chambermaid was carrying two. Yurovsky said that chairs ought to be brought and three were brought. At this moment two members of the Checka arrived, one of whom, as I later heard, was Yermankoff from Verch-Isset. The other was unknown to me. Yurovsky, his assistant and the two men went to the ground floor below where the Imperial family already was. The seven other Latvians were also there. The revolvers were distributed by Yurovsky to the seven Latvians, to the two Chekists and to his assistant. He kept one himself. Yurovsky had a Mauser rifle besides. The Czarina, the Czar and Alexis took their places on the chairs. The others remained standing against the wall. All were calm. Some minutes thereafter, Yurovsky came into the next room, where I was, amd said: 'Go out on the street and see whether anyone is there and watch to see whether the shots are heard or not!' I went out and immediately heard shots. When I entered the room again to report to Yurovsky, all the prisoners were lying on the floor in different positions, in large puddles of blood. All were dead, only Alexis was still groaning. Yurovsky then shot him two or three times. The sight of the blood-bath made such an impression upon me that I became nauseated and had to go outside. Then Yurovsky ordered me to run to the guards and to say to them that they mustn't get upset due to the shots. As I went out I heard two more shots. I met Starkoff and Dobrynin on the street, who ran up to me. They asked me: 'Nicolaus surely has been shot. You've taken care of the matter.' I answered them that I had seen with my own eyes how Nicolaus and his family were shot; they should keep their people calm. I therefore [190] saw how the ex-Emperor was shot to death, his wife Alexandra, his son Alexis, his four daughters, Doctor Botkin, the cook, the servant and a chambermaid. Each of them had several wounds, their faces and articles of clothing were overflowing with blood. None of them had had a foreboding of the danger threatening them. I myself did not take part in the murder. When I rerurned to Yurovsky in the room, the latter ordered me to send him some men to get the bodies into the vehicle. I had ten men come, whose names I've forgotten. From two sleds that were in the coach-house they prepared a stretcher, tied a sheet together with a string and brought the bodies to the vehicle that way. They took away what the victims had on their hands, their rings, their bracelets, and two gold watches. Everything was handed over to Yurovsky. The vehicle into which the bodies were put was a truck which had been brought into the yard toward evening. The bodies were laid on grey military cloth and also covered with it. The cloth was taken from the junk room. I do not know where the dead were taken, I didn't inquire about it. Later, in Apeyevsk, I met one of the two Checkists, Yermankoff, and asked him where they'd been dragged off to. 'They tossed them into the shaft of an old mine beyond Verch-Isset,' he replied to me. After the bodies had been taken away, Yurovsky ordered the detachment to clean the floor and yard of the blood, which also happened. Then he returned to his room. I went to the Popov house which I had left just that morning. The Ipatyeff house was guarded until 20 July, although there were no longer prisoners in it. But they did not want to arouse the people and left them believing that the Imperial family was still living. When I went into the first floor of the Ipatyeff house on 17 July, I found everything to be in great disorder. Yurovsky was not there. When I looked to see what was lying on the table, I found sixty Rubels in ten-Rubel notes in a little catechism. Without saying anything to anyone, I took them. On 21 July I returned; the house was no longer guarded. I remained in Ekaterinburg until 24 July. On the 24th, I went by train to Nishny-Tagil."

The bodies of the murdered were robbed of all valuables and pieces of jewelry, dismembered and then, in the shaft of the "Four Brothers" mine, had gasoline poured over them and were burned up.

On 17 July, at 9 o'clock in the evening, the murderers sent a telegram from Ekaterinburg to the "People's Commissariat," the [191] Jewish Murder-Central in Moscow. This telegram reads(1): "Let Sverdloff know that the entire family has suffered the same fate as its head. Officially, they were killed during the evacuation."

The murder of the Imperial family in Ekaterinburg by the Jews Yurovsky, Weißbart, Nacktbacke and Sverdloff is certainly one of the most horrible Jewish crimes in the entire history of mankind. Utter, unsurpassed vileness of mind drove these Jews to the crime. Let us read the words of their racial comrade, Simanovitch(2):

"At the murder of the Imperial family the Bolshevist Commissar Yurovsky played a decisive role. He, too, was guided by the motive of greed.

Yurovsky was a jeweler by profession. After the transfer of the Imperial family to Ekaterinburg, he managed to become Bolshevist Commissar there and was entrusted with the supervision of the Imperial family. Yurovsky gave the prisoners permission to sell a portion of their jewelry to his friend Krumnos (Krumm-Nase! [The author is observing the comical probable etymology of the individual's surname, which means "Bent-Nose."]. By doing this he managed to find out that the Imperial family still had at its disposal jewels of inestimable value. The rumors according to which the Soviet government was supposed to be planning to bring to Czar to Moscow in order to place him in front of a Revolutionary Court, worried him; on the other hand, he was hearing about the efforts of the Monarchists to free the Imperial family. Neither outcome suited him, and he decided, together with the Commissars Beloborodov and Golotschekin, to execute the Imperial family by shooting, in order to get his hands on their jewelry(!).

Yurovsky appropriated to himself the jewels of the Imperial family and shared the booty with Beloborodov and Golotschekin. The settings were destroyed and disposed of.

I learned all these details from the jeweler Simon Golub, who, with the Krumnos mentioned above, was well-known. Golub was in Ekaterinburg at the time of the murder of the Imperial family. He was staying in the vicinity of the house in which the crime happened even on the night of the murder, and he himself heard the shots and screams. Yurovsky told him that not all the daughters of the Czar were dead after the salvos, and that the soldiers had slain them with their bayonettes. The unfortunate girls had even tried to defend themselves."

[192] Three Jewish "jewelers" -- Yurovsky, Golub, and Krumnos -- gathered like birds of carrion at the murder scene, in order to get their hands on the jewelry of the slaughtered Imperial family. These are not any kind of "revolutionaries," nor are they even "assassins" -- they are Jewish robbery-murderers and ghouls, who have reached the most extreme level of baseness and abomination. Are they even still human beings?! They are devils incarnate.

The "political" murder, the murder from greed for power, is typical of Jewry. In this, the Jew directs his perverse cruelty always against a defenseless victim who is not able to ward off the attack. In all places and at all times where Jews usurp power in the form of Bolshevism or struggle to get power, they make use of the cowardly and base means of hostage-murder. Uninvolved, innocent people are seized and slaughtered.

The hostage-murder accompanied the Bolshevist civil war in Russia from its beginnings up to the present day. In every district which the Bolshevists took, it was the first act of the Checka to seize hostages and to butcher them at the first opportunity. The number of murdered hostages in Bolshevist Russia runs to several hundred thousands. After the shooting of the Petersburg founder of the Cheka, Moses Uritzki, alone, several ten thousands of hostages were shot in every city and village. This was the famous "blood tax" which the Jewish Cheka imposed upon the land as "atonement." The same thing happened after the attempted assassination of Lenin, and again after the shooting of Kirov, etc.

The hostage system belongs to the established methods of the Judeo-Bolshevist war of annihilation. Hundreds of hostages were slaughtered during the Bolshevist control of the Baltic countries: in Mitau, in Riga, in Dirpat, in Wesenburg, etc. The Jews Kun and Szamuely bestially murdered many hostages during their short rulership in Hungary.

On 30 April 1919, the following hostages were shot in Munich under the rule of the Bolshevist Jews Lewien, Leviné-Nissen and Axelrod(1):

Berger, Professor, 68 years old. Murdered by several shots at close range in the head and back.
Daumenlang, railroad secretary, 54 years old. Murdered by five shots in the back.
[193] Hindorf, Walter, soldier of the Hussar Regiment Nr. 8, 1st Squadron, 19 years old. Was barbarously abused before his murder and killed by four shots in the head, back, and abdomen.
Linnenbrügger, Fritz, soldier of the Hussar Regiment Nr. 8, 1st Squadron, 41 years old. Murdered by a shot in the back.
Neuhaus, Walter, artist (painter), 28 years old. Shot through the head with six shots to the body.
von Seydlitz, F. W., artist (painter), 28 years old. Shot to death from the front. Head shot with critical skull and brain damage, shots to the heart and chest and a grazing wound tot he left hand. [The latter wound would probably be termed a "defensive wound" by a forensic pathologist.]
Deike, commercial art student, 25 years old. Murdered by shots from behind, with five shots in head, neck, back, and thigh.
von Teuchert, Baron, officer. Murdered by two shots in the back (penetrating the heart and destroying the jaw).
von Thurn und Taxis, Prince, 30 years old. Killed by shots from behind in the head and back; shot in the abdomen as well.
von Westarp, Hella, Countess, 33 years old. Murdered by shots through the neck, chest, shoulder blade and a shot through the left arm.

The mass murders of the hostages in Spain are recalled by everyone. In the small district of Llora del Rio alone, one hundred eighty-seven hostages were murdered; in Constantina, two hundred fifty; in Bilbao the Bolshevists repeatedly went on rampage against the imprisoned hostages, and at one of their "assaults" two hundred eight jailed hostages were slaughtered.

Responsible for these crimes were the Jews Moses Rosenberg, then Soviet "ambassador" in Madrid, Heinz Neumann, a Communist Jew from Berlin; also the Marxist Jew Deutsch from Austria and Kolzov-Ginsburg, a Jew from Moscow.

The hostage-murder, the zenith of a refined and cowardly cruelty, is and remains a Jewish specialty.

The exploration of Bolshevism and its terror-system(1) has today irrefutably proven that Bolshevism as [194] a whole represents a Jewish criminal organization, which works with every means -- of torture, of hostage -murder, of mass shootings, of individual extermination and physical liquidation of all opponents of the Judeo-Bolshevist dictatorship. Names such as that of the mass-butcher of Shanghai and Madrid, Heinz Neumann, of the mass-murderer in Hungary, in the Crimea as well as in Spain, Bela Kun = Aaron Kohn with his helpmate Semlyatchka = Salkind, of the founder of the Cheka, Moses Uritzki, of the Chief of the G.P.U. for many years, Yagoda = Yehuda, of the current acting Chief of the G.P.U., Bärman and countless other Checkist Jews, furnish incontrovertible proof of the fact that this horrifying murder organization, which is master over one-sixth of the surface of the Earth and has spread over the entire world, represents a murder-organization of Jewry. The Cheka -- G.P.U. -- proves the identity of Bolshevism and crime. Its personal existence, especially in the leading positions, proves, in turn, that Bolshevism and crime are united in "personal union" and namely in the person of the Jew.

Since it is impossible to give an account even approaching the total crimes of the Jewish Cheka, we must be content with some few examples.

The Social-Democratic Party of Germany issued a book about the Cheka in 1922, in the book shop "Vorwärts," in which original excerpts from the notes of Marxists who themselves became the victims of the Cheka, were published. From this source, which is certainly beyond suspicion of having "anti-Bolshevist tendencies" or of being "anti-Semitic," we take the following account:

"The Ship of Death(1)

The main offices of the Moscow Cheka are now housed at Great Lubyanka Nr. 14, in the home of the former Moscow insurance company. Here, day and night, works the soulless death machine, here the circle of transformations, one after another, of a human being from an accused into a condemned man, closes with a mutilated corpse . . .

[195] In the main building are located the cabinets of the investigating judges, according to whose reports the board makes its stereotypical horrible judgements. Behind this house, in a cellar structure of the one-storey garden house, those consecrated to death await their last hour. And directly here in the yard, lying close by the Little Lubyanka, is found also the cellar established for the jail of the Cheka executioner. There, in the center of the city itself, behind the walls of the once-benign insurance company, one of the blindest tools of the terror has found its lodging, which quietly goes about exterminating hundreds and thousands of human lives. The room most feared of the cabinets of the investigatory judges is Room Nr. 55 -- the study of the first investigating judge, by the name Wuhl (a Jew), of the division for common criminals. In his hands are concentrated all criminal cases and in particular cases of banditry, for which there is usually no mercy and for which the death penalty seems to be the firm norm, almost without exception. Wuhl is the constant and single correspondent of the 'Troika'; he directs the work of the subordinate investigatory judges, and upon him depends the outcome of the cases investigated. Still young (perhaps thirty years old), with light, wavy, hair and a firm gaze from glittering eyes, agile, energetic, calm and polite in conversation, Wuhl fills anyone who enters his study with a shudder. For rarely does a case end here without a death sentence, and rarely does an interrogation proceed without a wild beating of the accused. If a subaltern investigating judge does not succeed in wresting a confession from the accused, he threatens to bring him before Wuhl, and often the pronouncing of this name by itself is enough to coerce a "voluntary" confession. Wuhl directs the most important matters himself, and his methods of interrogation are a not unimportant feature in the whole picture of Chekist justice. Here one of the countless samples of these interrogations according to the story related personally by Jan Otremski.

Otremski was charged with the shooting of the window of the Sovdeps (the Soviet authority) by Basmannaya. At a body-search of him, a Mauser with some empty casings were found, which, as it turned out, he had won in a card game with one of the adjutants of Dzerschinsky, the supreme Chief of the Cheka. Otremski denied any participation in the crime imputed to him and maintained that he had been slandered by some speculators with whom he had fallen out over the division of the winnings. The somewhat puzzling provenance of the Mauser meanwhile awakened a special interest in Wuhl in the [196] case, and he decided to get at the truth at all cost.

'Wuhl received me very kindly' -- related Otremski, as he wiped his bloody, beaten face with a handkerchief. -- 'He asked me to take a seat, opened his gold cigarette case and asked me if I drank "morning coffee." Without waiting for my reply, he rang, said a few words to the servant who entered, and after a few minutes there stood before us a tray with two glasses of coffee, sugar, white bread and butter. "I'm asking," said Wuhl, "that with our coffee we discuss the case at the same time, as well." At this moment the telephone rang, and I was a witness to the following conversation that Wuhl conducted: "Jan Otremski is sitting right here by me. . .I'm sure we will not need to shoot him. . .He wants to confess everything voluntarily and wants to be a capable colleague. . ." In this moment I did not grasp that the entire conversation was arranged especially for me, and suddenly I didn't feel well. "They want to know if you are still living. . .," said Wuhl to me with a smile, and pushed the plate with the bread closer to me.

But I could neither eat nor drink, for I sensed some sort of trap and was very upset. "Confess everything, Otremski," continued Wuhl, "and we will forget your past. . .You will have a job with us."

Thereupon he started a speech of persuasion and during fifteen to twenty minutes he relentlessly used alternating threats and tempting promises toward me. But I stubbornly denied my participation in the shooting and also refused to accept a position in the Cheka. My stubbornness finally made him lose his composure; he jumped up from his seat, he grabbed a rifle which was standing in a corner and began to hit me with the butt. After some blows on the head and the chest, I staggered and fell, covered with blood, to the floor. But after a minute I came to again, stood up, and accompanied by Wuhl's fists and wild insults, I dragged myself out of his study. . ." Jan Otremski was a Polish subject. He related this case of a bestial beating to the Polish Red Cross and enclosed as proof the blood-spotted handkerchief. But his Polish nationality did not save Otremski, and shortly after this interrogation -- on 14 May 1921 -- according to a report, he was shot to death by Wuhl . . .

I am stopping with these characteristic details of the interrogation of Otremski, in order not to overload the rest of the account with dozens of similar facts. This sytem of [197] interrogation was practiced by Wuhl day in, day out, with unvarying calm and good naturedness, with only details changing now and then. Thus, in suspicious cases he personally investigated the accused in order to convince himself that the latter was without weapons and sufficiently defenseless. Sometimes he prefers to strike not the head, but the the muscles and the elbows of the outstretched arms . . . in general, however, the stereotype prevailed with him: cigarettes, coffee, white bread, offer of a job in the Cheka and . . . a blow with the butt of a rifle. And so on, day in and day out, with almost total passivity of the tortured. In the expression used by the beaten bandits, 'Wuhl is playing the guitar.' For his talented and zealous guitar-playing, the member Wuhl of the Russian Communist Party wore an Order of the Red Flag on his chest."

That the Cheka is in no sense any sort of "proletarian" fighting organization, but rather only and exclusively a Jewish murder-organization against the people, is shown very compellingly by, among countless other proofs and examples, the famous mass shooting of the workers in Astrakhan in March 1919. On 10 March 1919, the workers of the factories "Vulcan," "Etna," "Caucasus" and "Mercury" interrupted their work and assembled for a meeting.

"The meeting(1) at which ten thousand workers had assembled and discussed their hard material condition was surrounded by soldiers with machine guns, sailors, and grenade-throwers. After the workers refused to break up the meeting, a rifle salvo was shot off. Then the machine guns rattled, directed against the compact mass of the meeting partcipants, and hand grenades exploded with deafening noise. The gathering trembled, lay down on the ground, and were dumb with fright. Above the rattling of the machine guns one heard neither the groaning of the wounded nor the screams of the dying.

Suddenly, this entire mass of men rose up, stormed forward and broke through the cordon of death of the government troops, with a power made tenfold by their terror. And it ran unthinkingly in every direction -- seeking salvation from the bullets of the machine guns which had begun firing again. Those fleeing were shot. Those who were still alive were driven into an enclosed space and shot down at close range. The space in which a peaceful gathering was meeting was now covered by a pile of corpses. Between the workers writhing in [198] their death throes, one also saw some 'tamers of the Revolution' trampled to death by the crowd at the breakthrough. The news of the shooting quickly spread into the city. People were fleeing there from everywhere. Only the cries 'they are shooting! They're shooting!' could be heard.

A canon shot in the distance. A strange, droning detonation in the air. After this whizzing, suddenly, a bang. Again, whizzing. The church cuppola crackled and plunged down. A bang, and then another bang. A projectile explodes. A second one explodes. And another. The crowd of people loses their heads and scatters apart, like a herd of restive beasts. But the outpost troops shoot and keep shooting. From somewhere comes a new order to fire, and those fleeing are struck by grenades.

The city is deserted. Silent. One part of the inhabitants fled, another part hid themselves. Not fewer than two thousand victims were swept from the ranks of the workers. Thus ended the first act of the frightful tragedy of Astrakhan.

The second -- still more horrifying -- act began on 12 March. A portion of the workers were arrested by the 'victors' and imprisoned in the commander's headquarters, in barques and in steamers. Among the latter, the steamer 'Gogol' particularly distinguished itself by its cruelty. But dispatches were flying to Moscow which were reporting a 'revolt.'

The Chairman of the Revolutionary War Council of the Republic, L. Trotsky (Bronstein, a Jew), responded with a laconic dispatch: 'Settle accounts and show no mercy.' With that, the fate of the unfortunate workers in custody was sealed. A bloody insanity raged on land and water. In the cellars and yards of the commander's headquarters, the people were shot to death. From the barques and steamers, people were thrown into the Volga. Many were thrown in with stones tied around their necks. One worker, who sat in the keel space on the machine, remained unnoticed and saved himself, told that in one night, 180 men were thrown overboard from the steamer 'Gogol.' But in the city there were so many shot dead, that some nights [199] hardly sufficed to transport them all to the cemetary, where they were unloaded in piles as 'typhus cases'. . .

. . . After some days, the rulers began to to publish the names of the shot 'Burschuis' by the hundreds. At the beginning of April, the number of victims named was already 4000. But meanwhile, the repressions did not stop. The authorities had plainly resolved to take revenge upon the worker's unions of Astrakhan for the entire wave of strikes which rolled through Tula, Boyansk, Petrograd and other cities in March of 1919. It was only toward the end of April that the shootings tapered off and stopped."

Some characteristic details are supplied by the certainly not anti-Semitic Roman Gul in his book Dzerschinsky, which appeared in Paris in 1936, in the Russian language. Gul describes, among other things, the Commandant of the Georgian Checka, Schulmann, who was possessed by a bestial cruelty, and who was infamous in Tiflis under the name "The Commandant of Death."

Schulmann usually took drugs in order to get in the necessary "mood." One example of his rage and murdering(1):

"One dark night, the Commandant of the Cheka, Schulmann, appeared in the stone corridors of the subterranean prison, rattling his saber with a detachment of Red Army troops. They began to lead out the condemned men from their cells. The pity-inspiring, half-dressed unfortunate men automatically obeyed the orders of the executioners. It seemed as if Schulmann wanted to excite himself, in that he treated the condemned men with especial brutality. They were all brought to the inner courtyard of the Cheka, where some trucks were awaiting them. With a few practiced and rapid movements of their hands, the executioners took from the victims the rest of their clothing, chained their hands and threw them in the trucks. The trucks began to move . . . At the place of execution partitioned by the Chekists, ditches had been prepared in advance. The condemned were arranged in rank and file. Schulmann and his assistant stepped down the line with a revolver in hand and shot the forehead of the condemned; now and then they stopped to reload the revolvers. Not everyone yielded their heads to be shot peacefully. Many struck out around themselves, tried to retreat, cried, asked for mercy. Sometimes Schulmann's bullet only wounded them and the Chekists immediately finished them off with shots and bayonettes. [200] Meanwhile, the dead were tossed into the pits. This scene of human butchery lasted no less than three hours."

One other Jew who is still active today as one of the highest GPU Chiefs, is Jakob Agranov, an epileptic Jew with the face of a woman. His specialty is the destruction of the Russian Aryan intelligentsia. The Jew Agranov has exterminated the flower of Russian science and of public life(1).

The blood-bath of the already-mentioned Aaron Kohn -- Bela Kun -- in the Crimea is well known. At his side stood his racial comrades Feldmann (male) and Salkind (female). To the same series of Jewish mass-murderers belong: Comrade Rosa in Kiev, Yurovsky, Nacktbacke and Weißbart in Ekaterinburg; Steinberg and Deutsch in Saratov, Eugenie Bosch in Pensa, Rebekka Meisel-Plastenina in Archangelsk, the sadistic Jewess Braude in Moscow, who with her own hands first undressed and then shot the "White Guard swine." Here also belong, above all, the directors of the Cheka in the Ukraine: Feldmann and Portugeis in Kharkov and Lifschitz and Schwartzmann in Kiev. At the head of the all-Ukraine Cheka stood the Jews Laziss and Schwarz(2).

The report of the eyewitness Nilostonski, which already appeared in 1921 in the Neudeutschen Verlags- and Treuhandgesellschaft editions in Berlin, gives a true-to-life picture of the rampages of this Jewish murder-organization in the Ukraine.

The 11th Chapter of this unfortunately now out-of-print document is rendered here unmodified(3).

"The slaughter of the victims was as a rule carried out as a conclusion of high entertainment after the wild drinking bouts which went on in the executioners' houses, when everyone was in a state of intoxication. The criminals, in their cheerful party, then went down the steps into the yard, into the slaughter house, where each according to his bent or together, as agreed, enjoyed themselves by killing. The victims were often tormented for hours in the cruelest manner on these occasions. Here, the greatest variety of wounds were inflicted upon them, over there, the victims' skulls were slowly crushed, in another direction they were stabbed with every sort of instrument of torture, and in yet another spot, tongues and limbs were torn out, etc., etc. They were actually killed only when [201] the murderers, due to alcohol intoxication, could no longer keep to their feet and had to end their party. As in the courtyard of Ssadovaya 5, we also found in all the rest of the houses of slaughter and Zcheresvytchaykas, mountains of thousands upon thousands of empty bottles of the most expensive kinds of wine.

In Kiev, I saw an unfortunate mother whose only son, an officer, had been murdered in the slaughter house at Ssadovaya 5. Some days after the murder, two sailors came in a motor vehicle in front of the residence where the family of the murdered young man lived, drove up and picked up the only daughter, a nineteen-year-old young girl, the sister of the murdered son, to bring her to one of the mentioned drinking bouts in the house of the executioners. Here, the executioners, who a few days earlier had just slaughtered her brother, ordered her to dance in front of them. When she was unable to do so and began to stagger, the executioners ordered her to drink a glass of champagne. In the moment when she seemed to draw the glass to her lips, she suddenly poured the contents out, struck the upper part of the goblet off on the edge of the table and tried to use the rest of the glass to cut through the veins of her neck. In the same moment, the Jewish wife fell upon her and badly abused the unfortunate girl for this sabotage, cut her face up with the same piece of glass, stepped on her with her feet, pulled her hair, until she was finally brought senseless into the slaughter house and had to lie there as long as until the murder gang had gotten drunk enough to pass over into slaughtering and then to 'transport' the unhappy girl 'to her counter-revolutionary brother.' The sad incident was confirmed to us by, besides the mother of the dead girl, two young ladies of society, who on that evening had to dance in the Zcheresvytchayka, who were present during the whole event and escaped on that evening with some blows from a Nagaika [Cossak whip] which they received for covering their faces with their hands and sinking to the floor helplessly during the tragic moments. At any rate, the 'invitation' to young girls of society to these kinds of drinking bouts was usual in all the Zchresvytchaykas of Kiev, so that the refined Satanic revenge of the Soviet sadists extended even to these creatures who were guilty of nothing. That a Commissar would suddenly announce to the parents that he would live with their daughter and then take her away, was in all cities something completely common. Usually, he began his announcement with a threat, since he would know that the daughter had served the Volunteers [of the White Army] as a Sister of Mercy [i.e., in a hospital], so that she and the whole family deserved death.

[202] The Bolshevists were inflamed against our Sisters of Mercy with a particularly savage rage. In case of capture, each of the Sisters of Mercy serving with us carried poison with her. But woe to the girl, who, gravely wounded, didn't have the chance to make use of this and first returned to consciousness in custody. For her it was written -- death by rape. Consequently, it was also the custom in the Volunteer Army in the case where escape wasn't possible (for example, in an encirclement) to shoot first of all the Sisters, especially the wounded, and then the wounded officers and the rest of the Volunteers. It happened more than once that an officer or soldier shot his own sister who was serving with her brother in the same regiment.

Here I will deviate somewhat from my actual theme and say some words about the conduct of the Soviet government toward our prisoners and wounded. The torturing of the captured and wounded Volunteers by the Bolshevists is of course generally known. Consequently, not even one person in the Volunteer Army surrenders. Thus, the remnant of the Volunteers, who had been driven into the harbors of Odessa and Novorossyisk, and for whom at the fall of these places rescue was cut off in February and March of 1920, all shot themselves and their families. Two of our hospitalers in Odessa who weren't able to evacuate in time, were burned to death along with all of the sick and wounded found there. At the fall of Rostov, Novotscherkask and Taganrog in January 1920, 18,000 sick and wounded, who had stayed behind in the military hospital, were all killed by the Bolshevists in the most horrifying way. We had the opportunity to be convinced of this ourselves when we retook Rostov and Novotscherkask for several days in February.

The members of the terror-houses, when it suited them and after they had gotten their hands on a sufficient supply of cocaine, sent for some arrestees from Zchresvytschayka for individual torturing, upon whom they now carried out tortures in a single room of the jailhouse. These creatures, who without exception were all cocaine addicts, committed their crimes, as is already well known, for the most part out of sadistic impulses. One of these sadists, a certain Zchernyavski (the pseuonym by which he was known among the Chekists), who had to kill a number of people each day since otherwise he felt bad, finally went so far as to no longer trouble himself about the category of his victims, and allowed himself to use prisoners for his tortures who actually belonged to the Bolshevists and had been [203] temporarily stuck in jail for minor offenses, merely in order to have material for the satisfaction of his sadistic drives. He was finally killed one night by some other sadists in one of the slaughter houses. The famous executioner of Kiev was the Jewess 'Rosa' Schwarz. All of Kiev knew her under the name of 'Rosa.' Her victims must have been numbered in the hundreds. This 'Rosa,' who was caught, told the Courts-Martial which condemned her, that she constantly injected caffeine and then, in a state of intoxication, would proceed to torture her victims. A member of the aforesaid Alliance of Zchresvytschayka Victims reported on how he was bound to a table in front of a Jewish girl who was known by the nickname 'Sonya,' how during the course of almost an hour she stuck a revolver at his temple, his forehead, into his mouth and over his heart, while she observed his face, then finally reluctantly put the revolver in her pocket with the remark that she found that she was not in the mood. To the bound man she said that she would shoot him some other time, and ordered him taken away. At any rate, it must be said, that, as in Kiev, so also in Odessa, Kharkov, Poltava, etc., Jewish women and girls especially enjoyed engaging in torture and slaughter, and the number doing so was definitely significant. Every city had its 'Rosa,' 'Sonya' etc., who became celebrities in the cities concerned. When the Chinese professional torturers stepped back from an aged person whom they were supposed to torture, or when even their tortures seemed to be too mild, it was Jewish girls who snatched at the opportunity and fell upon the victims with delighted zest and, in their devilish lust, inflicted the most unthinkable torments upon gray and white heads, unheeding whether it was an old man or old woman, and finally killed them as the concluding act."

These horrifying facts, which describe the reality of the Jewish war against humanity, show the true face of the Jew in the clearest way: toadying, perfidious and duplicitous, he approaches his victim, only to annihilate him in the next moment with an unexampled and bestial cruelty. [Or, as one old saying expresses it: "The Jew -- either at your groin or at your throat!] The Bolshevist Revolution in Russia was a successful crime of Jewry, carried out against the peoples of Eastern Europe. The Bolshevist subversive activites in the entire World are crimes of Jewry. The entire "politics" of Jewry is fundamentally and right from the start, criminal, and is directed to the end of the enslavement and the extirpation of all non-Jewish peoples.

The Jew misuses the notion of the political as a pretext for his crimes, just as he misuses the concepts of "science," [204] "Freedom of thought," "Brootherhood" etc., for his agitation and propaganda. The sorry productions of a Magnus Hirschfeld are no more "scientific" than the murder by a David Frankfurter is "political." Both are criminal actions, completed crimes of Jewry.

Since the start of the Jewish struggle for "Emancipation" and control in the individual nations, the chain of Jewish crimes and murder has remained unbroken.

On 25 May 1926, the Ukrainian nationalist leader Petlyura, the former Chief of State of the independent Ukrainian Republic, was murdered in Paris by the Jew Samuel Schwarzbart. The crime was carried out with cold-blooded cruelty. The murderer still fired several shots into his defenseless victim as he way lying on the ground. When he was questioned, Schwarzbart (naturally!) declared that he had acted out of "political" motives.

As a Jew, he was filled with deep hatred for people of Ukrainian nationality. He murdered Petlyura as a leader of this nationality, a man who embodied the striving for freedom of the Ukrainian people.

A crime committed in the name of Jewry and in its interests! This is evident not only from Schwarzbart's statements, but also from the attitude of Jewish-Freemasonic justice and the Jewish press. World Jewry organized a "rescue-action" in the grandest style for the murderer. The advocate Torres, known as the attorney for many Marxist terrorists, took on Schwarzbart's defense. The murderer was acquitted!

Still more indicative of the true reasons behind the scene of this crime, is the circumstance that Samuel Schwarzbart went to Moscow after his acquittal -- he had already formerly been a Commissar of the Red Army -- and today receives a state pension there! These facts stamp the murder of the Ukrainian nationalist Petlyura unambiguously as a crime of the Judeo-Bolshevist Internationale; moreover, it shows how the threads of the Jewish and Red Internationale are inextricably interwoven with each other.

This murder of a political personality on foreign soul, in crass violation of International Law, of the principle of non-interference and of the freedom of guests of a foreign state, committed by a Bolshevist Jew, is not a singularity.

On 04 December 1936, the Court of the Canton of Graubünden in Switzerland passed the following judgement(1):

[205] "In the criminal case of Frankfurter, David, son of Moritz and Rebekka, neé Pagel, student of Medicine, born on 9 July 1909 in Daruvar, Yugoslavia, Yugoslavian national, resident in Bern, unmarried, with no police record,
by decision of the prosecutor's office of 5 June 1936, named as defendant charged with murder,
after the main trial and careful deliberation, in application of the §§ 88 (in connection with Fed. Constitution, Art. 65), 9, 48 and following, particularly § 50 Sections 7 and 9, § 51, Sections 3 and 4 as well as § 18 of Penal Law and §§ 58 and 59 StrVerf., it is established that:
1. David Frankfurter is guilty of the murder of Wilhelm Gustloff.
2. For this crime he will be punished by 18 years in prison, less 8 months for pre-trial custody, then with the loss of civil honors and rights during the same period of time and sentenced to life-long exile from this country. The weapon of the murderer is confiscated.
3. The convicted man is obligated as a matter of principle to compensate for all damages caused by the above-named crime.
4. The convicted man is to bear in addition all costs related to the investigation, the court costs and the cost of imposing punishment."

For the first time, this exemplary punishment was imposed by a Swiss Court upon a Jewish murderer, even if its proportions do not correspond to the German sense of right. The Graubünder sentence signifies a blow in the ugly face of the Jews, a severe defeat for World Jewry, which after a senseless murder has become the poorer by one "martyr." The German special correspondent at the trial of the murderer David Frankfurter, Wolfgang Diewerge, describes the murder incident as follows:

"Frau Kaufmann and her daughter are walking along the spa promenade of Davos. They are well-off Jews from Bern. Someone speaks to them; Herr cand. med. [medical student] Frankfurter, a good acquaintance, is also in Bern. Yes, he's there for the sport, the snow-covered mountains entice him, the glorious world of the mountain range. He speaks quietly and in a friendly manner, like a guest at the spa who has a beautiful day behind him and is now taking a little evening stroll. They make a date to meet for tea. Frankfurter amiably takes his leave and keeps walking, down the promenade to the signpost. This signpost reads: Wilhelm Gustloff -- N.S.D.A.P. Frankfurter knows the way perfectly. And he doesn't need to ask whether Gustloff has returned. He knows all about it. Once more he pulls the crushed cigarette pack from his pocket, then he turns calmly and with a sure step from the [206] main street, along the spa park, until he stands in front of a bright blue house 'Am Kurpak Nr. 3' ['Nr. 3 Spa Park']. In his pocket he carries the murder-order. It is 04 February 1936, about 8 o'clock in the evening, a Tuesday, which the Jews call 'Kee Tov' = 'then it's good' -- it is considered to be a lucky day for Jews.

Frau Gustloff has been happy for quite a while about having a free evening. It shall belong to her and her husband alone. She will let him tell her about his trip, of the celebration in honor of the Machtergreifung [The accession to power of the N.S.D.A.P.], for once she wants to be together not with Landesgruppenleiter [national group leader] Gustloff, but with her man. But when the bell rings, she opens the door anyway, even though it's late and dark out. It might be a comrade in need. When it's a matter of someone needing help, Wilhelm Gustloff is always there to speak to.

A well-dressed man stands at the door, his hat pulled down over his eyes. His exterior makes a respectable impression, he's quiet and friendly. Sure of himself, as if he knows the house, he goes past the wife to the inner door. Frau Gustoloff lets him into the corridor, where Wilhelm Gustloff is standing, speaking on the telephone. Base Thun is on the line.

Frankfurter doesn't want to shoot here in the hallway, where there'll be witnesses to his crime. He calmly takes a seat in Gustloff's study, looks at the pictures of Hitler and examines the Ehrendolch ["honor dagger"; A number of well-crafted edged weapons were given to party members who had distinguished themselves. They often were embossed with the motto: "Meine Ehre ist Treue" = "Loyalty is my Honor"] which is hanging on the wall here. Intermittently, he fingers his own weapon.

Five long minutes go by. The telephone conversation which is being conducted with Dr. Habermann in Thun is constantly experiencing disturbances on the line. It must cost quite a bit to keep Wilhelm Gustloff under surveillance. His conversations are tapped, and not very adroitly, either. Wilhelm Gustloff makes a few choice comments into the phone about the 'expertise' of this disturbance of his peace, then asks his wife about the visitor and goes into his study.

For the first time, the Jew sees his victim right in front of him. Tall, with erect posture, friendly and ready to be helpful. He pulls the revolver from his pocket and fires. True to his murder-orders, he aims for the head and chest. Wilhelm Gustloff collapses without uttering a cry and falls over. His wife rushes in, she has no fear of the smoking weapon of the murderer which is raised threateningly. She throws herself on her husband, wants to stop the bleeding but sees in the same instant that there is nothing that can any longer be done. In a few minutes, Wilhelm Gustloff bleeds to death in her arms, beneath the portrait of the Führer.

The shots and screams alarm the house. The neighbors rush to the door. The revolver held in front by Frankfurter holds them back. David Frankfurter knows his way out of the house. He is already out in the open. [207] Now -- into the spa park. Now his getaway shall begin. With hurried steps he rushes into the darkness, but remains stuck in the snow. In vain he tries to keep going forward. He fails.

The cursed snow! It holds him fast. He clutches at it. He's not getting anywhere. Sweat breaks out on him. How was it worded in his orders? - 'Try to get away, otherwise commit suicide.' No, never! He didn't come to Davos for that. He wants to live, to be celebrated, but not die. Otherwise, he could have done the shooting in Germany, of course.

He hears the alarms behind him, the calls for a doctor and the police, the outraged voices of the Swiss neighbors. He senses what will be in store for him if they catch hold of him here while he's in flight. And then he sees how good it was that he did not go to Germany, the way his original orders read, but to a canton which doesn't have the death penalty. He goes into the closest house. He calls the police and when it takes too long for him, full of fear, he goes by himself to watch, to get into safe custody and protection as soon as possible.

The first questioning by the police begins. The murderer declares:
'I have shot him because I am a Jew. I am fully aware of my act and do not feel any remorse for it.'

He is also confronted by Frau Gustloff. She recognizes in him the petitioner whom she conducted to her husband. She asks him: 'Why have you done this?'
He answers: 'Because I am a Jew.'"

Frankfurter shot, because he was a Jew. The Jewish "World League for Resisting Anti- Semitism" named the murderer its symbolic Honorary President a short time after the crime. And why shouldn't the murderer Frankfurter be the Honorary President of the World League, when the murderer Friedrich Adler was General Secretary of the Internationale? What's right for one murderer is fair for the other murderer. The organ of the World League, Le droit de vivre of 26 September 1936 published the following declaration of solidarity with David Frankfurter(1):

"We Jews feel absolute solidarity with you, dear Frankfurter, and we honor you unendlingly. If we abandoned you, we would be letting ourselves miss one of the most valuable opportunities on this poor earth. To deny you, [208] would mean giving up purity, freedom and dignity. In our memory you will live on as a dove of peace on the manure pile of our egoism and above the swamp of our indifference."

The strange "dove of peace on the manure pile" of Jewish egoism has been locked in a cage for a long time by the judgement of the Swiss court.

The question remains open as to whose mission Frankfurter was carrying out. This was no personal act of revenge, no senseless crime of a mentally ill person, but the crime of a Jew acting for World Jewry. Whether this is provable in particular, and concretely, is not the crucial point. What is crucial, is the confession of the murderer himself: "I have shot him because I am a Jew. I am fully aware of my act and do not feel any remorse for it."

The order for the murder furnishes an important clue, written in the Serbian language on a piece of a cigarette pack, and found with the murderer and among the original Court documents:

"Monday, 03 February 36, 9:30, the sentence [of death] must be carried out. Call ahead and ask if he's there. If he doesn't come out and can't be seen, try to get away, else put into effect suicide. 1-2 shots in the chest. Revolver in the right-hand coat pocket. Not in the overcoat. As soon as I'm in the room, pull it out suddenly and shoot. In the head or the chest, 3 shots."

The murderer claimed in Court "not to be able to recall" any longer what the circumstances were of how he came by this note. This piece of evidence is a clear indication of the murder having been long prepared and executed according to a written plan. One probably does not go wrong in assuming that the Murder-Central would not be far to seek from the Jewish World League in Paris.

Leo Czolgosz, Emma Goldmann, Friedrich Adler, Paul Kéri, Gaertner, Mordko Bogroff, Yevno Asev, Jakob Yurovsky, Chaim Golotschekin, Weißbart, Blumkin, Aaron Kohn, Szamuely, Heinz Neumann, Yehuda, Bärman, Schulmann, Lifschitz, Schwarzmann, Braude, Bosch, Meisel, Salkind, Portugeis, Schwarz, Laziß, Schwarzbart, Frankfurter -- 28 Jews, 28 murderers -- only a selection of the "most famous" from the most recent times. Who still dares to doubt that "there are Jewish murderers"?!

[209] They are plain "political" murders, plain murders from greed for power. They are plain "Anarcho-Communist" crimes, crimes of Bolshevism. The facts of the case are clear -- Jewry and Bolshevism are identical; Bolshevism and crime are the same thing. Jewry as leader of the Underworld, in a criminal attack upon the World, its culture, its order and the [non-Jewish] peoples of the World -- that is the reality of the criminal world conspiracy of the present, the reality of Judeo-Bolshevism.

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To (previous) Chapter VIII: Sexual Offenders
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Copyright 2002 by R. Belser. Reproduction in whole or in part without express written permission of the translator is not permitted. All rights reserved.