If allowed, organized Jewry will completely suppress White speech because it must. If it doesn’t, it will lose its grip on the West, with disastrous consequences for the Jews. Jewry’s arrogant abrogation of our most fundamental human rights is tantamount to genocide—and Jews know it. Germany: World Jewry’s Idea of "Free Speech" for Whites Paul Westman July 3, 2003 2,100 words Jewish censorship, and the criminalization of White speech and association, is the storm cloud on the horizon that Whites either can’t, or won’t, see. It is probably the single greatest threat to our race, because freedom of speech, thought, and action are preconditions for social change, whether democratic or revolutionary. Equate Jewish suppression of White speech with physical and cultural genocide, because they’re identical.

It is necessary to think concretely about Jewish power and social control. Jews constantly win because they operate an unsurpassed intelligence-gathering operation and massive anti-White data bank whose information they use, unrestrained by law or morality, to forcibly attack and suppress their victims. We lose because we’re not able to thwart them, ever. They walk all over us. Part of the reason is that we simply don’t grasp that, cumulatively, individual acts of repression have far-reaching consequences. Totalitarianism works. Suppression works. Stifling the speech of opponents works—and increases Jewish power enormously at the same time. Jews understand all of this, Whites don’t. As a result, Jews (collectively) have total power, Whites (collectively) have none.

Organized Jewry will completely suppress White speech because it must. If it doesn’t, it will lose its grip on the West, with disastrous consequences for the Jews. Jewry’s arrogant abrogation of our most fundamental human rights is tantamount to genocide—and Jews know it.

Criminal prosecution and imprisonment of White political prisoners is intensifying throughout the world. The destruction of our precious heritage of liberty is occurring far, far below the radar, unpublicized by governments, the mass media, or cultural elites. Because we never see or hear about the victims, in a profound sense we labor under the illusion that none of this is actually happening. But when, eventually, you cannot criticize policy, you will find that you cannot change policy, either by the ballot or by the bullet.

Criminal prosecution is only the tip of the iceberg. The vast machinery of Jewish repression is much more insidious than just that. But let’s focus on criminal prosecution for now, with emphasis on that paradigmatic Jewish laboratory for human experimentation, Germany. Germany has already advanced far into the future Jewry has planned for the rest of us. The German and other Western constitutions, just like the Stalinist constitution of 1936, solemnly purport to guarantee the "right" of freedom of speech for everyone, not just Jews and other anti-White racists, and will continue to do so as Whites are increasingly incarcerated in their ghostly tens of thousands in the decades to come.

"Guaranteed," constitutionally protected speech in Germany will be prosecuted if it violates someone else’s "fundamental right"—such as the "right" of Jews, non-Whites, and government apparatchiks to be free from criticism of any kind; or if the speech is said to constitute slander, disparagement of the memory of persons deceased, incitement of the people, incitement to hatred, endangerment of the public peace, or endorsement, denial or trivialization of "any act committed under National Socialist rule [which was] of the type specified in §220a Section 1 [genocide]." And so on. There’s really not much point in detailing the Judaizing rationalizations utilized by German officials to smother the speech and thought of their subjects. The asininity will have a familiar ring to students of Communism and George Orwell.

Today’s globally-coordinated censorship of White speech originated in occupied Germany after World War II—although that thoroughgoing censorship itself merely replicated what Jews were already doing in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe under Communism. Note that the Third Reich, during the twelve years of its existence, banned 10,000 books. These books were not burned, but rather collected and deposited in library archives, where they were quasi-hidden away. "What is not nearly as well known is the fact that it was the Allied ‘liberators’ of Germany who staged the greatest campaign of book destruction that mankind had ever seen. Among the victims of Allied displeasure were 34,645 titles as well as, comprehensively, all school textbooks published between 1933 and 1945; not only were these no longer permitted to be printed and sold after the war—they also had to vanish from the archives of many libraries."

Here http://www.vho.org/censor/tA.html you can view the "Index" of literature forbidden in the Soviet Occupation Zone of Germany after World War II (three of the four lists applied in the western zones as well). The four "lists of proscribed literature" were issued in 1946, 1947, 1948 and 1952. At the above URL the lists are combined and rearranged in alphabetical order. Each group therefore consists of four alphabetically ordered sub-lists. The lengthy first page contains only the titles of banned items beginning with the letter A!

A brief but fascinating account of postwar Allied censorship in Germany is Martin Lüders, "The Greatest Campaign of Book Destruction in All of History," Nation & Europa (September 1997), pp. 7-11, online in English here: http://www.vho.org/censor/LuedersGB.html We learn, incidentally, that the celebrated Nazi book burnings were actually conducted by German students, who "publicly burned books of ‘un-German spirit.’ These acts were intended to be demonstrations, and had nothing to do with book banning." After the war, "the Allied Control Council decreed that all publications and materials mentioned in the order were to be ‘released to the Commanders of each Zone, to be destroyed.’ And indeed, all books containing ‘National Socialist propaganda, racial teachings and calls to violence, or propaganda directed against the United Nations’ were removed from the ‘former government and city libraries’, from the ‘universities, the establishments of higher and middle education, from all research institutes and academies, from all technical or academic societies’, and even from the elementary schools, from all bookstores and publishing houses—and then [physically] destroyed. This was no doubt the greatest campaign of book destruction of all time."

Among books banned by the triumphant Judeo-Communist-Allied forces were Bismarck's Ideas and Recollections, anything pertaining to the Berlin Olympics of 1936, books by Friedrich Nietzsche, Frederick the Great, and legal philosopher Carl Schmitt, Carl von Clausewitz's Vom Kriege (On War), and "Die Herrschaft der Minderwertigen (The Reign of the Inferior) by Hitler-opponent Edgar J. Jung—a book that had been banned under the Third Reich regime and whose author had been killed for his work by National Socialists in 1934." Even two books by Jewish Zionist Boris Germansky published in 1938 in Jerusalem under the imprint of Eretz-Israel Press were confiscated and shredded: Der autonome und nationale Mensch (The Autonomous and National Man) and Der absolut nationale Mensch (The Absolutely National Man).

Jews are obsessive-compulsives when it comes to controlling the thoughts in people’s minds. Their aim is to drastically truncate and cripple our range of human potential, to animalize us. Jewry kneecaps an entire people—us!—by kneecapping our hearts, our minds, our souls, our very ability to survive and function as a race and culture.

The Federal Review Office for Youth-Endangering Publications (Bundesprüfstelle für jugendgefährdende Schriften, BPjS) compiles one contemporary index of blacklisted works in Germany. "To date, appeals against the black-listing of ‘Holocaust-denying’ books have been uniformly unsuccessful, since German courts refuse all motions to bring evidence in such trials." (Emphasis added.) In Canada and the United States, too, courts and tribunals have managed to officially prop up the "Holocaust" only by refusing to admit or examine evidence, resorting to judicial fiat by asserting Jewry’s tale is "true" and hence cannot be challenged, or abrogating centuries-old Anglo-Saxon legal principles such as truth as a defense.

To land in prison, a writer in Germany does not need to attack Jews or praise National Socialism. "Not even an open declaration of sympathy with the Jews and a condemnation of National Socialist transgressions in other respects will serve in the publication's favor if the factual nature of the Holocaust is questioned at even one single point in the work. German courts consider even one such occurrence to be adequate proof of a glorification of the National Socialist system and of an intent to slander the Jews."

Always think concretely about Jewish power. Jews win because repression works. Physically smashing every speaker who utters the truth anywhere in the world has resulted in universal belief in the "Holocaust." Jews create an environment in which most people are psychologically incapable of thinking anything that Jews do not want them to think. They are literally deprived of the mental resources necessary for critical and independent judgment.

The second stage of German censorship [after "indexing" forbidden literature] is the so-called confiscation (or seize-and-destroy) stage. This stage hardly registers with the public at all, and even [sociology] Professor E[khard] Jesse seems either not to be aware of it or to ignore it. The confiscation of a publication takes place on the order of a court. What happens to the confiscated copies of such a publication is not quite clear, but it probably varies with the police station in charge. One publisher who is quite frequently the target of such book confiscations reported that he had been told that the books are burned under police supervision.

There is no office or authority which publishes an even remotely complete list of confiscated [as opposed to banned] books; similarly, the confiscation orders issued by the courts are not published anywhere. Certainly every court that orders or revokes the confiscation of a publication is required to communicate its decision to the Federal Criminal Investigation Office (the Bundeskriminalamt), which therefore ought to have a complete and current list, particularly as it serves the courts as information central regarding confiscation orders already issued. In this respect the public is left completely in the dark.

In 1994, the Jewish noose around the European neck (censorship is an assault upon Euros everywhere, not just Germans) tightened dangerously. As a result of increased penalties, in just two and one half years, from December 1, 1994 through mid-1997, "the list of books ordered seized and destroyed is about as long as that of the books which to our knowledge were confiscated in the previous 45 years of the Federal Republic of Germany's existence."

German Criminal Speech Prosecutions, 1994-2001














































8-Year Total





% of Total





Right: "Offenses with right wing extremist background", that is: "Propaganda Offenses" and "Stirring up the People."

Left: Offenses with left wing extremist background", generally referred to as "other offenses."

Foreign: Offenses committed by foreign extremists, mainly against the German law of organisations (Vereinsgeset) by Kurds in the prohibited Kurdian Liberation Army PKK.

Source: 1995-2001 Annual Reports of the German Office for the Protection of the Constitution, acc. to the German Federal Bureau of Investigation (Bundeskriminalamt). In German (PDF format) (each report is about 400 pages long):

1995: (Not available online.)

1996: (Not available online.)

1997: (Not available online.)

1998: http://www.verfassungsschutz.de/news/1998_deu.pdf [Note: .PDF format]

1999: http://www.verfassungsschutz.de/news/VSB1999.pdf [Note: .PDF format]

2000: http://www.verfassungsschutz.de/news/VSB2000_deutsch.pdf [Note: .PDF format]

2001: http://www.verfassungsschutz.de/news/VSB2000_deutsch.pdf [Note: .PDF format]

It is immediately apparent that almost all speech prosecutions in Germany target the right-wing. Books critical of "multiculturalism" are among those which have been confiscated.

It is important to note that in most instances the court case reference numbers given refer not only to the confiscation proceedings directed at the books themselves, but refer also to concomitant criminal trials of authors, editors, publishers, booksellers, sometimes even against the printers and multiple-copy purchasers of the publications in question. Criminal prosecution of the purchasers of prohibited publications is initiated even if the books were bought at a time when they were not yet prohibited. In actual fact almost all such trials are of this "retrospective" nature, i.e. they deal with cases where books were bought before they were banned, since as a rule it is no longer possible to obtain the books at all after they have been "withdrawn from the market".

"The general confusion regarding the law in matters of German book confiscations is a constant uncertainty factor for every publisher, bookseller and book buyer. For this reason a trend towards ‘preventive self-censorship’ is becoming increasingly manifest in Germany: to avoid the incalculable risk of criminal prosecution, one is less and less inclined to pick up politically or historically hot potatoes which a judiciary might choose to single out as being ‘right-of-centre.’"

Talk about "chilling effect."

And yet, all we ever see reported in America is moralistic condemnation of some school library for "banning" the latest Harry Potter adventure, or some such nonsense. The same people who cluck their tongues and wag their fingers nevertheless adore "hate crime" and "hate speech" laws, and worship the ADL.

After all, "We mustn’t condone ‘hate.’"


Source of data and quotations: Anton Mägerle, "Censorship in Germany? Never! Unless . . ." http://www.vho.org/censor/D.html#GB