Baron Maurice de
Hirsch (1831-1896) |
"My own personal experience, too has led me to recognize that
the Jews have very good ability in agriculture...and my efforts
shall show that the Jews have not lost the agricultural qualities
that their forefathers possessed. I shall try to make for
them a new home in different lands, where as free farmers on their
own soil, they can make themselves useful to that country."
--Baron Maurice de Hirsch in The Forum
(August 1891) |
Maurice de Hirsch, a Jewish-German financier and philanthropist
dedicated his fortune to the welfare of Eastern European Jews at a
time when worsening conditions in Russia made mass emigration a
necessity. Hirsch's estate, estimated at $100 million by 1890,
resulted from his pioneer enterprises in the sugar and copper
industries and management of the Turkish railway, which linked
Constantinople to Europe.
His experiences
in the Ottoman Empire alerted him to the plight of Middle Eastern
Jewry. Convinced that modern secular education would alleviate
the miserable conditions faced by Jews, he gave one million francs
($200,000) to the Alliance Israelite Universelle for
the creation of schools. In 1891, the czarist government of
Russia had refused Hirsch's offer of 50 million francs ($10,000,000)
to establish a modern educational system for Jews, because it was
not given complete control over the allocation of the funds.
Hirsch was approached by Theodor Herzl to
request his support for the Zionist movement, but he regarded the
creation of a Jewish state as a fantasy and refused any
assistance. At the same time, he had become convinced that
Jews were fated to suffer as long as they remained in Eastern
Europe. He believed that emigration to nations without a
history of antisemitism, where Jews would be treated as equal
citizens, would lead to both a physical and moral rebirth of
Jewry. |
Hirsch envisioned the transformation of Eastern European Jewry into
a class of independent farmers and handicraftsmen in the New
World. He established the New York based Baron de Hirsch
Fund in 1891 facilitate this goal. Hirsch recruited
Mayer Sulzberger, William B. Hackenburg, Jacob H. Schiff, Myer S.
Isaacs, Oscar S. Straus and other American Jewish leaders to serve
as officers and trustees. Later that same year,
Hirsch created the Jewish Colonization Association to
facilitate mass emigration of Jews from Russia to agricultural
colonies particularly in Argentina and Brazil.
The desire of
Hirsch and his Fund's leadership to recast Eastern European Jewish
immigrants in the image of "biblical farmers" was shaped by a mix of
attitudes. The trustees wanted to reverse the historic
discrimination that banned their Eastern European brethren from
farming. At the same time, they shared a negative Western
European stereotype of Eastern European Jews as unskilled workers,
beggers and peddlers. Therefore the goal of the Fund's
leadership was to improve the lot of Eastern European Jews and
transform them into a socio-economic class acceptable to the tastes
of the 19th century Jewish elite.
- Samuel Joseph, History Of The Baron de Hirsch
Fund (1935)
- Encyclopedia Judaica (1972)
- Peter Finn, Recalling the Jewish Origins of a Small
South Jersey Town,
The Philadelphia Inquirer (08/11/1991)
- Allen Myers, Southern New Jersey Synagogues
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