Howard Stern: Jew Liar

by Victor Wolzek

This may very well be a Vanguard News Network* exclusive. I've been unable to find any other accounts of it anywhere. Attempts to get official transcripts have been unsuccessful. No doubt the myriad of Stern fans who record his shows and post unauthorized sound clips on the web will eventually hit upon this gold mine. But until then I offer this, my paraphrased (quoted as closely as possible) account of Howard Stern's truly shocking denial of Jewish influence in America. Unlike most Jews who lie live, directly to America, Stern fails to evoke the slightest sense of plausibility. Key parts of his brazen lies directly quoted are indicated as such.

Excerpt from The Howard Stern Show, Wednesday, March 13, 2003, approximately 7:30am PST.

Stern on James Moran's comments about Jewish power and the war:

Howard: Power. What power? Jews have no power. [direct quote] They are such an infinitesimal minority in this country. How can 2% of the people change the course of a war? [direct quote] ... It's the big money blue-bloods, [direct quote] the Rockefellers and oil men. And they just sit back, laugh, and count their money when they hear people blame it on the jooos (inflection his) [direct quote]... This is the kind of stuff they bank on, that divides the country....

A very calm, sincere caller then asked, "Howard, don't you think Jews have something to do with this?"

Howard: Joooos (inflection his). C'mon, what are you from the KKK? That's ridiculous.

Caller: (Still calm and sincere. This guy is an average Joe, a fan of the show, not a spokesman with an agenda.) I just mean with Israel and all.

Howard: Israel? They'd hate us even if Israel didn't exist. The guy's a monster. He gassed his own people and they weren't Jews. (Laughter) Even his own people aren't his own people. [direct quote] He's always hated us and the only reason we're bothering with him now is because he has so much money he can buy weapons that can hurt us.

Howard's producer Gary chimes in.

Gary: (To caller) Let me ask you something: Are you one of those people that thinks 9-11 happened because of Israel? [direct quote - insinuating caller must be a "conspiracy nut" to think Israel has anything to do with the impending U.S.-Iraq war].

Caller starts to answer. Howard talks over him. Caller either hangs up or is cut off. Howard goes to the next caller. It is Jewish columnist Debbie Schlussel linking and tieing James Moran to Muslim terrorism via campaign donations he allegedly accepted from a Muslim organization, as if the only ethnic interest group allowed to donate to American politicians is Jews. She the starts talking about Wolfowitz.

The astute listener is left with this preposterous image: Jew columnist Schlussel talking to Jew radio host Stern about Jew Deputy Defense Secretary Wolfowitz while condemning gentile James Moran for mentioning "the old anti-Semitic canard" of Jewish power!

Apparently the wildly diverse "group" (in scare quotes because allegedly they do not form one) known as Jews can be monolithically offended.

*Written March 13, 2003, submitted for publication to National Vanguard Magazine #120, March 17, 2003. Magazine released end of July 2003.