It is Worse by Dr. Michael Schneider, Orthodox Bishop

According to Caroline B. Glick,, August 9, 2002, there is never a moral judgment made, only a cost-benefit analysis. That killing Jews is acceptable is quite simply taken for granted.

Unfortunately she isn't for the killing of Jews, quite the opposite. Ms. Glick, failing to even mention Israel's wholesale killing of Palestinians, condemns Palestinians for fighting the Jew apartheid state in the only way they have open to them.

If you use Tanks and Bulldozers against civilians it's "police action" or even war. If those same civilians take their own lives by blowing themselves up and hopefully a few Zionists with them it's terrorism.

Shouldn't the question be asked, "Why would anyone blow themselves up to kill a Jew, or anyone else for that matter?" Try answering that one. Would you? What conditions in your country would be so horrible that you could take your own life in order to strike a blow against an occupying foreign power?

Assume, for argument's sake, that everything the Jews claim Germany did to them was true.

They were herded into ghettos, most jobs denied them, and refused the right to participate in their national government. Palestinians are herded into ghettos. Palestinians are refused the ability to work in Israel. Palestinian citizens of Israel have no voice in their country's government.

Jews behave like Nazis, but surely they aren't the same?

Jew were placed in concentration camps. Palestinians are now placed into concentration camps. The Jews in the Warsaw ghetto were attacked and killed by German soldiers. Palestinians in the Jenin ghetto were attacked and killed by Israeli soldiers.

Jews behave like Nazis, but it's not the same?

The Gestapo arrested, tortured and killed Jews. The Mosad arrests, tortures and kills Palestinians.

Jews behave like Nazis, but it isn't the same?

According to Ms. Glick, "Palestinians have descended to the level of depravity where they do not view the Jews as human beings whose murder is an inherently immoral act."

This author will state that the Zionist Jew does not consider their own behavior towards Palestinians to be at all reprehensible, or even undesirable. Zionists gleefully kill Palestinians every day in "defense" of their homeland, though most of their killing is done in the "occupied territories." Palestinians kill the Jew in Israel and, again, are called terrorists.

Yes, Palestinians kill Jews. Israelis kill Palestinians.

Another quote from Ms. Glick, "We are being victimized by a genocidal campaign for our violent elimination supported by the overwhelming majority of Palestinians." Since the death rate for Palestinians is vastly higher than that of Israelis one must wonder if the Palestinians are entitled to hold the same view towards Israel.

"The fact that the Palestinians don ski masks and keffiyehs rather than brown shirts and swastikas also makes us undervalue the fact that, like the Nazis, the Palestinians are utilizing all their technological know-how and military resources to kill Jews and are making their best efforts to constantly improve and enhance these resources to increase their kill rate." Says Ms. Glick.

Is Ms. Glick aware that the Germans did spend a small portion of their military resources on killing Russian and British and American troops, to name a few, for several years? But, for "historical revisionist" purposes, we will allow that while the vast majority of the incompetent German military's efforts went into killing "Six Million" unarmed Jews that they did manage, as an afterthought, to kill 15 Million armed Allied Troops.

What with little Moshe Peer surviving, at the very least, six attempts to gas him to death, those hardy Jews took some effort to kill, unlike those well-meaning but way too late allied soldiers that happened along. Little Moshe Peer and his siblings, as well as their father, all survived the determined, but again inept, attempt of the whole German military to kill them over the course of several years.

Israel receives billions of dollars a year from the United States for "defense." The only active "war" Israel has engaged in for decades is the "war" against the Palestinian people. The resources Israel pits against Palestine are far greater than Palestine's above-mentioned "best efforts." Far more Palestinians have been killed than Israelis. Is this not also "genocide?"

Some people with a terminal cancer, and its attendant pain, make a conscious choice to self-destruct, removing pain and ultimately killing the cancer that is killing them. That is accepted behavior to others living in a western society, even applauded as brave.

Palestinians, recognizing the Zionist Jew for the cancer he is, occasionally self-destruct, ending their pain and cutting a bit of cancer from their collective bodies. That is called cowardly and genocidal to Jews.

The "victims" of the Germans have turned into the victimizers of the Palestinians.

Jews behave like Nazis and, no, it is not the same. It is worse.