CBS Survivor Revisited:
The Game May Change, But the 'Groidz Stay the Same

Over a year-and-a-half ago I chronicled the amusingly pathetic role of blacks on the Survivor reality series in 'Groid-Destroyed Paradise: CBS Survivor Mirrors Reality. I wrote it halfway through Survivor Marquesas, the 4th contest in the series, after black NY school teacher Sean Rector blew a 'groid gasket and ranted about slavery, being bossed around by White people, and needing more time to "chill," but before black chick Vecepia Towery won the million bucks.

During the 5th and 6th follow up contests, Survivor Thailand and Survivor Amazon, a lot of readers wanted to know why I didn't continue chronicling the apescapades. The answer was simple: There was nothing left to say. Though 'Groid-Destroyed Paradise was just a simple, comical piece mocking the silly black behavior and black-caused racial tensions that ran through the first four contests, thanks to the redundant predictability of 'groidz, it covered the future contests, too! The islands and players may have changed, but the problems remained the same.

Survivor Pearl Islands premiered last Thursday (September 18, 2003) and already the 7th contest is like deja vu all over again. Da 'groidz be loud, annoying, pushy, afraid of da water, and "in yo face," much to the chagrin of the human contestants forced to deal with them.

Episode one and already, straight out of the gate, the 'groidz are going wild. Wooly negress, Tijuana (!) Bradley, is chicken-necking and finger-pointing in White girl faces wif talk-to-da-hand 'tude. Meanwhile, Seabiscuit stunt double Osten "Ass-crack" Taylor is making comments to his White female teammates about their "titties" and is running around all over camp with his shorts so low CBS has to add post-production "crack spackle" via blur blotch so as not to offend the viewing audience. I am not kidding.

It's always the same. If you look closely, you can see the anguish in the eyes of the Whites who get burdened with the darkies during the initial team assignments, and you feel their pain. They'd never admit it, but you know the Whites who end up on the all White team (or the team without burr-headed bluegums) are absolutely ecstatic, literally jumping for joy inside. Missing out on 'groidz is like missing out on root canal. It's like missing out on having rocks put in your pockets. Loud, obnoxious, smelly rocks in desperate need of crack spackle.

'Groidz are the jew-plopped eternal turd in the White party punch bowl.

Only one episode in and Survivor Pearl Islands is already proving this again, for the 7th time.

Here's the original article, now illustrated, with a new addendum.

'Groid-Destroyed Paradise: CBS Survivor Mirrors Reality

by Victor Wolzek

Turn off your TV
Jews control the media
They hate White people

- Mark Rivers

Negroes are shaved apes
Put them back in their places
They can't stay with us

- Mark Rivers

March 25, 2002

The truth of the first haiku by VNN's Mark Rivers cannot always defuse the truth of the second, no matter how hard it tries. Consider the mega-hit Survivor contest series on CBS. There have been four different contests so far, each one in a different exotic locale: Thailand, Australia, Africa, and most recently Marquesas. Like everything else on TV, Survivor is a veritable cornucopia of kike hatred and high budget kultur destruktion. It therefore enjoys ubiquitous media coverage: primetime commercials, Snickers, Reebok, and other brand name tie-ins, CBS Morning Show weekly re-caps, and even Playboy spreads for any thin, young female contestants willing nauseam ad infinitum...

Even those who have never watched the contests at the very least are sure to be familiar with its "winners." Survivor Thailand winner, Richard Hatch, a fat exhibitionist flamer who spent most of his time on the island buck-naked, grossing out the women and "back-stabbing" the men in a less K-Y intensive way than usual. Survivor Africa winner, Ethan Zohn, a kinky-haired Jew from Massachusetts, the East coast capital of pre-pubescent gay indoctrination via public school. And wedged between them for good measure with the straight, white, gentile, American majority, with just a pinch of positive reinforcement for the family-corroding feminist agenda, Survivor Australia winner, middle-aged white woman Tina Wesson.

For all its Jew-pulled strings and casting choices, Survivor is billed as a "reality" series. And reality doesn't watch TV, attend public schools, or take its cues from the nightly news. Consequently, reality always has a way of thumbing its nose at the liberal fantasy the Jew media and politicians strive to impose on it. The fantasy of racial equality -- perhaps the greatest hoax in the history of human civilization -- quickly crumbles under the weight of the obvious. Where there are 'groids, life is ugly. They consume and destroy and trash everything. To 'groids the whole world is nothing but the hole in the African soil their simian genes beckon them to shit in. They prove it every day in every city in America, and anywhere and everywhere else in the world unfortunate enough to have them.

Negroes, Blacks, Africans, African-Americans. 'Groids, Nigs, Nogs. Baboons, Bootlips, Jungle Bunnies, Bluegums. Whatever they want to be called, whatever you want to call them, whatever in the final analysis it turns out they genetically "are" -- they have no shame (which in my book is a strong argument that they're closely related to the Jew). If 'groids were human enough to have shame they collectively would be genuflecting before whites with gratitude. They would happily volunteer to be "owned" and do work when commanded to for their food and shelter. As history has proven, 'groids simply cannot secure these things for themselves. They cannot survive on their own anywhere food isn't openly dangling on trees and the climate isn't mild enough for them to sleep where they drop after humping something -- plant, ape, infant, fellow she-groid, or battered and unconscious white woman. As it stands now, shameless 'groid animals that they are, they insist on being financially "owned" and supported and cared for by whites; but lazy degenerates that they are, they huff and puff and refuse to work for this luxury.

Exhibit A: The fore-mentioned Survivor contest series. Much to liberal chagrin, though each of the four contests has taken place in four different corners of the world and has featured completely different contestants, one thing is the same in each. Can you guess what it is? It's painfully predictable: The nigs are lazy good-fer-nuthins that the whites have to "carry" and tolerate until their patience wears thin and they finally boot their black asses off the island. And boot them they do! It's a glorious moment every time it happens. When the votes are cast and the darkie stands to extinguish his torch and exit Tribal Council as the relieved whites look on, it's like a dramatic foreshadowing of the coming day when whites worldwide boot the blackies out of their nations and back to the bush in Africa for good. Good riddance, Amos! H�sta la v�sta, Andy! Wish we could say it was good while it lasted!

Here are a few representative Survivor buh-boolies:

Survivor Thailand (the original)

Introducing Gervase (gotta be black) Peterson. A "Youth Basketball Coach" in Philadelphia. His proudest accomplishment? "Living to the age of 30." That's not only stupid, it's unjustified. What shone forth most about Gervase was his unabashed laziness and general lack of survival skills; he told the audience repeatedly that he expected to get by on his "charm" because he wasn't much of a worker and -- get this -- was afraid of the water! His living to 30, therefore, had a lot more to do with his good fortune to live in a white man's civil society than any real effort on his part. Though I guess, as a black man, it is dangerous going out to get your welfare check from the mailbox when chances are good your savage 'groid neighbors will "put a cap in yo ass." Anyone doubt that he moved far away from his fellow bluegums as soon as those Mountain Dew endorsement checks started rolling in? (The marketing execs at Mountain Dew are desperately trying to convert darkies from their longtime favorite awwwnge soda).

Survivor Australia

The aptly named Nick Brown. Reaping the fruits of affirmative action, this one-time model was in his second year of Hahhvahhd law school at the time of the show. Brilliant go-getter? You wouldn't know it from the way this mush-mouthed monkey laid around on the beach all day while his white teammates were building fires and securing his shelter. "Ahh," he thought, "the ghetto, Harvard, even the Australian Outback, it's always the same: whitey making life easy fo' me!"

Survivor Africa

Notwithstanding the one disposable quasi-coon, 44-year-old Linda Spencer, who, according to her bio, "was born and raised on welfare (no surprise) in Boston's inner city," Survivor Africa only had one tried-and-true 'groid's-'groid participant. As if the producers figured there'd be enough uninvited guest 'groids swinging from trees in the background, they cast one "solid" black and made sure he was really black. He had to be so black, as Nat X would say, lightning bugs would follow him around in the daytime. And he was. He was so black even his name was black, literally: Clarence Black! As if that weren't black enough, check out this, his formal CBS Survivor Africa description: 24 year old, SINGLE (of course; no reference to how many illegitimate niglets he's spawned), high school BASKETBALL coach, from 'groid-destroyed DETROIT, where he was raised by his SINGLE MOTHER. (Is there any other kind in the black so-called "community"?) Best of all, his one luxury item -- the one thing each contestant gets to take with them -- was Army camouflage paints. PAINTS not pants. This 'groid liked to play "Zulu" and smear war colors all over his face before challenges. What a sight! A coon caricaturing himself and his kind in his own personally requested form of jungle bunny blackface.

Survivor Marquesas

This contest is currently underway and from day one the whites unfortunate enough to be burdened with the two blacks were biting their lips in frustration as they worked to build shelter and create fire while those with cornrows lounged in the shade. Last week's (3/20) episode featured a classic display of muddle-minded black arrogance. Sean, a black school teacher "here to rep-ra-zzent," so he says, from New York, was actually caught by the cameras outright bitching and crying that the "whites worked too damn much" and he was "sick of it." "I'm gonna be for real witchu," Sean said, bugg-eyed and snarling, to one of his white team members, Gabriel, a mild-mannered blond farm boy from North Carolina. "I don't wanna work 24/7! I want time ta juss cheell! Ya know whattum sayin'?" This paragon of black industriousness, this educator of New York's children and de facto role model, even went so far as to say, "I'm not a slave! This ain't no plantation! Slavery's been over for 400 years! I'm a grown man and I'm not here to be bossed around by a bunch of white people!"

What's most problematic in this Marquesas scenario? A teacher that says "ain't" and slings slang and slips into ebonics like someone who has never seen a school let alone been hired to teach in one? Is it Sean's grossly inappropriate knee-jerk appeal to slavery? His open hostility toward "white people"? All of this is ludicrous and embarrassing, but it's also typical and predictable. What is most problematic is that tolerant white Gabriel -- like so many white men in similar situations -- actually respectfully listened to this ghetto-rant instead of immediately cutting Sean off and saying, "Listen up, asshole. This is no Sharpton shakedown; this is team survival. Food stamps aren't putting those coconuts on your plate, me climbing up that tree and gathering them is. HUD didn't put that roof over your head, WE did, your WHITE team members, while you were taking a nap. If you voluntarily contributed to the group we would not have to tell you what to do like you were some shiftless steppinfetchit sambo. Let me be -- enunciation is a good thing, "teacher": Get with the program or pack your shit."

Shameless. Useless. Exhausting. 'Grrrroids. Some can sing, some can dance, and some sho iz fuhhneee. But most are nothing more than aggressive, abrasive, Jew-fueled temper tantrums waiting to happen. The confrontation between Sean and Gabriel was an up close and personal look at the current state of black/white interracial relations in America. An incompetent, obstinate, in-your-face "black man" finds himself in the middle of white civilization. By any reasonable account it is far and away the most tolerant, benevolent, and generous place the world has ever seen. And although he contributes nothing to and gains everything from this place, he repays his patient benefactors with ingratitude and spite. He acts as if he were in Rwanda, deep in the dark savagery of his ancestral homeland, and as if the whites around him were the machete-wielding Hutu majority while he's a Tutsi with a limp, without a chance in the world. It's the same everywhere, all the time, even when the cameras are rolling. But only so long as Jews remain in control of central casting.

NEW! Survivor Buh-Boolie Update Addendum

Survivor Marquesas

Vecepia "Vee" Towery ended up winning the Marquesas million bucks. " Per the official Survivor website, "Towery currently resides in Hayward, Calif. with her fianc�, Leander, and his dog Kunta." Ha! Do you think the negress's win has put an end to BET's wooly-haired whining?

Survivor Thailand

"Humper" Ted Rogers. Though married, this chunky monkey in XL manpants caused a scandal when, while "sleeping" during the night, he snuggled up to the negress next to him and humped off on her thigh! Even with cameras rolling "African Americans" cannot hide their nig nature for long.

Ghandia Johnson aka Ted's humpee. Naturally, she went, er, apeshit.

Survivor Amazon

JoAnna Ward. Per the official website, "JoAnna considers her greatest achievement to be when she became a born-again Christian which she feels changed her into a better person. 'One of my most enjoyable hobbies is lifting up the name of the Lord Jesus Christ in pure praise and worship.'" Is there anything more ridiculous than a black Bible-thumper? Think about it. As a race, 'groidz are too simple to conceive the wheel; the closest they've gotten to mastering the English language is ebonics; and yet every other Amos fancies himself a sophisticated theologian because he can spit a handful of passages like they were rap lyrics.

Survivor Pearl Islands

"Ass-crack" Osten Taylor. See above.

Tijuana Bradley. What a stupid name. Plus, it sounds too much like Tawana Brawley. See above.


And what awaits the White women after Survivor? Porno! other link just dumb enough to check out blacks like reality shows Israeli Survivor Show BET whines and the black chick WON!,1048,c5gb2093-2750-1,00.html#boardsAnchor crack spackle alternative VICTOR WOLZEK

pre-pearl islands update Vecepia ended up winning Humper Ted Ted's humpee went apeshit Pearl Islands ass-crack Osten Taylor Tijuana Bradley - sounds too much like Tawana Brawley Savvy mexican who saves the day when she's the only one who can speak Spanish to a bunch of boolies. Christa Hastie, cute White girl and former speed freak. Lill Morris, freakazoid Nicole Delma, White woman, persecuted by fellow Whites for wanting Tijuana off the island. Team 1 Team 2