But, jewish nature being what it is, the jew naturally steals only... skin. The guts, he dumps. The meat of truth, culture, custom, and tradition? Discardables all, says jew. Jews hunt goy culture like game. Jews target the customs, ideals, and founding principles of a host culture, seize it, demonize it, and "problematize" it with their media. They create an illusion of public debate and discussion when, in fact, in effect they are murdering a part of goy culture, stuffing the corpse with kosher filling, and then resurrecting it as "the real thing" bleached of all "antiquated" contaminants. Both Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln have been jewed in this way, to name but two examples.

Reduced to essence, Jews are taxidermic. --wagner: plastic demons of decomposition -- TCM Jews keep the outside, the surface, the appearance, the name -- the guts, he dumps. Jews are always selling the same crap only in different packages. "Cutting edge commercial-free" ....