"Zionism On Haight Street"

by Victor Wolzek

July 12, 2002

Recently, in a casual political conversation with some fellas at The Gold Cane bar on Haight Street, I said that if not for Israel, and the Zionist saturated government and media that support it, "terrorism" would not be an issue for Americans. These guys, who were white males in their late 20s like me, obviously liked to think of themselves as "open minded" and not in lock-step with the Joe Six-pack�s they ridicule and feel superior to because they eat sushi, watch a lot of movies with subtitles, and yet still see the virtue of cheap drinks in an unpretentious corner-bar-like atmosphere a la The Gold Cane. So instead of being outraged and showering me with "isms" -- an unsophisticated attack -- they proceeded with a two-part tactic that I�m sure will sound familiar to Real Truth readers. First, they feigned understanding: "That might be true..." And then came the mantra, the Dan Blather party line: "But there are lots of problems in the Middle East that don�t involve Israel...It�s too easy to just blame Israel...The Islamic terrorists envy out success and despise our freedom..." Blah, blah, blah. Standard Lefty-NeoCon operating procedure. Left, Left, Left-Right-Left.

They just didn�t get it. So I tried to explain it to them simply, as it is a duty to speak truth to power and yuppies...

Even if there is a myriad of non-Israel related problems in the Middle East (I don�t think it�s the case, but just for the sake of argument), there is also a strategic reason for directly connecting the 9/11 attack with Israel. It permits addressing the otherwise taboo fact that Israel and its supporters, at home and abroad, are a big problem, for a lot of reasons. Pointing out Ariel Sharon�s history of terrorism, the Orthodox state�s hyper-aggressive segregation (like Jim Crow on crank), and its Nazi-esque eugenic focus, just happen to be, ironically enough, almost politically correct targets of criticism since 9/11. These issues, however, are still rarely mentioned because: 1) Conservatives are too scared of being called names to say anything; 2) Neo-Conservatives are either Jewish or Jew-led, -funded, -advertised, and so do not dare to drift from the Zionist partyline; and 3) frankly, the wedge of the left that is neither Jewish nor Jew-dominated is so small relative to the rest of the pie that they can barely get a word in edgewise. With very few exceptions, the vast Jewish power in the left, and of course in the media, has all but silenced any critiques of the war on terrorism that specifically target Israel, rather than America or "Western Tyranny" or capitalism.

All of that notwithstanding, the two guys argued that "by focusing on Israel, governments take the heat off of their own deplorable actions and institutions." That, in part, may be true. But the reverse is certainly true: by focusing on other enemies and problems, we take the heat off Israel, or rather, as I think they wield far more power than many are willing to concede, they take the heat off themselves.

The cold, dark truth is that Israel -- its "People" and what it represents -- is America�s number one danger, and has been for over 50 years, long before 9/11.

We could cleanse the Middle East of every non-Israeli tomorrow, but we�d still have Israel. And worse: we�d still have an Israel-first government, and we�d be further from�not closer to�being able to address this issue publicly without fear of being smeared out of our livelihoods. Addressing this issue has already been made formally illegal in countries like Germany and Canada at the behest of Jewish pressure groups, not public consensus. Lobbies right now are aggressively pushing to have websites, literature, and every form of expression with "Hate content" (i.e., anti-Israel sentiments) banned in the United States.

Like it or not, Jewish interest groups are behind this movement to restrict an American Constitutional right, and they are using 9/11 to leverage its reasonability with the public. And it�s working.

Every time we read a magazine article about Resistance Records� "white supremacist hatred metal," we are under attack. Every time a newscaster forebodingly mentions terrorists "using the internet" it is a chink in our armour. We must steel ourselves against MTV and its Hate Crimes Marathon, which shows ONLY crimes of whites against non-whites, i.e., 1/1000 of 1% of all crime (that�s a formal statistic). We must be sensitive to all programming which sets the stage for yet another thoroughly Jewish production. Despite the gentiles in the mix, as always, there is a single cultural force pushing, funding, organizing, and advertising the anti-white agenda, and demonizing all dissident voices.

The content of mass media is not, as many "independent minded" citizens like to believe, the opinion of Americans being expressed through media, politics, and law. Rather, it is the opinion of Americans being formed by media, politics, and law. Too many Americans are either too arrogant or too ignorant to see this crucial difference and admit this inarguable truth. They would rather suffer the effects of being governed by foreign powers than admit they have been duped and do something about it.

Israel may be a red herring in the Middle East debate (though I don�t think it is). But a more important fact is that every other issue, including the Middle East debate, is a red herring to the issue of Israel and an Israel-first America. This is by far the most important issue facing American citizens today. It is our most dangerous threat because of its ubiquity, its impact, and most dangerous of all, its insidiousness -- the fact that you almost don�t even know it�s there.

It's there. Everywhere. Like Zionism on Haight Street.

Victor Wolzek

(Originally published, December 28, 2001, The Real Truth Online)


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