George Lincoln Rockwell (1918 - 1967) was a decorated pilot in the U.S. Navy, an entrepreneur, an award-winning artist and satirist, a father and family man, and a political conservative disturbed by the communist so-called "utopianism" taking root in America. Like many of us in the beginning, he wasn't sure what was at the heart of the matter. Then one day in 1952 it happened. Rockwell wanted to help with the movement underway to get General MacArthur the Republican presidential nomination. He met with the woman managing the volunteers and told her he intended to rent a hall for the MacArthur rally. Per Schmaltz, The woman stopped him and with a sad face said, "No, you can't get a hall so easily, even if you pay. They won't rent one." "What do you mean?" Rockwell blurted. "Who won't rent one?" The woman glanced quizzically at her husband, took a deep breath, and said, "The Jews." "The Jews?" Rockwell burst out. "What have the Jews got to do with it?" After studying the issue to resolve his confusion, Rockwell saw what we see: Jews murdering White America. And from that moment on he fought them, his enemy, the enemy of his people and his country, The Jews. Not some juu-approved euphemism. Because Rockwell was a man, not a Francis.

George Lincoln Rockwell

"On the morning of November 16, 1958, [George Lincoln] Rockwell distributed pamphlets titled, "Who's a Hate-Monger?" around the Washington, D.C., area. The pamphlet, which credited Rockwell with authorship, was one of the first to be issued under the World Union of Free Enterprise National Socialists banner."
--William H. Schmalt, Hate: George Lincoln Rockwell and the American Nazi Party, p.37.

Who's a Hate-Monger?

We learn that Russian Jews control ALL our television networks, our movies, most of our giant newspapers, our theater, our concert stage, and the monster department stores in cities all over the country which support ALL newspapers with their huge advertising budgets.

We discover with increasing concern that Jewish papers and leaders boast that it was largely through Jewish efforts that the Supreme Court was induced to render its integration decision and that it is the American Jewish Committee and the Anti-Defamation League of B'Nai B'rith which push so everlastingly hard for race mixing in our stricken U.S. South.

When we go to JEWISH books and papers, we discover that, among themselves, the Jews make no bones about their program of hatred and suppression of US. They advise Jews, for instance, to work to get rid of our ancient and precious Christmas traditions in our public life, and counsel their "Brotherhood" workers to get in their efforts in JULY, not at Christmas time, so that we won't notice their activity. Imagine what any normal person would think of a Christian who went to Israel, was welcomed, and then began a careful, planned activity in SECRET to eliminate Yom Kippur from Israeli life! In short, when we examine the ACTIVITIES of most Jews, we discover that their CREED appears to be hate and suppression of US, and manipulation to gain our power, our money, and are very inheritance of Nordic blood!