THE BETRAYAL: Illustrated Edition

by Victor Wolzek

Dedicated to the memory of Mark Gaudin.

December 22, 2002

White students forced by the U.S. National Guard at gunpoint with bayonets drawn into a school with violent, sexually aggressive, disruptive blacks. Little Rock, Arkansas, September 1957.

It used to surprise me. The most "staunchly liberal" lefties are the most totally out of the loop on factual information. This makes sense: you have to have a strong disdain for facts to maintain a worldview in 2002 that even the most elementary social analysis had rendered obsolete and utterly na�ve around oh, say, 1978.

By 1978 the United States had a solid ten years of evidence on which to judge the egalitarian assumption that given "equal opportunity," blacks would step up to the plate and become equal contributors to the American Dream. Yet, after 10 years of living in white neighborhoods and attending white schools, the evidence showed that socially things didn't get better. They didn't even stay the same. They got worse. Much worse. For blacks? For everyone.

Interracial violence -- most (about 90%) of which is black on white -- increased, and continues to increase, every year since the 1960s, along with black illegitimate birth rates, drug abuse, and incarceration. School test scores continued to plummet despite annually increased sums of money poured into urban schools, subsidized housing, ever-expanding welfare benefits, and delusional "head-start" programs. What should have gone down went up, what should have gone up went down. Ten years of obvious, objectively measured social decay is enough to prove that a derailed train is terminally off-track. But was the plug pulled back in '78? No. This sociopolitical train wreck continues buckling, tumbling, and rolling over the white working class today, several decades later, with no stop -- but plenty more carnage -- in sight. [1]

For years, liberal advocates of so-called "civil rights" denied the obvious. They told the empirical world, and anyone irreverent enough to pay attention to it, to "talk to the hand." One pseudo-academic racial supremacist Jew after another, from Franz Boas to Stephen J. Gould, Herbert Marcuse to Jacques Derrida, worked to demonize and silence entire fields of study which contradicted the dogmatic principles of Jewish-leftist-liberalism. "Race" was suddenly deemed a fiction only "racists" believed in. Genetic differences between races, however real and scientifically proven, were deemed verboten in principle. I.Q. differences, too, were set squarely on the shoulders of "the environment," having no connection to race, genetics or biology, i.e., anything inherent to the people themselves. The vast amount of established empirical evidence proving physical, intellectual, and behavioral differences among races, differences that weighed heavily against the plausibility of successful integration, was dogmatically claimed to be the result of -- rather than the reason for -- segregation and/or separation. The races weren't inherently different, said the Jews, the science was "institutionally" racist. [2]


The Wichita Massacre

Jonathan, 22, and Reginald Carr, 24, found guilty of murdering five whites, including a quadruple murder of friends (below) who were beaten, raped, robbed, and forced to engage in sex acts with each other before each was shot in the back of the head and run over with a truck on a snowy Kansas soccer field. State and federal officials say, "Not a hate crime."It is, however, a "hush crime." Most Americans don't even know this heinous tragedy occurred. Do you?

Sacrificed for a greater good? Five white victims of forced integration: Heather Muller, 25; Jason Befort, 26; Bradley Heyka, 27; Aaron Sander, 29; the fifth (far right) miraculously survived to identify the Carr brothers.

The rapid devolution of American cultural cohesion caused by the federal government. s aggressive new policy of forced integration -- literally forced, often at gunpoint -- was obvious. Yet it was written off by The Establishment (i.e., the network of government, media, state schools and institutions, and "mainstream" Christian churches that transform ideology into public opinion) as mere "growing pains," the natural consequence of what would ultimately be "positive moral and cultural development for all." The white majority, frustrated and highly uncomfortable with the immediate and foreseeable negative consequences of so-called "civil rights," was cajoled and controlled by the mainstream media into tentative acquiescence.

Those sure enough in their conviction to protest the Jews' malevolent social engineering [3] were smeared and caricatured in the public eye as socially backward, barbarically stupid, and morally repugnant. They were demonized in the news and in propagandistic "non-fiction" like John Howard Griffin's 1961 ludicrous Black Like Me [4], as well as comically lampooned (viz. ideologically harpooned) in sitcoms like The Jeffersons and Jew Norman Lear's All in the Family [5]. Whites who resisted the Jewish plan for an "integrated" America in which whites would soon be a minority, and eventually a mere memory, were depicted as "bigots," "nazis," "haters," "racists," and one-tooth buffoons.

All In The Family, 1971 - 1983. Traditional commonsense regarding blacks and Jewish liberalism was mocked weekly. Archie was familiar enough to love and white America was encouraged to "soften up" with him as he battled his comic nemesis, liberal son-in-law Michael Stivic (played by Jew Rob Reiner). 

Consequently, many white citizens traveled the path of least resistance and gave the idealist vision spewed by civil rights advocates the benefit of the doubt. Despite the brute cognitive dissonance -- the clash between desired belief and actual experience -- they trusted that America's leaders had the interests of the country's founding stock, its proven, loyal, productive, and hard-working white majority, at heart. This trust coupled with the good-natured optimism characteristic of whites, and deepened by the safe prosperity of '50s, made it difficult for average citizens to feel good about rocking the boat. They trusted that a beneficent form of white generosity, not some alien, malevolent, peculiarly Jewish ideology was

The Jeffersons, 1975 - 1985. Blacks depicted as comical, but thrifty, hard-working, warm-hearted, and harmlessly, even humorously racist.  

ruling the day in America. They expected that the moment it was clear blacks were either uninterested or unable to assimilate fully and contribute to the American dream, the door opened to them would be closed -for good. After all, whites had never agreed to a no-matter-what allegiance to the new idea of integration, and they assumed their government would not allow a wrong-headed social experiment to persist long after its failure was clear. This assumption was a huge mistake.

Line of illegals moving across a ranch on the Cochise County, Arizona-Mexican border.

Working-class whites did not understand that post-WWII their optimism and patriotism would be leveraged by the newly empowered Judeo-Zionist faction to eviscerate and demoralize whiteness as such in America. [6] Once the door was hospitably opened, it was ripped from its hinges and cast aside. Blacks, who in general are genetically less intelligent, more violent, and more sexually aggressive than whites, were intentionally flooded into white neighborhoods, schools, businesses, bathrooms, clubs, pubs, swimming pools, vacation areas, country clubs, restaurants, on and on. Federal policy forced them into every public -- and in many cases private -- space to which the adjective "white" may have formerly applied.

When "liberals" could no longer ignore the obvious problems wrought by the Jewish civil rights debacle, they pointed a finger straight at white folks as the true cause of them all. A motif of Jew-composed political orchestrations, the victim became the criminal. [7] This political bad faith and failure to deal with problems honestly is the status quo today. It is why the omnipresent "liberal" agenda, which George W. Bush pushes as hard as Clinton (conservatives today are liberals; the right is left too), is utter non-sense. It is a worldview based and maintained on fraudulently idyllic assumptions that preceded civil rights, as opposed to the 40+ years of accumulated results that have since been gathered.

The Jews single-handedly re-wrote U.S. immigration policy in 1965 [8] to favor third world non-whites over traditionally favored white Europeans (like it is said that Israel is a "land for Jews," America was founded as a "homeland for white Europeans"). [9] Since then the traitorous, Zionist saturated government has compounded the problems of our homegrown self-perpetuating welfare state by allowing more and more third world legal immigration, while the illegal invasion of the U.S. by Mexicans goes unchecked. Conservatives, true to liberal form, do not even try to prevent it. [10]

Bill Clinton, America's "First Black President," said in a speech that he looks forward to the day when whites are a minority in America.

Zionist President George W. Bush, the first U.S. President to light a Menorah in the White House, wears a yarmulke and prays at the Wailing Wall.

The time of diplomatic attempts to make sense of liberal positions and to search long and hard for their "kernel of truth" is over. It. s time to realize liberals with power -- and their false opposition "conservative" twins -- are not misguided optimists; they are rabidly anti-white, anti-Christian, and are enacting genocidal policies [11] scripted by race-cultist Jews (Judaism is as much a fanatical race cult as it is a crime syndicate).

Washington D.C. - Saturday, August 17, 2002. "Millions for Reparations" Rally. 

They are what they libelously and slanderously portray white Western culture to be. They are the "monstrous evil" they project onto their media caricatures of Hitler and the Third Reich. [12] Understand this: they do not want non-white minorities to prosper per se; they want to leverage the facade of "justice and prosperity for non-whites" toward the extermination -- the literal, systematic, physical extinction -- of whites. Flooding white nations with non-whites under the false pretense that "diversity is our greatest strength" is the best, most effective way to achieve this genocidal end. And it is working.

The cold truth: whites are the world's real minority. In the early part of the 20th century white people were about a third of the world's population. Today, after two fratricidal "world" wars (in which mostly the white world suffered), and after decades of declining birthrates and involuntary subsidization of non-whites by whites, white people are now in the ballpark of a mere 10% of the world's population, and disappearing fast. Why, then, are those who strive to save endangered animals championed as heroes while organizations like the National Alliance, who struggle to ensure a future for the white race, are smeared as haters?

Because white genocide is the goal. It has been from day one.