old as my grandfather's buckskin rubber

Model Minority
I happened across this web site called Model Minority. It's dedicated to Asian whining about "White privilege." Apparently they don't know that Asians have a higher average income than Whites or disproportionately represented at elite universities.

Male rape claim http://www.romfordrecorder.co.uk/archived/2003/wk25/romford/romnews/rape.asp obviously this guy was being taught a lesson A SKINHEAD talked his way into a flat and forced a young man to strip at gunpoint before tying him up and raping him, a court heard on Tuesday.

Serial Killer / black myth It looks as though 4.5 of his five victims were white...is this being treated as a possible bias crime, it should be. And as far as most seriel killers being white; this is soley do to theĀ  fact that most people in the US are white. Blacks who are about 13% of the population make up about 22% of the seriel killers which still makes themĀ  about twice as likely to be a seriel killer as a white. Because this statistic pales before the overall homicide statistic that has blacks acconting for half of all US homicides, the liberal media continues to stupidly asserts that seriel killers are more likely to be white.

From He to She
ILLUSTRATED article about sex change.

Kikestry, a religion, itz! Kikes, as harmless as the Amish, they're! Can anyone else hear 20/20's jew Schlossel saying, "give me a break"? Even zhids are skittish about voting for Who in America is supposed to care if a juu writer for "Fortune" mag thinks having a jew president is a good idea/ Is that somehow bigger news than if So what?

Large IDF force, including dozens of tanks, raid Tul Karm

A large number of Israel Defense Troops raided the West Bank city of Tul Karm before dawn on Saturday, Israel Radio reported. The troops were carrying out house-to-house searches in the city as well as in its refugee camp. Palestinian sources said that the force included dozens of tanks, armored personal carriers and other armored vehicles. On Friday, an explosion near a bus carrying Israelis in the Gaza Strip wounded eight people, two of them moderately. The wounded were taken to Soroka Hospital in Be'er Sheva. Any opposition to ZOG warrants terror / french reporters detained on arrival to LA

SARS Travel Alert Reinstated for Toronto

Jew Perv
A convicted sex offender from Tel Aviv was arrested near Rosh Pinna with four Jersalem boys, ages 13-14, in his car, Israel Radio reported.

This white guy featured in HBO Doc http://www.newsday.com/news/nationworld/nation/wire/sns-ap-firing-squad-executions,0,6265449.story?coll=sns%2Dap%2Dnation%2Dheadlines

Viking / Western Martial Arts

JFK Conspiracy

The 12-year-old boy who was killed in the operation, Mohammed Za'anin, was left bleeding from his head for three hours because troops prevented paramedics from reaching the scene http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/293787.html


JOHN: When are you going to stop whining about the holocaust?

NAOMI: When are you going to stop whining about slavery?

No Simple Task: Breaking Television's Jewish Barrier



Plug pulled on Zundel http://www.nationalpost.com/national/story.html?id=09AE74E7-7E16-483B-AC9B-AE4FB223E8C1

Formula for hit movies http://www.cbc.ca/artsCanada/stories/film130503

Rotten Stinkz
Not because it's gross or tasteless, but because it's just more meaningless, semitically correct fake "opposition" that opposes absolutely nothing. It's all shock and no awe. Yet it's championed by Salon for being "a poster child for anti-censorship." True, Rotten mocks psycho moms who murder their kids, profiles creators of fake celebrity porn, and a offers a potpourri of visual puke-inducers. But as soon as anything more significant than a weightlifter's exploding anus is on the table...

third reich
turner diaries
henry ford
charles lindbergh

salon article http://dir.salon.com/tech/feature/2001/03/05/rotten/index.html Rotten.com review

I Think I'm Going To Be Sick

Jews are dorkz The World from a Jewish Perspective XXXIII by Shlomo Fleischmann http://www.holocaustnames.com/res44.html I am Shlomo Fleischmann. Yes, you are.

Jews put the jew in filthy jew. To jews truth is like those creatures in the Lovecraft flick From Beyond

Good news: A federal judge has awarded $104 million to the families of two men killed in the World Trade Center attack. Bad news: They will now have to collect the judgment from Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein: http://www.thesmokinggun.com/archive/iraqop1.html Geez, you'd think that after a surgeon helps you survive a nine-bullet attack, you'd toss the doc a few clams. Not our man 50 Cent: http://www.thesmokinggun.com/archive/50centdoctor1.html

AWESOME INSULTS A name that trips off the tongue with all the pleasure and delight of a colonoscopy. When not on camera, we all knew what he was really doing: fucking couches, light sockets, Sunday night's leftover roast, his pillow, or his socks; anything that acted as a receptacle for his genetically inferior seed. a trained seal with the I.Q. of corn-infested shit

Itz Funny Cuz Itz So Completely Untrue

Allow me to explain my version of the truth concerning property values and some reasons why they are negatively impacted. The biggest problem is not with the influx of Latinos or minorities in general. Most of the problem boils down to racism and ignorance, which of course go hand in hand.

Combine these two old articles:
Old article but HILARIOUS!!!!

White Flight
Racism and the Mechanism that Causes Reduced Property Values
by Mark Liberator (e-mail: [email protected]) [Updated April 24th, 2000]
Allow me to explain my version of the truth concerning property values and some reasons why they are negatively impacted. The biggest problem is not with the influx of Latinos or minorities in general. How can that be true?
BAAAHAHAHAHAH!! yes, he's serious. And it gets much, much funnier.

How Jews Have Trained Blacks to See the World
The double standard is obvious. White America forgives the White police officers in the Rodney King case in allowing their anger to beat the crap out of a Black man because he represented Black crime, while there is no forgiveness for the Blacks who allowed their anger to beat the crap out of Reginald Denny because he represented White injustice. Umm, no. King didn't "represent Black crime," he was a BLACK CRIMINAL!

Being around niggerz is miserable and anyone given the choice chooses "No." Even niggerz. They're so bad, in fact, that you don't even have to be all that close to them for them to be the turd in your punchbowl. If you're unfortunate enough to live within a few blocks of some Mississippi wind chimes, unless you can afford to install NASA-grade soundproof windows, walls, and doors, they might as well be in your livingroom. Whether you are lying in bed, watching TV, or engaging a thoughtful book or internet radio show, you'll hear them with crystal-shattering clarity in stereophonic surround-sound. Like it or not, local groidz will grant you complimentary first row auditory tickets to these exciting events: fighting "wit dere beeatch" after denying "da kid be deres"; battering their brood of nappy niglets for walking too slow on "da way back from da sto"; whizzing by your "crib" on their gas-motored scooters or thudding by in their tub-thumping bass-pumping bonobomobiles. Not only are groidz loud, their impulsive and destructive apestries attract loudness: screams, sirens, dropped bottles, slammed doors, blurted shout-outs, vulgar catcalls, absurdly exaggerated cackles, down-da-street hollers to homies, and even the occasional frustrated homeowner (a VNN writer?) blowing a gasket and going Hal Turner on their ass -- "Shut the hell up you savage negro beasts!". Observing these sneakered primates for even a short time evokes a simple question. Are they are too stupid to absorb the concept of "community" and the reality that others live among them... somewhere, way out there, beyond the ganja brume in which they perpetually dwell? Or do they understand just fine but could not give a camel crap less? Either way it doesn't end for you when the forty ouncers and chronic tokes finally blot their consciousness enough for a few hours of sleep. Any territory they've crossed, however briefly, has been marked with either filth or chokables. Whether it's grafitti on your wall or stripped and discarded chicken bones blazing a BBQ trail from KFC to your sidewalk, it's there. Either you or your dog will gag. If boogie-boogie finishes his Big Mac as he passes your door on the way home from the bar, there's a Big Mac wrapper at your feet in the morning, greeting you as you leave for work at the break of dawn. Gar-Ron-Teeed. Trash you can pick up, but what the hell is that smell? Anyone unfortunate enough to live among jew-loosed schvartzes will attest that their genetic compulsion for immediate gratification goes straight to the biological bone: They will stop and drop trou on a dime to take a piss... on your sidewalk... your lawn...your rose garden... beside your car... anywhere... in broad daylight. Doesn't matter to them. On the outside groidz may wear FUBU, but on the inside their brains and genes are irremediably ZULU.


Groidz are great in theory -- ya know, that jew theory that says they're whites with a perma-tan? -- but boy do they suck in practice. little more pigmentation and a lot more rhythm


Is the record skipping or is this the song? The more attention you pay to jews the more the world seems like some lameass 27-minute-long rave tune that just keeps repeating the same beat over and over and over again. Nobody even notices. They just twirl and gyrate under the spinning lights with their glow sticks and Dr. Seuss hats, all shits and giggles as they ape the monkey nation movements Shikira'd and Speared on MTV. While some of the women are quite beautiful, the motion is all wrong, like a Debbie Allen choreographed fusion of exagerrated gaudy flashiness and baboonish ass convulsions, like Charo's chest shimmeed down into Oprah's ass. Surely the white students brave enough to resist the mainstream Pol Pot-style imposition of total forced integration were commended for their bravery for standing up to oppressive, self-righteous and dogmatic authority figures -- ya know, like Kevin Bacon in Footloose -- right? Wrong. As movies and television clearly illustrate white rebellion is only "cool" when itz good for jews. Rebel against the jewz interests and you're deemed a "hater," an "extremist," or -- as is so popular among the Horowtizim in this time of perennial war for Israel -- "anti-American." "In AmeriKwa whites aren't allowed to make choices that truly please them, every breath, every gesture, must embrace the gorrillas in their midst and genuflect before modern morality's Kosher Code. Lest the rubbers glue them haters. Being around niggerz is miserable and anyone given the choice chooses "No." Even niggerz. In Georgia, Truth Serum (Pentothal Sodium) http://www.geocities.com/darkcorner4all/truthserum.html

[Fastow's wife is from the Weinstein family, the Texas Jew owners of the Weinstein grocery chain. In addition to her regular job in Enron's financial department, Andy Fastow had his wife hired as the company "art consultant." In this scam, she raked in hundreds of thousands in fees in addition to her regular salary despite having no art background at all.] Charges grow for ex-Enron execs Fastow's wife, 6 others surrender to federal authorities http://www.chron.com/cs/CDA/ssistory.mpl/business/1892991

The Georgia legislature's ass-wiping party with the old state flag is damn good news - makes the "heritage, not hate!"-bawling erectile disfunction sufferers boil over with rage. Forces them to face the reality that the uppity nigras and their behind-the-scenes kike facilitators are our implacable racial enemies; enemies who will never be satisfied until the last cracka lies prostrate & weeping for forgiveness at their feet just before they laughingly boot him into his grave. The jigislator-yid-bidness sphincter cabal think they're smooth, adding the "In Gawd We Truss" motto to the new flag. They think that tiny spoonful of sugar will make the horse-sized dose of castor oil go down at least somewhat easier with the mostly Christian SCV boys, but I bet they're wrong. "It all good!", as gold-toothed Niggy says. N.B. Forrest

"The moment you raise your voice, you are no longer in command of the situation" -- unless you're screaming at a bleeding, heaving, lump of a man curled and blubbering in a fetal position at your feet.

Jews and their lies - luther http://www.biblebelievers.org.au/luther.htm

"We're getting in and are gonna make you look ridiculous in the process. We'll sneak into your club with our jackets zipped up, flash the bartender and stick our dicks in his tip cup.
Culture war is on, Kikenstein! You may guard that door and check those IDs, passing only groidz and other guano, expecting bent and broken "crackers" to conform to their "culture of civility," we'll be the ones who slip into the strib club with our jackets zipped up,

did you by any chance check the link i attached to the word "rap" in my bad company review? it serves to contrast the white "hate rock" and the nature of the site it links to -- eminem discovery, ultra-popular nig rapper, "50 Cent" -- is unbelievable. a greasy nigger pointing a glock in your face, the sound of a shot kicking off the start and loop of the beat to his hit song, "Da Club." The site is done in flash, so i don't know how easily you can view it, but it's something to behold. THAT is sold to kids hand over fist. THAT is "consumer-driven entertainment." No hate there. Victims of nig guns who find it offensive are just whiners pushing their trauma on America's freedom to get jiggy widdit.

On the WCOTC Dilemma

Jews are evil demons. Religious or not, they ARE satan's spawn. Whether you pick that truth from the literal or metaphorical pot is up to you. What they've done -- in collusion with the federal government supposedly in charge of securing our most fundamntal freedoms -- is strip a grass-roots cultural, racial, political, and religious movement devoted to the existence, well-being, and prosperity of whites of all nations and hand it over to jewish supremacist hate group. It went from something like this [http://www.creator.org/] (the original site has been demolished like a Palestinian home) to this [http://www.wcotc.com/], more pom-poms and jewish supremacist cheerleading for the extermination of whites. Pro-white is illegal, fringe, and terroristic. Jew supremacy, however, is just swell. The former openly serves the interests of America's current majority, whether they know it or not. The latter directly serves the interests of majority-hating non-white ethnics, and indirectly serves that particular 2.5% small but incredibly powerful minority that funds, rules, and directs the other minorities.

Thrift stores are not cool, ok? They're not chic or groovy. But everyone seems to think they are. So you know what else they're not? Cheap!

ADL buys offensive Web names to curb hate REBECCA ROSEN LUM Bulletin Staff The national office of the Anti-Defamation League has purchased six anti-Semitic Web domain names to prevent hate groups from using them. ADL officials say that is the only way to keep such names out of the hands of those who want to recruit white supremacists and anti-Semites online. The list of site names ADL bought includes kike.com, kike.net, "things with the word kike in the title," according to Jonathan Bernstein, executive director of the ADL Central Pacific region. http://www.jewishsf.com/bk000114/1aadl.shtml

Spins Is it just me or does the constant cacophony of yabbering yids spilling out of the tv, the car radio, the paper, the radio start to meld into a single ear-piercing Waaaaa!-Waaaaaa! after a while? Does the whining ever end? You'd think such a solipsistic, self-centered universe would eventually collapse under its own egomaniacal gravitational pull.

Culturally carcinogenic judaism is pumping through the entire civilized world via its international media bloodstream. Judeo-greshaming until all that is non-jew is either dead or enslaveed. If the jews aren't stopped pedophile-friendly Talmudic law will be universal law.

"We aint stank!" mushes da mowf. "Olfactory discrimination, yet another cracker crime against humanity.

Cf. the nazi aesthetics Nazi suppression of free speech http://www.forward.com/issues/2003/03.05.02/news10.html

the artistic ambitions of Hitler, Joseph Goebbels, Alfred Rosenberg, Baldur von Schirach, Walther Funk and Julius Streicher were originally deeper than their political ambitions and were essential elements of their personalities. It's hard to paint a portrait, compose a melody, or turn a phrase intended to evoke the spirit of a people and adorn life in a nation, if that people and nation are discovered, to the artist's horror, to be weakening under a suffocating pillow pushed on their face by an alien in their midst as slimy and murderous as the creature in -- - --- insert here -- - - - but twice as ugly. Whites with vision, spirit, independence and joie de vivre do not fair well in the stifling, repressive world jews forge when permitted. Germans were freer under Nazism than Americans are under ZOG. It cannot be emphasized enough that virtually everything you've learned under the tutelage of Uncle Schmuel has been a lie. A lie crafted by jews to advance their racial interests at the costs of yours. Every "freedom" you think you enjoy in America is a fraudulent, eviscerated shell of the freedom embraced by Germans as they pinched the tweezers and ripped the jew menace out of Germany by the root. Yes, Hitler banned and burned books -- jew books, hardbound deceptions, books spreading the same culture-corroding jew-spew we're drenched in daily. Jew controlled America, Canada, and Europe, on the other hand, burn Mein Kampf, a book whose only crime is truth-telling. Hitler destroyed ugly lies to clear the way for White life, light, culture, and beauty. Kikes kill truth to ensnare all peoples and cultures in a world they eventually see becoming one global goyim cattle ranch - a redundancy I know. And when jews move to ban books or speakers or websites and someone points out, "but that's what the Nazis did!" The jews squeal "moral equivalence!" But of course the exact opposite is the truth. Nazis burned lies; jews truth. Germans cleansed their own country of alien swindlers and destoyers; israelis murder an indiginous people in the process of stealing their home and birthright.

Is it just me or does the constant cacophony of yabbering yids spilling out of the tv, the car radio, the paper, the radio start to meld into a single ear-piercing Waaaaa!-Waaaaaa! after a while? Does the whining ever end? You'd think such a solipsistic, self-centered universe would eventually collapse under its own egomaniacal gravitational pull.

There once was a jew from Nantucket

More tribal nepotism here than you could shake a stick at.