Jews are cowards. For all their blathering about iconoclasm, hazing borders, overcoming barriers, breaking the rules, etc, not one of them has ever, EVER -- and by that I NEVER -- made a film that has struggled with all its might to challenge the now mass assumption that the nazis may have been right and that the jews and spooks demonized in contemporary white racist lit may actually be guilty of what they are charged. To the contrary, they pull together to crush any creative endeavor that isn't semitically correct enough for jews. Their media morality plays are the same today as they were even before 1967's Guess Who's Coming to Dinner. You'd think the shnozzim'd be bored with it by now. Jews only

Jews are shackling white Americans to the anchor at the back of the boat

World War Jew

Jews are psoriatic little creatures. Spiritually blotchy. Temperamentally inflamed. They're scaly. They shed.

America is a woman the jews want to murder as a witch.

walks into a Starbucks and orders "a vanilla bullshit." That's funnier than all of the attempted jokes broadcast on the three major networks in the past five years combined.

On Corky When not on camera, we all knew what he was really doing: fucking couches, light sockets, Sunday night's leftover roast, his pillow, or his socks; anything that acted as a receptacle for his genetically inferior seed.

What exactly was his problem? In a nutshell, the fucker never stopped falling in love. And when these women (always tall, blonde, cheerleader types?you know, reasonable objects of a retard's affection) failed to return his vulgar passions, he overturned tables, cried his little eyes out, and asked his parents why no one wanted to be his girlfriend. The parents, practiced in the art of diplomacy, tried to comfort the little shit, but they never uttered the only obvious answer to his painful queries: "You are only partially human, my dear. The only chance you'll ever have for sex is if you rape the family dog or hire some toothless, sore-ridden crack whore in the last stages of AIDS. Good night, sweet prince."

Is Joe Bad for Jews? No, But Timidity Is

The American Jewish community may be the most politically sophisticated ethnic or religious group in America. After all, Jews � who make up only 2% of the American populace � are highly over-represented as voters, as contributors, as elected officials on the federal level, as appointees to high government office, as campaign contributors, as political professionals and as political journalists... There is no 11th commandment that states that all Jews should support the candidacy of a Jewish candidate for president. One would expect a mature community like ours to be less susceptible to ethnic voting than more recent immigrant groups. But the core of the criticism of the Lieberman candidacy in the Jewish community is the often unstated worry that a Jewish president "would not be good for the Jews." There is no doubt that the disease of antisemitism is thriving in the international community, and it still lurks around the edges of American society. But this knowledge should not paralyze the American Jewish community in its political action, nor should it preclude American Jews from attaining the highest positions of trust and responsibility in our country. What he's disingenuously whining about is this:

Rap artists who have to make up a stupid fucking rap name that's really just a word spelled wrong (i.e., Ludacris)

violent groidz eulogized while virtuous whites suppressed

sf gay asiatic mexifags

Sure, we're just a pack of horny paranoid losers trying to make ourselves feel better -- like Jerry Taylor says -- by scapegoating the juuuuus. But you've got a degree power and prestige, connections and respectability. We're just a pack of horny paranoid losers trying to make ourselves feel better -- like Jerry Taylor says -- by scapegoating the juuuuus, right?


They cry and wail and sue, and then write books about their crying and wailing and suing.

Anything kosher crybabies cry about others doing, they are guilty of themselves. Thatz a pre-noggification-NASA-strength Truth. Goyim are but hapless mirrors upon which Das Ego Juden sees nothing but itself


I Used To Hate Jews
I still do, but I used to too. Especially since since the ADL sponsors this year's LEIU -- Law Enforcement Intelligence Unit -- conference, meeting this June in Seattle. The "Criminal Intelligence and the War Against Terrorism," an ADL sponsored law-enforcement conference to meet in Seattle

refried heebs. gotta cook 'em twice. they don't get the point the first time.

j's - the other nonwhite meat.

Vigilante Watch A newly elected congressman discusses anti-immigrant vigilantism and racism in his southern Arizona district

Observing groiditries from the domesticated dryland shark cage that is the locked urban apartment....

There once was a jew from Nantucket

More tribal nepotism here than you could shake a stick at.

Fat Abie's ADL does a shit smear on the citizen border patrol groups, and instead of counterattacking them as the lying, nation-destroying zhids directly responsible for the cucaracha swarm, they lamely pule "No! We're not racists - honest! Hey, we've even got Jews!" Nope. Not gonna get the job done. N.B. Forrest

Jews are wandering political proctologists.

Spanked by the monkey

There once was a jew from Nantucket

23 members of congress vote against congress

escape plan

And what about the entire white population with animosity and distrust of any street with more than a single boolie on it?

A shooting of a young black man by Aliquippa police over the weekend has reawakened animosity and distrust by black residents toward police in the community.

Link for an "every j a pearl" reference:,2933,54596,00.html

Like fat guys and pussy, Jews don't get truth.

Like fags and pussy...

steppin' and fetchin' to keep their finger on the pulse of their semitic masters


Is the record skipping or is this the song? The more attention you pay to jews the more the world seems like some lameass 27-minute-long rave tune that just keeps repeating the same beat over and over and over again. Nobody even notices. They just twirl and gyrate under the spinning lights with their glow sticks and Dr. Seuss hats, all shits and giggles as they ape the monkey nation movements Shikira'd and Speared on MTV. While some of the women are quite beautiful, the motion is all wrong, like a Debbie Allen choreographed fusion of exagerrated gaudy flashiness and baboonish ass convulsions, like Charo's chest shimmeed down into Oprah's ass.

Bush wants Jewish control of Federal Reserve to continue. President Bush said Tuesday that Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan should get a fifth term as chairman of the nation's central bank.

Toucan-Schmuel may have gotten used to the obedience of his sycophantic clique of neocon castrati

the artistic ambitions of Hitler, Joseph Goebbels, Alfred Rosenberg, Baldur von Schirach, Walther Funk and Julius Streicher were originally deeper than their political ambitions and were essential elements of their personalities. It's hard to paint a portrait, compose a melody, or turn a phrase intended to evoke the spirit of a people and adorn life in a nation, if that people and nation are discovered, to the artist's horror, to be weakening under a suffocating pillow pushed on their face by an alien in their midst as slimy and murderous as the creature in -- - --- insert here -- - - - but twice as ugly. Whites with vision, spirit, independence and joie de vivre do not fair well in the stifling, repressive world jews forge when permitted. Germans were freer under Nazism than Americans are under ZOG. It cannot be emphasized enough that virtually everything you've learned under the tutelage of Uncle Schmuel has been a lie. A lie crafted by jews to advance their racial interests at the costs of yours. Every "freedom" you think you enjoy in America is a fraudulent, eviscerated shell of the freedom embraced by Germans as they pinched the tweezers and ripped the jew menace out of Germany by the root. Yes, Hitler banned and burned books -- jew books, hardbound deceptions, books spreading the same culture-corroding jew-spew we're drenched in daily. Jew controlled America, Canada, and Europe, on the other hand, burn Mein Kampf, a book whose only crime is truth-telling. Hitler destroyed ugly lies to clear the way for White life, light, culture, and beauty. Kikes kill truth to ensnare all peoples and cultures in a world they eventually see becoming one global goyim cattle ranch - a redundancy I know. And when jews move to ban books or speakers or websites and someone points out, "but that's what the Nazis did!" The jews squeal "moral equivalence!" But of course the exact opposite is the truth. Nazis burned lies; jews truth. Germans cleansed their own country of alien swindlers and destoyers; israelis murder an indiginous people in the process of stealing their home and birthright. The Terrible Beauty of Nazi Aesthetics Acknowledging the Role of Art in a Spectacular Act of Barbarism Hitler and the Power of Aesthetics By Frederic Spotts Overlook, 456 pages, $37.50. By JAMES YOUNG Something in the study of Adolf Hitler repels us. Perhaps it is our own traditional reflex to blot out the memory of our enemies (or to remember them as blotted out, as we do Haman and Amalek) or just the queasy sense that too much time spent in his company cannot be a good thing. Or maybe we fear that by understanding Hitler and his Nazi cohort too well, explaining them, we come perilously close to justifying and rationalizing their evil deeds.

from the bowels of Satan's colostomy bag

Under cover of war, Mugabe unleashes a new reign of terror Forget Washington
Forget about Washington and Jefferson. They were just boring old White guys who had crazy ideas, like that blacks couldn't handle the rights and responsibilities that come with White American freedom, and that political entanglements with foreign nations like Israel are a bad idea. How quaint! How so very provincial! They were just too racist and close-minded to see that jews and blacks are worldly and sophisticated and that openness to diversity would take us places we've never been before -- like abortion clinics and sensitivity workshops, drug rehabilitation centers and Iraq.

Funny that Reese mentioned jewhore Hannity's perpetually strained facial expressions: the shar-pei forehead, the burnt caterpillars arching......da cunt looks like he's desperate to pinch off a sequoia-sized log before his legs go to sleep.

Truth to a jew is like chafing thighs to a runner three miles into a marathon: A Problem.

Jews: About as Subtle as a golf course Airhorn
But not half as funny.

Most people do not really know how stupid they are, but they do sense it. And to the degree that they are not Jewish, it shames them. This is especially true for most "liberals," the majority of whom are so by default.

"There they go, eighty million Germans, each with his own good Jew...the others may all be swine...but this Jew is 'A Number One.'"

"Success is not measured by what a man accomplishes, but by the opposition he has encountered, and the courage with which he maintained the struggle against overwhelming odds."
- Charles A. Lindbergh

Bullshit Newz

A middle-aged, white farmer married to a black woman allegedly shot and injured his son for hitting his stepmother on Tuesday night, Limpopo police reported on Wednesday. This is obviously bullshit newz. White men don't marry bush niggerz. Do they?

Jews are The Hairy Toeknuckles of Humanity Nuff said.




Mainstream Media Suckz
Thatz why we have War Radio and The Vonbluvens Show, Hal Turner and ....

Duplicity, Thy Name is Jew Everything has two sides, a good side and a bad side, even "good" jews are nation-wreckers, despite themselves. Like cheese graters are sponge ruiners.

How Jews Have Trained Blacks to See the World The double standard is obvious. White America forgives the White police officers in the Rodney King case in allowing their anger to beat the crap out of a Black man because he represented Black crime, while there is no forgiveness for the Blacks who allowed their anger to beat the crap out of Reginald Denny because he represented White injustice. Umm, no. King didn't "represent Black crime," he was a BLACK CRIMINAL! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------